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Hope Catherine

Aug. 29, 2000 ~ Sept. 8, 2000
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
She had 8 open heart surgeries.

I know that without surgery my little Hope
would die. But with surgery she had a chance
to live. I might get the chance to see her
smile, hear her laugh and cry, and share her
love. The number of days we had together are
not important. What is important is that
I cherished each and every day.
There are no guarentees in life for any child
whether they have a heart defect or not. Many
children die suddenly everyday. I had the
advantage of knowing that everyday was
special and I was blessed with whatever
time I could share with her. Hope was a
special little girl with her own personality.
Even after all she went through she always
had a twinkle in her eye. No matter how
tired she was she always gave my finger a
squeeze. She put up a good fight, but now she
can rest. Ilove her so much and she will live
in my heart forever. Most people only dream
about angels. I got to hold one in my arms.

How very softly
You tiptoed into my world.
Almost silently.
Only a short time you stayed.
But what in imprint
Your footprints have left
Upon my heart.

Mommy misses you so much. You are my
little angel. I will always remember your
short stay on earth. You fought so hard
and I am so proud of you. I will always hold
the memory of you squeezing my finger and
looking at me through one eye.I will always
remember the pink bow in your hair and the
way you calmed down whenevr I sang to you.
But I also remember that I never got to bath
you, change you, or rock you to sleep.
I never got to bring you home. I have a few
memories that I wil hold on to forever but
nothing will take the place of you in my arms.
I pray that God is holding you until it is my
time to come to heaven. Then I will hold you
agian. I still don't understand why God
called you to heaven. I guess he needed
a beautiful little angel because that
is exactly what you are. I love you
dearly and miss you soooo much.
Good-bye for now my precious little girl.
I will see you in my dreams.
You will live in my heart forever.....

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Kelly Berrigan

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