The List

We passed Arcadia on the way to the grocery store.

Penguins don't have toes.

The toed penguins diverged from the normal ones.

No ploinks here!

I morphed Carnegie and Loutra in five minutes!

We've punned from Clark to Maple.

You can spell things with Goblin bombs.

I'll see you a Titan and raise you a demigod.

The tea froth is sticking to the side of the cup.

She was one of the Australopithecines.

This is not a good day for socks.

You didn't meet that other spider boy.

There's a bobcat in Maple courtyard.

No sacrificing the ice-cream machine, especially before noon.

I had the sudden urge to say, "A zebra ran over me last night."

I once pondered trying to sell my soul on ebay.

OOH! I have a rabbit left!

Only I could manage to be cutting into a grapefruit and get squirted in the eye.

I almost got a bun stuck in my shoe.

You're being floppy and I’m not even being squeaky!

Then, my salad squirted you.

Gods seem to become subservient after you beat them up.

Warning: this picture contains a shaved horse.

How do barbarians wax their backs?

Looney died of extreme old age.

I have a curse on my right nipple.

I was trying to picture an anorexic hippo.

Aw, man! I was decapitated again!

I was beaten to death three or four times.

I couldn't get to my body!

Damn. Now I have to kill three people.

Ever seen the look on a man's face just after he's gotten hit square in the guts by a rubber chicken?

Voices are people, too!

Cardinals are loud.

I can't get TheBoy to un-sleep.

Pet my feet!

It's amazing what you can do with a piece of leather and some time.

Now there are three death balloons floating around. I call them death balloons!

That girl's got my mousepad on her back.

The ice-cream fell on me and I lost all feeling in my pancreas.

'Tis bizarre and it has no feet, but I'm done.

I got the sudden urge to yell out to that guy, "Watch out for the micro-bison!"

Can we throw peanuts?

Help! Hotmail has mutated!

Can I go through your bathroom?

We were beating up a bowling ball, but we decided it'd take too long.

Why did the phrase "photogenic indignation" just spring into my head?

This is Gerard. He's Flora's brother and Julian's sister.

I like beer better than head.

That's just because you're predisposed to cooked food.

There's no point to a skort.

Now they have your ear junk on them!

At the very least, stop spraying green things at me.

You have to know the right technique. You have to get on the right side and squeeze the prongy bits.

It's a shoe-borne Bruce-cracker?

She has reached the limit of what koosh balls can teach her.

We made the electron-ridden bastards pay for every inch, though.

It's the exorcist meets Galager.

You get three flavors of pea soup. . . Does that make the list?

Your cranium was saved by the fact that this is not my umbrella.

You're acting like a flamingo again.

I have the napkin and a red pen in my purse.

Our broom tried to eat my sock.

Even her tailfins are preppy.

Scales do not make the mermaid.

I don't even want to know what she's doing to that kelp.

That's just because they couldn't draw a nipple to save their lives.

You left the pocket list in your room?

I'm trying to make a ghost out of a phantom.

Kinda like a retired gymnast but with baggier pants.

It came after the junkies.

It was between the junkies sneezing and Samson.

So what you're saying is sanity & insanity are bipolar?

No, the contacts were even crunchy.

They got all the strawberry out of the chocolate.

I have two. Only one of them came with the eye thingy.

Fig newtons do not exist. They're existentialist fruitcakes.

I didn't tell you about the dream with the gay person.

1: Don't ask me what wedding. I don't know. 2:What wedding? 1:I don't know. But it was going to be a double and one of the couples was going to be gay.

One-and-a-half, and I’ll raise you a donut.

Oh no! Freud's invading my psyche!

The line there was a green sheep.

So what we're saying is that they're lesbian fruit?

The fact that the lesbians bought our piano was really odd.

I kept mine [lobster] in a Frisbee.

Alex de Toqueville was fruity. And so was my professor.

Did you see the thing about the penguins in England?

1:There are pygmy hummingbirds. 2:Wow! You couldn't even play badminton with that!

I'm now advocating platypus elephants.

I'm tired of being a detective; I want to mangle things.


I'm assuming it would wring itself out later.

What color would an anemic circus clown be?

You're very versatile in your liquidy sound effects.

My poli sci professor sings.

