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The Bachelor 4
By Wendy Thompson 10/09/03

Q.This episode was a little different from the norm, don’t you think?

A. We did not learn much more than we knew last week. I somehow feel this week’s episode leaned more towards showing Bob having a good time, with the women, than anything else.

Q. How do you see Bob’s interaction with the women?

A. Just by observing body language, which at this point is the only thing I have to go on, I honestly do not see Bob becoming emotionally involved with any one in particular, even if the voiceovers and his mini-interviews say otherwise. Bob may appear to be enjoying someone’s company, but it does not mean much when he is later seen taking another one of the women to a private area and also enjoying a good time with her.

Q. What is your opinion of how the group date went?

A. Quite honestly, I found last week’s burlesque date, and this week’s group date, slightly insulting to the women involved, even if it seems they did not see it that way.
I believe few men would invite a woman they have recently met to perform exotic dances for them in a nightclub. This week’s group date was no better, in my opinion. I think it is even less appealing to take a date to a pajama bed party, in a nightclub, where the sitting arrangement is on a bed.
I have always felt it is disrespectful to choose one person from the group to enjoy her exclusively in a separate area, while the rest wait for both to come back. Of course that is only my personal opinion. Perhaps I feel too much respect for women, and am too old fashioned, even if I am only a few years older than Bob.

Q. Talk to me about the women in general.

A. I find it puzzling how dramatic some of these women are being. I would think they would have approached selecting which one would go to the one on one date in a more carefree manner.
It is also difficult for me to understand how some do not know the show’s format by now, and approach the experience as a special opportunity to perhaps meet someone special. Instead, I see some still consider it as some sort of competition, instead of understanding love will happen no matter what anyone else may say or do. They should have learned that just from watching past Bachelor programs.

Q. What about Meredith and her one on one date with Bob?

A. Now that I have had an opportunity to observe Meredith, I am beginning to like her. She appears to be someone with a caring and pleasant personality. I still believe she will go far, more so now after this episode. Still, I do not know if Bob will choose her in the end, since it all depends on what he is looking for. I will say he was very understanding and supportive during their date.

Q. Who else do you like?

A. I have the same opinion of Mary, who appears to have a very mature personality, besides being a fun loving person. I need to see her interacting more with Bob to have an opinion if they have clicked. The same goes for Estella, but I did not see much of her on this episode.
This week, I can not discuss the rest of the women in detail, since some were not shown interacting with Bob at all.

Q. What about the rest?

A. I somehow feel Antoinette, Misty, and Karin will not stay much longer. Bob has to send home four of the women next week, and I am afraid some of these three have a good chance of being the ones chosen to go. So far, I have not seen Bob pay any specific attention to Antoinette or Karin.

Q. Talk to me about Lee Ann.

A. I feel Lee Ann is either being herself or she is acting out a part, I can not tell. She probably got carried away after being locked up with the women for weeks. She appears not to be very pleasant when things do not go her way, and no amount of trick editing will show her saying something she did not actually say.
I am looking forward to her one on one with Bob, next week, to see if they really are as compatible as she believes. Personally, I do not believe that to be the case.

Q. Who else do you think will go far?

A. Estella and Brooke will probably stay for a while. I am interested in seeing Bob interact with Estella, on a one on one basis. She still remains a question mark, even though I believe Estella is part of Bob’s elite group.

Q. What about Jenny, Kelly and Misty?

A. Jenny, Kelly, and Misty probably appeal to the fun loving side of Bob, but we all hope he is searching for a serious relationship. I have not seen any special sparks between Bob and these three women yet.

Q. Did you find it strange there was no rose ceremony?

A. It is part of the show’s new facelift, and I do not see anything wrong with that. On the contrary, I feel it gives Bob a better opportunity to get to know the women better. They should do this on the first day. This way, Bob would have more time in which to get to know the women, and thus be able to make a better determination as to which ones would stay.
I would like to see more conversations between Bob and the women. It is difficult to determine anyone’s chances when we do not see them interacting with Bob on a one to one basis. This week, we only saw this with Meredith. I am looking forward to next week.

Q. One last question, what did you think of Bob’s singing?

A. I am honestly not qualified to evaluate his musical talents, therefore, I will pass on this one.

Q. Nice copout A.T., but I will let you slide this time.

A. I see you are a compassionate person, Wendy.



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