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 Claim God's Victory

   In all of the trials that life encompases, we can experience victory through Christ. If we have a frail ability to believe that anyone could truly love us; if we are afflicted with a disability that presents additional problems to us in life; if we are overwhelmed with shame over something we do, or have done, that we know is wrong, we can experience victory. If we have a deep hurt that haunts us, that we have not truly been able to forgive, we can still experience victory. Nothing is ever hopeless with God.

   I believe that we are to praise God in advance, even before the victory, in faith that He will bring it to pass. The Bible does say to thank Him, because He gives us victory through Jesus:

    * Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15:57

   So many times I have tripped and fallen, saying something hurtful that I did not want to say, to someone I loved, because of my difficulty expressing feelings before frustration grew too large. So many times I have failed both my loved ones, and my Heavenly Father. If He did not promise to give me victory over my weaknesses and deficiencies, I would be lost and hopeless. But He does promise. He loves us, and He will give victory over our frailties, if we ask Him to, and trust that He will.

   No matter how deep the dungeon of despair is, that we may find ourselves in, there is hope in Christ. No matter how intense our shame, how disgraceful our secrets, how disappointing our failures, Christ is ready to give us victory. Claim God's victory! It is yours for the asking. He is able to make the chains fall off, and set us free. All He is waiting for, is our willingness to let them go.

    * God is able to make all grace abound toward you. 2 Cor. 9:8

    * Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift. 2 Cor. 9:15

   I do not know who wrote this song, "Sweet Victory", but it has blessed me so much! Just singing it gives me hope, on a gloomy day:

   There's a bright light shining deep inside of me,
There's a bright light shining deep inside of me,
There's a new day coming, people can't you see,
Oh Lord, we're going to be free.

   When my heart is fully willing to change, and give up the wrong attitude, or action, and I ask God's forgiveness, and that of the one I have wounded:

   There's a sweet fire burning deep inside my soul,
There's a sweet fire burning deep inside my soul,
The seed is turning, I feel it start to grow,
Oh Lord, I'm coming home.

   And when I have experienced victory over a weakness or sin, these verses say it all. It is glorious when my spirit is free to fly, in joy and blessing, with the sin forgiven and gone:

   Jericho has fallen, my spirit's flying free,
Jericho has fallen, my spirit's flying free,
There's an angel calling, calling out to me,
Oh Lord, sweet, victory.

My heart is like a river, wild and flowing free,
My heart is like a river, flowing to the sea,
I've been delivered, now I'm flowing free,
Oh Lord, I'm flowing to Thee.

There's a bright light shining, deep inside of me,
There's a bright light shining, deep inside of me,
There's a new day coming, people can't you see,
Oh Lord, we're going to be free.

   What a wondrous, magnificent experience it will be, when Christ comes for His own, and we are free! Free from sin, from weaknesses, from sorrow, grief and pain. Oh, how I praise the Lord, that some day I will be free for all eternity.

   If anyone knows who wrote this, I would appreciate them letting me know!

2005 Rosemary Gwaltney