Updated: Dec. 01/02

A Repertory of Spirited Writings and Esteemed Literary Sources.


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You don't have to be rich, or smart, or good-looking - It's already yours. Tap into it. More than a place, a person, an idea, Passion is a State of Mind.

"Miguel de Cervantes: ...When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Too much sanity may be madness! To surrender dreams---this may be madness; to seek treasure where there is only trash! And maddest of all---to see life as it is and not as it should be!"

- Man of La Mancha (1972).
Image: Picasso's Don Quixote

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This comedy of manners is a pure pleasure.

The unsurpassed modern masterpiece of romantic suspense.

Masterwork of historical fiction; monumental scope. A delicious read.

Plays exploring human passion. Outstanding 2-vol. series to own, to treasure.

James Goldman’s Oscar winning screenplay, Broadway play-One of the most revered...

One of the best Plays ever written! Act 1: Fun and Games...

LOVE AFFAIRS: Romantic and Other Loves

The Kiss - by Gustav Klimt
Participate vicariously in these affairs of the heart.
Romantic Love: Share whispered secrets, fond reminiscences, shouts of joy, anguished cries, glimpses of soul.
Other Loves: Love of life, family, friends, culture, country.


A Love Forbidden
- by Bryan Gold

Loved this story and relate to it!
"All love is not meant to be."

Soul Mates I Missed
- by Helga Marion Ross

Are you romantic, lovelorn, or cynical, about true love and finding your soul mate?
Can you identify with my near misses?
Take heart...

Soul Mate Syndrome
- by Helga Marion Ross

"Romantic love is not a myth, waiting to be discarded,
but, for most of us, a discovery, waiting to be born."

- Nathaniel Branden, PH.D - Psychologist, psychotherapist, author.

Still looking for that elusive mind/body/soul connection? It may reside in Cyberspace....

Attraction: Olivia, Lost and Found
- by Helga Marion Ross

Olivia could have sworn he looked directly her way... "Don Juan", himself!
"Well, I’m not ready for that!”
Maddeningly, he’d gotten her attention...she was having trouble taking it back!

An Early Snow
- by David Coyote

Adult Reading. An experimental scribble to test storytelling skill in period style.
Contains a few graphic passages so please be forewarned. Nothing really too purple.
It is a tale with a moral.
"He hadn't considered the possibility that Anna might reject him. No one ever had."

The Problem With Relativity
- by John Sokol

"(Theory of cosmic disintegration squared).”
"I know my excuses for rendezvous' with Caroline, have -- in my explanations to Janice --
taken the shape of lies; white though they are."

My Cinderella Complex
- by Helga Marion Ross

"What is it with Cinderella?”
I posed this question to my philosopher/friend...and begin to see my life in a whole new light.

His Serene Bedtime Story
- by Richard Rockwell

Once upon a time a lovely princess was very lonely in her ice castle...
She...wondered if she would always be alone.

Highways Through My Heart
- by Helga Marion Ross

Tantalizing glimpses from the Interstate: A Florida to Toronto road trip.
My friend teased me about my enraptured response...
"Traveling with you is like taking your kid to the zoo."