Journal of Our Year in Israel 2003-2004
(And Jordan, and Egypt, and Greece, and only God knows where else)
Version 1.1
Happy Lent!
I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed the previous version of this home page. Due
to odd technical problems, I accidentally saved a new webpage I was working on
on top of this one. So sad. So now I have to make this page all over again. So
it will be different, but better, hopefully.
So yeah, this is the online Journal of Sarah Wagner (webpage) and Rachel Luce. We recently graduated from Cornerstone University in Grand Rapids, MI. We are now studying in the cute little country called Israel, at Jerusalem University College. Rachel is getting a Master's Certificate in Middle Eastern Cultures and Religion and thinks AK-47's are cool. Sarah is getting a Master's Certificate in Biblical History and Geography and thinks it would be cool if camel's could swim to Greece. We often had people ask us if we were scared to live in Israel, to which we said "Why? Once you're dead you can't be scared anymore." To which one professor said we were silly little girls. What a big meanie. I mean, who says stuff like that anyways? If you really want to know how dangerous the world is check out the immensely useful and extremely funny book The World's Most Dangerous Places available in its entirety at If you want to contact us, please do! Email Sarah at or Rachel at We also have a travel cell phone, which gets free incoming calls, so just email us and ask us for our phone number so you can call us. However, that is assuming that we really do want a phone call from you, which can be iffy sometimes. If you want to send us mail, or better yet, a package (!) just send it to the school with our name on it. The school's address is: P.O. Box 1276, Mt. Zion, 91012 Jerusalem, Israel. The school's phone number is 972-2-671-8628 and the fax number is: 972-2-673-2717, but the school asks that you only use those in the case of an emergency. I have had the pleasure of visiting many Orthodox churches here in Jerusalem and at home and have made up this list of Do's and Don't and observations on how a Protestant can make a visit to an Orthodox service without making a religious faux pas.
Cool Random Stuff: For more recent updates on stuff we do, check out our new blog. To find out more about the school, unofficially, click here. This also lists some of the needs the school has, but don't be scared! See some of the other cool websites that other students here have put together. For Andy's website click here. For Heather's website click here. For Steven's website click here. See how many times you can spot us! To find out more about what we do, as well as official pictures of us, check out JUC's news page here. Sarah has a new hobby, practicing her Greek by translating inscriptions in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Check out the webpage here. This page is still under construction, pending on Sarah getting permission from the custodians to take good photographs, but it should be better soon! We volunteer every week at places in Jerusalem. Rachel with the Domari (gypsy) children and Sarah at the East Jerusalem school. To see how you can support both of these things, check this out. This letter is geared for churches who take special Christmas offerings. If you would like to be emailed the Word document version of this letter, just email Sarah. One of the other students here is Kent Dobson, a pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church. He has a set of devotionals based on the land of Israel. Check out Shema Israel and What is the Good Life?. The Cornerstone website did a news article on us recently, check out
A Day in the Life of a Cornerstone Student
(Lifestyle statement? Where?)
(What all can go wrong?)
(How many knives can a person sneak though security?)
(Peter From Australia is not here)
(Is the Muslim Quarter a nice place?)
(More than just a church)
(How many tells are in Israel?)
(Can we go check out the banana fields?)
(Can I ride that pretty camel?)
(Imhotep. Imhotep.)
(How long does it take an American to find out what a Nargeela is?)
(Bye, bye snow!)
(Now is Peter going to be here?)
(Again, so much fun)
Spring Break (coming sometime)
(Can we make it to the top of Mt. Olympus by sunrise?)
Official Websites:
~ The official site of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, the
Coptic Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. ~
Syrian Orthodox Resources.
~ To see amazing pictures of Israel as it used to be,
check this
out. The youngest guy on the homepage is our friend Reuben, who still takes
wonderful pictures.
~The Franciscan website of the Church of the Holy
Other Fun Sites: is an Orthodox Christian's perspective on Protestants. has a great discussion board on everything.
Sites About Lent: is a wonderful site all about how to practice Lent. is a Greek Orthodox site giving much more information on the origins, meaning, and purpose of some of the more obscure aspects of Lent.