Random Tidbits

Seasoned bits of random information that will never be of use to you, or your posterity. Unless of course, I indeed achieve fame one day, and you land a gig at the Enquirer.


On my pillow is a cowboys-and-indians case my grandmother made for my uncle when he was a kid.

I like so many different types of music, that I don't even have a favorite anymore, some that I like, however, are:

Ska, Punk, Hardcore, Jazz, Blues, Folk, Acoustic Rock, Classics, Oldies, Swing, Girl Music (Jewel, Fiona Apple, etc.), and Celtic Music.

I am extremely pro-life. If Buck-Eye is reading this, I bet she's all rolling her eyes and everything. She's the best person to debate with on the subject.

I love Jim Carrey.

My favorite movie in the world, that I watch on a daily basis, is Reality Bites. I love everyone on the cast: Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke, Janene Garafolo, Steven Zahn and Ben Stiller is thrown in for good measure.

My favorite movie ever created (at the moment) is American Beauty.

The last movie that I saw was The Skulls. It gets 3 out of 5 stars. Josh Jackson makes up for it, though, by taking off his shirt. Result: 5/5.

If you couldn't already tell, I am obsessed with movies.

But I hate Star Wars. All of 'em. End of story.

I have been a Madonna fan for 11 years.

When I was five I wished on stars to be a ballerina and wanted to be the Queen of the Highwire when I grew up.

At the moment (and for the past couple of years), I have serioulsy considered going into broadcasting. Hopefully I'll start Specs Howard in the fall of 2001. More than that, hopefully I graduate high school by then.

My biggest fear is being caught in a tornado. Every year between the months of February and September I have what has become to be known as "tornado dreams." They are never the same, and they are not always nightmares, but the ones that are leave me sleepless. One time during a severe thunderstorm I stayed up until 5 o' clock in the morning watching the Weather Channel, just in case a tornado developed.

I have lived in three different states, eighteen different houses and gone to seven different schools. I have over 110 entries in my address book due to my constant moving, I keep in constant touch with five of those 110+ people. In fact, I have never written about 90% of them.

I only have one reoccuring dream. I have had it since I was five.

I am walking down a cement staircase, looking at my feet (the only thing I can see is my feet), and I am wearing loafers or some kind of shoes without laces, and suddenly, I miss a step, my heart skips a beat, and I wake up.

When I was four I fell down a flight of cement stairs, which may be responsible for the afore mentioned dream. I was knocked out and suffered temporary amnesia. I still have back trouble due to the incident.

I have met the frontman of my favorite band. Sad thing is, though, if he remembers me (I doubt he does, and hope he doesn't), I'm sure he doesn't think very well of me.

I had never seen Five Iron Frenzy play before, and they don't have pictures on any of their CDs, so I had no idea what they looked like. Well, right before the show started this passerby stomps on my toe. He says, "Oops, I stepped on your toe."

"Yeah, I know," I retorted in a not so pleasant voice.

Next thing I know the guy is on the stage helping the band set up. I am thinking to myself, "Man, I should have been nicer. I could have met the band."

Then I notice this guy is no part of the crew, but Reese Roper, as in lead vocals. I felt so incredibly stupid.

I am what we like to call "anti-athletic". I don't play, watch, or in any manner, enjoy sports. My friends find this hilarious because I used to be a cheerleader, and a dang good one too. For the longest time I wouldn't buy athletic shoes, but I finally caved because I landed a job at a shoe store and I got discounts.

I would advise against anyone ever working in a shoe store. Unless you enjoy fat, old lady's bunions, I would avoid it at all cost.

I would also advise against working at your favorite restaurant if you intend to continue eating there.

Once I slammed my best friend's head in the school door on accident.

I have only missed one year of summer camp since the fourth grade.

I really, really enjoy Email.

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