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I set up this website so that my friends back home could see what I'm doing. I'm spending a year in America as part of my university course, and want to share my very poor quality photos and strange experiences.

They sure talk funny over here...

Look at this - I'm actually updating my website! How strange is that?!?! Finally got into a routine that allows me to jump on the computer for a few minutes between classes and do some html.

Well things are still good over here. I have loads of work, but the place and people make up for the annoying essays and pop quizes that these Americans seem to love so much. I wouldn't care but some people do three drafts and go see the teacher twice before handing in the final copy. It's just not the British way!

Anyway, I hope the links are working. I don't have enough time to go through checking. Click on the picture above to take you to the gallery for my lastest photos.

(BTW - I've only just started learning html - and most of this is with the aid of webmonkey. I have no idea what I'm doing, or even if I'm doing it right. My scripts for this page would probably scare most good website designers. But you've got to start somewhere!)

Follow the links to find out what I've been doing...

..::home::.. | ..::journal::.. | ..::photos::.. | ..::media::.. | ..::links::.. | ..::polls::.. | ..::quizzes::..


reading... my Computer Science text book
watching... Friends, Scrubs, Will and Grace, Buffy, Angel, E.R, That 70s Show....
listening to... 8 Mile