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FOR LOVE OR MONEY-2 07/22/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. Well A.T., are you beginning to get excited about this show?

A. There is one thing I have to say about it, I saw no sparks flying with Rob, and I am seeing much of the same with Erin.

Q. Talk to me about Erin.

A. I believe Erin is doing a good job of trying to filter out who are the most likely to choose the money over her. I still believe winning the money is her ultimate goal, and I haven’t seen her prove otherwise yet. Last night, she sent home what I believed to be a couple of nice guys, but I feel Erin did so because she didn’t feel any sparks developing either way. Personally, I believe it is difficult for Erin to fall in love, and several weeks is not going to be enough time for her to develop deep feelings for any of the men. So far, I have not seen any of them creating an overwhelming impression on her.

Q. Do you believe one of them could fall in love with her to the point of choosing her over the money?

A. In most cases, men and women’s approach to relationships is different. I believe most men are first attracted to women’s physical attributes, and at that early stage, everything else is considered an added bonus. This period of pure physical attraction tends to last longer in men than in women. Of course there are going to be exceptions, but I am speaking in general terms. Women, on the other hand, are generally interested in getting to know all aspects of the person they have met. So far, all I seem to hear is most of the men complementing Erin on the way she looked with a certain dress on, or admiring she has an unbelievably flat stomach, neither of which will get anyone very far, or will have any bearing in getting to know the other person at a different level. It is still too early into the show, but I would say Erin’s chances of being chosen over the money are still in the red.

Q. Some of the boys became rambunctious, and I know you are ready to make a comment on this. Go ahead and let them have it!

A. All right Wendy, don’t get overly excited. The editors went to great lengths to tweak the video, making it difficult to identify all the culprits, but I personally believe people their age should try to behave a little more civilized. I recognized some of them, but will forego names. I have heard the word “testosterone” mentioned several times in reference to men behaving this way, but I believe the poor hormone, or androgen, is being blamed for something with a much simpler name, childish behavior. One thing is to go to the gym and kick the punching bag to death, once in a while, another to behave this way on national TV.

Q. Let’s get down to the men. Do you see anyone who might choose Erin over the money?

A. It is difficult to tell so early into the show. I need to see more interactions between Erin and the men. From what I know so far, I would venture to guess Greg and Chad F. would possibly forego the money, given the right woman. The problem is I’m still not convinced Erin is that woman.

Q. Who do you believe will be sent home next?

A. I would say Victor and Thomas have a good chance of being sent home soon. Erin might have kept them around, but I have not seen her having much one on one interaction with either one. We will have to see what happens during some of the dates next week. It is a shame the producers have chosen not to show Erin’s conversations with the men. It is difficult to know how she is getting along with any of them if we do not hear them interacting on a one on one basis.

Q. What about the rest of the men?

A.Even though he makes me uneasy, for some reason, I believe Eric might go far, as long as he does not get too pushy and pays the price. I don’t believe he would choose Erin over the money, though. The same goes for Chad V. and Victor. Wade is a question mark, at the moment. I need to see more of him to have a clearer picture of his chances and intentions.

Q. One quick question. What do you think about the new show “Cupid?”

A. I find it somewhat entertaining, but have difficulty taking it seriously. I do not believe the right way to make a choice, as to whom you are going to date, is to have a thirty second “Gong Show.” I also noticed one of her friends has a very aggressive attitude. I do not know if she is just acting out a part or really has some personality issues. If I had to pass this type of inspection, in order to date someone I am interested in, I would just wish her “good luck” and move on, since I don't know any magic tricks and been told I sound like a sick cat when I sing.

Q. Thanks, A.T. for taking the time to talk with us.



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