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Disclaimer: this article was written by an unknown author who is obviously a Roman Catholic. When we found it on the Internet, no author's name, contact information or date of publication were given. The article was subsequently removed from the Internet or we would have linked to it instead of reprinting it.  Here we have posted only those portions of the article which add to understanding of the Merovingian conspiracy. Any references to the author's devotion to the "Blessed Virgin Mary" are based on the false doctrine of the Catholic Church and not on the Word of God.  "Blessed Virgin Mary" gave several false prophecies, most of which we have omitted, and this may be the reason the author pulled the article. False Marian prophecies aside, the information on the Merovingian conspiracy is corroborated by our own research and fills in many of the blanks. It is a most informative read.  


The Merovingian Infiltration of the Christian World Through Monasticism


The intent of this work is to expose one of the well hidden secrets of world history. What must be understood is that God brings forth good from all plans of evil. They backfire! Thus, through the ages, organizations integral to long-range plans of infiltration were used by God to produce holy people who generated good, instead. As with rank and file Masons, who do not realize that their primary purpose is to fund those who control world events at the top, so too, the monks of monasteries set up by those dedicated to the cause, were unaware of the infiltration goals at the top. Many monks lived holy lives dedicated to God producing good fruits through the centuries, as now. The danger lies in the fact that the One Faith was compromised through the process of infiltration; hence, the truth needs to be known and understood, that rational and intelligent decisions may be made concerning the worship of God, our Creator, who desires that all mankind attain Heaven.


This history is best related starting with a “Protestant”cathedral and a “Catholic” pope: St. Paul’s cathedral in London is built cross-shaped just like the calendar Crosses. The original St. Paul’s was built in 604 by Ethelbert who married Bertha, Merovingian Princess of French Merovingian King, Charibert. The Merovingian Franks (450-741) built monasteries as a means of infiltration. One such, of importance, was Holy Cross. Pharaoh Akhenaten’s temple was cross-shaped, built for his Brotherhood of the Sun (Rosicrucian Questions and Answers, Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder of the AMORC). For the cross was an ancient symbol of the sun. Although St. Paul’s cathedral was not cross-shaped until Christopher Wren rebuilt it, following the 1666 fire, its design would be based on its Merovingian past, for Merovingian monasteries later became Benedictine/ Cistercian both of which utilized the cross design. Wren, one of the world’s top geometricians was a founding father of the Royal Society, which was Masonic. And the crypt of St. Paul’s church, before the fire of 1666, held the world’s largest Masonic Library. The original St. Paul’s cathedral (604 AD) was built for St. Meltius, sent to evangelize England along with 40 monks of St. Andrews by Pope Gregory the Great, their founder and the pope who wrote Dialogues, the only account we have of the life of St. Benedict. There is no contemporary account on the life of Benedict (Butler’s Lives of the Saints).


Accordingly, Gregory promoted Benedictine monasticism. And as his commissioned St. Paul’s cathedral went up in 604, Gregory was brought down; he died 604 (Mar.12). Most saints are given as their feast, the date they are born into God’s new life, or their date of death, as was in Gregory’s case for some centuries. But now suddenly, we find that his feast day is the day he became pope, September 3. This was accomplished by the infiltration of the Church, for Gregory was part of that infiltration. Sept. 3 became a day of victory for the Red Movement when he was installed as their pope, for Gregory marks the history of the papacy in that he was the very first “MONK” to become a pope.  Accordingly, when Phocus, a cruel military usurper, murdered Emperor Maurice and his entire family in the most brutal fashion, Gregory sent a letter to Phocus expressing hopes that “peace” was now restored, a letter which served as criticism of him while he lived; another, his wasting of the entire treasury of the church, as waged against him at death. Butler’s comment that the Mary Magdalene story was received in the West following Gregory the Great now makes sense, since she is central to the Merovingian heresy. The infiltration is recognized by a seemingly appropriate action that sent a world wide troubadour message to those in the know, the “initiated” of the Secret Brotherhood. That action was the giving of one’s cloak, coat, cape to “a poor” or the tearing of the cloak, coat, garment in pieces and distributing to the “poor”. Accordingly, we find in Butler’s Lives of the Saints, that Gregory’s last action before he died was indeed, “to send a warm winter cloak to a poor bishop who suffered from the cold”. He was passing his mission on to his servant, another catch-word of the Conspiracy which is why Gregory proclaimed himself the servant of the servants of Christ. Subsequently, the Prieure de Sion’s Templars became the “POOR Knights of Christ”. The motto of the early Carbonari (secret society) of France was, “Happy friends, let us go to suffering”. It was the mode of infiltration.


These particular passages formed the basis: When God took the Kingdom from Solomon ( 1:Kings: 11:11 ), he did so through the prophet Ahijah, who took off his new cloak and tore it in 12 pieces, giving 10 pieces, representing the 10 Tribes of Israel, to the servant of Solomon, Jeroboam, then in charge of the house of Joseph (1 Kings:11:26-40). For Joseph, who had become second only to the Pharaoh of Egypt, was the brother of Benjamin and Benjamites comprise the greater part of the Merovingian bloodline, a mixture of the Meroites of Ancient Egypt (Meroe of ancient Ethiopia or Abyssinia, some of whom were Benjamites); the Philistine giants with whom they married; the two son’s of Joseph who followed Benjamites into exile following God’s defeat of the Benjamites in the Book of Judges; Amalekites, with whom God said He would war through the ages (Ex:17:16); and many of the descendants of bitter rejected first-borns who had become enemies of God, in particular the Edomites of the House of Esau and Ishmael who became one through Esau’s marriage to Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael. These comprised the better part of the Red Movement throughout history, which is known to us today as the Brotherhood. Its sole purpose was and is to infiltrate and bring about the collapse of God’s two Covenants with mankind. Among themselves they are proud BEES, HORNETS, MICE, NINE WAY REDS, BITTER GOATS IN SHEEPSKIN, THE GREAT UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD. And they would become “all of the above” through the “passing of the cloak”.


This is how it played out through the centuries:


Paul (d. 342 ) known as the first hermit, made his cloak of palm leaves. He lived in a cave and was fed by a raven (symbol of Mithraic sun-god worship). He befriended Antony of the Desert and asked to be buried in the cloak that the Bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius, had given Antony who, in turn, kept Paul’s cloak as his greatest treasure. Antony of Egypt (251-356): ascetic Brother of the sun-god and founder of Eastern monasticism. Demons permeate his legend. He passed one of his sheepskin cloaks to Athanasius, spiritual head of desert hermits and Ethiopia, Bishop of Alexandria, father of Orthodoxy. Athanasius had likewise given his cloak to Antony and subsequently wrote Antony’s biography, just as Gregory later wrote that of Benedict. Antony’s feast day, Jan.17, would become sacred to the Merovingians and their Sion Organization, which convents were historically convened Jan.17 in honor of Antony’s success at infiltrating the Christian world. Antony’s remains would come to rest in Vienne France.


Antony also ordered that his other cloak of sheepskin be given to Serapion and that his monks keep for themselves his sackcloth (Butler). Many of his monks went to Gaul. Cloak to Serapion (d. March 21, 370) He was a hermit, head of the catechetical school of Alexandria and named “the Scholastic”. He became Bishop of Thumas (Lower Egypt). Cloak to Athanasius (297-373): 5 times rejected by the church, he spent 17 years in exile in the deserts of Egypt during which time he became “bitter” and joined the bitter Red Movement. He became involved in divination through the auguries of birds and in the black arts. Whenever he visited Antony and his monks in the desert he cried out, “Who are these that fly as a cloud and as doves to their coats” (Lectures of the History of the Eastern Church, AP Stanley). This is the exact passage of Isa: 60:8 entitled, Glory of New Zion. It was the start of the analogy of the conspiracy to a swarm of bees, a cloud of bees, which God sent before the Israelites to vanquish their enemies. Now the enemies would become bees (hermits, monks) to infiltrate and drive out God’s people before Him. Thus, the first hermits of Europe resided in small stone dwellings in the shape of beehives in Ireland, Scotland, France, and Germany. Likewise, in his biography, Athanasius describes Antony as “going forth like a wise bee”. Later, not Zion, but Sion, would become the name of the main infiltration. Sion was the ancient name of Mt. Hermon, the mountain from which the Jordon flows. At its summit was the main temple to Baal, the false god. This is why baptism was needed in the Jordan! It was Athanasius who introduced monasticism to the Romans and Germans. Athanasius passed his two cloaks to Macarius of Alexander and to Pachiomius in the year 333.


The Great Universal Brotherhood = 333


It is important to note that in the early days, saints were made by acclamation of the people or local bishop (until the Middle Ages) and not by the Church. Macarius of Alexander (the Younger) known as the Great Macarius (d. 394): He practiced greatest of austerities of body and soul as was typical of Pharaoh Akhenaten’s Brotherhood of the Sun, from which the first historical Illuminati sprang. These monks fasted for days and tortured their bodies in honor of the sun god, later living as hermits, a word which derived from Hermes the Thrice Great, Grand Master of the Brotherhood 1259 BC and alchemist.(Rosicrucian Questions and Answers, H.S.Lewis) His date of death on March 22, (1257BC) became sacred to the Brotherhood which is why the Solar Templar and Heaven’s Gate deaths in 1997 took place March 22 and why it is a sabbot to witches and pagans. Macarius set up cells in Egypt, wrote a rule and met with Pachiomius.


Pachiomius of Egypt (292-348): an ascetic brother of the sun, founder of NINE monasteries. He is the historical founder of cenobitic monasticism which rule Benedict later made generous use of. A pestilence wiped out Pachiomius and 100 of his monks in 348. Sixteen hundred years later the Nag Hammadi papyrus, gnostic writings, were unearthed near one of the monasteries of Pachiomius in Pabau. Pachiomius passed his cloak to St. Martin of Tours who then lived in Pannonia, the first mainland European home of Merovingians, originally from Meroe, ancient Ethiopia (part of ancient Egypt). Martin of Tours (316-397): Son of a pagan, Martin lived as a hermit in Pannonia before even hearing of Christianity. Upon receiving his cloak, Martin then cut his cloak in half and gave half of it to a poorly clad beggar “converting” to Christianity. Likewise, the 1st Merovingian king, Childeric, who arrived in Gaul from the same Pannonia, cut a silver coin in half (Silver Brotherhood) and went forth to Ireland to become St. Patrick which is why the world’s Masons celebrate St. Patrick (more on this shortly). Martin of Tours founded Liguges Monastery in Gaul in 360 on land given him by Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers; thence, founded the great monastic center, Marmoutier (translation, bitter grapes sheep: Mar, Hebrew for bitter; mout, French for grapes; mouton, French for sheep), ill-named for a Holy Monastery! Martin intervened to save the lives of the heretical Priscillians, and Martin died on the only Masonic Feast Day on the Roman calendar, Nov. 8, Feast of the Four Crowned Martyrs, all stonemasons

of Pannonia who are really 5 and , not by coincidence, are confused with 4 other martyr stonemasons, making a total of NINE. Nov.8 was/is the last day of the 18 day feast of the resurrection of Osiris, god of the underworld of Egypt. Martin “resurrected” the infiltration in Gaul begun by St. Denis (Dyonisius) much-honored Merovingian“saint”, thus, Martin’s feast day became Nov. 11, exactly 3 days later in imitation of Christ’s Resurrection 3 days later, the Christ Whose Church his monasteries would successfully infiltrate. Martin passed his cloaks to St. Britius and John Cassian.


John Cassian (360-433): Scythia. He built two monasteries in Marseilles where he taught Egyptian monasticism based on his studies in Egypt and Constantinople. His semi-Pelagian views, which he was seemingly unsuccessful in hiding, prevented his ordination; however, his works, “Institutes” and “Conferences” became the foundation and cornerstone of Benedictine monasticism. Benedict recommended Cassian’s works as second only to the Bible and he borrowed also from the Egyptian rule of Pachiomius. John Cassian associated with patricians of Lerins. He passed his cloak to Honoratus, a Gallic aristocrat, sainted, who founded the monastery of Lerins where Roman patricians of the fallen Roman Empire gathered.


St. Honoratus (d. 429): of a “distinguished” pagan Gallo-Roman family. He befriended the hermit, St. Caprasius, and with him founded the monastery on the Island of Lerins, later becoming Archbishop of Arles. Lerins became the producer of Gaul’s bishops who highly co-operated with the early Merovingians. Lerins also produced Gaul’s writers and became home of those who followed the once Manichaean philosophies of Augustine. Patrick (Childeric) was a student of Lerins. Honoratus passed his cloak to St. Hilary. St. Hilary of Arles (400-449): of a noble Lorraine family and a pagan in a high office in the government. Dukes of Lorraine later claimed Merovingian descent. When Honoratus solicited him, Hilary gave all his possessions to the POOR and then joined Honoratus at Lerins. He continued building monasteries after the death of Honoratus and was often in controversy with Pope Leo the Great.