Did you eat the chicken? Don't laugh until you've eaten the chicken.

He saw my invisible cards. . . What?! You don't believe me???

I had the sudden urge to say the ice-cream looks like an aardvark, but it actually looks like a turtle... or a trilobite.

There's a conversation i never want to have with my psychologist. Why my kleptomania made me steal the ice-cream.

Sir, it seems your urine is 100% Colombian grown.

I got blown up last night.

I wonder if you can flush out a fingertip.

Her order disappeared into the pit of doom.

So is that a purse-born Bruce cracker?

I see my rubber frog, but I don’t see it.

1:What’s the sound of one frog jumping? 1&2:Ribbit. 2:or "bud"

I will put one star on speed and save the rest for later.

I was at a partial disadvantage, with the light saber dueling, cause I have the sound down (on account of johnny-boy)

I need the sound, to duel correctly, for some odd reason. *g*

So the gremlins are in the circuitry and the magic gnomes decreed that we shouldn’t worry about it.

You’re juggling my moon rocks. Cool.

He looks like Duncan McLeod, but you can’t see his face right now.

I got to 23 before Sarah’s head got in the way.

I’m almost caught up to myself.

We just linked weddings to toga parties.

There’s dead ostrich on my arm.

I had ostrich for lunch.

There’s that guy who looks like Danny & Weird Al.

Do you have lemurs in your dorm?

He likes to sit on fish!

I keep the children locked in a closet.

One day they’re gonna come out.

Oh no! They’ll be a bunch of fruit children! Like apples and limes and things?

Fruits of the womb.

You could keep the kids in the bathtub.

At least he’s not trying to sweep me.

Now there’s a reasonable horsehead.

Why are we getting technical about ducks?

You have to throw the dragon like a club.

Either my pizza or my microwave is possessed.

My sock is being bitten by the Dr. Pepper box.

I was being molested by a box of canned soda.

He has the survival instincts of a lemur on crack.

It was up in the comment about death by ink-pen.

There’s an Epcot in Mexico?

No, there’s a Mexico in Epcot.

We all think Baha’i’s kind of cute.

Of course, ethnic purity has nothing to do with popcorn.

If you let it get big enough, you have a giant wooly French toast. French toast w/ tusks?

Yeah. Then you could name it Tuskaninni.

And you could write an epic about him discovering what it means to be bread.

So you’re saying we should form a general theory of baguettism? Or a grand unified theory of bowling balls and baguettes.

The milk shakes are kinda cute.

I found the ferrets.

That girl’s jingle was deceptive.

I had a sudden urge to say "eat flaming popsicle."

I haven’t killed anyone in a good 10 minutes.

The spawn thing doesn’t like me.

BOOOOYYYY!!! Stop attacking my corpse!

Damnit! It’s my corpse! If I want to attack it, I’ll do it myself.

There’s a koala in my left shoe.

I prefer grandpa to the thing under the stairs.

There’s a banana somewhat west of Morocco.

There’s not that much in her pockets, not since she had to get rid of the apple cores.

There’s a masseuse sitting on my lap.

You’re attacking me with the ink-pen.

I actually got to pop Janeway.

Where’s the ten-foot pole?

Pink bowling ball dust.

You don’t have enough objects up your ass to be a sidhe.

Do donkeys have nipples?

You don’t resemble a winnebago.

Many of them are the same person.

I connected the fuzz.

Are you writing down that connected-by-fuzz-thing?

He can’t answer- he has a flute glued to his lips.

I don’t think there are terriers in Cleveland.

I don’t want brain in my flute.

More people have sat on me today than usually sit on me in 6 months.

Who didn’t do Don Juan?

Your dog looks like a cave painting.

No fair using your own sweat against me.

You sit on her lap, I’ll sit on his.

There is no variation in Renaissance genitalia.

Your forehead was inflated.

We don’t want the dark one involved in juggling.

There was more sparkly than swirly.

Zeus was a hippie.

Canada was a pooka prank.

Radio should not have whammy bars.

The roll just helped with my comedic timing.

Now I’m getting images of ducks performing Wagner.

You cannot make a human larynx out of macaroni and rubber bands, not even if you put gold glittery stuff on it.

My sinuses didn’t make a bleeping sound.

