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Ron's Killies... also known as My "Wet Fingers" page!

My dad once told a little kid, "you don't apply bandaid to a fish".  That's exactly what I did as a naive kid and dad's to blame
for getting me hooked to fishkeeping.  Since then, I've tried my hands at angelfish, various platies & mollies, fighting fish,
goldfish, oscars... and a good few more.

Killie in my tanks
Aphyosemion australe Chocolate
Aphyosemion australe Gold

Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Lagos
Aphyosemion bitaeniatum
Ijebu Ode

phyosemion bivittatum Funge (Work in progress)

Simpsonichthys constainciae

Aplochelius Panchax
( Blue Panchax )

Aplochelius Kirchmayeri
( Goa Killie )
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Livefoods Cultures... bugs and stuffs


Grindals Worms
Unreleased page
Vinegar Eels
Red Wrigglers
Vestigial Drosophila Tubifex
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I did it my way... tank setups and other stupid ideas

Killie Rack
( work in progress )

Hatching trays

Low Tank

2-tier 2footer setup

4 footer tank!
Sump Tank
pic dimensions 120W x 118H pixels  to check on pics' url and links!

Non Killies chatter... unimaginable but true!

Scarlet badis badis
( Badis bengalensis, Dario dario? )

Blue badis badis
( Badis buchanani, or Labrus badis )
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Things that don't have fins!

Salvinia natans
Mossie Wall CO2 hiccups
Splitting headache
Photo Tank
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Other Links... (don't you have anything else better to do?)
My Killie Journey Killie Hangout DIY stuffs
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anything else I forgot?
Vinyl Page Tick-Tockers Cammies Herbs My Cock!
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I'm impressed you've gotten this far!



Killies... how it overwhelmed me
It was 'love at first sight' when I saw these little gems in a display tank at Aquarama exhibition sometime in 1998... and I didn't
even know they were killie fishes.  Further searches eventually led to eggs coming in via mail and a brief membership with the
American Killifish Association.

Talking killies without a buddy ain't much fun.  Fortunately there's the Killietalk List which I'm subbed to and later, when a
fellow enthusiast hopped onboard, being wet-fingered was double the fun.  Thanks Kwek Leong for being my "killie-buddy"
and for bringing the interest to a whole new level.

What they eat
... hopefully all things live!!  IMHO, there's nothing like live foods to maintain your fishes in prime condition and of course, a
varied diet is just as important.   My fishes, with the exception of Fundulopanchax gardneri N'sukka, are spoilt brats and will
ignore any offerings that doesn't wriggle or dart about.

Do-It-Yourself :
Online plumbing for Fish rack
There's very limited space after I relocated to my new but smaller home... and no balcony!!   Given that constraint and family
needs, my fish rack and other tanks are sitting quietly outside my unit, along a common corridor or hallway.

I was intrigued by the idea of a common inline filtration for all the tanks in the rack, which would make maintenance and water
change so much simpler.  BUT after having lost an entire batch of young Nothobranchius Rachovii due to Velvet infection and
massive die-offs from secondary infection over a 3 day period... I changed my mind.  It was pure heartache...

Overflow tank
There are various ways to go about it.  Mine's just a fragment of your imagination.

Grindal raising box
These little crawlies are sized somewhere between microworms and supposedly whiteworms*, and are between 4-5mm in
length.  It fills the gap nicely before upgrading to tubifex worms.
* Nope! I've not been able to get any whiteworms nor would I want to try since these fellas can't deal with our warm weather
.... but I understand they'll do well in our fridges!!
Note: tubifex is commonly mis-spelt as tubiflex.

The raising box was inspired while researching on vermiculture/vermicomposting and can be considered a down-scaled version
of a vermiculture bin.  Project "Vermi" is presently on the drawing board since the local supplier is out of it until end of March
2003.  I'm itching to see if my killies take well to "red wigglers" (specifically Eisenia foetida) as supplimentary diet.

Email me
Created 030214 / Updated 03xxxx