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Hi!  It's me, Jian, welcoming you all to Jianisms!!!

Feel free to look around, and if you 
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07 September 2005
Papa's 11th year

Tonight is the eve of Papa's 11th year of bliss with the Lord, and though that night is relatively a distant memory now, the ache of separation is still felt by everyone in the family.

CJ was the youngest then, and I don't know how much he remembers about Papa as he was only 2 years old at that time.  I wrote a personal letter to Papa a few years back, and I'd been telling Jian stories about Papa since, but I can still sense that, like how I feel about my Grandmother, he will forever be just a story for her.  She will never feel the separation, the lump in the throat feeling called love.

But she can't be blamed for that.  Papa was not part of her world.  But because of where he is now, she is very much a part of his, and it'll have to do.

We love you, Papa.  Thanks for looking out for us still. . .

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14 September 2005
A New Baby!Mary Grace Saulan

So, September 8 will now be doubly important to both sides of my family, as not only is it Papa's anniversary, it is now also the birthday of the youngest Saulan kid, Mary Grace, born early in the morning while the Villanueva family was praying for our Papa.  Her father, Johnny, or more commonly known as Intsik, informed us that afternoon of the great news.

Since September 8 is also the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the whole family is hoping that Mary Grace will be the catalyst of change for the whole family, bringing us luck and blessings from up high.

Welcome to the family, Mary Grace!!!!

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07 Sep 05 - Papa's 11th year
14 Sep 05 - A New Baby!
What's New?  Another picture added!!!  Check out Latest Pictures in Jian's Pictures. . .

Other Sites to Visit:
Peps Villanueva's Homepage
Santos Clan Website
With Justice In Mind
Slice of Theatre

All works, pictures and graphics by J. S. Villanueva.  For inquiries or suggestions, please feel free to write.  Thank you.