St.Benedict of Nursia Italy(480- 547): He received the sheepskin cloak of Romanus, a hermit who lived in a monastery in Subiaco. Like Antony of Egypt, Benedict lived in a cave. Ravens (symbol of Mithra sun worship), as well as scorn for women and total opposition to Holy Orders permeate his legend. He founded 12 monasteries and at first crisis, abandoned his monks in all 12 and went alone to found Monte Cassino which he dedicated to John the Baptist (who later became the patron of Freemasons for this reason among others). Here he wrote the Benedictine Rule based on the works of John Cassian and Pachiomius, both Egyptian Brothers of the Sun. Monte Cassino was destroyed 3 times and became appropriately, a WWII Nazi fortress. Benedict died on Mar.21, same day as Serapion, Egyptian Brother of the Sun who received Antony’s sheepskin cloak. In Mithra (sun-god) ritual, Ravens symbolized the first degree of “Enlightenment” Benedict’s medals enlighten us: word “medals”+ inscriptions = gematria of 1998 ! Benedict also wrote Opus Dei, the common prayer central to his rule. Today’s Opus Dei, Holy Mafia or White Freemasonry, as described by the LA Times June 24,1973, has now infiltrated the Vatican. Opus Dei’s bible, El Camino, has 999 precepts (666 upside down), one of which tells us all we need to know:


Maxim 941: “Obey your superiors blindly. This is the way to holiness”. Obedience to God is the way to holiness, is it not? Opus Dei members include the world’s influential government and banking officials whose god is money.


St. Columbanus (540-615): He was a Bangor Ireland monk who founded monasteries in France (Luxeuil, Fontaines, Annegray, Fleury) his most famous in Lombardy (Bobbio) which became a center of scholastic study, its library containing works of Virgil, Horace, Juvenal, Ovid, Cicero, Seneca, and Pliny the Elder -all secular humanist rationalists whose works have absolutely nothing to do with God. He was born 540 = 18 x 30, the battle (head 18 x Heel 30 of Gen: 3:15)! Benedict’s bones are now in the Monastery of Fleury founded by Colombanus, indicating he received Benedict’s cloak. Of “saints” at Bobbio is written, “behaving like a bee, drawing nectar from the flowers of earlier legislators in particular, Basil, Marcarius, Benedict and Columbanus”. Vita Filiberti p.188 The rule of St. Columbanus and of Benedict in Europe were developed into major monastic communities by the Merovingians who provided not only the monasteries themselves, but charters granting them complete exemption from episcopal and secular intervention, making them fully and completely autonomous. Merovingians of ancient Egypt had thus assured the continuity of Egyptian error. Gibbons hits the nail on the head when he writes, “ Swarms of monks arose from the Nile , overspread and darkened the Christian world”. “Saints Who History Made” p. 82


Columbanus of Ireland seemingly received Benedict’s cloak indicating that the Bees of the Red Movement were by this time (6th Century) substantially organized in Ireland. Indeed one Columba,(521-597) had founded Iona, later condemned by the Church, and his Ionian monks had found their way to Gaul during Merovingian rule. Many had set up their “beehive-shaped” stone hermitages off the Isles of Scotland, prior to doing so in Gaul and Germany. Columbanus passed his cloak to one St. Ita.


St. Ita (c 570): Of Royal lineage from Waterford Ireland, she founded a community in Limerick and like Antony of Egypt, who miraculously united two broken pieces of a broken dish, Ita miraculously united a severed head to its body (so the legend is told). With some research we find a widow of Pepin I in Gaul by the same name, Itta, founded in Gaul, a monastery at Fosses, Irish in nature (The Merovingian Kingdoms, Ian Wood p.190) Thus, it is likely that the royal lineage of Ita of Ireland was Carolingian/Merovingian lineage. She was either Itta of Gaul herself, or a relative named after Itta of Gaul. Two of Ita’s Irish students would later enter history when they received her cloaks. They were St. Fachanan and St. Brendon.


St Fachanan (6th Century) : Bishop and founder of the Molana Monastery on an island in Blackwater, and later of the Monastic School of Ross in Cork Ireland (Rosscarbery) Significant is that Bishops of Ross became hereditary Grand Masters of Freemasonry by right of birth. We will soon see that “Merovingian” was the right of birth.


St. Brendon (585-577): Believed to be from Kerry Ireland, he was placed in the care of St. Ita in infancy. He founded numerous monasteries in Ireland the most famous of which was Clonfert. But more than this, he was the first to travel to the New World, then referred to as “the Promised Land”. The Merovingians had been exiled from the former Promised Land and the ultimate goal of their trek around the Mediterranean was to replace it with another, not God’s, as had been the former, but their own. Just as the Promised Land of Scripture becomes the New Order of things in Rev: 21:5 or the New Jerusalem, so too the utopian ideal of the Merovingians took the same titles. Most familiar to us now is the New World Order (versus God’s new order of things).


The account of Brendon’s journey to the New World was always considered fable until 1976, when one Tim Severin, using Brendon’s writings, duplicated the voyage in the same kind of boat and indeed ended up in the New World. His Conclusion: Brendon’s directions, descriptions of Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland were completely accurate (Delaney). Brendon had passed his cloak to the New World for he took several with him . Remembering that the Merovingians intermarried with Amalekites with whom God said he would war with through the ages, it is very interesting that the first Indians of Nova Scotia were named Micmacs and “Malecites”(A History of Early Nova Scotia 1990, p 187).  Remembering also that the early Merovingians intermarried with Philistine giants, it is interesting that two giants acquired local fame in 19th Century history of Nova Scotia. Mero vin gians = Men of the vine of the giants


Knowing that the ultimate Merovingian goal is to reclaim the Benjaminite throne of Jerusalem taken from them by God and given to the House of David, it is also interesting that St.Ita, whose cloak Brendon brought to the New World, was given a feast day of Jan. 15, the exact date that Hebron was given to the Palestinians, the lineal descendants of the Philistine giants; this, in 1997 per the false Middle East peace and it was given during the presidency of Benjamin (Netanyahu of the New World). The New World negotiator of this peace was/ is Denis Ross, which brings us back to St Fachanan, founder of the Bishopric of Ross, and recipient of Ita’s other cloak. For behold an angel (Fachanan) appeared in the Ross Valley to St. David of Wales (c 520 to 601), who was also of “Royal” (Merovingian) blood. He encouraging him to go to Jerusalem with two of his household, where the Patriarch of Jerusalem “invoked their aid against the Jews” consecrating David archbishop. (Glastonbury Her Saints, 1929 p.27) Like Benedict, David first founded exactly 12 monasteries in Wales, the rule of which was based on the asceticism of Egyptian monks (Delaney’s Dictionary of Saints).


Then David truly entered Merovingian history by building on to the old Glastonbury church said to have been built by the Joseph of Arimathea who donated a tomb for the burial of Jesus. Let it be known that Glastonbury is “sacred” to Freemasonry, to Merovingians, to Benedictines/Cistercians (then pro-Merovingian), to witches and pagans (then and now), to the occult world in general, and that it is sacred to all of them because it is their belief that beneath Glastonbury Tor is the “entrance to hell”. Indeed hell had a role in the composition of the legends of Glastonbury, for its entire ill-recorded history is based on an MS written by our “St.” David’s uncle (450), on writings of French Lerinians of the 9th century, on Cistercian (Merovingian) legends, and on altered works of William of Malmesbury (1135) who wrote the Merovingian lies of history including the legends of St. Patrick and King Arthur, both invented by the Merovingians as a means to an end, their ultimate conquest of Britain. The French Merovingian succession rights fell under the Merovingian Treaty of Andelot which was corrupted to Camelot in the Arthurian Legends. The Lost Merovingian King, Dagobert II, lanced through the eye, became characterized as Lancelot. The first Merovingian king, Clovis was so named by his father, Childeric (real St. Patrick), in honor of the three leaf clover associated with the Trinity legend he had created around “St. Patrick”. Childeric was a Lerinian Patrician from which Patrick was derived. He simply went to Britain, with the usual Egyptian hermits, to establish Merovingian monasteries during the years he was banished from France for his sexual profligacy. Childeric was the prankster who cut a coin in half and left half with his friend Wiomad until his return, the basis of the Return of the Once and Future King; the title was then passed to his son, Clovis (King Arthur). Childeric crossed from Bologne Sur Mer and the town now boasts that St. Patrick once lived there. Godfroi de Bouillon Square is also found in Bologne Sur Mer and Godfroi was the 1st Merovingian to reclaim the Benjaminite throne of Jerusalem during the Merovingian-inspired Crusades. By the time Childeric’s son, Clovis, ascended as 1st Merovingian King of France, Childeric had laid the foundation of an English kingdom and Clovis, in his quests to conquer that kingdom, became King Arthur

prancing to Britain for rendezvous with hermits who were preparing his conquests in advance. The life spans of Childeric/Clovis concur with those of Patrick/Arthur. Joseph was then added to the legend; that he came to France with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of the town of Magdala. Merovingians had already started the myth that Mary Magdalene was the sinful Mary of Scripture, who they adopted to pit against the Sinless Mary, assigning their Mary “the rose and the cross = 6 x 6 x 6”, the symbol of the ancient Brotherhood of the Sun. Merovingians claimed to be offspring of the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, a heresy of the first order! We have been conditioned to think of the “fallen woman” the moment we hear the name, Mary Magdalene. This was one of the many Merovingian triumphs! As a result, Mary Magdalene has not received her rightful place of honor in history, the honor which Christ Himself gave her by choosing her as first to see His Risen Body. Likewise, Joseph of Arimathea served their purpose in that they claimed that he brought the blood, sweat and Grail of Jesus, and placing these at Glastonbury, the “entrance to hell”, was a perfect strike at the Roman Church founded by Jesus.


Among their secret code words, blue apples, stood for Glastonbury in Avalon, which name translates place of the apples. But the grail they placed there was not the Cup of Jesus, but rather the silver cup of Joseph, the brother of Benjamin, a cup used by Joseph for divination and passed to Benjamin (Gen: 44: 5-17), his only brother of Rachel. Benjamin was named Benoni (Sorrowful) at his birth, so Arthurian knights adopted tear shaped shields and “Sorrowful” became both a code-word and a goal. Like most Merovingian monasteries Glastonbury became a Benedictine Monastery. And the purpose of Merovingian monasteries was “infiltration” based on the belief that the best way to crush the Church was from “within”. According to Butler, the world’s authority on saints, “ Neither Bede, Gildas, Nennius, Geoffrey of Monmouth, the authentic William of Malmesbury, nor any other chronicler for eleven hundred years, do we find any trace of the supposed coming of Joseph of Arimathea to Glastonbury.” (Butler’s Lives of the Saints, Vol 1, p. 618 ). Butler states that a book which chronicles the supposed coming of Joseph to Glastonbury was penned by another hand a century later and prefixed to Malmesbury’s “ De Antiquitate Glastonienses Ecclesiae” Ibid. There is no doubt in my mind that this would have been the work of the Cistercians, founded by Benedictine monks as “the ratchet” for the structural organization of Sion. Joseph of Arimathea is alone associated with the Grail legend and the Quest of the Grail legends, which per Colliers Encyclopedia, are dominated by the mystical symbolism of Cistercians, illustrations of which give triangular geometry and double-headed trees. Both Patrick and Joseph of Arimathea were assigned the same Feast Day, March 17.


The red cross on a white field shield, claimed as that of Joseph rests in a Cistercian monastery. Patrick too was assigned a red cross on a white field. Both are exactly like that of the garb of the Crusaders. Both Patrick (one of the NINE Hostages) and Joseph are shrouded in legend with contradictory history and no documentary evidence from any British contemporaries of that day. Silence generally speaks louder than words, but in this case, the opposite supercedes, for since when do Freemasons celebrate Catholic saints? All their public hype over St. Patrick does say it all, and if you ever go to their special secret celebrations, you’ll find them acting out a play on Joseph of Arimathea. I acquired a copy of this play amongst the Masonic literature I gathered for this research. I also acquired an old book written in 1925, Glastonbury Her Saints, wherein S.L.Lewis, Vicar of Glastonbury writes on page 13 that another hand imposed on William of Malmesbury’s work, and in the same sentence, some interesting legend on St. Patrick :


“A marginal note in the MS of William of Malmesbury’s De Antiquitate by a later hand states that St. Patrick’s mother was ‘Conches, the sister of St. Martin, Archbishop of Tours, as Martin testifieth in his chronicle,‘St. Patrick’ ”(emphasis mine).


