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Facts About Colds

Colds are a viral infection of the nose and throat. They're also called a URI or upper respiratory infection. Since your child will have many colds every year, it would be wise if you became an expert on them.

First the bad news, cold germs are mainly transmitted to your child from the hands of another child who is suffering from a cold. The virus is then brought to the nose by normal face touching habits. Since cold viruses can survive on toys and door knobs for up to three days, they're also passed to the hands by contaminated objects.

Now the good news, cold weather, cold drafts, wind, air conditioners, and wet feet or sitting in a wet swimsuit do not increase the chances that your child will come down with a cold.

Finally, don't be overly concerned about influenza. It's caused by a special virus, but most children handle it fine. And you probably won't even be able to tell it from a bad cold. Whatever you do never ever send a child with a cold to school. They should be kept at home and in bed until the cold is gone.

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