The Words of Wise Women

exerpts from "The World's 100 Hottest Women," from the April 2000 issue of Cosmopolitan, British Edition


"It's better to live one year as a tiger than one hundred as a sheep," Madonna.



"The only failure comes from not trying," Cindy Crawford.



"Never take no for an answer: if I can do it, anyone can," Marjorie "Mo" Mowlam.



"Failure? The possibilities do not exist," Margret Thatcher.



"The truth really will set you free," Oprah Winfrey.



"You don't need silicone in your body to validate you as a woman," Courtney Love.



"If a woman never lets herself go, how will she ever know how far she might have got?" Germaine Greer.



"I can't imagine anything worse than being a good girl," Cher.



Having a vagina and a point of view is a very powerful combination," Sharon Stone.



"Our choices show us what we are," Denise Van Outen.



"Past is past. Live in the now," Drew Barrymore.



"Why should we have to starve to be beautiful?" Dawn French.



And then, there's Pamela Anderson Lee:

"We rule world- men just haven't figured that out yet."

How oh-so virtuous.