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Welcome to the WFCS

On this page you will find updates on the newest books in the school library, along with some of my favorite websites.
These sites are all "kid-friendly" and "parent-friendly" also! I will try to keep this page updated as much as possible!
I hope you enjoy it. Mrs. R.

Our School's homepage Library Wish list page

Books are your window to the World.

You are able to travel anywhere in this world and beyond in the covers of a book. There is no limit to what you can experience while reading. It's an entertainment you can take with you anywhere, any time. The only limits you have is your own mind so join me on a space ship to the stars or on a submarine to the depths of the ocean. Find out what life was like a hundred years ago or help tame the old wild west. Explore the seas for new lands or solve a mystery in old England. Ride down the river on a raft or river boat or come with me to search for gold, diamonds or ancient peoples and culture.


Rules for kids on the Internet
Brain teasers
Discovery channel
LOTS of musuem & countries links--great site!
Sesame Street
Schoolhouse Rock
Kid Authors
Ask Jeeves for kids
Fact monster (find facts for school)
Education world
Ask Dr. Universe
Bill Nye the science guy
NASA link
Cool math
Online graphing calculator
Yuckiest site on the web--parents not for the faint at heart! :)
Great site for girls & moms
Lots of great sites for school work help


School related clipart
Great clipart for kids & adults!
Puzzle club
OralB for kids
Billy bear for kids
Kids domain

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