You don’t pollute Kermit the Frog with IMacs!

The car thing made them squishy.

That would be the harem violation.

I am a flannel shirt away from being Paul Bunyan.

When you measure it in beads, my wrist is kind of large.

Because I’m doing sheep puns and he’s doing dairy puns.

I think I have a chip in my shoe.

I have packing peanuts in my right pocket.

I took a walking graphic and stuck it on a pig.

Agh! The stairs don’t work!

I hardly have dexterous hips.

I think we’re running out of body parts.

You make my bed thingy migrate.

It would be like demon-pong.

Damnit! Horses do too eat rabbits!

"_ucking lord of chaos blowing up my reeboks"

You speak Charlie better than I do.

It was warm and the Abe Lincoln look wasn’t working.

If you have a choice of sidekicks, which one are you going to pick: a very large whale, or a clone of yourself?

It’s not a turkey horse!

I gargled "nugget" when it came out.

Your lizard is showing.

I’m not sure, but I think there’s a Chiquita label on the railing.

We have not made pecan pies with femurs.

Now the cheese is the proper consistency.

You bopped me with Stridex!

I’m going to bury him in sardines if he doesn’t like my mackerel.

You lost me when we left Mesopotamia.

Thermodynamics is a bitch.

The frakirs weren’t on the stairs.

The dude poet is funny to watch being thrown around by a large warthog.

I don’t think you want me chewing on your koala.

There wouldn’t be as much if it weren’t for the stupid green apple jacks!

There are legs in front of us.

We got numbers and took fingerprints.

I opened his mouth and fished into it.

There is more to hunger than the hypothalamus.

I can’t make my tongue pointy like that.

It’s hard to hold a lengthy conversation with myself about milk.

Just wait until you’re attacked by renegade eggs.

I’m going to stop listening to my brain now.

Naked skeletons do not indicate victory.

They botched the calamari roll.

Decapitation is the final amputation.

Sheep can be cannibals, too.

Cronos needs more fiber.

But they’re muses! They don’t need nipples!

You look like a slightly manic goblin.

I have dots in my laundry.

Somebody brushed our sheep.

It’s the fact that I’m engaged in an elaborate courtship dance with the Dr. Pepper cases.

It’d still be squishy human flesh.

I think I’m going to take it one resurrection at a time.

I was drying myself off and meditating on the nature of Scooby Doo.

There’s a ding before the warble.

You can’t staunch life-threatening wounds with popcorn.

That was respect and affection prompting me to throw things at her.

My brain is spewing "Upanishad" at me.

It’s very peculiar to be inside my brain today.

Yahoo doesn’t have enough Zen humor links.

I wasn’t thinking perverse thoughts about your wall.

It’s like the birds, only with human genitals.

I don’t think Cronos would like beans.

He doesn’t strike me as a musical fruit kind of god.

I can tell you what I was thinking right before Gerard Depardieu invaded my mind.

It’s hard to plan for a doctor.

If I wasn’t pouring, that would go on the list.

She’s batting at my facial hair!

I prefer personal teleporters to virtual reality.

Strangely enough, I have never had the urge to study the anatomy of a breast.

It was disobedient cheesy goodness.

They’re stuck on the on-ramp to my esophagus.

Quit moving! I’m stalking your bubble with my Claymore!

She just discovered she can’t ignore herself.

There's nothing sexist in having thighs.

I don't know if snakes can flatulate.

I only do one death scene a night.

Worms like Harkonen. Harkonen are crunchy. . . but I don't think they go well with butter.

My hand's not a Harkonen.

Shakespeare looked like a punk.

Salted Polynesians would put me off pretzels.

My bare kidney was on Clark.

I was not fondling the celery.

It's very hard to use you as a writing pad when you're twitching.

He was twitching his muscle groups maliciously.

You look like you crawled out of a Renoir and put on clothes.

Have you noticed our tendency to form religions after 2am?

He's going Classical-philosophy on your elf souls.

I'd rehydrate, but it was too late for that particular part of my epidermis.

Its soul split in half.

If that's how shortbread critters deal with philisophical dillemas, I'm kind of dissappointed.

Okay, I am apparently going to have atomic theory before I have the wheel.

But it's fun to chainsaw demons!

I must say, your extreme upper bowel is not much of a conversationalist.

