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First I want to apologize to evereyone who E-Mailed me at the old address,
and that I did'nt responed to. I couldnt acces my account cause of a screw
up on mainly NetScapes behalf, and a bit mine. If you resubmit your requests
I'll be more than happy to assertain them! :-) (All links updated)




This page contains graphic & explicit first hand
acounts of anxiety,depression, and SIB (Self
Injerous Behaviour), AKA self-mutilation.
Enter at your own risk, or please
click-heer to leave.


For More Facts On SI Go To Deb Martinson's
Self-Injury Facts Page

EnTeR InTo ThE CuTTiNg-ZoNe


I Hurt My Self Cause I Cant
Bare To See Others Hurt.



(C)CuTTiNg-BlAdE October 11,1999