More proof of St. Martin of Tour’s involvement in this Merovingian conspiracy! And it happens that according to Butler’s Illustrated Abridged Lives of the Saints, the remains of Joseph of Arimathea are said to be in Marmoutier, founded by Martin of Tours ! Then, connecting us again to Sion, Martin of Tour’s biography was written by Sulpicius. St Sulpicius, 2nd Bishop of Bourges (647): known to us through a single Merovingian document which supplies little detail but emphasizes his care of the “Poor”. He died on the Feast of Antony, Jan 17, which feast he shares. The first Sulpicius of Bourges (Severus) wrote Martin of Tour’s biography. The Sulpician aspect of the conspiracy is evident in that Merovingian Sion regularly convened at the Sulpician center in Paris. The Prieure of Sion was named after the Swiss town Sion (near Geneva) where Wood tells us the Merovingian kings kept their treasure(p.122). Following the Reformation, Geneva became known as the “Protestant Rome” and subsequently the city where world leaders met for “peace”. The Reformation was contrived by the Prieure de Sion, funded by their child, the Templars. Sion itself is a Merovingian front organization. Of the Merovingians we read, “Christianity had no effect upon them… Assassination, patricide, fratricide, torture, mutilation, treachery, adultery, and incest mitigated the boredom of the rule. Chilperic, we are told , ordered every every joint of Sigila, the Goth to be burned with white-hot irons and each limb to be torn from its socket” (The Age of Faith, Will Durant pp. 93-94). Wood’s work, Merovingian Kingdoms, informs us that first Merovingian king, Clovis, had to “deal with” the Catholic hierarchy, but remained pagan. (As did they all).


We’ve come full circle to the age of the first St. Paul’s cathedral, built during the reign of Athelbert of Kent (604) who married Bertha, daughter of Charibert, Merovingian king of France from 561-567 . This British marriage was followed by the marriage of their son Eadbald to Emma, daughter of Merovingian, Erchinoald. St.Paul’s church, Masonic stronghold, now stands as head of the church which broke from the Church Christ Himself founded. Let us discern the relevant years of history of St. Paul’s:


675 – the first cathedral burnt down and was rebuilt

1561- lightening struck cathedral/was repaired by Queen Elizabeth 1

1666--entire cathedral burned down-rebuilt cross-shape by Mason,Wren

Subtotal 3902

belief 39)(02 the # of division from God (2) ( division of belief )

division 2 x 1951 King George VI launched the Festival of Britain from St.Paul’s 1951


The Merovingians of France launched the Fair of St. Dennis from their cathedrals. The fair was known as the Lendit Fair and it lasted the month of October (the main beam of the calendar Cross), during which time the church was gravely mocked.

Subtotal 3902

1940 –St. Paul’s cathedral is bombed by Germany

Total 5842

Two 58)(42 Nine 42 (9 Way Masons first organized in Nineveh or NINE Veh)

Behold 46 x 127 Merovingian 127 and 42 is the number of anti-Christ (Bullinger)


Behold Merovingian ! thus, not the Christianity Christ ordained for His flock. St.Paul’s continued: When Britain took the New World from the French they made Halifax, Nova Scotia their fortress city. There they built another St. Paul’s church where the local Masons convened and plotted ways to rid the city of Roman Catholics. The church was built on the phi 1.618 formula as were all Masonic churches ordained by Merovingians including Notre Dame of Paris, one of their Catholic accomplishments. In the exact year of Our Lady’s visit to Fatima, 1917, in fact, just 54 days following her departure from Fatima, there occurred the Halifax Explosion which killed 1963 people (figure from A Basket of Apples, Bruce and Harris, Oxford Press 1982). It was ordained by the same Masons who subsequently ordained the assassination of Catholic John F.Kennedy in 1963.


For the name of the ship which exploded was the Mont Blanc and the1620 Battle of Mont Blanc marked the 30 year Protestant-Catholic War of 1618 (Phi)! Kennedy was likened to Camelot because it was Merovingian Camelots who killed him. It was a troubadour message; it was one of their SORROWFUL GOALS accomplished and it was also a perfect get-even strike at the Heel of Our Lady of Fatima, for you see, Kennedy was born in Fatima year 1917!


Following the Halifax Explosion, it was found that a window of St.Paul’s had shattered in such a way as to leave an imprint of a “head” wearing a Mason’s “fez” (Moroccan hat) and so excited about this were the Masons of St. Paul’s that they framed it and put it out on display, to be viewed to this day. In fact, they should have hidden it in shame, for it was Heaven’s way of telling us that the Masons had plotted this catastrophe in Halifax, the largest man-made explosion in history to that date. The Brothers had also plotted the city of Halifax in the shape of a foot with a “heel” and the county of Halifax in the shape of a boot with a “heel” as strikes at Heaven’s Heel per Masonic mentality. And Halifax became the Masonic capital of Acadia, aka Arcadia of Greece (place of exile after Galatia), aka Accad of ancient Mesopostamia where they first organized (Gen:10:10). For the earliest traces of Masonry in all N. America are found in Nova Scotia (Acadia) and two towns, one in the boot of Halifax County are named Canaan! The message of Heaven becomes clear in that the only part of the ship that survived in one piece was the ship’s anchor (the ancient symbol of the Cross) and this anchor was hurled several miles and landed square in front of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church. St. Stephen is patron saint of Freemasons, made so by the Church because Stephen, 1st Christian martyr, was stoned to death by Freedmen (Acts 6:9.) i.e. early Silver Brotherhood Freemasons. The Explosion took place 54 days after Fatima. Of the multi-thousands of injuries, the most common was injury to the eyes from shattered glass. EYES = 54. We are being told to open our EYES by Heaven, and it is a true gift of LOVE = 54. For you see, St. Paul was converted by Christ on the road to Damascus which was the border city of their ancient Red Empire during the Nabatean period. How dare Paul, first of all, convert, and how dare he do so at Damascus! For Paul too, was of the House of Benjamin, the same tribe who became Merovingians. They hated Paul; thus, named their false churches after him. To this day, their hatred of St. Paul shines forth loud and clear in Masonic literature . Thus, their doctrine of Justification was taken from Paul to the Galatians 2:16 (6 x 6 x 6) and from Paul to the Ephesians 2:16 (6 x 6 x 6), while their occult symbol, put on the Great US Seal by US Illuminist Merovingians, a Pyramid with an Eye in the Capstone , was taken from Paul to the Ephesians 2:22.


Galatians 2:16: To imagine that Christ’s death took care of all sin and therefore we are free to ignore the Commandments, sin as we like, and still attain Heaven providing we believe, is crooked thinking. This is indeed Galatian, as were the first exiled Benjamites, who later became Merovingians, who founded Sion, who founded the Templars, who funded the Reformation, led by Luther, who rewrote the Bible.


Ephesians 2:16: This passage, like Galatians 2:16, refers to the 613 commandments of Mosaic Law which carried to extreme everyday rituals on cleanliness and activity on the Sabbath, and not to the 10 Commandments by which we are bound forever.


Ephesians 2:22: Paul likens the Church to a building with Christ as the “Capstone”. Since their monasteries were filled with secular humanist literature, they went to the secular humanist, Aristotle, to complete their Pyramid Plan. Aristotle rationalized that a building had a formal cause (plan), a material cause (building material), a final cause (purpose of building) and an efficient cause (name of the builder ). Their plan was already in place. It was the Masonic Plan of the Ages. So they just refined it :


Material Cause Stone = 73 (Stone Pyramid of Gizeh put on US Seal)

Final Cause A Dominion = 94 (New World Order Empire)

Efficient Cause Satan = 55 (their god, the“eye” in the capstone)

Total 222 (Nineteen Ninety Eight = 222)

The 1998 Masterplan was born!

Add it to Plan: Plan of the Ages = 129

Total 351 Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour = 351


The Early Christian Signature of Christ, the flock of Whom they intend to annihilate. That annihilation begins with Jews and will later include “all” other believers in God, who are also the flock of Christ, for Christ WAS God. The conspirators know that well; it’s the flock who do not! We are given a clue as to when the Great Seal was designed and by which Merovingian in the book, Holy Blood Holy Grail. The authors write, “According to the “Prieure documents”, one of the English branch of the family, listed as Bera VI, was nicknamed “the Architect”. He and his descendants, having found a haven in England under King Athelstan, are said to have practiced “the art of building”-a seemingly enigmatic reference”. (emphasis mine)


Indeed, for King Athelstan convened the first General Assembly of York Rite Masons in 926 AD (Mackeys Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry). In the York rite, specifically the Royal Arch degree, the candidate is asked, “Brother Inspector who are you”? to which he is to reply, “ I AM that I AM”. These were God’s words to Moses. And God meant, I AM and you (mankind) are not! I Am your Creator, your life, your every breath and without Me you are not.


Beneath the floorboards of St. Paul’s church, Halifax, lay the remains of one Lawrence, the English governor who put all the Acadian families aboard 5 British ships and expelled them from Nova Scotia, their home of many generations. Wives and husbands, mothers and fathers and children were separated from one another, never to see each other again. These were ordinary people who had come to the New World. These were not Illuminati. Lawrence, perfectly healthy, went out to celebrate, caught a cold and died that very night. The date was October 13 -Templar get-even day throughout history. But Oct. 13 would also become the Feast Day of the Miracle of the Sun of Fatima. And the sun is the Biblical symbol of God’s Justice!


Across the bridge from St. Paul’s Halifax, in Dartmouth is Catholic St. Paul’s Church. At Fatima, the Pope blessed 36 statues of Our Lady of Fatima as pilgrimage statues to travel from land to land . Of these, two, inexplicably, remained stationary. One is found in Russia of which Fatima warned; the other in St. Paul’s Catholic Church, Dartmouth, dedicated in 1948, the Statehood year of Israel, Mary’s people, the land of her birth. For Israel’s statehood year was part of the Masonic Plan of the Ages for her people Like Lawrence, the Illuminati agents who put the Plan of the Ages on the US Seal also received God’s Justice. Thomas Jefferson was given the design of the Great US Seal by a mysterious cloaked stranger. Thomas Jefferson was also “the architect” of the Declaration of Independence which promoted RIGHTS 81 (ME18, backwards ) and rights represent the crooked thinking of the serpent’s head 18 of Genesis 3:15. God said to remember our duties, not our rights. John Adams promulgated Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence which symbol dictated that the 5 point conspiracy begin in 1998, pre-planned as Israel’s 1st Jubilee. Observe God’s Justice in their own Jubilee:


Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died miles apart and within 5 hours of each other in the Jubilee Year of the Declaration of Independence. And the date of their deaths was July 4, the exact date their Declaration was signed! God’s twofold Justice!

July Fourth = 156

Six Six Six = 156

1998 minus 1776 = 222 yrs. a 222 yr. plan beginning Nineteen Ninety Eight =222


The Great Seal symbol marked a plan for Israel beginning in Israel’s first Jubilee, 1998. Just as 1998 was planned, so too 1948 was planned as Israel’s Statehood year, a means by which Jews would be gathered into one nation, making possible mass annihilation. This is why the Star of David is found above the eagle on the reverse of the seal. The Roman Numerals under the pyramid on the US Seal add to 1776 in honor of Illuminati, born in 1776 in Germany; who designed not only the Seal, but the Declaration. God’s Justice in the Jubilee year of 1776 (1826):


July Fourth, Eighteen Twenty Six = 388 (deaths to architects in “their own” Jubilee)

Jubilee Year of the Declaration of Independence = 388 !! God’s twofold Justice!

I AM (in charge) and you (mankind) are not !

Exactly NINE ( Illuminated ) Masons signed the Declaration of Independence !

(the Temple and the Lodge, Baigent and Leigh p. 296)


I’ve read that 13 US Presidents were Merovingian and cannot locate the source. But genealogy charts on line show the bloodlines of many US presidents were Merovingian. Jefferson’s family line traces back to the Lancaster Kings Edward I, III. The Lancasters began with son of Henry III, Plantagenet king. All Plantagenets were Merovingians. Adam’s family line traces back to the House of Tudor, founded by Welsh nobleman Owen Tudor, whose son married a descendant of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster ; hence, Merovingian also. George Washington’s ancestry leads directly to Ethelred, Merovingian magnate! And George Washington’s name and title give us this: Brother George Washington, First President of the United States = 666


The ancestry of George W. Bush traces, like Jefferson’s, to Edward I, Plantagenet and Merovingian ; to Merovingian Ethelred as with Washington ; to Rollo, founder of Normandy from whence the Plantagenets came; as well as to Orkney from whence Sinclair of Scotland, Grand Master of Freemasonry by right of birth, ruled before his discovery of America 100 years pre-Columbus (more on this soon). If these charts are right, it explains the extreme participation of Bush Sr. in most Illuminati octopus arms.


The Infiltration Chronology Continued


St Paul’s church and Glastonbury were now Merovingian strongholds in Britain. The stage for Merovingian Camelot was set. Wales had entered the fold through David. Scotland had entered the fold through Columba and now Oswald: Oswald (605-642): King/ Saint Oswald of Northumbria who founded the monastery of Lindisfarne and brought Aiden and Scottish monks of the Columba rite living in beehive shaped stone hermitages off the coast of Scotland, to build monasteries and churches in Britain. Oswald is portrayed in art with the raven of Mithra (sun-god) worship and was later patronized in the Merovingian inspired Crusades.


