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UFORCE Investigation

UFORCE has been following the mysterious case involving a Bakersfield, California family. The case has taken on a life of its own, with its own twists and turns that are characteristics of a good story plot. But this story is not fiction, as "truth is stranger than fiction," as you will see in the following story.


Paranorml News Network
"Highlights from the Bay Area UFO Expo"
From: Bufo Calvin (
This is not the sort of thing I normally do, because I'm on location at the Bay Area UFO Expo. While you are waiting for my normal piece, I though my readers might appreciate this quick flash. Please feel free to let me know if you like it or not. You can reach me at

Peter Gersten, the "ufo lawyer" who heads the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, virtually turned his hour and a half workshop over to Gary Lowry, a fire prevention officer in Bakersfield, California. In the first time that Gary has spoken publicly, he shook up the crowd by taking the evidentiary level for alleged alien abductions to a new level.

Gary has video of his abductors and devices, such as a flying ball-type device. He also has footprints that he preserved by putting aluminum foil under a towel in the closet through which they had been entering the room.

Possibly even more interesting, he presented a claw that had been left in the towel.

Although there were some technical problems with the presentation which primarily impacted color, the images of alien heads seemed to be clear to most members of the audience.

There was much more that could be covered about this presentation. As you know I don't endorse or deny claims, but I thought you might be interested, since this will be a breaking story in the "UFO community".

Other speakers have also been interesting, but this should be the big story, at least so far.

Tapes can be ordered (I'm not connected to this at all) from UFO MediaWorks, c/o BAy Area UFO Expo, 1706 Hogar Drive, San Jose, CA 95124, 408-266-4749. The website for the convention is That has some contact information. Please let any of these people know that youheard about it from me. That helps me get more inside information like this for you.

The Bay Area UFO Expo has been an incredible event. Special thanks to Matt DeBow (pronounced "DaBoh") who got me into the workshop with my press credential, and Victoria Jackson who had arranged for the credential in the first place. (Reference #1)


I spoke with [uforce] SW Regional Director Robert Baldwin last Sunday, and updated him on the latest information that we have been receiving from our affiliates, including Peter Gersten of the Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) Robert said that he had attended the UFO Expo in San Francisco and had met Gary Lowrey and his family. Baldwin had viewed Gary Lowrey's slide presentation of the "alien heads." The image you see here is just one sample of some of the many stills, photos and video evidence that Lowrey has taken during his recent encounters and presented at the latest UFO expo. Robert Baldwin said that "they had horns!"
credit: CAUS web-site SOURCE~"The creature seen here is a still video capture taken from a videotape. The creature was in Gary Lowrey's bedroom and was recorded with an infrared camera. Gary had set up the camera and was taping every night from 11:00 PM to 1:00 AM and has several images of the exact same creature over the span of a few nights."
I asked Rob if he had found any reason to suspect foul play or hoaxing in this case. Robert said that he had found them to be "sincere." I then read him the latest post that we had received from CAUS last week, which had also appeared in our last newsletter, Robert was quite surprised at this new twist in the Lowrey case and we explored several hypothesis as to why Lowrey's sudden change of heart. One of them was the theory that Lowrey was tired of the flamers and wanna-be investigators that were flooding into his life. Fame has a price, and that price includes a loss of personal privacy and freedom, as the public now "owns" you. Here are just a few examples of what could be driving Lowrey back into the shadows. CAUS Member Commentary:
Monitoring Gary Lowery's Encounters
By Phil Reynolds (
I encouraged FUFOR and certain MUFON state directors years ago to develop a setup to monitor abductee homes. They were more interested in hypnosis and anecdotes than vetting their sources and collecting scientific data. There's lots of other sensors you can add if funds permit. But even one camera with no safeguards would be interesting, if not conclusive. Here are my suggestions:

1) Dedicated phone line
2) Uninterruptable power supply - for computer and cameras
3) Streaming video, if possible
4) Real-time video feed
5) Dedicated web site - password protected
6) The subject shouldn't be able to access the host computer or camera controls
7) The subject shouldn't know which cameras are on, or when they are on
8) Have multispectral cameras (High/low infrared) Black & white as well as color... low lux or night vision.
9) Different sensors. One camera inside the closet focused on a compass and thermometer - much cheaper than electronic instruments. One outside with the same in field of veiw.
10) Suggest a laser pointer be shined across the threshold and a camera focussed on that as well. Mirrors could reflect the beam at multiple angles. Perterbation would be easily seen.
11) A dummy switch on the outside clearly labelled "ON/OFF." When "ON" it is off and vice versa. When on it would turn on audio - to foil hoaxing.
12) If you get serious money from say a billionaire real estate developer or some such person, go for gravimeters and acoustic sensors and unitize the package.
13) Include mercury switch to detect someone moving the equipment. (Reference #3)

Lowrey was to appear on Siegel's show with Peter Gersten of CAUS last Monday (091800). I had mentioned to our SW Regional Director that a recent CAUS post had suggested that Lowrey had cancelled his radio appearance on Siegel's "am coast to coast" radio program. Robert said that he was to speak with Robert Baldwin regarding Lowrey's scheduled appearance at the SDUFOS lecture series later that day; (sponsored by the San Diego UFO Society).

