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one red rose for you tonight...

a symbol of love for some,

passion for others, but not me...

the rose for you is symbolic of fire...

for I have this fire deep within me

that only you can quench...

it will take a lifetime of kissing,

deep, passionate kisses...touching,

light, but intense touches,

and many nights of holding you,

and you holding me, deep within you

before the flames begin to subside...

and then, smile at me once more...

watch the fire rage rampant again

from the smoldering look within my eyes...

for I will never tire of the love for you...

never tire of the intimacy you give me...

never tire of the long nights with your

arms tightly around me as we sleep...

and never tire of you saying my name,

watching the wind carry it around

the world, then back to my ears again

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