It's good to know I shed symetrically.

My tongue is not that dextrous.

We went from religion to underwire socks in one trip from the laundry room.

It's like a biological fortune cookie.

I can unzip her and make her have kittens anytime I want.

This elf soul is inside-out.

Less election, more flaming popsicle.

No cerebral drawing and quartering.

My socks are cute. My legs are cute by proxy.

She was trying to figure out what she said while she was shooting the storm troopers.

We all know that R2 D2 is a randy droid.

I don't like it when pig-things bite me.

...and quit staring at my mandelbrot!

It's your own fault for saying brautwurst.

OH! The fucking machine thing!

The Virgin Mary is not a dominatrix.

There's nothing vulgar about my coconut.

I don't remember the gender-confused duck.

You could actually challenge someone to a duel to the death with a souflé.

I am thinking of something non-nihilistic.

The universe has decided that I'm not moist enough.

Scooby Doo is stalking us.

Mooses are good for drying dishes.

I can do instantaneous hole identification at close range.

You have to pay attention and find out what made Lucy crunch.

Just so long as my proverb gets equal standing with your proverb...

Chalks are non-fat., in order to appease death you should wear lots of hats?

What? Don't you like my fish?

Macaroni should not rise to the occasion.

I have minimal control over my shoulder blade.

You know it's really bad when you have to go to your chocolate chips for good coffee.

Accountants only come in one color.

I have a favorite cactus. His name is Drac. He blooms at night.

Thankfully, I know all the cheeses by heart.

I'm not going to dip the spongy strong-man into the cheese.

Don't prod the strong man with the aluminum sticky bit.

Don't worry, I wash my blade before every sacrifice.

An aortic mambo would be a serious medical condition, but you can't help but laugh.

I think that's the wrong kind of crazy to prophecy.

You're using my head as a writing surface.

My head's not the right kind of lumpy to be writeable.

There's not a single plane on my head that's large enough for anything but a post-it note.

We can have a convoy of aardvarks.

Prostitutes don't go on field trips.

I guess my oven just isn't tuned for precision cheesecaking.

My ass is not that dexterous.

Prehensile buttocks are not advantageous to evolution.

It's not reticulated, it's blendy.

There was one before the abdomen and after the reticulation.

I intend no duplicity with my abdomen.

Can we move on from my deceptive abdomen for a minute?

Please refrain from marking on my forehead in your attempts to chronicle my abdominal conversation.

Incephular nasal sex is wrong.

I refuse to be bitch-slapped at checkers.

I mean, really... it's not very often you get to see a great figure in literature walking down a road in his birthday suit.

you can't compare the HMOs to teh Mafia... the Mafia has ethics.

all I can tell you is that it involved Dr. King... and that is a LARGE waffle fry.

I have no problem with demon summoning... it's bizarre comic book sexual practices that bother me.

So you're saying that playing the guitar is just an excuse for flipping people off.

Shiva on a flaming pogo stick!

If flaming popsicles make it, then a flaming pogo stick does

Ya know, the toed penguins look a lot like toad penguins in writing...

So the question now arises: what the hell is a toad penguin? I guess it's like a normal penguin, only warty.

You're warping my techtonic analogy.

It shouldn't be tactile blorking.

Just disbelieve in the existence of certain alcoholic beverages and you'll be fine.

Mattresses don't have magma.

I can feel my earwax boiling.

My tongue just wasn't pointy enough.

Well, I mean, tongues are just no substitute for a good toothpick... or a bad one, even.

What are the theoretical ramifications of duck-billed chickens on the state of the universe?

How many pygmy marmosets can dance on the head of a pin?

I thought he was just a cheap klingon ripoff... but he's really a fatalist. He's a cheap klingon ripoff with ideals.

I don't associate with Chicken Soup.

Abe lincoln is unholy

Ha! I got an umlout!

I'm plotting a Jellybean Man.

Egypt knows of no techno-burlesque!

It smells like...bread...but evil bread.

No. The wheel is stuck in the cornhole.

Sarah, I think your horse is flirting with me...

Hippies don't have cooties. you're saying that he only looks lots like a german faery, when he's wet?

can you pull something deferring?

only daniel and boy stopped talking about animal porn and are onto cs now.

