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The Octopus Files, by Benway

A . B . C . D . E . F . G . H . I . J . K . L . M . N . O . P . Q . R . S . T . U . V . W . X . Y . Z

Home . Blogging Tools and Sites


The Benway Empire

Other Benway Portals

Dance MP3 Directory.
Webcam Communities.

More Benway Sites

Benway Entertainment.
Music, Art and Writing.
Retro Computers and Consoles Collection
Photo Gallery
The Octopus Files is a completely free service, though Benway will always be very happy to accept any donations you may wish to give.

Directory of Weblogs, Online Journals and Diaries


This site is designed to give easy access to hundreds (and later, maybe thousands) of weblogs.

Unlike a blind list of links, or a review site which relies on the (often misinformed) opinion of a reviewer, this directory lets the blogs speak for themselves, with excerpts taken from posts in each blog.

While it would be impossible to give a really accurate impression of what a blog is like from just a few lines, Benway hopes that the excerpts he has chosen at least give a rough idea of the tone and feel of the weblogs listed.


For anyone interested, click HERE for a bit more info about Benway and The Octopus Files