"Heard the Siegel show last (Monday) night, looks like those Hollywood ambulance chasers have a producer working for them, or something. With the evidence you have, seems to me any contract signed is worthless. If these beings move between frames, detected on pause, on the camera as he says, they may have a sort of cloaking device, to fool our sense of vision, or their slightly out of phaze with our 3-dimensions, as the camera can capture what the un-enhanced eye can't, but not being seen as continuing motion on the videocam, that is strange. A high-speed infra-red cam plus a night vision cam, and a taser to disable the the being , triggerd by the cameras would sent abot 50,000 volts into whatever, and maybe able to capture it, as it has mass, as exibited by the indentation of the aluminum foil where fast-walker appeared, in the closet I think he said.." --Bill (Reference #4)

"As usual I enjoyed your appearance with Mike Seigel. Wasn't awake all the time, but by the sounds of what you said about the scoundrel that "conned" the gentleman with the fantastic story to tell, he/she may very well have exposed himself/herself as a ''MOLE''. Where better to discredit the search for truth than immediately among the serious investigators. The discrediting of serious matters can be done in manners that are limited only by the imagination of the perpetrator. Those who are bent on discrediting the emerging frontiers will do everything possible, even to sending in a MOLE for several years. I spent many years in national security, intelligence and counter-intelligence, in North America and Europe with assignments elsewhere. Kind regards and please continue with the exceptional work. You may have colleagues who can assist with the actual proof of this hypothesis - unmasking the mole!" --Byron Dale (Reference #5)

As you can see (above) I'd later discovered that Lowrey had indeed appeared on Siegel's radio show, but he was not allowed to discuss the case with Siegel or Gersten. The reason became clear after Peter Gersten's latest post, (below). I contacted Peter Gersten Esq, Executive Director of CAUS. I asked him a couple of questions. This was the reply that I'd received at UFORCE on Sunday, September 24, 2000:

Q: What was your impression of Gary Lowrey, the person? A: Naive but credible.
Q: Please tell me, what did you think of his slide-show presentation?
A: Amateurish but interesting though not definitive.
Q: Can you offer me some additional information, or insight into this matter as UFORCE continues our investigation?
A: Check out today's CAUS Commentary on the CAUS web site.

Curiousity got the best of me, so I went to the CAUS web-site to see just what Peter Gersten was referring to. Here is what I found at

The Silencing of Gary Lowrey: Greed, Stupidity, Treachery or all of the above?

By Peter Gersten
“Once upon a present time in a not-so-far-away place, a man is experiencing weekly visitations by some very strange creatures. One day the man receives a present. The present is a package containing a gag and a spray can of skunk scent. The note reads ‘for instant fortune place gag over mouth and spray contents of can over body. If you tell anyone about this present you will forfeit your fortune.’ It is signed ‘A friend.’ Naively the man follows the note’s instructions and even though the gag is tight and he starts to smell funny, he doesn’t tell anyone about the present. Shortly thereafter the visitations stop. Years later the man is still waiting for his fortune.” -from “Parables of the UFO Community”

Several weeks before the Bay Area Expo in August, Gary Lowrey, a Bakersfield Fire Safety Officer, contacted me after numerous failed attempts to get the attention of other well-known organizations and persons in the UFO field. After listening to his story about his ongoing encounters with strange insectoid-type creatures in his home, and based upon his possession of certain physical evidence, I agreed to represent him both as an attorney and also in a joint venture to get the truth out. Though Lowrey was forthcoming in stating that he wants to help his family financially with the information and evidence he possesses, he assured me that his primary motivation is to share his ongoing encounters with the world and hopefully learn some answers as to what he and his family are experiencing. My part of our agreement included my successful efforts to get him national attention through my organization CAUS, my workshop at the Bay Area UFO Expo, and my frequent appearances on Mike Siegel’s Coast to Coast Radio show as well as other projects and forums that were being planned.

After speaking with Lowrey over the course of several weeks, I came to believe that the Bakersfield California family represents one of the best cases of contact because of the confirmatory physical evidence, the believability of the witnesses and the continuous nature of the experiences. Unfortunately because of the greed and selfishness of several people, Lowrey is temporarily silenced and his credibility forever compromised.