The final boss has duck feet.

I can't sacrifice it to the forest gods! The forest gods are my bitches!

But I guess vibrators are just like mo-peds.

Is there something I'm oblivious to? Is there something I'm missing? Is there something hanging from my face?

I think a herd of moths just flew out of my driver side mirror.

That's not interesting. Their lemon should be more interesting.

Yeah. It must just be something about donuts.

Nothing says 'I love you' like trail mix.

You don't get to put smiley faces down my clothing.

I don't like this soap. It's too spicy. *sniff*

Of course, even dark elves are irritated if you staple them.

I took apart the Mexican.

I have a donut with eyes now. But I'm having trouble make it fire an AK-47.

Move the mouse below the bird and it will become a forward arrow, click there.

and i brought one home to assemble here. except it got bent.

My fingers have been secreting their own lard too..

Pray to artemis, if you want her to bring you some pork.

Then we accused them of being america's little leather S&M whip.

why was my finger salty?

Everybody needs an invisible maid!

It's not my fault if a sparrow eats sharp jello.

Things haven't been the same since the elven quiche.

No, no, that's what you use when your squirrel is rusty.

I'm just saying they'd have shaved sled dogs in Miami.

Let him interrogate himself.

Baby rodents are not thumpable.

Be quiet, i'm trying to give apocalypse his balls back!

a ball fell off my slipper!

Your hairbrush is on my side of the microwave again.

It was Melpomonee on a stick.

It was fuhrer in stereo...

You don't get chateaus in the fatherland.

Your sorceress was not properly grounded.

It probably looks like a duck barfing.

A husband is a sticky commodity.

Speaking of vulgar olympic events...

That's the gayest shrimp I've ever seen.

I didn't hear any nuts dropping.

someone needs to rack old man winter.

Okay, damnit, i can't do that with tea in my pocket.

I am not going to eat trendy hippie cheese.

It is merely my way of contemplating the infinite as represented in a paper napkin.

It's not his fish. It's an independent fish.

No, it was because of HER that we lost our billy-club.

Well, what i wanted to do was make my snake a sort of skin color.

Hair makes an excellent third appendage.

I am not referring to a catalogue of prostitutes, i am merely referring to pieces of paper.

Exit, pursued by a bear. (editor's note: Yes, Shakespeare did just make the list.)

Now tell your bile to let go of my finger.

I don't think chain lightning solves persistant itches.

Holy crap, Baldur looks like a ponce.

Penguins are not asexual. they don't bud!

I lost it about the time I came to the tribbles.

It is not a lewd tomato.

Then you could spike the poodle.

I'm usually kidnapped for around eight to ten hours.

Ahhhh. And if slit meets plunge it falls off.

My dorf is just fine thank you.

i refuse to believe that the blue goo is a red herring.

yeah, but if jello was flammable, it'd be napalm.

Once, when I was six years old, they showed whale sex on pbs.

The whale penis was the size of bob saget.

Unless they think geodesic domes are evil. would be hard to scan bacon bits

They're soy based. It woudn't hurt the scanner.

I managed to convey motion in that muffin.

i'm not sure muffins can chug

I went to test it and got mobbed by my own goblins.

No matter how big a media mogul oprah winfrey is, there will always be one thing that I could do on national television that she can't. Go topless.

I swear to the buddha, I finally pulled a piece of broccoli the size of a small marble out of my damn tooth hole.

When they were chasing bison, they didn't milk them when they caught up to them.

I don't think vampires hand out brownie points

Right after I broke the head goblin

don't forget to proposition the paladin!

You have no comment about the whelping?

well, the midget isn't wrong in and of himself.

And the pigs lacked katsup packets. But had many onions.

Frankly, a cereal that is very high in protein would scare me.

Kinda like the reproductive system, but with even more sticky fluids

They're gonna eat that lighthouse like a popsicle

Muttonchops are like sideburns with a weight problem.

Are you skanky yeti tired?

His speech is pretty poetic for an uneducated midget sex slave.

I'm telling you...the spartans were greek, human versions of the redneck assraping trees.

i am a GAMER. the breasts are incidental

Meryl Streep is a freak.

I realized...I'm being paid an obscene amount of money for me to sit here while Dolly Parton plays around with my head for four hours.

