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When you're serious about losing weight


Weight Watchers Recipes


Welcome to our pages...
We have collected over 1090 Recipes for you to browse through!! 
Feel free to email me anytime with your favorites!...
I have now developed the *Excel spreadsheet if you're interested (SEE BELOW)
Thank you all for your letters and suggestions...
I wish you all the best :))...
Hello, I just wanted to let you all know I wont be updating for a while. I will hold off adding new recipes until I update all recipes already uploaded...then continue with the new ones. I HAVE FOUND A PROBLEM WITH PRINTING IN THIS NEW FORMAT..I have corrected most of this, but am still working on it.

Updated: I get many questions on serving size. I have not figured out any other way to answer this question. When people send in recipes, they always included servings, they usually don't include serving size, when they do, I always add that information. The only way I can suggest is to divide the recipe by the servings. I understand this is complicated for those of us who only have 2 or 3 in the family, but unless one contacts me with serving size after they make the recipe I have no way of knowing the answer. Please feel free to contact me with serving size info at any time, and I will add that to the recipe. Thank you all for your support!
To all concerned: I am very far behind in weight graphs, I do have you all listed in cue...I have had serious family issues, and have not been able to work at the computer for a while...I am working on the graphs now and will get to all of you who sent requests. Sorry for the dely. I do hope I am forgiven.



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Our wonderful leader of Central 552, has offered these recipes as a start for Our Pages. We will continue to introduce new recipes as we come across them, and I will be happy to include any you wish to forward. We hope you find this site helpful.

Total weight loss since: Will start updating this soon as well.

*(I have developed a spreadsheet from excel to graph out weight loss for you if your interested. I have personalized it specially for you. Click here to view an example If your interested, send me an email and I'll get back to you asap. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE FORM PLEASE CHECK EMAIL ADDRESS AND SEND INFO TO ME AGAIN. I HAVE MANY FORMS I CAN NOT MAIL OUT!

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Ever wonder how many bananas make a half a cup (point values for some ingredients), or how to convert to or from metric for recipes,?? Here's a page you might be interested in...Assorted Baking Ingredients.

Disclaimer: These recipes are member choices, and do not necessarily come directly from Weight Watchers. This web page is not affiliated directly with the Weight Watchers Organization, other than members exchanging recipe ideas.




Here's a search box for you to use. Try searching other WW sites, or low-fat recipes!


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