Alice Faye..My Angel
As my mother's only daughter, I feel I should share the story of her life for several reasons. One being that I do not wish for her death and suffering to go unknown, for in sharing this maybe I can help someone else before it is too late. Maybe You are living in your own horror, or close to someone who is, just maybe this will help you so your own child doesn't have to add your name to the long list of domestic violence fatalities, who either couldn't or wouldn't seek help. This is a huge problem all over the world, it is somehow overlooked by doctors, police officials, and many others who could have helped save these lives.
The Lord saw you getting tired and a cure was not to be, so he put his arms around you and whispered,"Come with me." With tearful eyes, we watched you suffer, and saw you fade away, although we loved you dearly, we could not make you you stay. A golden heart stopped beating, a beautiful smile at rest, God broke our hearts to prove, He only takes the best. It's lonesome here without you, we miss you so each day. Our lives aren't the same since you went away. When days are sad and lonely, and everything goes wrong, we seem to hear you whisper, "Cheer up and Carry on." Each time we see your picture, you seem to smile and say, "Dont cry, I'm in God's keeping, we'll meet again someday."
Domestic Violence Links
Mother's Story
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