Some understatements are so powerful that they actually make an audible crackling noise.

But we need to draw a little happy landmine.

One cannot digest with uterii.

If I had an elephant, I would use it to make war on Mexico.

What was that you said about the elephant and Mexico?

besides, I don't think mutants appreciate dry-cleaning.

I demand that we make a giant fetus.

didn't hear noise the first time. musta been killin' something.

Can you imagine being the guy that has to pour buddha's breasts?

It's just that whales don't need poles.

You don't get the essential B vitamins by smoking weed.

I mean, I'm not self-conscious about it...but I don't think it needs mousse.

Who could resist my rakish lobes?

I'll give the pope a break.

i'll kick the pope's ass when i take a break from reading.

It was pretty much cubes attached to other cubes.

Yup. She's a strange little anime broad.

So, yes, Mother Teresa was a moral freak.

Hair bunnies are not a laughing matter!

Two geeks trying to beat each other up is kind of like spaghetti wrestling, only without the muscles and the bikinis.

I always did kinda wonder how you get to be a badass crime boss when you can't move.

Why did you stab me with that?

I guess petulance does not lead to the Dark Side.

I took it again, answered somewhat differently, and still came out as mace windu.

Maybe it's rigged. maybe you're always mace windu.

The only difference between a cough and a burp is the smell.

Elvis' liver is not for sale.

At least be courteous while you are time-raping.

Ya know what? I've got a happy octopus and that's all that matters.

Umm... whales don't come with ramps.

But it'll get goo all over my lobes.

He just killed the entire belgian army!

You'd have to use some kind of patented mouse spatula.

I think at the end of filming, he had so much milk in his lungs, he could breast-feed the crew, if it came to it.

The idea of a Mayan pyramid is that, you know, it's very embarassing to throw the corpses of your sacrificial victims down the steps and they get stuck halfway.

I have bad fish-stick karma.

Anything after that, we changed to a sort of sad, mortally wounded walrus sound...

He's being mean to my hippocampus!

Do not mention the loaf of evil.

Oh! did i tell you about the one on the cave troll and the walrus?

My helmet is moulting!

Shaving should not involve forensically identifiable TOOL-MARKS.

It's like the luge... but with nazis.

THEN we found out how to fly.

Reveling in your inner monkey?

I don't think I'd really want to have a head that conforms to a statistical average.

I guess that's where you kinda wish horses had handlebars...

How am i gonna get up and get my dice with a bag of ice down my pants?

I refuse to savor Iraq.

I never thought I'd see Lt. Columbo in a feather boa.

Liverpoolers farting is not my idea of quality entertainment.

It looks like I was tattooed by an avacado.

We have yet to actually meet the fishmaker himself

Tell me, my dear.. have you ever been the subject of the delightful art of wenching?

I feel like captain kirk after too much coffee and three months without an away mission

In UnrealEd...I can't seem to find a good balance between extra lumpy and too gentle...

But...but...affirmative action applies to supervillains too!

I think if your notepad is interested in love and money, you need to get off the crack.

But now I know not to eat mold.

Stuffed tigers don't have external genetalia. You have to go by imagination.

I now have a projectile play button.

Hey! Go back and piss on Gary Coleman!

So you couldn't distinguish pre-prostitute bus handling from post-prostitute bus handling?

Well... i guess that's as good a use as any for a stack of prostitute-wood...

Nothing ever pulsates immediately prior to giving you a cookie...

Not pork-only. Some piggy...some proletariat.

Yer doesn't often get to apply a meat metaphor to marxian social theory.

I don't think you can make people cry by playing warcraft 3

Easter has snuck up on me. damned deceptive holiday

It's not without logic to assume that god's seed would be really enormous...these spermatazoa have to be the size of small rodents...

Programmer-logic is like slut-chastity.

I have no LOVE for fishsticks...

I feel no specific loyalty to fishsticks.

You don't need to see my entire barbarian. there any problem, to which you do not submit fire as a solution?

Dear god, that dog looked like someone vomited on a balloon-animal dog and glued a mop to its head.

I am also making strides towards making JavaScript my bitch

I guess it's just the catheterization that puts people off.

Yeah, whale-drowning would be tight.

A double barrel anus would be could be the cornerstone of a lower digestive tract that was fart-free.