In the next century the Merovingian Dynasty of France was overthrown by the mayors of the Merovingian Palaces, the Carolingians (741).But Carolingians were also a major part of the Jesus –Magdalene heresy, as we shall soon see. They took Merovingian wives to assure that the heretical “divine” bloodline was preserved twofold. The Carolingian empire became the unholy Holy Roman Empire under Charlemagne who became the  first Emperor, a huge coup ! Infiltration continued and Languedoc and Burgundy continued to be the centers of that infiltration. By now most monasteries in France were Benedictine. The Benedictine cloak was now passed to another Benedict.


Benedict of Anaine (750-821): He was an official in the government of Pepin III and of  Charlemagne. He became a monk at Seine and then Anaine in the Languedoc of France. Languedoc was the main Merovingian Cathar stronghold The heretical Cathars built their fortress on Montsegur which was named after Mertsegur [Mertseger], famous mountain in Egypt shaped like a pyramid which peak pertained to the three-headed snake of Thebes which was worshipped as a snake with a human head, named Mertsegur.  The Cathars believed that Satan had created the world. Along with sun-worship of  the sun-god Mithra these were the true religions of Merovingians/Carolingians. The new Benedict changed the original rule, and the new became known as the Reform, based on his “Canons for the Reformation of monks” at the Council of Achen, 817, precursor of “the Reformation” by a monk (Brothers love puns) ! Benedictine rule  was now the original, reformed to include Egyptian rules of Pachiomius and Basil. The “reform” cloak passed to William the Pius, a “Bloodline” Duke of Aquitaine.


William the Pius, Duke of Aquitaine near Macon in Burgundy: He founded (909) the great Cluny Benedictine Monastery and reform now became the Cluniac Reform. Cluny was built on the property of Sts Peter and Paul and it became the most important monastery in history. Dukes of Aquitaine were Carolingian Merovingians; thus, the monks were dedicated to “the cause”: infiltration of the Roman Church. By the mid 12th Century, there were over 1000 Cluniac Reform monasteries. The bloodline of William the Pius, Duke of Aquitaine, its founder, produced William IX of Aquitaine who on threatened with excommunication told the bishop, “Absolve me or I’ll kill you” (Age of Faith); and William X of Aquitaine, famous leader of the Brotherhood Troubadours. Cluny was filled with double and triple headed half beast half man motifs Ibid. Our clue! And Cluny would become the instrument of the Crusades.


William the Pius passed his “reform” cloak to St. Dunstan of England.


St Dunstan (910-988): of a noble family allied to the ruling Merovingian house who was sent in his youth to the court of king Athelstan, the first King of all of England, who convened the first historical Freemason Assembly at York in 926 (Mackey). Dunstan later became Abbot of Glastonbury and began what is known as the revival of monastic life in England, promoting the reforms which had swept mainland France. He later became advisor to Eadred, was exiled to Flanders and became Archbishop of Canterbury on his return, thence, papal legate for England under John XII, the corrupt pope, who became pope age 18 to restore the Holy Roman Empire. A Synod condemned him for immorality but he was reinstated by Merovingian bloodline Otto I. He died at age 27 in year 964 on May 14 –the date Israel became a Nation in 1948. Those who know their Bible will understand the revelations here.


961 AD It is important to note that by now monks had taken over all pilgrim routes to important Christian Shrines; significant because in their former empire in the Middle East, during the Nabatean period, those who would become Merovingians controlled the desert highways charging enormous fees for passage and operating out of Petra, the city built in the red cliffs of Edom (Red). By this time, in 10th Century Europe, Merovingian monks controlled pilgrim routes to St. James, Santiago de Compostella, in Spain. And in 961, Le Grand Saint Bernard Hospice was founded by an Augustinian monk in the Swiss Alpines as a Pass for pilgrims going to and from Rome. It provided overnight shelter for up to 300. The founder is known as Bernard of Menthon, but his real name was Bernard of Montjoux, son of a Count from Montsalvaesche, Pyrenees, otherwise known as Grail Castle. Here the Grail was rumored to be kept. Later it was  guarded by a Queen married to a Moor, whose son became one of the NINE founders  of the Eastern Order of the Knights Templar. The queens who guarded the castle were known as Repense de Joy; thus, Mountsalvaesche was corrupted to Montjoux, itself a corruption of Mountjoy of Jerusalem. Grail Castle was integral to the Merovingian Plan to reclaim the Jerusalem throne. The Castle was enormous, filled with all the trappings of Merovingian wealth and their knights and troubadours frequented it. In just one more century, the Knights Templar would control pilgrim routes to Jerusalem itself. And it would be Cluniac monks in co-operation with the hermits who would facilitate this. But first the Merovingians needed to control the Papacy. Observe the names and the  year (666 upside down) that this, for a time, came about :


996 - 999 AD The first German to be pope, becomes Gregory V, taking this name after his mentor Gregory the Great. He was a 24 year old relative of Emperor Otto III, Saxon descendant of Charlemagne, Carolingian (Merovingian). He, like John XII, was obviously too young to rule the Church. He was struck with malaria and like John XII died before the age of 30. And he was replaced by “Bloodline” Otto III’s former tutor.


999 AD The first Frenchman to be pope, becomes Sylvester II, former tutor of the Emperor Otto III (note:Sylvester I (314) had been pope during the reign of Constantine, who like Merovingians facilitated Christianity, but remained pagan until his deathbed). The new French pope, Sylvester II had been Abbot of the monastery founded by Columbanus, Bobbio; became one of its scholars, excelling in mathematics which had been learned in Arab schools in Spain; thence, he became Master at Reims. The French Merovingian infiltration had begun ---in 999--- 666 upside down! Clue: Sylvester died on what would become the eve of the Feast of Fatima, May 12.


Observe closely the progression of the infiltration in the following entries :


1057 : Stephen IX (X), French Abbot of Monte Cassino, Benedict’s monastery, becomes pope and surrounds himself with leading “Reformers” per the Merovingian mandate to “Reform the Church” (meaning “Crush the Church” per the conspiracy).


1058: Nicholas II, French from Burgundy becomes a leading reformer pope


1073: Gregory VII of Tuscany, part of the Carolingian kingdom of the Franks, and Cluniac monk becomes pope and transforms the Church into a legal institution with a monarchial form of government. He seems not to have played his “expected role” as he came into conflict with the Holy Roman Emperor when he issued a general ban on lay investiture. He died exiled captive of the Normans.


1087: Victor III, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Benedict’s monastery, becomes pope.


1088: Urban II, French Prior of Cluny (Reformed Benedictines) becomes the pope. Urban was of the “Eudes” family, not only the name of the King of the Franks, Eudes, who ruled 888 to 898 and considered one of the antecedent kings of the Capetian House

of France, but also the name of the Royal Capetian line of Burgundy, great grandson of Hugh Capet, Eudes I the RED of Burgundy who acceded 1079, NINE years before Urban (Eudes) became pope. And Eudes the Red acceded in that specific year because his brother, Hugh I of Burgundy, had abdicated to become the Prior of Cluny! Now something is very amiss here ! Is this just coincidence ? Both were sons of Henry of Burgundy who married Sibylle of Barcelona. Henry was son of Robert I of Burgundy, who was the son of Hugh Capet. Barcelona, home of their mother, was part of the Spanish March connected to Septimania and, here too, the Duke of Aquitaine in 1012 was Eudes of Aquitaine ! And Aquitaine and Septimania are extremely significant :


It happens that Septimania (Languedoc) is exactly where the Jesus-Magdalene heresy flourished, and where there was a large population of Cathar Jews who were given independent status by Pepin, Carolingian King. Thence their own kings ruled as: seed of the Royal House of David”, each acknowledged as King of the Jews”, most famous of whom was Guillem de Gellone, the Prince of Orange. Confusing this issue, these kings also claimed to be of Merovingian descent ; but not confusing when one realizes that Jesus was of the House of David and Mary Magdalene was from the town Magdala, 4 miles from Tiberius, founded by Herod Antipas, who was an Edomite descendant of Esau with whom Benjaminites married. Additionally, Absolom, David’s son, who pulled a coup d’etat on his own father in an attempt to take his throne, had a rebel following who would have joined the Benjaminite cause. Absalom died when

his long hair got caught in branches in the forest during the Coup. (2 Sam:18:9) And the Merovingians, first Dynasty of French kings, were the Long Haired Kings!! The details of the separate kingdom of Septimania were erased from history books; but the descendant bloodlines were apparently the “heretical Royal Bloodlines”as : Dukes of Aquitaine, Dukes of Lorraine, Dukes of Guise; Counts of Barcelona, Counts of Toulouse, Counts of Auvergne; Counts of Razes. (Holy Blood Holy Grail, Baigent.Leigh, Lincoln pp 368-371)


And it was precisely a Duke of Aquitaine who founded Cluny! Thus, Septimania now becomes extremely important, for now Urban II, descendant of the Eudes of Septimania and Cluny Prior, is the pope who will call the first Crusades resulting in the crowning of a direct lineal descendant of Guillem de Gellone, named Godfroi de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine , as King of Jerusalem!


Aquitaine is so-named on maps of Second Century Roman Empire and comprised then, the whole area from Languedoc, South France, to Poitou and Anjou. Septimania was the area that was later known as the Languedoc. In the East, Herod Antipas named his Tiberius region by the Sea of Galilee Gaulinitis because of its proximity to Golan, from which Gaul took its name, having been first founded by the Phonecians. The Phonecian King of Tyre had been given 20 cities of Galilee by Solomon (1 Kings 9:11). These cities were not valuable to religious Jews of Israel as, from the time of the Syrian invasion, these were pagan cities. Between the region of the Galilee and Phonecia (Lebanon) was Mount Hermon, known as Mount Sion, which was 3 peaked; thus, the  perfect mountain on which to worship the 3 headed snake Mersegur discussed earlier. Hence, Montsegur (in Languedoc aka Septimania) became the New Mount Sion of Cathar Merovingians. History records that upon arriving in Gaul, Phoenicians settled in Masilla, later named Marseilles, where Mary Magdalene also settled according to tradition. Marseilles is in Provence, which adjoins Septimania (the Longuedoc). France itself was named Gaul while the Languedoc was named Gallia. When the Merovingian Franks, known as Franci for fierce, began to rule in 481, Gaul then became Francia; thence France. The whole Southern section of France is known as the Midi-Pyrenees and the people of this region were the heretical Cathars. The early genealogy of the Midi people reads like the history of the early Merovingian kings, the first and surnames being identical. The Midi of France mingled with the Moors of Spain on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees, this area becoming the Carolingian Spanish March. The early kingdom of the Franks included what is now France, Belgium, Germany W. of the Rhine and most of Switzerland (The Merovingian Kingdoms, Ian Wood, p 5)


The following is an interpretation from my research of what early history suggests:


Galileans of Galilee became Gallians or Gaullics of Gaul so named after Herod’s Gaulanitis, Sea of Galilee region while others became Galatians of Galatia in Central Asia Minor, and Gallians Cisalpina in what later became N. Italy (interesting here is that the ancient Ethiopians were the tall Galla, a beekeeping people, since Merovingians were the ancient Meroites of Meroe of ancient Ethiopia who became one dynasty of Egyptian kings). Some Galatians became Graecians of Greece who later joined Gallians (Gaullics) of Gallia (Gaul); others with Alani became East Germanics. History records that many of the Gallians (Gaullics) of Gaul went back to Asia Minor and became Galatians of Galatia once again, whilst the craftsmen, now Romanized, settled Gallia Belgica (Septimania and Aquitaine) who gradually moved north to become Belgians. Early Gallia Belgica of Gaul became the Gallia Belgae of England and the Gaels of Scotland; the whole comprising Semites, Celts and Iberians some of whom became Celt-Iberians of Spain known as Basques who have the most sophisticated terrorist organization in the world; while some became Galicians in NW Spain. This name Gallicia was also applied to the region of the N. slopes of the Carpathian Mts. now part of Poland and Ukriane. It becomes more discernible in the context of Scythian Russian Celts, who settled Mesopotamia at start of civilization, a new wave arriving via Iran to become the ancient Sumerians and later the Assyrians, the Hyksos of Egypt and Hittites of Asia Minor (see History I) as well as Alani who migrated with the Germanics to Gaul and settled in Galia Ulterior and Portugal. The slogan of the KGB is "to rule from Siberia to Iberia", or from Siberia of Russia to Basque Spain, land of terrorists, land of the pagan bull fights celebrated in dress codes half red /half white, land of Pyrenees Grail Castle, and land of their Brothers who once shared Gallia Belgica or Septimania, which under Carolingian rule added to this Southern France territory the Spanish March or Catalonian region of Spain to Barcelona (explaining the Prieure de Sion’s recent move to Barcelona).