Last Saturday, give or take a day, Gary Lowrey, after being told by a self-styled “Hollywood producer” that there was no need for him to consult me or any other attorney, signed a contract for the exclusive print and movie rights to his story. According to Lowrey, the contract prohibits him from talking to anyone about his past and present experiences. The producer even deceptively composed an e-mail for Lowrey to send to me in which he states that he can no longer appear on Mike Siegel’s Coast to Coast radio show and if I have any questions I should consult his attorney, Mark Commerford, who I later determine is actually the producer’s attorney and not Lowrey’s. Sadly, though Lowrey appeared with me on the radio show this past Monday night, he refused to talk about his experiences, which he had originally agreed to share before the producer’s gag order.

What makes the Lowrey debacle even more unpalatable is the fact that the perpetrators of this travesty are members of the UFO community. In fact the producer is none other than Christopher Wyatt, founder, President and CEO of UFO, a company, which, as evidenced by Wyatt’s callous disregard for both the public’s right to know and the significance of Lowrey’s interaction with other life forms, is quite inappropriately named. Why Wyatt, after signing Lowrey to an exclusive contract, would want to silence him on the eve of his national coming-out-party thereby avoiding a Coast to Coast listening audience of millions and the free promotion inherent in such exposure, is very strange and suspicious.

What’s also suspicious is that Wyatt had requested that he and I sit down for a conversation at the Bay Area Expo which he helped sponsor and where, at my workshop, Lowrey appeared publicly for the first time. During the meeting Wyatt expressed an interest in my work and support for CAUS. Little did I realize at the time that Victoria Jack, the Expo’s promoter, and Wyatt were scheming to circumvent Lowrey’s relationship with me. Both Wyatt and Jack knew of my agreement with Lowrey because, not only did Lowrey present his story at my workshop, but also Jack paid him one-half of my fee for his participation. And it was Jack who, weeks later called Lowrey and told him she had a “present” for him. The present was Christopher Wyatt. This gift should have come with a warning: “Do Not Talk to Me Without an Attorney Present.”

Christopher Wyatt has used the tools of deception, misrepresentation, and coercion to silence an individual who is presently interacting with a non-human form of intelligence. On Siegel’s show, Lowrey stated he was “coerced” by Wyatt into signing the contract. Wyatt has now convinced Lowrey that he has no choice but to honor their contract and that Wyatt will sue him if he shows the contract to me. I am not surprised that there are those within the UFO community who are more interested in money than in our right to know the truth. But to compromise something we all have been waiting years for, the opportunity to record and verify evidence of ongoing contact, is unconscionable and requires exposing the true nature of the beast.

So it appears, unless some other resolution presents itself rather quickly, that only through the judicial process, with its provisions for depositions and other discovery procedures, will we learn the true facts as well as the motives and intentions of Christopher Wyatt and his gang of UFO Community pirates. Is Chris Wyatt simply what he appears to be, a deceitful, greedy and self-centered bully or does he also have a secret agenda, one involving his admitted connections to military intelligence and NASA? Time will eventually tell. But in the meantime, everyone is now on notice: deal with Christopher Wyatt at your peril. And for those of you already in his UFO Community brothel, I suggest you consider the possibility that the madam is screwing you. Peter A. Gersten, Esq.
Executive Director
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy
(reference #6)
After speaking with our SW Regional Director, my feelings were that Robert was quite surprised by this later turn of events, and was quite disappointed, as Lowrey was to speak at a lecture that the San Diego UFO Society was to feature early last week. We are awaiting word from them how that went.


Reference #1: SOURCE: CAUS Web-Site =

Reference #2: SEE ALSO The UFORCE Newsletter, VOL-III #091700.

Reference #3: SOURCE:; Member Commentary "Monitoring Gary Lowery's Encounters"From: Phil Reynolds (

Reference #4: Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2000 00:58:27 EDT Subject: CAUS HIGHLIGHTs: Friday - September 22, 2000 "EMAIL HIGHLIGHTS"

Reference #5:Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:22:35 EDT "CAUS HIGHLIGHTs:" Thursday - September 21, 2000 "E-MAIL HIGHLIGHTS:"

Reference #6: EMAIL SOURCE: Date: Sat, 23 Sep 2000 12:21:37 EDT Subject: CAUS Commentary & Announcements: September 22, 2000; and post SOURCE:

CONTACT INFORMATION: CAUS=Peter A. Gersten, Director Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) CAUS P.O. Box 2443 Sedona, AZ 86339 520-203-0567

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