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From the Doula Chef~
This is an easy and healthy snack, great for anyone, but particularly pregnant or nursing moms.

Cheddar Apple Chips

4 Granny Smith (or other firm, dense) Apples
4oz Sharp Cheddar Cheese
All-purpose Flour

(1) Pre-heat oven to 200 degrees.
(2) Wash apples and slice into paper-thin (1/16 inch) rounds with a mandoline or other slicer.
(3) Use cheese slicer to thinly slice Cabot cheese.
(4) Place one cheddar cheese slice on one apple slice.
(5) Coat a second apple slice with flour and lay on top of cheese, flour side down. Press down on edges to seal and encase the cheese.
(6) Bake on non-stick baking sheet for one hour; turn slices over and bake for approximately one hour more, or until crisp.
(7) Let cool completely.

The chips can be made several days in advance and stored in an airtight container at room temperature. For a different taste, substitute flavored cheddars, such as Smoked Cheddar.

-Wanda O'Keefe