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FOR LOVE OR MONEY-2 07/29/03

By Wendy Thompson

Q. You were right about Thomas being sent home.

A. I knew Thomas was going to go soon. He and Erin were never shown spending much quality time together. Even though she always did speak well of him, I feel it was just for the camera’s benefit, since it appeared neither felt any type of sparks between them.

Q. And what about Chad F.?

A. Chad F. is another story. As much as I liked him as a suitor, I couldn’t help smiling when Erin told him they were so much alike she had to send him home. To me that meant Erin couldn’t fathom Chad F. refusing the money for someone he had just met, much like she had done with Rob. I believe the rest of her good-bye speech was window dressing.

Q. Talk to me about Erin?

A. Erin is becoming quite an enigma, as the show progresses. During the outdoor events, she indicated some of the men were being controlling, only to turn around and praise them for this same character trait during the elimination process. I have noticed, even though she has a friendly personality, Erin does not exhibit much warmth in her eyes. It appears like her displays of affection are just superficial. I don’t know if this is part of her character traits or is simply due to the fact she has no feelings for any of the men on the show.

Q. Let’s talk about the men that stayed. Begin with Chad.

A. Chad V. seems like a nice enough person. I don’t know how much he really likes Erin, or if he feels any type of attraction past the physical one. Right now I find it difficult to believe he would choose Erin over the money.

Q. What about Wade?

A. Wade appears to be a nice guy. Erin appears to like him, and felt comfortable with him during their one on one date. If this were a Bachelor show, I would say he might be one of the last two standing. Since this show is definitely not even close to it, and the object here is for Erin to choose which man is most likely to choose her over one million dollars, I don’t know if she will keep him to the end.

Q. Greg.

A. At this stage, I believe Greg is just enjoying himself for a few weeks. He is not only thirty-four, but also appears to be a very mature individual. I believe he didn’t like the idea of participating in a date that turned out to be an obstacle course. Quite honestly, I don’t know who came up with such a “romantic” idea for a date. I am certain they had plenty of opportunities to get to know each other, on a one on one level, while balancing on top of a rope. I do understand these types of exercise assist in developing trust between individuals, but, in my opinion, this is more proper for shows like “Last Resort” than FLOM. I believe he is not overly impressed with Erin, and she doesn’t like the fact he is not as easy to control as some of the other men.

Q. I thought Victor was going home yesterday. Talk to me about him.

A. Victor is another one I believe is there out of inertia. I do not see him and Erin having much in common, much less Erin developing any feelings for him. If she is playing this strategically, he might be the one she could possibly seduce and convince to choose her and forego the million. Right now, I am not certain of much, since Erin contradicted herself several times, in last night’s episode, and I am having difficulty getting to know her.

Q. Eric.

A. I keep saying there is something about Eric I don’t like. I just can’t place a finger on it, but I believe there is more to him than meets the eye. For the time being, I believe he whines more than any normal man his age should, but that is just my personal opinion. It is OK to be competitive, in these types of shows, but not a chronic complainer! I might be wrong, but believe there is no amount of overexposed flat tummy Erin could show Eric that would make him say good bye to the million.

Q. What do you think about next week’s twists?

A. This show reminds me more of a TV soap than a reality dating show. First, if Erin is getting to know these men at all, it must be behind the cameras, since we have not heard one single conversation between her and any of them. What happened to good old-fashioned conversations on dates, where both have an intelligent exchange of ideas and opinions? Secondly, I can’t wait till Rob comes on board, especially since I have no idea what his role will be! I am also curious to know who takes the “bribe” and runs.



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