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Spot About Jian

Jillian Christina Saulan Villanueva


October 4, 1997

Jim S. Villanueva & Gem T. Saulan

Jay Aranda, Juni Cruz, Mike Lopez, Joel Villanueva
Nancy Marvilla, Osang Sanchez-Vila, Chato Villanueva, Julie Villanueva

as of year 2000

Favorite shows/movies
Barney, Babe, Toy Story, Homeward Bound, James & the Giant Peach
Matilda, Madeline, Winnie the Pooh, The Land Before Time,
A Bug's Life, A Little Mermaid

Favorite Characters
Barney, Big Bird, Teletubbies, Spot

Favorite Toys
Barney talking doll, cooking toys, any kind of ball

Action films, sports shows, news, slippers, diapers

wants to choose own clothes, 
and look in the mirror
loves to draw, 
specially on walls and books,
but writes doodly things on paper
wants to use lipstick, 
not just on lips but
also on walls and books
understands the concept 
of cursor and mouse and 
clicks away like crazy
knows exactly where 
the reset button is
and where all the power switches are
loves climbing up windows, 
ladders, sofas. . .
chews on meat then spits it out later
not too keen on chocolate candies
but loves any kind of ice cream
loves playing with popcorn, 
but not eating it
quickly spots a 
handsome guy in a crowd


as of year 2004

Favorite shows/movies
Kim Possible, Lizzie Maguire, Mulawin, Shrek, Spiderman, Barbie Storybook series, Monsters Inc., Harry Potter, The Lion King, Lilo and Stitch

Favorite Characters
Aguiluz of Mulawin, Kim Possible, Spiderman, Barbie

Favorite Toys
Her Bike, Marbles, Rubber Bands,
any kind of ball, Cuddly dolls

Sports shows, News, her hair being checked, losing in anything

Loves her hair long, but erratic
in taking care of it
Has dozens of crayons as she hates using broken or unsharpened ones
makes so many mature decisions, like
eating vegetables, but will easily
cry when on the losing end
She's not afraid of the dentist
Loves to dress up in costumes
Still very much in command of
all remotes
Still not too interested in meat
or chocolates with nuts
Still gaga over Ice Cream, specially
Cookies and Cream
Still has great taste in picking
out the handsome guy


cartoons I like