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This site is always in the state of "becoming."

Hi everyone and welcome to my little corner in the world. Here you can learn all about
me. Well, kinda. It's about me and all my likes and dislikes, hobbies and stuff. I hope
by you browsing thru my site you might be able to find info on whatever you are looking
for. Be it about one of my hobbies or interests, or if your just looking for someone to
e-mail and be friends with Thats fine too. I don't mind at all. I will be working on this
site alot in the next few months. So I am gonna ask everyone to please be patient
till it is all up and running. Thanks.

To stay up to date with this site, check on the "UPDATES" chart below to see what is new and what what changes are made. About every month or so, new sections will be popping up and some may get revamped and others may be dropped. I hope they are all well worth the wait. To conserve on space for this page I am going to eliminate the old UPDATES every Wiccan Sabbat and put up new ones. That is, unless the updates are alot, in which case I will delete the others all together. Again it all to conserve space and all.

So what will you find in my site? Recipes I have created, television shows, books I have read and movies, , Wicca, paganism, roleplaying, Sasquatch (bigfoot), recipes, my artwork, comic books, things and people that inspire me and things I collect. And just a whole alot of other neat things to explore. The only thing you will not find here are webrings. I do not belong to any nor chat rooms. There are two ways to learn about me, through the two links below called Witches Voice and Pagan Profiles and the other called Hot or Not, which is more of a personal inquiry.

Needless to say, all you have to do is click on the buttons to the left and they will take you on an exploration all about me and my world. Some will take you to other sites that I am working on as well. Yeah, Yeah, I know. I should only work on one site at a time. But this will give you more options to explore. Some are not finished yet either. Again, be patient and they will get there, as time permits me to get to them. As far as any pics of me aroud the site go, there is only one and thats for two reasons. I hate my picture being taken. And the only real good pic of me, that I like, it is the one in the "western" section. Its cloudy and hazy and taken at Old Tucson this past year. I guess tyhe other reason is because there is noone aboput to take good pics of me. So your gonna have to deal with it till good ones are taken.

Well, the rest is for you to find out, have fun and I hope you enjoy. And if you want, drop me a line and tell me what you think. Oh, no there is no guest book at this time but I don't mind e-mails at all.

I am not much into poetry, or at least it takes something special to move me, as far as poetry goes. But there is one part of a poem that has always touched me. It is from Ranier Maria Rilke's "Letters to a Young Poet". I put it below that all might share in it. May it find its way into your heart like it did mine. Thanks Ranier, where ever you might be.

February 8, 2006
Sorry its been a while since anything has been updated here. But it has been a bit crazy with my life and all. But the good news is that this site will be getting a major update very very soon. A whole new look and new sections. Keep an eye on it and you will start to see things happening here and there.

Later days.....


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Current midi: "If we hold on together".
How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are are at the beginning of all people
the myths about dragons that at the last moment become princesses
Perhaps all dragons of are our lives are princesses who are waiting to see us once beautiful and brave.
Perhaps everything terrible is in the deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.
So you must not be frightened, if a sadness rises up before you larger than any you have seen
if a restiveness, like light and cloud-shadows, passes over your hand and over all of you.
You must think that something is happening with you.
That life has not forgotten you.
That it holds you in its hand: it will not let you fall......


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