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 Adopting a child with special needs can be a wonderful experience. While it is not for everyone, for some it develops into a lifelong career of joy. The sweet faces you see below are those of my own dear children. This site was originally created to highlight the ten of my children whose lives illustrate the countless children like them, who are not truly valued by many in our culture. My purpose for this site was to take one small step toward showing our society an awe of life itself, and the inherent worth of helpless children. But it is developing into a site to include all twenty-six of my children. You will see the button leading to the other sixteen, beneath the pictures on this page.

 Every one of my children on this page, is professionally labeled "profoundly retarded," yet no two are the same. These ten of my children are, as the famous poem by Fleur Conkling Hejlinger says, "not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own."

 I've been a parent for nearly forty-two years, so far. All of my children are cherished, and appreciated. Every human being has personality, strengths, and individual appeal. These things make human beings different from one another, much more than an IQ. What a person can or cannot do is not as important as who they are, and what they are like.

 I built my family largely through adoption. Many of my children are either without disability, or well abled, with the ability to function very or completely independently. God has blessed me with twenty-six children. Also my dear children-in-law. In addition, God has blessed me with wonderful grandchildren!

 My heart has always been drawn to the child who needed me most. Nurturing is such fun and so rewarding to me. I chose to build this portion of my family with children who had waited a long time for a family, with no one asking for them. Some had waited so many years, they had already been placed in an institution. Every child deserves to have someone of their own, who truly loves them. Adopting each one was a great honor to me. I enjoy my helpless children, and love them dearly. My first children were able and well; capable and on their way to independence when I adopted my daughter Misty. I was not given correct information about Misty. But God sent her for a very special reason. Her condition was a very great shock at first, but I quickly fell in love with her, and my whole world changed for all time. I began to search for, and adopt others like her. God used my little Misty to change my entire life.

The Little Girl Who Changed My Life

 We are a Christian family, and that is the most important thing to me. We are a large family, well organized, busy, noisy and full of laughter. Now my children are all adults, and I am married. We only have five still at home. I have written much about my other wonderful, dearly loved children. These have been, and will be published elsewhere. I am now putting their stories on this site as well. See the link below the pictures, to reach the next page of pictures, which will include my other precious sixteen children's stories. I bestow particular honor on these, my children Julianne, Noelle, Kyle, Cherise, Skyla, Katie, Matthew, Sarah, Sheena, Michael, Starr, Chad, Jordan, Priscilla, and Tony, who have loved, still love, are loved, and of whom I am so proud.

 This site is a "place" in the world for my helpless children to shine. Each child is precious and with a personality and humanity all his or her own. It is very difficult to find life stories of children with very severe disabilities. During these years of parenting them, I have searched tirelessly, but found very few. Thus, I decided to share their stories with others who might have such a child, or want to adopt, or take care of such a child. People who may be searching for information on the differences, and similarities of these children's lives. Please feel free to write me, if you would like a listening ear, or someone to "brainstorm" with, about a child with profound retardation.

I hope you enjoy your visit to our family!

(C) 2003 - 2012 Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Last updated on April 17, 2012.


"Whatsoever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

Jesus said: Verily I say unto you,
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these
my brethren, ye have done it unto me." Matthew 25:40

Though others think your life is woe,
you are a miracle to me;
you cannot walk, or talk, but oh,
your smile - your smile is all I see.

Yes, you grow taller every year,
and cannot do the smallest task;
but I don’t need that kind of cheer,
your smile - your smile is all I ask.

Your need creates my need for you;
oh, what a gift that you were sent;
your quiet presence, warm and true,
your smile - your smile is all I want.

My gentle child, sweet precious one,
you are love’s very purest seed;
at bedtime when each day is done,
your smile - your smile is all I need.

(C) 2004 Rosemary J. Gwaltney

I'd love to hear from you.
Click the typewriter to jot me a line!

All thy children shall be taught of the Lord;
and great shall be the peace of thy children.
Isaiah 54:13

This site, with my greatest and deepest love,
appreciation, admiration, respect and honor,
is dedicated to
every single one of my beloved children.


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