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Knitting for Sanity
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
So much for consistancy
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Photograph by Nickleback (yeah, this old lady still rocks)
Yeah, yeah... so I didn't keep up with the blogging. Life intervenes. Time to catch up.

Went on vacation to Branson, Mo. Not a bad place to relax. Plenty to do if you have the dough. We didn't, but we had a nice condo with pretty good amenities so we relaxed a lot and felt rested. Got out a little. Not as much as I would have liked due to hubby's health problems and lack of funds, but we still had a good time. Until...

He had mentioned before that he thought I should turn one of my hobbies into a business. I blew him off. We saw this "booth" at a craft mall where they made soaps and lotions and it clicked. We discussed it that night and I got the fire. I would start a soap making business. Problem was, I didn't have any soap making stuff there and so it really ruined my vacation. I bought a book, but couldn't start in doing anything until we got home.

Fast forward one month. I am now a legitimate business. Elaine Rene Soaps. I have a tax number and dba certificate. I have made dozens of soaps and even made some bath salts. We bought the materials to make my craft fair displays. We bought lots of soap base and other materials. We even bought a cash register on EBay. too cool.

I am booked for 2 shows in November, 1 in march and 1 the following november. I am working on my soaps as well as "literature". Very busy.

This has actually been a godsend. I come into my 9-5 and put in my time. It is still very frustrating, but I now think of it as a 'job' rather than my career. I put in my time and then just forget about it. When I get home, I make soaps. It really helps. I am so enthusiastic about this new venture!

Stacey had started College. She seems to like it and is apparently adapting well. Sarah just works. Pook kid. She has a lot on her. Justin and Caleb are growing quickly and couldn't be more loving and sweet. We really enjoy them.

My nephew, Nick, and his wife Shannon had a baby girl!!!! Yeah!!!! We got a GIRL. I love all the little boys, but it was damned time we had some pink and lace in this place. I am so happy for them.


Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 10:56 AM CDT
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
As promised...
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Pure Chaos
Here she is in all her playful loveliness...

YARN DEMONS BEWARE! No stray balls shall venture forth in this domain. All shall be batted into submission by the ever watchful Chaos!

BTW - that is HER yarn to play with and we watch her very closely to make sure it is never ingested.

OKC [Obligatory Knitting Content] - Cast on and knit the ribbing for Caleb's sweater *twice* last night. After finishing the first one in brown, I asked by husband's opinion on which of the colors I selected should be next. He immediately said "Lose the brown." So I hauled out about a dozen diffent colors from my stash and we settled on a maroon. I also switched the body colors from royal blue and dusty blue to dark navy and a more vibrant dusty blue. I trust his color judgement and have reknit the band and already started the dark navy - it looks great. Will try to take a pic tomorrow.

Lest I forget, here are the angels I am knitting for:

Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 1:51 PM CDT
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Chaos Reigns
Topic: The baby girl
I forgot to mention the outcome of Chaos' first vet visit. We knew she had a respiratory thing because of all the sneezing, but didn't know she had worms. She supposedly received a deworming when they got her at the pet store, but she still had em, so she had to take the nasty 1/2 pill. And she is on antibiotics. But other than that, the vet says she is healthy and obviously well loved. She was very sleepy last night but was bright and perky by this morning. Pictures tomorrow, I promise.

I measured the gauge swatch for the boy's sweaters and couldn't get it right. 17 sts/4 in rather than the 20 I need - and I was using size 4 needles with worsted weight yarn! I don't get it. Anyway I tried making another swatch with some thinner cotton that I had laying around and I got gauge, but it wasn't what I really wanted. I want to make them nice warm sweaters and the cotton just wouldn't cut it - too loose. So I am going back to the acrylic and make them at the new gauge. I'll just use the directions for the sweater 1 size smaller than I need and tweek it as necessary. This should be fun...

Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 2:29 PM CDT
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The Triangular Shawl
Topic: Finished Object
So the triangular shawl was finished last night. This was true idiot knitting. The only "pattern" stitch I had to remember was to increase on the first stitch on every row. Picture tomorrow, I promise. I have to figure out whether or not to block this thing. It is very stretchy and I don't think blocking will do anything for it. It came out big enough to cover my "fluffiness".