Oh that is right. you did stay with tommy for a long time... 'cause it went from D&D to Wilcox...

But the spaniards can stay the hell out of my veins, thank you very much.

We have been liberated by professor Stern's gimpy back

And as for the chapter on "urban development"...if the average city had a leg, you'd constantly be finding sociologists humping it.

Deep ellum must be dallas' leg!

But c++ refuses to mate with JavaScript.

I also worship Satan, so I should be able to buy your toothpaste at a discount.

Does that mean orthodox jews can't ride polished horses?

And I would think it'd be hard to have colon on the brain unless you were a vivisectionist.

...and i still havent' figured out the fuckin' beer bottle in the urinal part of that portapotty

He is also a deeper nut-brown color than most klingons.

I wonder which produces better oil...hobos, winos, bums, or crackheads?

The crack would give it a higher octane.

Dust, you cannot blame your lesbian discussions on solar wind!

Indonesia doesn't get shafted after all.

I never actually got to kill Hitler.

That implies cross-team ass-poking...

Yeah...I always thought that paremecia were pretty bitchin'

Do not, on any account, pour salt on my ass.

Salt is just the wrong type of ass-violation...

I suppose Bob is just pretentious

It's tough to legally justify eating your young... and i'd be faaaar too tempted.

Infants are just like really really big jumbo shrimp!

Of course, I don't think a fetus would go well with that red shrimp-cocktail sauce.

Cuz a fetus would taste more like unbreaded sweet-and-sour pork.

It doesn't matter if the Oreo has a tiny bit of crack in it.

I think there's a point at which honking noises go too far.

He's saying the refs are prostituting to Mickey Mouse?

I may be the first person ever to compare euthanasia with chocolate-chip cookies.

At least when you're a caballist, you're always with friends.

Babies are good for two things; picking up women, and as a renewable food source

I didn't think ducks could have political affiliation.

So what exactly is a communist duck?

I guess Sociology can be brown.

I love my doughy faggette in the morning.

Maybe some sort of project-gnomes are in order.

What they lack in precision, they make up for with furry hats.

Only the russians would make a crown with FUR ON IT.

Wait a minute, I'm contemplating Mark Twain slapping me upside the head...dammit, that's just wrong.

It's like doing an autopsy on someone who just swallowed a digestive system.

It's just... umm... dwarf lords need accounting for

I did not expect there to be a groveling option.

I've found my prostitution niche!

Ooooo... coooool.... arctic foxes make larders!

If I was ever forced to commit cannibalism, I'd wanna have mustard on hand.

The dark secret of cannibals everywhere is that people taste almost exactly like pigs.

You have witnessed the Mexican Circle.

Fondue and death? how very... clue...

I'd still never put that near my crotch, even if it DID work on my arm.

Actually, the gloom sausage was quite interesting.

I love Belgium; what can I say?

C'mon. Show your little British head again. It's so soft and fuzzy and vulnerable.

Ewok nookie would be rather primitive and probably noisy...

I'm not so good at making putrifaction in paint shop pro.

Dead humans just float around and confuse the locan fauna.

I think your mountains have gingivitus...

Stickybuns do not a senator make. and let's not discuss mon mothma

ING. damned keys. it's like i've got suffix-related spoonerism... *grumbles*

The electricity can also travel through pipes. I understand you want to get clean - but you don't want to get clean like that.

You did not associate your "nuts."

I know...radioactive breasts are pretty disgusting.

I wasn't expecting a Rhombus of Doom...

Minor tooth decay does not count as artistic rot.

I apologize for the drifting tumbleweed.

So basically what I'm saying here is that jamie lee curtis is a lying phone-whore.

Dust, how the hell did we get from unicorns to human hemoglobin?

So now, I have a much greater appreciation for the plight of my yogurt...

Tsk. boy doesn't get to give you delusions of fruit-salad-hood.

I was unaware that your yogurt needed its own protection society

It's like Free Tibet, only more gooey!

I know because I set AIM to moo at me

I think I'm a little intimidated by body butter.

Why did you swallow the barking spider?

Watching the polar cap disappear is fun.

Hey! There's a planet in my zodiac sign!

Tele-grabbing doesn't have much of an effect on wakefulness.

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