The writings of early France reveal a “Canaanitish” script supporting this trek(Colliers). Pope Urban II, Cluniac, of the “noble royal bloodline of Eudes” was now the pope. He then called the Crusades, the means by which this Bloodline could reclaim the throne taken from the Benjamite King, Saul because of his failure to kill the evil Agag mentor of the Brotherhood, as God had instructed him through Samuel the Prophet. And instead of assigning the throne to Saul’s successor of the House of Benjamin, God gave it to the House of David. Not only were Benjamites bitter, but craftsmen who had made their home in Jerusalem (History I ) were bitter, for David claimed the Benjamite city of Jerusalem as capital and conscripted Jerusalem’s craftsmen and all aliens (the nonreligious of Herod’s region) of Israel to build Solomon’s Temple (1st Chron: 22:2)


When Eudes, Urban II, became pope, the Capetian line of kings of which King Eudes (son of “Bloodline” Robert the Strong) was antecedent, were in power. The 1st Capetian king was Hugh Capet who married Adelaide, daughter of William, Duke of Aquitaine !!

Hence, the Merovingian-Carolingian bloodline continued with the Capetian line! “With the exception of the Bonaparts, all the monarchs of France after 987 were descendents of Hugh Capet” (Colliers Encyclopedia 1981, emphasis mine).


And the Capetian kings took their name “Capet” from the cape of Martin of Tours !! which they had in their possession (Catholic Encyclopedia on line) This was the cape Martin had torn in two in imitation of 1 Kings: 11:26-40. It symbolized the transfer of power to the conspiracy. Capet himself became lay abbot of the abbeys of St.Martin and of St. Denis, (Colliers 1981), both being the original Merovingian monasteries. “Then began the difficulties which led the bishops devoted to Hugh to profess certain ‘Gallican principles’” (Catholic Encyclopedia on line). These Gallican principles were later promoted by the Hapsburg infiltration and Gallicanism became the thorn in the side of the First Vatican Council. Gallican principles were principles that suggested that France should have a different kind of Catholicism based on their “divine lineage”, articulated, of course, in less obvious terms, terms, which Christ’s Church, under guidance of the Holy Spirit, always rejected!


Remember that Christ promised to guide His Church until the end of the age. Infallibility is founded on Christ’s promise. As defined, it pertains only to matters of Faith and Morals, the dogmas of which have remained unchanged throughout two thousand years, despite the numerous attempts by the conspiracy to crush or to modernize them. God’s laws do not change or modernize to accommodate the laxing morals of society. Christ said hell’s gates would not prevail against His Church. Should they begin to prevail, as now, Christ will simply Return. And Hell’s gates were now at the door of the Church with Urban II. The Merovingian conspiracy had completely infiltrated the highest position in the Church of Christ, pope, and it was the Merovingian Normans that conquered England 1066, who supported his papacy. Norman rule was later cemented by the marriage of Geoffrey of Plantagenet to Empress Matilda and that of Henry II to Eleanor of Aquitaine, a granddaughter of William X of Aquitaine, the famous leader of the Troubadours of the Brotherhood ! Norman Merovingians were the power behind Urban II.


Urban’s speech at the Council of Clermont on Nov. 27, 1095 initiating the Crusades actually included the words, “the rescue of Sion” from the infidels; not Zion, but Sion. And Clermont was a NINE day Council which yields a gematria of 999:  The Council of Clermont, November Eighteenth to Twenty Seventh ,Ten Ninety Five in Clermont, France = 999 In accordance with the plan, it was a HERMIT named Peter the Hermit who brought forth the need to rescue Jerusalem. Peter the Hermit was from the monastery in France which later became the property on which Bernard built his Clairvaux, but more on Bernard when we reach his role in the plot. The Crusader’s tunics were blazon in red crosses on white (half white and half red of transmutation), the symbol which stood for Akhenaten’s Brotherhood of the Sun. Walter the Penniless and Peter the Hermit both preached and led the first groups who murdered and pillaged throughout the Byzantine Empire en route. Godfroi de Bouillon, Duke of Lorraine, Septimania bloodline led the Crusader group which captured Jerusalem on July 13,1099 after a NINE day fast /march around the city (Dungeon Fire and Sword, John J Robinson 1991) murdering every Jew and Moslem i the city; afterwhich, Godfroi de Bouillon was proclaimed the King of Jerusalem. The Benjaminite throne had been restored ! But Godfroi didn’t live to celebrate, for he died within months per God’s justice!


And Urban II died before the news could even reach him! His oratory in the Lateran Palace depicts him with a square nimbus at Mary’s Feet. The conspiracy had thus, depicted him appropriately. For they had tried to square God’s circle and failed miserably; hence, the square nimbus. They had placed him at the Feet of Mary, their Adversary, the woman against whom they knowingly war, at the Feet of Mary which have crushed all their plans to rule Her Son’s Church ! The gematria of Mary is 57, and Urban died prematurely at age 57 !!


Urban II was canonized, at the behest of the conspiracy, by the first pope to issue a bull condemning Freemasonry, Leo XIII, in year 1881 (head 18)(81 Masons 81)! For you see, by then, Cluniac and Cistercian monks had long been in control of the Curia of the Vatican. And they had now contrived a situation whereby an openly anti-Masonic pope hostile to their cause had actually canonized their own Masonic infiltrator pope, and a great Masonic chuckle was had by all. But we will very soon see that Mary, Mother of God, had the last say on this in the year 1830 (head 18)(30 Heel 30). We will get to this shortly. Meanwhile, there is this:


Pope Urban II was born in Chatillon sur Marne, in the Champagne region of France (adjoining Burgundy) near Reims. The “nobles” of Chatillon sur Marne were Counts. Urban became pope in 1088. In 1088 the Count of Chatillon sur Marne was one Henry I of Chatillon who married Ermengarde de Montjoy of, yes, Septimania! His title was Seigneur de Chatillon-sur-Marne and Montjoy, based on the castle in the Pyrenees known as Grail Castle, from whence came, not only the founder of the pilgrim route to Rome, Bernard of Montjoux, whose name was portrayed Menthon though history (Butler/Delaney), but also one of the 9 founders of the Knights Templar.


The son of Seigneur de Chatillon-sur-Marne and Montjoy became the Prince of Antioch; his daughters married the Emperor of the East and King Bela III of Hungary respectively, which then included Pannonia, the first European home of Merovingians and of Martin of Tours ! Hungary later become part of the Merovingian Hapsburg Empire of the Hapsburgs Hapsburgs 222 ,who were Gallican Merovingians posing as Catholic, originally of Switzerland and part of the early Merovingian Frankish Empire.  Situated very near Chatillon sur Marne is Chalons sur Marne and here in the year 1400 (double spiritual perfection (7 + 7) x 100 Reign of God 100) on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation (March 24), a thornbush became engulfed in flames, yet the leaves and branches did not burn, exactly like the burning bush from which God spoke to Moses, “I Am that I Am”. News spread quickly and was witnessed by many since the bush continued to burn for the entire night and the entire next day. However, this bush was different from that of Moses, for in the midst of the flames stood a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary holding the Child Jesus which had miraculously appeared and was not affected by the flames. When the flames finally ceased, the Bishop of Chalons, Charles of Poitiers, carried it to the chapel which was dedicated to John the Baptist (patron of the Brotherhood of 1717). During the years of the Revolution, fearing for its safety, the pastor of the church, which name had been changed to Our Lady of the Thorn, removed the miraculous statue from the  altar. The date it was removed is recorded as Dec. 6, (1793), the exact date of the Masonic Halifax Explosion (1917) but also the exact date that the tomb of Saint Mary Magdalene was removed from view of the invading Muslims, Dec. 6 (in 710) thence, hidden in France. The statue was replaced on the altar exactly 7 years later. And she was crowned by the same Pope who condemned Freemasonry, and who had been tricked into crowning (sainting) Masonic pope Urban II, Leo XIII, who said, “Yes, Our Lady of the Thorn shall be crowned and in my name. Prepare for her a diadem worthy of the Mother of God and of the people whom she protects…” (Miraculous Images of Our Lady, Joan Carrol Cruz, 1992 pp 101,102)


The Two Dates :

March Twenty Fourth, Fourteen Hundred = 416

December Sixth, Seventeen Ninety Three = 387

Total 803 = Prime Number 139

Holy Ground 139 versus Freemasonry =139

God told Moses not to approach the burning bush for it was Holy Ground.


The Blessed Mother’s Message in the above apparition:

Freemasonry has planned the seven year tribulation, the Freemasons of Septimania (Seven Mania) where the early Craftsmen of Jerusalem settled (See History I). And Urban II was of this line. These are the same Merovingian-Carolingian-Capetian and subsequently all French Kings who based their “Gallicanism” on a false divine royal bloodline of the union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, both heretical and false. They are the Masons who planned the French Revolution and all revolutions. They were behind the Halifax Explosion of Dec.6, as well as the hiding of the body of Mary Magdalene on Dec.6. They are the Masons who formed publicly on the Feast of John the Baptist (England 1717). Leo XIII was cleverly tricked into the crowning of the infiltrator pope, Urban II, for it was exactly Leo XIII who was later chosen to crown Our Lady of the Thorn. All things are foreseen by Heaven, by the Great I AM, who sends Mary time and again to warn us, but we don’t even pay attention. Perhaps Leo XIII was chosen for this crown in order to offset the other. Recall that Jesus asked Peter, the first Pope three times, Peter do you love me ? This, because Peter had denied Jesus three times and all three had to be atoned for. When Mary Magdalene’s body was later exhumed, it was found that her tongue had not decayed and from it had grown an aromatic plant. This became the basis of the Merovingian Plantagenets and the French Merovingian Plantards, the latter of France who now claim to be the true Merovingian bloodline. For us, it is the confirmation of the truth of Mary Magdalene’s words, spoken with her tongue, to the apostles, telling them that Christ had risen.


The bottom line of the Blessed Mother’s message above, is that if we allow the 7 year plan to proceed, it will be paramount to the Annunciation of the Lord (Feast Mar. 25) Mary appeared one day ahead at Chalons Sur Marne that we may be one year ahead. For the final 7 year plan is scheduled for Dec.13, 2002, one year from now. And we are behind. For this same Brotherhood tricked Pope John XXIII into Vatican II which caused the greatest falling away of the faithful in history. This was also part of the message of Chalons. For the word used to portray Vatican II’s “spirit of renewal” was Aggiornamento, after AGAG (as was Agca sent to assassinate John Paul II, on the Feast of Fatima, 1981). Aggiornamento is a Masonic code-word meaning,   “fraternity with” equals “door within”: Aggiornamento = 139 Freemasonry = 139 Vatican II was an intrusion on Christ’s Holy Ground 139 , His Church !  The resulting “falling away” or “apostasy” of the faithful was that spoken of by Paul to the Thessalonians (2 Thess:2:3) and it compounded the 1517 Reformation. The code for the present infiltration phase is The Koinonia = 121 anti-Christ = 121. And the “5 points of Fellowship” on which Koinonia is based comes directly from the  handbook of every Freemason. Its the name of one of their prime rituals, which seals their loyalty to the cause on five points of fellowship: foot to foot, knee to knee, chest to chest, hand to back and mouth to ear (meaning secret). The WCC, behind Koinonia, has been a Soviet instrument since 1966 with pro-Marxist policy (Keys of This Blood, M Martin p. 304)

Marxist, Communist, Leninist = 333 The Koinonia is defined by this WCC as: fellowship in faith, life, witness =333 (the ecclesiastic half of 666).


Infiltration Chronology Continued:


Jerusalem was now in the hands of the Crusaders. A Merovingian was King of Jerusalem The year was 1099. King Godfroi, of the Septimania bloodline” had sold his property before going to Jerusalem and had gone to Jerusalem NINE years prior to the Crusades to found an Order which he named the ORDER DE SION. Now that he was King of Jerusalem, he constructed on the ruins of the “Mother of All Churches”, an abbey which he named Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion. The Augustinian monks inhabiting this Abbey became known as the Chevaliers de L’ordre de Notre Dame de Sion. (Holy Blood, Holy Grail, pp 84,85 based on its original documents and later Charter dated May 2,1125).


