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To prepare Agnihotra medicines, first perform Agnihotra regularly using the disciplines mentioned in the book Light Towards Divine Path by Vasant V. Paranjpe. This is to be done to ensure the unique potency which lies within the ashes of the Agnihotra fire. This ash is the basic substance necessary for preparation of all Agnihotra medicines.

The ashes of Agnihotra fire have the pharmaceutical name "Agnihotra Usta" (Latin: usta - burnt). To use Agnihotra Usta pharmaceutically, powder the ash and then sift it through a fine mesh. The result is Agnihotra powder.

These medicines are not sold. You should consult a medical professional regarding their use, although in various countries people use them as part of folk medicine.

Agnihotra Powder

Use externally for the skin or internally together with water or honey (2-3 times a day, half a teaspoonful at a time).

Agnihotra Capsules

Fill capsules with Agnihotra powder. This is more convenient for travel. Take 2-3 capsules each day.

Agnihotra Ointment

Combine ghee (clarified butter) with Agnihotra ashes. Ghee has special transport qualities to take the medicine to the exact location of the disease. Mix one part Agnihotra powder with nine parts per weight ghee in a suitable pot for preparing ointment. Use externally for burns, dry skin diseases, etc. and internally for heart patients.

Agnihotra Cream

Combine one part ghee with three parts pure spring or well water by volume and knead together by palm in a vessel of pure copper. Pour out excess water not absorbed by the ghee and add three parts new water again to the ghee. Repeat the same process 15 times. Then, combine one part Agnihotra powder to nine parts of water-ghee mixture in a pot suitable for making ointments to produce Agnihotra Cream. It may be applied internally or externally.

Agnihotra Eyedrops

Mix one part Agnihotra powder with ten parts highly distilled water in a pot and heat the mixture. Keep the heated mixture for half an hour in boiling water, stirring occasionally. Afterwards pass the mixture through filter paper. The patient may put one drop into each corner of the eye and one drop is rubbed into the skin beneath the eye.

Agnihotra Suppositories

Combine seventeen parts Agnihotra powder with ninety-five parts ghee. Heat the mixture until well blended and pour into molds. Solidify in the refrigerator.

Agnihotra Inhalation

Mix one teaspoonful Agnihotra Usta in a cup of boiling water. The patient is to keep his head straight above the pot with the hot mixture and inhale vapor deeply. To concentrate the steam, the patient should put a thick towel over the head so that the towel completely covers the pot.

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Last modified: Wednesday July 27, 2005.