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Snakes of Singapore




Click to see pitvipera.jpg Click to see fatherpit.jpg

Baby viper / Adult Viper

A collective effort photographed this Temple Viper on a branch at 10.45 PM in the
Sime Forest area.. in July 2001, Kc Tsang was the brave soul who went near the snake for this shot
(nikon 995 digital camera), So Now on Dec 2, 2001 , we chanced upon the ADULT viper, The picture is
taken with a SONY F-707 which I replaced my Nikon 990. The F707 allows great pictures to be
taken from a distance, you DON'T want to be bitten by this , you will probably DIE if not treated in time.


Click to see fatherpit1.jpg

Here is another view, the snake is about 2.3 feet long.


Click to see coral.jpg

This Blue Coral Snake is one of the most dangerous snakes in
Singapore, Note the RED tail and RED head. It is a member of the
Cobra family of killers. It feeds on other snakes and there is little or
NO anti venom for it here as it dies easily when captured.

This snake Jumped out at us and reared its head in a cobra fashion but did
luckily did not strike.


Click to see coral.jpg

Click above to see a QUICKTIME movie of this snake - 4mb
(GET Active X Quicktime for IE 6,5.5 Sp2)

The RARE Elegant Bronze Back

Click to see bronze3.jpg

Click to see bronze1.jpg Click to see bronze2.jpg

The above 3 pictures are that of the Elegant Bronze back of the Family Colubridae, according to Gary Chua who sent me an email about this snake..

See the MPEG movie (450K)


Click to see gtree.jpg

Golden Tree Snake at Sungei Buloh Nature park July 2001


Red Tailed Rat Snake Encounter

To have an appreciation of the area and how the Rat Snake was found.. click on the image to load
a 114K jpeg file (in new window) . RED arrow shows the snake, yellow arrow shows the birds that
were screaming away...

We were about to leave the Sime forest (July29 2001 12.00 PM) when we heard birds screaming away strangely
they were very close and when we saw the birds they were 1 feet in front of us and YET they stayed on the branch..screaming away... Normally, birds would fly away immediately... Suddenly a beautiful green snake came into view...


Click to see r3.jpg
Different views of the Ratsnake note the red tail


Click on the picture to see a quicktime movie of the snake


If you have problems, please download the LATEST QUICKTIME from APPLE.
To get quicktime, please visit

(GET Active X Quicktime for IE 6,5.5 Sp2)

In the movie you will see the brave birds flying about the snake , trying to scare it away... The snake is crawling
up the tree.