I even started swatching for the boys sweaters. That will be easy as they will be made with acrylic so their mother doesn't wreck them when they are washed. Haven't settled on colors yet, but I have a ton of acrylic from afghan days. No sweat.

I know it may be considered a guilty pleasure by some, but I enjoy watching reality TV. Some of it is real crap, but there are a few that I enjoy. I really enjoy "Hell's Kitchen". Come on, there are others out there rooting for Elsie! A mother of 6 trying to win her own restaurant. Last night they showed 2 episodes back to back. My husband thinks Gordon Ramsay is too crass and doesn't need to be that tough to motivate people. I happen to like his method. It's not how I would do it, but he is a perfectionist and gives praise when it is due. They should have kicked off Andrew a long time ago. And I loved that Jimmy and Jessica both had to stand before Ramsay and defend themselves and Jessica got to stay because she stood up for herself. Neither of them has a lot of experience.

Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 8:53 AM CDT
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Monday, July 11, 2005

Mood:  cheeky
Topic: Build that page, girl
If you are among the very few who may have found this blog so soon, you might notice that I have my "stuff" more together.

"This ain't my first time at the rodeo" when it comes to blogging, so you'd think I would know better than to publish the page before I had stuff like links set up the way I want them. But I did it anyway, so now it already looks different. I have joined a few webrings (hope they will accept my feeble efforts).

Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 3:27 PM CDT
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Start a new blog
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Welcome to the blog
Welcome. Yeah, I started blogging again. I actually missed it. I am trying out angelfire's blogger utility. Nothing wrong with the one I was on before. Just trying something new.

For those of you who don't know me, I am a middle aged, twice married, mother of 2, intelligent, scientist, sole family income, stressed out, craft oriented, regular person. I don't suffer fools well, but was raised with enough manners to just ignore the idiots rather than stir up a lot of trouble. In real life that is - on this blog I will vent my frustration with any who cross me. Which is a large number of people lately.

Insights into my personality - I really am a shy person, but I have developed this coping mechanism/persona of a type A driven go-getter that most people think is the real me. My husband gets me - how many people can say that!

I absolutely adore the thrill of creating fabric from string and sticks. I knit as an outlet for my creativity. I am not as prolific as many you might find blogging on the internet, but it brings me immense pleasure.

I enjoy gourmet cooking and watch the Food Network religiously. I have become very creative in my cooking and have learned to layer flavors and break away from recipes.

My husband and I are embarking on an extraordinary journey to improve our health. We are taking it slow with the help of an absolutely fabulous nutritionist. We eat much better than before, though we have not given up all of our bad eating habits yet.

Current News: Vacation begins in 18 days! One week away from all the stress in a beautiful condo. I am STOKED! God - does anyone still say that? OH - We got a kitten a week ago! Her name is CHAOS. I'll post pics soon. She is so sweet - a true lap cat. She goes to her first vet visit (with us) this afternoon. She has already been spayed.

Other news: The teen wonder has a job interview on Tuesday at the local hospital (she has a CNA).

Knitting news: Making a simple but elegant shawl using Bernat Matrix (railroad track yarn). Just a simple garter stitch triangle on big needles. Size 8 is big for me. I knit very loosely and usually have to use needles 2 sizes smaller than called for in most patterns. I am a third of the way through the last of 4 balls of this stuff. It will look really nice WHEN MY HUSBAND TAKES ME OUT TO A DRESS UP - SIT DOWN RESTAURANT AND/OR SHOW ON OUR VACATION. I am not a big fan of this type of yarn. I like working with real yarn. This stuff makes you watch what you are doing or it slips right off the needles.

Next up knitting: There are many things I want to make and lots of UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) or half-done projects, but I want to make sweaters for the precious grandsons. I found a pattern in one of my books (Variations by Patricia somebody british - no offense) that I like and has sizes from 1 year to large adult. The pattern is a drop shoulder pullover with a placket and button front - lots of textured stitches. Not only can I make the boys (Justin was 2 in May and Caleb is now 9 months old) matching sweaters, I can also use up significant stash yarn as the version of the sweater I will make uses 4 different colors. I am anxious to start them, but am forcing myself to finish the shawl first.

Oh yeah - I will of course take along sock yarn when I go on vacation. Because summer is sock knitting time, after all.

Posted by journal2/knittingforsanity at 10:36 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, July 11, 2005 10:35 AM CDT
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