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 ~Page 1~

                                                                           Antony SPRINGSTEEN
                                                                           |b. 05 May 1871
                                                                           |p. Howell,  NJ
                                                     (4)                   |d.
                                                      Frederick SPRINGSTEEN|p.
                                                      |--------------------|m. 15 Jan 1899 NJ
                                                      |b.        c1901     |(9)
                                                      |p.           NJ     |Martha Ann O'HAGAN
                                                      |m.                  |---------------------- 
                                                      |p.                   b.         c1872
                                                      |d.                   p.            NJ
                                                      |p.                   d.
                                                      |occ. painter         p.
                                (2) Douglas "Dutch"   |2 chn -dau. killed             
                                     SPRINGSTEEN      |car accident(child) (10)
                                 |b.       c1925      |  Alice             |----------------------
                                 |p. Freehold, NJ     |--------------------|b.
                                 |m.        1948       b.         c1901    |p.
                                 |p.          NJ       p.            NJ    |d.
                                 |d. 26 Apr 1998       d.                  |p.
                                 |p. Belmont, CA       p.                  |m.
                                 |bur.        NJ       bur.                |(11)    
                                 |cause:  cancer                           | 
                                 |Vet: WWII                                |----------------------
                                 |3 chn                                     b.
                                 |Bruce F. J. Springsteen                   p.
                                 |Pamela Springsteen                        d.
                                 |Virginia (Springsteen)Shave               p.
       (1)   Bruce Frederick     |occ: prison guard/bus driver
              SPRINGSTEEN        |
       b. 23 Sep 1949            |
       ref: birth certificate NJ |
            number 129-49-068126 |
       p. Long Branch, NJ        |
       m1 13 May 1986 OR,div 1989|                                        (12)
          (Julianne Phillips)    |                    (6)                    Liberato ZARELLA?
       m2 08 Jun 1991, CA        |                       Thomas ZARELLA?   |----------------------
          (Patti Scialfa)        |                     |-------------------|b.            c1873
       ref: marriage cert. CA    |                     |b.        c1902    |p.            ITALY
       Evan James Springsteen    |                     |p.          ITALY  |d.
       Jessica Rae Springsteen   |                     |m.                 |p.
       Sam Ryan Springsteen      |                     |p.                 |m.
       occ: singer/songwriter/   |(3)                  |d.                 |(13)
                musician         |   Adele Ann Zerilli |p.                 | Adelina 
                                 |---------------------|bur.               |----------------------
                                  b.                   |occ: furrier        b.            c1873
                                  p. Brooklyn, NY      |naturalized         p.            ITALY
                                  occ: legal secretary |Immigrated 1908     d.                    
                                  Note: her name as    |Adeline(sic)Zarella p.
                                  given on Bruce's     |Bertram Zarella    (14)
                                  birth record.        |                                   
                                                       |                   |----------------------
                                                       |(7)                |b.
                                                       |  Rose             |p.             ITALY
                                                        b.         c1906   |p.
                                                        p.            NJ   |m.
                                                        d.                 |(15)
                                                        p.                 |
                                                        bur.               |----------------------
                                                                            p.             ITALY

                 Footnote:     Many thanks go to Michael Meggison, who found
                               Lorrie's query about the Springsteen Genealogy
                               on the message boards at Lorrie
                               and Mike got together and shared their info 
                               and Lorrie created the charts for these pages.

                 Ongoing:      If you have ever done genealogy you will know
                               first hand that it is an ongoing project.  If
                               you have any information to add to these charts
                               and would like credit for it, please email your
                               information to:

                 Updates:      These chart pages will be updated as new information
                               is found.  Please feel free to also correct any data
                               that is incorrect.  

                 Disclaimer:   We do not guarantee absolute accuracy, but have 
                               supplied information from souces such as cenus 
                               records, etc.

                 Respect:      There are a lot of "Bruce" sites on the web and most
                               of them are great.  To the best of my knowledge no
                               other site has the genealogical aspect.  I have not
                               copied your ideas from your sites, please do not copy
                               mine. Common respect for each other makes all our
                               sites unique in tribute to "The Boss" -Thankyou 

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Created September 16, 2002 Updated Weekly ©Brucefan's Collection ©Brucefan, New York ©L&M Creations ~ all rights reserved ~