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My beautiful little Granddaughter, Kiera Denise, was born on December 20, 1999.  Everything seemed to go just fine during my daughter's pregnancy until the evening of December 20 when the unborn baby's heartbeat became extremely weak.  They did an ultrasound and detected no physical or lung movement but finally found a heartbeat.  That was around 8:00 P.M.  It was decided to monitor the contractions and see what happened.  At 12:15 A.M. it seems "all hell broke loose" and it was necessary to perform an emergency C-section which happened within the next 20 minutes.  Little Kiera was only 5 lbs 5 oz and was born with an infection of unknown origin.  She was in the hospital for the next 7 days on intravenous IV's - below is a picture taken at the hospital when they had her little leg hooked up for the many IV's she received:


Kiera has undergone MANY tests the first 8 months of her life.  On Memorial Day 2000 was when we got the news that they finally found out what the diagnosis was - CMV - cytomagalovirus (Click HERE to go to a page with CMV links).  We were told it is very rare for a baby to be born with CMV and it can be very serious and there is no cure.

This is our happy little Kiera at 7 1/2 months - she seems so healthy, but is continuing to undergo tests - her spleen and liver are enlarged, she goes to physical therapy twice a week and tomorrow she will be having an EEG to determine if some of her shakiness could be from little seizures.  UPDATE - Kiera had her EEG on Thursday we and we'll know results on Monday August 28. We continue to pray she'll be one of the lucky ones - God has been good to us so far.  She's truly a beautiful baby and so very happy with her little life. 

Kiera's favorite show:  THE BEAR IN THE BIG BLUE HOUSE:

UPDATE: September 27, 2000 - Kiera goes to physical therapy three times a week now and it's really helping her - she stands all by herself!  BIG GIRL!  She continues to undergo many blood tests for her liver and spleen and she's been unable to have a hearing exam yet because of continuing ear infections.  But every day she gets stronger, prettier and she's loved all the more!


We'll keep you updated here on how Kiera is doing.  I would be most happy to hear from anyone who chooses to e-mail me - your prayers and support are deeply appreciated.                  

See my website that mommy made

Thank you, Liz, for the Children's Prayer Page

My new friend -- See SOPHIA's page