The Prieure de Sion of France now had an octopus organization in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, back in France, the cogs of another huge wheel were being put in place. In 1098, 21 Benedict monks left the Benedict monastery of Molesmes in Burgundy (an old Martin of Tours monastery) and established at Dijon in Burgundy, the first Cistercian monastery which they named Citeaux. Here, they established the School of Charity, the timeless “front” of Freemasonry which works so well. According to the “Encyclopedia of Catholicsm”, Harper Collins, 1995, there were 333  Cistercian monasteries by 1151 in France, Italy, Germany, England, Slovenia, Scotland,  Spain, Ireland, Denmark, Bohemia, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Hungary. Exactly 333! This “333” is a troubadour message for you see, among the authors of this book was Hans Kung, excommunicated priest who leads the World Parliament of Religions, at which he condensed the 10 Commandments of God down to 4, whilst eliminating the word “God” altogether, in deference to Wicca and other Satanic organizations who make up the membership of “religions”. The information in this particular Encyclopedia of Catholicism is not trustworthy. In fact, they even have the three children of Fatima confused, probably intentionally, that the Fatima message be distorted. It was this same World Parliament of Religions which was behind the UN Summit hosted by Ted Turner, which attempted to get the Church to sign a document, August 31, 2000, declaring that all religions were equal. The Church stood firm and refused to sign. All religions are not equal. Most of them are founded on false Masonic prophets  as any thorough research will reveal. God said He was a jealous God ; thus, it is our responsibility to insure we are honoring the True God in His True Home on earth. And it is also our responsibility to insure that His True Home is honored !  More than any heretical Merovingian organizations, the Cistercians personified the banality of evil at its finest. The name Cistercian and of their first monastery, Citeaux derive from Cistus, of the Cistaceae or rockrose family resembling the wild rose and cultivated in the Mediterranean. The Myrrh with which Mary Magdalene anointed the Body of Jesus also comes from the Cistus family. And they had chosen the Magdalene as the sinful Mary to pit against sinless Mary, Mother of God, assigning her the symbol of the Rose and Cross in memory of the Brotherhood of the Sun founded by Akhenaten who had taken as its symbol the Rose and Cross (Lewis).Cistercians were Rosicrucians. And this Rosicrucian order of monks would triumph in its infiltration of the Church.


By the12th Century, they had taken over bishoprics, legatine offices that the Cluny monks formerly held, and had replaced Cluniacs in the Vatican Curia (the administration)! Cistercians organized under a Charter of Charity written by England’s Stephen Harding who became one of its priors. But the early monks began to die off from a mysterious illness which killed many monks. The mysterious illness was self induced poisoning through the use of absinthe, the poisonous vermouth alcohol derivative of Wormwood  of the Rockrose family and of the common variety found in roadside weeds of the family “Artemisia Absinthium” which these monks used not only to symbolize the beginnings of the Conspiracy in Meroe of ancient Abyssinia, but used literally. It now becomes apparent that the word Abby” itself was a derivative of Abyssinia, their ancestral home. The symbolic and literal use of Wormwood was important to the Meroe Conspiracy because their Star of Revelation which poisons the earth at end time is Wormwood and because of Scriptural passages in which wormwood represents bitter” experiences.


More importantly, God’s curse through Moses was analogized to wormwood:


“Let there be no …….clan…….among you who would now turn away their hearts from the Lord our God and serve these pagan gods. Let there be no root that would bear such poison and wormwood among you. If any such person upon hearing this curse should beguile himself into thinking he can safely persist in his stubbornness of heart…the Lord will never consent to pardon him. Instead the Lord’s wrath and jealousy will flare up against that man, and every curse mentioned in this book will alight on him. The Lord will blot out his name from under the heavens and will single him out from all the tribes of Israel for doom, in keeping with all the curses of the covenant inscribed in this book of the law ”. Deut: 29:17-20 (emphasis mine)


The House of Benjamin was singled out for doom. It sided with evil and pagan gods per Judges:19, 20, 21 which provide the backdrop of this Merovingian conspiracy. Wormwood is bitter; honey of bees sweet ; thus, another quote becomes important: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light; who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter………Woe to the champions at drinking wine; the valiant at mixing strong drink” (Isaiah 5:20-22)


Enter history the dashing St. Bernard of Clairvaux, the “Honey-Sweet Doctor”, whose symbol is the Merovingian bee, and with him 30 of his relatives and friends that he had “miraculously” converted. And the dying Cistercian Order was saved from extinction from wormwood (which Bernard apparently made generous use of, given his precarious health conditions). Indeed the monks were expecting just such a “Miracle” as their previous abbot of Citeaux had returned from the dead to tell them, “…behold God will shortly...send to you a great number of persons and they shall so fill this house that they shall go forth from it like swarms of bees to overspread all parts of the world...” (Bernard of Clairvaux, p.43) Bernard the Bee indeed went forth with his swarms of bees and founded, on land given to him by the Count of Champagne, who ran an esoteric school of Kabalistic studies in Troyes (New Troy), the Abbey of Clairvaux (meaning Kabalistic clairvoyance). The land was in the Valley of Absinthe, called the Valley of Wormwood where Bernard named his abbey, Clairvaux, because it was situated in the “Eye of the Sun”(Butler). In all, Bernard built 160 monasteries and almost became the voice of the Church, for, in the near future, his own student would become pope. The present-day reformed Cistercians, the Trappists, make their living through sale of wines. Producing alcoholic wines which have the capacity to addict /destroy is a strange way of life for holy monks.


Bernard had arrived in Citeaux in the year 1112. To understand the cunning of the organizational strategy of this conspiracy throughout these years, we need to backtrack one year. Recall, while noting that 1 year back is 1111, that this conspiracy began when in I Kings11:11 , God took the kingdom of the ten tribes from Solomon (later all but Jerusalem) giving it to Solomon’s servant, who was in charge of the House of Joseph, Benjamin’s brother (basis of Brotherhood). Hence the year 1111 was chosen for their finest plot. Recall also, Freemasonry first organized in Nineveh, NINE veh (Mackey): 


1111 AD: Exactly NINE French knights banded together in a military Brotherhood to protect the pilgrim routes to Jerusalem, taking no new members into their order  for exactly NINE years. They were named the “Poor Fellow Soldiers of Christ”, thence becoming known as the Poor Knights of Christ and later still, as the famous Knights Templars because of the proximity of their headquarters, the palace of the Aqsa Mosque (Dungeon, Fire and Sword) to the Temple Mount. The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail provide the chronology supporting the true foundation in the year 1111. One of the NINE was Bernard’s uncle, named Andre de Montbard. Three of the


NINE were vassals of the Count of Champagne, the same count who donated land to Bernard of Clairvaux in the Valley of Wormwood. The leader of the new order was from Burgundy, this descent having been a prerequisite in the latter part of the reign of the first French Merovingian line of kings (Burgundians were German; Germany was the first Merovingian residence in their trek between Pannonia and France, and Clovis, first Merovingian King, married a Burgundian princess; hence, an important aspect of the bloodline). The leader’s name was Hugh de Payens. And in 1118 this military order proclaimed itself publicly as the Poor Knights of Christ.


We’ve seen these words “the Poor” used constantly by the Conspiracy, and we are given a clue in that the Hebrew word for “the poor” was Ebionites which, in turn, pertained to Jewish “Christians” who rejected Paul and acknowledged Christ as a man only, rejected His Divinity and rejected that He was born of the Virgin Mary. The Merovingians had taken it one step further and claimed to be His offspring. Hence we see this was another play on words which the Brotherhood love so well. For the Brotherhood are anti-Christian and anti-Jew; more specifically anti-God for they perceive themselves as the rejected of God.


As for their poor in Jerusalem, the Templars had been preceded by another organization, the Amalfi merchants of Naples who had established trade with the Middle East and received permission in 1048 from Caliph Billah to set up hospitals in Jerusalem for the sick or poor pilgrims. They had built two hospitals, consecrated to John the Almoner and Mary Magdalene (Mackey). They were named the Hospitallers . And in 1120 with the Templars now established, Raymond du Puy, of Le Puy France changed the structure of the Hospitallers making them also a religious military order for the protection of pilgrims in the Holy Land (Age of Faith p 593) just like the Templars. Whereas the Templars wore white garb with a red cross, the Hospitallers wore black garb with a white cross . They were forced to work together during the Crusades. French Norman Merovingians (of Rollo of Norway) were now in control of the foot of Southern Italy (Foot of the Boot for a perfect strike at the Heel of the Church ). Bearing in mind the Merovingian trek was Galatia to Greece to Troy (9th Troy) to Pannonia to what later became W. Germany and Switzerland, then, on to France; others by-passing France to Scandinavia and returning to France as Normans, who then took England, the organization of military orders in Jerusalem looked like so:


1111: Templars were founded (public 1118) by Hugh de Payens of Troyes Burgundy Burgundy had become the Kingdom of Burgundy under Charlemagne in the NINTH Century and included part of Switzerland and also Provence. It controlled the flow of commerce between France, Italy and Switzerland and it controlled the mountain passes. It was later known as the Kingdom of Arles, ecclesiastic nucleus of Merovingian France. Hence Templar allegiance would be to Sicambrian Franks, emphasizing the Pannonia to Germany to France line of Merovingian kings, originating in Meroe of Abyssinia. But more importantly it would emphasize the Benjaminite aspect of the bloodline.


1120: Hospitallers were given a new face by Raymond of Le Puy, Southern France, which, at his time in history, was just west of, and near the border of the Kingdom of Burgundy; thus, a part of the Southern Midi Pyrenees area with SEPTIMANIA. And the Cevennes Mountains of Le Puy were riddled with Cistercian Monasteries. Additionally, a white-hooded radical militant Brotherhood known as the Capuciati were suppressed there in 1184. Later it was discovered that the head, worshipped  by Templars, had written beneath it the words, Caput, very possibly explained by  the proximity of the Capuciati of Le Puy to the Kingdom of Burgundy.


This order of Hospitallers was a renewal of the old Military Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem (Bernard of Clairvaux, p 123), of the 4th Century (Guiness) founded by Basil the Great, founder of Eastern monasticism. In 1120, Hospitallers, originally funded by Amalfi merchants of Naples, comprised Augustinian monks. And Naples, traditionally Greek, translates “New City”. Hence, the Hospitaller allegiance would have been to Greek Merovingians who settled in Southern Italy, in  Southern France (Septimania), Northern Spain, and the Scandinavian countries, with emphasis on their descent from King Priam of Troy and mindful of their original descent from Meroe of Ancient Abyssinia. More importantly, it would emphasize the Davidian over the Benjamite aspect of the Merovingian bloodline through David’s son, Absalom. This would explain why Septimania called their kings “seed of David”.


1124: Order of St. John is founded in Scotland (Gaels of whom were descendants of)


1190: Teutonic Knights were founded by German Crusader knights in Palestine who set up a hospital in Acre (Age of Faith, Will Durant p. 593) Germany had been part of Austrasia of the early Merovingian Kingdom of the Franks and “Franconia” was still in use in that part of Germany (until the 13th Century). They too, were part of the Sicambrian Franks who came from Pannonia and emphasis would have been on the German only Merovingian line of the Benjamite bloodline, as with the Templars. In looking at the Merovingian trek Spain closed the circle between their original home as a dynasty of Egyptian kings from Meroe of ancient Abyssinia, and their new home in France. And Spain was then populated with Fatimids, who it was that originally set up the Lodge system with its degrees of light (Ibid) and Berbers who promoted the system  Thus, the Spanish March united the peoples past and present, both sides of the Pyrenees. The gateway to the Pyrenees is the city of Lourdes which is why the Blessed Mother appeared there to Bernadette, who was named after “Bernard” of Clairvaux !!


Enter history once again Bernard of Clairvaux of Burgundy who wrote the rule of the Templars and got them approved by the Church at the Council of Troyes 1128, during a time of schism in the Church when Celestine II was anti-pope. And the year 1128 just happened to coincide with the marriage of Empress Matilda to Geoffrey Plantagenet of Anjou (Merovingian), the real power behind that Council. Bernard’s own student, a monk then became Eugenius III, during whose papacy Bernard began to preach and call for a Second Crusade, rousing all of Europe to a Crusade which ended in disaster. And his letter to “his pope” persuading this Crusade included the code-words, apple and eye (Bernard of Clairvaux, p 316). By now, Bernard’s voice carried the supreme air of authority in the Christian world, He was even consulted by rulers. He led the struggle pro the papacy of Innocent II who later approved the Franciscan monks [Nicholas deLyra/Cabala]; pro-Emperor Lothaire II (Merovingian); and pro the see of York in England (present day Templars are York rite). Indeed through St. Malachi, Bernard’s bees had cross-pollinated to York with Cistercian monasteries all the way to Armagh. Malachi died in the arms of Bernard and per the symbolic “passing of the cloak”, Malachi was buried in the cloak of Bernard, who likewise was buried in that of Malachi !And both reminisced Antony’s cloak! Including the Children’s Crusade, there would be NINE Crusades in quest of Sion. This Jerusalem Sion Movement would be enhanced 700 years later by another major infiltrator posing Catholic, founder of the Religious of Our Lady of Sion, Ratisbonne  who was miraculously converted when a vicious dog appeared to him in a Church just prior to a vision of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Let it be known emphatically that apparitions of the Mother of God are not preceded by vicious dogs, but, when and if preceded, rather, by St. Michael. Dogs were Merovingian lore, the father of, Clovis, Childeric, having had a vision of his future descendants as “lions, unicorns, leopards, wolves and dogs” (The Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751, Ian Wood, 1994 p 39). It was a troubadour message!


