The themes and issues in this novel include:
The outback / survival
The abuse of authority and power
The treatment of refugees
Conflict and confrontation
The different faces of isolation
Stereotyping and labelling
Prelude : Awakening
1. “The boat was dead” – What is the effect of this opening line? What mood/tone does it establish?
2. What is the tone of the following paragraph? Give examples of words or phrases that led you to this conclusion.
3. How do you think the 6 men felt when they saw the ‘dark shape’ in the water?
4. “he stood alone” – What does this suggest about the man?
5. Why do you think the older man wanted to look around the other boat before calling the Coastguard?
6. How did Mike feel when he boarded the other boat (6)?
7. “The simple instrument panel looked like it had been attacked … side of the boat” – Based on the information in this paragraph, what do you think may have happened?
8. What did Mike see when he went down below? How did he react? How do you think you would have reacted seeing that in front of you?
9. “a hand grabbed his shoulder” – What happened next?
10. “Elliot was smiling” (10) – Why do you think he was smiling? What do you think this says about the type of man Elliot is?
11. What twist do we learn in the final sentence in the prelude? How do you think Mike and Elliot would have reacted if they had been aware of this?
12. What do you think the term “Awakening” is referring to?
pulse, diesel, sinister, silhouette, throttle, violently, retching, hulk, stern, idiot, hoarse, surge, nervous, dorsal, undignified, pervaded, nausea, insistent, exertion, corpse, emaciated, forensics, seeting, strewn