By Wendy Thompson

Q. Did you think Kim was the one going home tonight?
A. Quite honestly, no! I would have thought our boy would have at least kept her till the overnight dates, perhaps even further. I actually feel the scripted meeting between both “Meatballs” sealed her fate. You can look semi-good in a bikini, but there is so much a guy can take before he realizes that is not enough! By the way, I would bet Charlie was aware of what was to happen. He had to be! If I was on a date with someone and her ex shows up to cause problems I would give him an “Arnold look” and say: “It’s time to go, meatball, other “buns” are waiting for you elsewhere”. LOL Sorry, I have to look at this show with humor, or else I would be spending my time reading a good book instead!

Q. Are you certain it was staged?
A. This whole series feels like it is staged! I am beginning to wonder why, of all possible people, ABC needed to choose and out of work actor to be The Bachelor.

Q. Is this your “theory”?
A. Pretty much. I know watching Charlie’s eyes water at the rose ceremony made some viewers believe he is there for the right reasons but, to me at least, it only showed he dislikes hurting other’s feelings. I do not blame him, I don’t like it either, but he should have thought of that before agreeing to boost his career by doing this show. Sorry folks, I am just being realistic.

Q. So, who is he going to choose?
A. Everything points to Sarah B., which makes me doubt the “soap minded” producers would let everyone in on it if Charlie let his final choice “slip”. We have to realize Charlie has not chosen one yet, theoretically, and is currently enjoying dating the two finalists. I would love to have seen see Andrew, or Aaron, dating their two finalists, for a couple of months, before making their final decision. Perhaps the finalists would have been different……….

Q. Well, you have not answered my question.
A. Wendy, you’d be a good interrogator! I doubt Sarah B. would leave her hard-earned home and job to follow Charlie around Hollywood, since I doubt he would move to Texas. Anyway, as much as I try, I do not see sparks in her eyes whenever she looks at our boy. He just does not look like her “type”. I’ll grant you “Little Sarah” is not as coy and squeaky clean as the show has made her out to be, but she appears to be the most emotionally and financially stable of the three remaining women. Sarah W. is overacting, in my opinion, or has one of the worst “diva complexes” I have seen in a long time. I find it curious her personality changed so drastically in only two or three episodes. Anyway, I doubt the producers would show her in such a negative light if she was going to be Charlie’s choice.

Q. Do you believe the producers know which woman Charlie is going to choose? A. Yes, I do. The episode may be “live”, but not the decision.

Q. What about Krisily?
A. Last night was the first time she came across as somewhat “likeable”. Of course she also had her family as backup, and was not fighting for center stage with the rest of the bachelorettes. The whole family, Grandma included, should be contracted by ABC to do a weekly show, much like The Osbournes. I guarantee you it would be a hit! I can already envision “Nana” t-shirts, with the logo” Get him in bed & jump on him” selling like hotcakes. Anyway, Charlie is not overly impressed with Krisily, in my opinion. It's a shame, he "felt right in" with her family.


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