And Ratisbonne wrote the biography of Bernard of Clairvaux! Accordingly, it is included references to “bees”! It was appropriate he chose Bernard, since one of the most read books of his time was the Golden Legend, wherein was written that Bernard’s mother had a dream when she bore him, in which she saw a whelp white in color but reddish on the back barking in her womb. This too was a troubadour message, half white/half red which signified the transmutation from the Spirit of God to the spirit of Satan, the mandate of the first Illuminati and of the Merovingians who were the proud wolves of England (descendants of Wuffa.and named the Wolf People) and the proud dogs of France, who comprised the Romans, who were the dogs of Psalms 22:17, who cast lots for the cloak of Jesus at His Cross. And in support of their “divine bloodline”, the Merovingians kings had claimed to have a red cross birthmark on their backs !! Hence, we understand the true meaning of the dream.


Seemingly, de Voragine had information on Bernard long since concealed, for he tells us that Bernard excommunicated flies and drank blood, saying that it cooled his mouth and throat. The Illuminati, who attend Satanic black masses, also drink blood in their rituals as did the Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt of Germany in 1776. This fact is well documented by Heckethorn in “the Secret Societies of All Ages & Countries”p.314.


And leaders of our countries are Illuminati members of this diabolically disoriented Order of wolves in sheeps clothing, who have deceived the world for centuries! In truth, Bernard’s biographer, Theodore Ratisbonne, was great grandson of Cerfbeer, the famous promoter of Jewish emancipation, whose brother had set up the Fathers of Sion in Jerusalem. When he built his first church in Jerusalem, Theodore Ratisbonne named it Ecce Homo! Not Behold God, but Behold Man and that is the conspiracy in a nutshell. And it takes us right back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden who in essence said, No No, God is just afraid if you eat of that forbidden fruit that you will become as knowledgeable as He. Go ahead, eat the apple and you will become just like God and then you will have no need of God. This is the essence of the New World Order, the conspirators of which appropriately chose the five point star, found in the core of an apple cut transversely, and accordingly, named the core of their “New World” operations, the Big Apple. Such is the banality of evil.


Hence, we have the 5 Point Star Conspiracy, which the Blessed Mother has been trying to point out to us. For high in the mountain of Montserrat in the Pyrenees, the Blessed Mother is found as the Black Madonna in a Benedictine monastery ! Black Madonna's are found wherever the conspiracy is found. Accordingly, we simply seek the star. It takes us to another famous legend in which the mother of a Benedictine bishop named Wolfgang whose Feast Day is Oct. 31st, Satan’s day, is said in her pregnancy of him, to have been “carrying a star in her body” (Delaney). The first pilgrim at his chapel was a wolf and Wolfgang is portrayed in art with the devil holding the mass book. It too was a troubadour message : carrying a star in her body


254 the first Jubilee of Israel 254

(the 1998 Masterplan of the 5 point Star Conspiracy)


Wolfgang was a Benedictine of Einsiedein and, sure enough, at Einsiedein is found a Black Madonna. She is pointing out the Black Benedictines, some of whom later became Black Cistercians , both set up as agents of the black goal of Merovingians. But then, no one pays attention to the Blessed Mother. For we have been tricked into thinking we have no need of God’s Son or His Mother by the very same serpent. In the region of Russia that later became Poland is found another Black Madonna. She is the image loved by John Paul II, Our Lady of Czestochowa. Her portrait was brought there by Prince and holy St. Ladislaus during the Tartar invasions when an arrow pierced the throat of the Virgin, which resisted repair. Later, Hussites tried to remove it during a robbery and when the horses refused to move they threw the image to the ground. One drew his sword and inflicted two deep gashes on the face of the Blessed Virgin. Preparing to inflict a third gash, he fell to the ground and writhed in agony until his death. These gashes resisted repair as well (Miraculous Images of Our Lady, Joan Carrol Cruz). They symbolize the hatred propogated by the Brothers towards the Blessed Mother. The connection is that Adalbert, patron saint of Poland was a Benedictine monk, cannonized in 999 and his death was April 23rd (997), feast of St. George, the Crusader saint, a date which will become important in this document. Adalbert was intimate with Otto III, of “the bloodline” and was part of Otto’s scheme for a “renovatio imperii Romanorum” (Butler).


The massive deaths wrought through the NINE Crusades were the work of the serpent inspired Brotherhood, and it was just a start. For in year 1291 Acre fell and the Knights headed home in defeat. Note that the battle of Hattin, which was their real deathblow, took place between July 1st(Canada Day)and July 4th(US Day) and Hattin was located, appropriately, near Magdala, home of Mary Magdalene!

This was truly God’s Justice!


The New World was to be Utopia, a world without kings, popes, Jews or Catholics. The ships, Nino, Pinto, Santa Maria translate “Nine Spot for St.Mary”(Magdalene) which is why the Santa Maria sank ! Columbus was part of the Merovingian heresy. He was married to a Merovingian, a Braganza, and had worked for Rene D’Anjou, one of the many Merovingian Kings of Jerusalem, resulting from the Crusades. The Hospitallers became the Knights of Rhodes, thence the Knights of Malta and controlled the sea from their fortress on Malta which was built in the shape of a 5 Point Star, named Fort St. Elmo (The Cross and the Crescent, M Billings, p 218 )! In 1798 they came under Russian Rule. And Russia now leads the 5 point Star Conspiracy ! But they, as well as knights of Switzerland, home of the original Sion, roam the Vatican !! Hence the main guard of JPII was killed by a Swiss Knight May 4, 1998, the exact date that the Middle East Peace was signed on a Cairo stage in 1994. And the 7th anniversary of that signing is May 4, 2001. Is John Paul II in danger ??? Villa del Priorato di Malta ( Knights of Malta headquarters) 249 Novus Ordo Seclorum 249


I would strongly suggest that John Paul II is in danger, as is Christ’s Church! Let it be known that the daily Sacrifice of the Mass, Christ’s Paschal Sacrifice, meant to endure to the end of the world (1 Corr: 11:26), is the grace without which the world would long ago have self-destructed. For when the Catholic Church stumbles, the world falls. A Godless world is Satan’s agenda and the day we stop consecrating the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ on Roman Catholic altars and join conspiracy WCC thinking, is the day the blood of Nations will shed in the global Chastisement foretold in Scripture. The daily Sacrifice of the Mass is the grace by which God tolerates the sacrileges by which man offends Him! The Secret Brotherhoods and their present successes, are exactly what will bring Christ, Who promised Hell's gates would not prevail against His Church. And these are Hell's gates!


As were these:

The Templars returned to France and became the elite bankers of the country and maintained their fleet of ships at La Rochelle or La Pallice and their preceptories. The ships which explored the New World, Champlain’s etc. left from La Pallice. Columbus left from Barcelona of the Spanish March-Septimania alliance, Pyrenees. Templars were said to have brought back many treasures which Bernard oversaw and which are said to have ended up in the heretical Cathar fortress of Montsegur, later crushed by the Church, preventing the triumph of Satanism in our world. Teutonic Knights of Germany completed the conquest of the Baltics for Germany (1st mainland European home of the Merovingians, Pannonia) and even attempted to take Russia, but failed. They managed to get a foot in Poland but were ousted in 1333. In Germany, they established their headquarters at Marianburg (re: Mary Magdalene) and ruled their preceptories from there. It was they who 1st threw their support to Martin Luther, Augustinian Monk, and not only contrived, but financed the Protestant Reformation. Surviving Templars joined the cause, the Reformation, which effectively took NINE million faithful from the Church Christ founded. This was a Major Home Run for Sion’s knights, the first of which had banded together in 1111 (because of 1:Kings: 11:11).


Christ’s faithful flock were tricked by that Infiltration :

Martin Luther, Augustinian monk, posted his thesis at Wittenburg,

October Thirty First, Fifteen Seventeen = 1111


I wrote, “surviving” Templars , for on October 13, 1307, the Merovingian King of France, and the Merovingian pope (his own cousin) who he installed on the Chair of Peter by having the former pope murdered, arrested the all too wealthy and all too arrogant Templars in France, who, after the Crusades, no longer served any Merovingian purpose. The other Merovingian stronghold, England, was prompted to do likewise. For you see, the Templars had been sold to the world as a Christian organization and had received contributions by Christians throughout the Crusade years, becoming extremely wealthy and powerful. Nothing corrupts like wealth and accordingly, the Templars were accused of Satanic activities ( by their own creators who were Satanists), were then tried, formally dissolved; thence executed. Friday, October 13th became their day of revenge. That is why the present Middle East talks began formally on Oct 13th , 1993. And that is also why the Irish peace became Good Friday peace. All of the world’s conflicts are their clouds with silver  lining, the formula to World Chaos, the timeless goal of this ancient Brotherhood. Templars were arrested on Oct 13 1307 and executions began eve of May 13, 1310  which, in Israel, would actually be May 13 as Israel days change 6 PM. Significant is that Our Lady of Fatima appeared May13 to Oct.13 (1917) warning of Russia which had taken over the Knights of Malta (1798). Many of the French Templars who had survived the arrest (1307) went to Scotland; others had naturally joined forces with their former enemies, the Hospitallers, throughout the centuries. Malta knights who came under Russian rule in 1798 would have included this alliance. Later, England and France again became involved with the Knights of Malta. When John XXIII reinstated them in 1961, the British patronized what had become the Protestant contingent, under their mandate of Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table, Windsor Castle, revived as the Order of the Garter in 1348, patron St.George and 1st on the list of sinister Illuminati arms . Catholic/Protestant are a misnomer. They are neither; they are the infiltration of both ; the infiltration of all Christianity. Knights of Malta, now on the smallest of the 7 hills of Rome, are the Red (Communist) harlot of Rev:17, members of which include the world’s “intelligence”agents and cut-outs, many of whom belong also to the Prieure de Sion, creator of the Templars. Knights of Malta (formerly Hospitallers) run hospitals, morgues and St. John Ambulances which they can delay or not, if ordered. The Order of the Garter,Knights of Malta comprise, with Masons, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, the Great Universal Brotherhood. Malta fortress was a 5 point star; Merovingians built star shaped monasteries (Ian Wood) and there are 5 plans to the 5 point star Conspiracy, ending Dec13, 2002.



September Fourteenth, Thirteen Zero Seven = 463 order to arrest Templars1307

October Thirteenth, Thirteen Zero Seven = 433 arrests 1307

August Twelfth, Thirteen Zero Eight = 395 Commission Instituted 1308

November Twenty Second, Thirteen Zero Nine 466 DeMolay before inquiry 1309

March Twenty Eighth, Thirteen Ten = 345 546 knights to inquiry 1310

April Eleventh, Thirteen Ten = 285 trial 1310

May Twelfth, Thirteen Ten = 271 some knights burned 1310

June Eleventh, Thirteen Eleven = 303 inquiry results to pope 1311

March Twenty Second, Thirteen Twelve = 396 meeting to abolish 1312

April Third, Thirteen Twelve = 301 abolishment announced 1312

May Second, Thirteen Twelve = 285 assets given Hospitallers 1312

March Eleventh, Thirteen Fourteen = 337 GM De Molay burned 1314

4280 15722

Total 4280 + 15722 = 20002 = 2002


The same 2002 !! Notice March 22 is the date they were abolished. It is also the date they held their 1st meeting in the New World (Nova Scotia); and in turn, the date of Hermes death (Akhenaten’s Order), and of Solar Templars/Heaven’s Gate deaths. But it is also the birth date of Lucia of Fatima who was told she would live to see the fulfillment of Fatima, and she is now 94 years old. The fulfillment has to be soon ! The 13th of the 12th month was chosen because it is the date in history that the Jews were to have been annihilated by Hamon, which failed. Note that the date was chosen by lot (lottery) The lottery in my country is Lotto 649. Lot is offset by: The Collegial Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary = 649


And there is also this:

Merovingian Childebert III who died in 711, was ordered to draw up a charter by Carolingian Pippin II, a charter which provides evidence that the Carolingian mayors of the palaces dominated the later Merovingian kings, which must have been a source of major embitterment. And the date of that Charter was Dec 13 !!! (695) (The Frankish Kingdoms 751-987, (p.28) by Rosamond McKitterick, who cites Childebert II ; however, the year 695 indicates Childebert III ) The cumulative day counts of the Middle East peace on Dec 13, 2002 yield 17765589. The total begins with 1776, the year the Illuminati was founded in Germany. This is clearly a confirmation of Dec 13, 2002 as the final plan. But it is also a confirmation of the Russian betrayal, the Cross of which has a sum of 20002=2002 Aug.29, 2001!!


Infiltration Chronology Continued:


During the Crusade years, other events at home in France are worthy of our attention. In 1204, Bernard’s Cistercians founded what would later be named a Jansenist center in Port Royal near Versailles. The dark and gloomy pessimism of the Jansenist heresy, given this name later when it was developed by Janssens (d.1698) and condemned by the Church, was a precursor of Calvinism and sparked the conflict between Jansenists and Jesuits. The Illuminati , which formed in 1776, was particularly anti-Jesuit for this reason, among others. And it becomes obvious that the Illuminati was particularly pro the heresy of Jansenism in that the 1st settlement in New World Acadia (Nova Scotia) was named precisely Port Royal, settled by Champlain and De Monts, who were assisted by Don Francisco Columbo, a Knight of Malta (A History of Nova Scotia p 187,308) ! They sailed from La Pallice /LaRochelle of the Templars/Hospitallers. La Rochelle was a port city connected to Plantagenets through Eleanor of Aquitaine. Additionally, when Spanish conquered Mexico, the British Royals, in an attempt to steal Mexican gold from Spanish galleons, set up the pirate system to rob their gold, and these pirates, many of whom were ex-Templars, were set up on an Island which was also named, yes, Port Royal and which was completely destroyed in an earthquake per the Justice of God ! Accordingly, not only did the 1st settlement in New World Acadia(Nova Scotia) bear the name Port Royal after the monastery founded by the Cistercians , but its first monastery was named Petit Clairvaux, after Bernard’s monastery of Clairvaux which was in the Valley of Wormwood.


And to this day, Halifax has a theatre named Wormwood (X-rated films). It becomes obvious that Halifax was an important first Masonic city in the Acadian New World,  which explains the “head” of the Halifax Explosion 1917 in St.Paul’s discussed earlier. Bernard’s words (re: Mary Magdalene vs. Mother) were numerically code-perfect ! Bernard of Clairvaux had single-handedly done what the Conspiracy had attempted for centuries. He not only established the most heretical form of monasticism which spread throughout all Europe to the New World, but he infiltrated the Church at its highest level, initiated the Crusades, wrote the rule of /controlled the Templars, and, by virtue of the impact of all the above, one can attribute both Calvinism and the Reformation to Bernard of Clairvaux. One can even attribute the continuation of the mandate of Freemasonry to Bernard of Clairvaux, since the disaster he had created through the Crusades led to the arrest and execution of his no longer needed “Templars” which, in turn, created the climate of revenge which festered through  the centuries to the present age. Templars had provided the political clout and the finances that this Brotherhood needed to succeed. The New World was the product of that success. The Merovingian Cathar Brothers had scored in a major way with their monk, Bernard of Clairvaux and accordingly, they saw to it that Bernard went down in the annals of the Church in a major way. They waited for the appropriate year to do so. For it was exactly the year 1830, (head 18 versus Heel 30) of Gen: 3:15

that Bernard of Clairvaux was declared a Doctor of the Church. Home Run!


Enter history definatively, the Blessed Mother, who, in the same year 1830, on November 27, the exact date Eudes called the Crusades at Clermont, appeared in Paris, the city founded by the first Merovingian King, Clovis, and for the first time in history, appeared standing on the head of the serpent of Gen: 3:15. Per the original Douay Reims Bible, in use throughout all Christianity until the Protestant Reformation, God’s words to the serpent in Gen: 3:15 read as follows:

“I will put enmities between thee and the woman and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel”. = 1203 = 3 x 401 Number 401 is prime (cannot be divided). It is the 79th P.N. of our notation system: Loving 79 Virgin 79 Mother 79 Visit 79 God One Ahead 79


All the Blessed Mother’s apparitions on earth have been warnings and clues that we might understand this conspiracy. The nun to whom she appeared in Paris in 1830 was Catherine Laboure, raised in Burgundy, home of this conspiracy, and near a monastery, built when Clovis, the first Merovingian king, offered its builder all the land he could cover in one days travel on a donkey for his monastery, which now possesses vast territorial holdings. In Scripture a donkey symbolizes the complete stubbornness of man. Donkeys are recorded exactly 28 times in Scripture and the word man, appropriately, has a gematria of 28.


Catherine’s birth place was named, Fain-les-Moutiers near Moutiers Saint Jean, the name of the monastery (Catherine LaBoure and the Modern Apparitions of Our Lady, Englebert, 1958 pp.1,2), which we know immediately derives from Marmoutier of Martin of Tours. Moutier became a French dialect word for Monasterium, and Marmoutier, in the 4th Century, secretly meant Sour grapes sheep perfectly depicting the Bitter Red Conspiracy who devised monasteries as their means of infiltration. The year 1830 not only demonstrated the head 18 versus Heel 30 battle, but it   numerically portrayed that battle as follows :


Battle = 60 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 etc. up to # 60 = 1830 !

ordinal perfection 10 x 183 The Heel of the Woman = 183

Observe the “hidden” aspect of Mary’s choice of Merovingian Paris:

In 1913 Neils Bohr formulated his theory of atomic structure

1n 1913 Mas Bodenstein formulated his concept of chemical chain reaction

1 + 2 + 3 etc. up to 1913 = sum 1830741

The Heel of the Woman 183 in 1830)(0741 Last Merovingian King crowned 741 !!!


It was Merovingian Presidents of the New World who mandated the Atomic Bomb! The Blessed Mother stood on the head of the serpent in Paris which was named after Paris of the Trojan war, for the Merovingians came to Europe from Troy. And Paris was the son of Priam who had killed Achilles with an arrow to his heel. From the Merovingian Kingdoms 450-751 , the following information is gleaned :


1. Trojan Legend of the Franks

Mid 7th century chronicler Fredegar claims that Priam of Troy was the 1st king of the Franks succeeded by Friga. The people split up, some remaining in Macedonia, while others went with Friga to the Danube. Others stayed and became Turks and others followed Francio to the Rhine where they became known as Franks.


2. Second Trojan Legend of the Franks by author of Liber Historiae Francorum After the fall of Troy, Priam and Antenor led 12,000 men to the River Tanais and then to the Maeotic Swamps. From there they moved to Pannonia and built a city called Sicambria. Offered tribute for 10 years by the Emperor, they drove the Alani out of the Swamps and were then named Franci for fierce. When the 10 years were over they killed the tax collectors, and in the resulting battle with Roman troops Priam was killed. The Franks then left Sicambria and moved to the Rhine. There Sunno, Antenor’s son died and on recommendation of Priam’s son, Marchomir, the Franks elected Faramund as Rex Crinitus, the Long Haired King.


It is obvious there were two aspects of the Conspiracy, one of which claims Benjaminite descent; the other, Davidian descent through David’s son Absolom who was enemy of David. I believe Merovingians were of the second Trojan legend, while Carolingians, mayors of the Merovingian castles who usurped their thrones, were the former. This difference is still played out in today’s conspiracy. Both legends cite histories beginning with Priam of Troy and ending at the Rhine, The genealogy of Athelstan of Kent, who called the first assembly of York Masons in 926 AD traces back to King Priam of Troy (Iclandic Prose Eda) !!


Wood tells us that the 7th century saw the spread of Merovingian monasticism to an even greater degree at the death of Clovis II, because his wife, Bathild, the mother of Chlothar III, had monastic interests. A major part of Masonic ritual for centuries is the widow’s son. Chlothar III would have been the widow’s son in the year 666 : 


Bathild, Widow of Clovis Two


17 x 17 Freemasonry went public in 1717.


Tradition holds that in her fight to have monasteries freed from episcopal intervention, Bathild had exactly NINE bishops killed (Ibid p. 200) ! Then, on page 222 we are given information about something amiss in Merovingian history, a situation, according to Wood, over which Merovingians and Carolingians both wished to draw a veil. This inspired me to research the story. And it would seem that the two branches became one through Dagobert II, the king who was named the “Lost”

Merovingian King per selections from my previous work on this:


The Arthurian legends give us the background: In 1210, Gottfried of Strasbourg wrote a version of the Tristan story. Like Parzival, Triston is born to a young mother “Blanchefleur”. When she learns her husband has been killed she names the boy Tristan, "sorrowful" and dies. The boy is reared/ knighted by his uncle Mark, king of Cornwall. Tristan kills Irish Morold but receives a poison wound which Morold, dying, says can be cured only by Ireland's Queen Iseult who has a daughter named Iseult. The daughter Iseult marries Mark, gets involved with Tristan and plots to kill Brangane for knowing too much. Tristan then falls in love with a 3rd Iseult.*1


The legend is discernible with the help of the Bible and Wood's Merovingian work :


Benjamin was named Benoni ( Gen:35:18 ), in Hebrew, "son of affliction" i.e."Sorrrowful", so-named by his mother Rachel who died in childbirth in Bethlehem. The Benjamites were supplanted kings, and this Blanchefleur knew her son would also be supplanted, the reason she too named her son sorrowful. And I believe that king was Merovingian King Dagobert II. For when Dagobert's father, Sigibert III died, Dagobert was taken away by Dido, Bishop of Poitiers, to Ireland .*2 His accession to the Merovingian throne was supplanted by Childebert, son of the mayor of the palace , Grimoald. Tradition says Sigibert adopted Childebert. Ibid. but why would he have done so if he already had an heir --his own son ? Additionally, there were some suspicious events involving an Irish Monk of Fosses, who was murdered one year prior to Dagobert's exile .*3 Suspicion also surrounds Bishop Dido, who took Dagobert to Ireland and was seen with the mayor of the palace, Grimoald , 77 days ahead of Dagobert's exile, at a monastery run by the Pipins. Ibid. This is curious, since the Pipins were the mayors of another Merovingian palace entirely, who later became Carolingians and supplanted the Merovingians. Seemingly a coup was being brewed . Dagobert's mother, about whom history is silent , did not come forward and press Dagobert's case for the throne , *4 which perhaps says, that the wife of Dagobert's father was not the mother of Dagobert, and perhaps the murdered Irish monk knew this. If we read between the lines of Strasbourg's legend , we can deduct that Dagobert's mother, Blanchefleur, was a Blanchefort from the neighboring mountain peak, Bezu , who died at the time of Sigisbert's death, which would explain why no one came forward to press for Dagobert's claim to the throne, both parents being deceased. Bezu is plausible since Dagobert's son is said to have been raised at Rennes le Chateau, following his death , it being the ancestral home of his wife, Gizelle de Razes. Rennes was one of the three triangular peaks which included the Blanchefort's family ancestral seat at  Bezu . But who were the Blancheforts ? Blanchefleur -white flower -- white apple blossom which is shaped like a wild rose (the symbol) Blanchefort -white fort -They were perhaps the Merovingians of Britain whose skin were white through intermarriage with Celts, by contrast to French Merovingians whose skins were darker.


They were perhaps the people who built and lived in the hill forts of Southern Britain during the Saxon invasions, in that part of Britain which is shaped exactly like a boot with a heel. According to Wood , Dagobert's home in Ireland was Scottia et Hibernia .*5 Scotia is the Latin form of Dark Aprodite , mother of Caledonia , after whom Scotland was named, and her domain was under the earth *6, which could account for the hill forts under which some of the early peoples of Southern Britain lived. They were huge mounds sometimes containing several houses and even large feasting halls of Dark Age warlords such as that unearthed in South Cadbury in Somerset, or the land of Camelot . *7 This one mound covered 18 acres ! Ibid According to maps dating back to 400 AD, Ireland itself, was once named Scotia .*8 This being so, the people would be called Scotians which rhymes with Goshens , and Goshen, land of the Hyksos pyramid builders, translates in Hebrew to "mound ". This is significant since the Hebrews who became enslaved in Egypt, later lived in Goshen, arranged by Joseph, Benjamin’s brother. (and the Nova Scotians were the first peoples of their new home in the Northern New World).


In Scottia et Hibernia, Dagobert lived in exile in a monastery named Slane, until his return to France in 676 at which time Wilfrid of York is said to have invited him to do so .*9 It was Wilfrid of York who introduced Benedictine rule to Britain at Melrose! *10 Dagobert returned to France in 676 and was assassinated with a lance through the eye 3 years later. This means Dagobert was in Britain in 666 AD which is likely the time frame of Strasbourg's story and the 3 royal Iseults . But who were the Iseults ? Among the ancient royals of Britain were three royal clans of Iceni, who lived in the forests of Suffolk and Norfolk .*11 They made their mark on history through a woman named Boudica, which translates “Victoria”. In AD 60, Boudica, having been victimized by the Romans building

a second Rome in Britain, led the Iceni to their main stronghold, Camulodunum in Colchester, where metalworkers of Southern France had settled, therein massacring the entire population; thence, burning the city to the ground. She then ambushed the 9th Roman Legion attacking them in a line of march and demolished them. Next, she marched on London, where an estimated 70,000 were decapitated , crucified or burnt. Additionally, she killed the women and children inside the Iron Age hillfort of South Cadbury. In the inevitable counter-attack by the Roman legions, 80, 000 British were killed and Boudica poisoned herself. The Icini thereafter disappear from history and little is known of them. Ibid . But the names of their dwelling places Norwich, the market of the Icini, and Norfolk, connect us to Norway. Their silver coins support this, in as much as they display a boar motif, Ibid. and the boar was the symbol of the Orkney Islands, a possession of Norway. The coins also bore 6 pointed stars and were minted with tribal names rendered as Eceni Ibid. So it would seem that the Icini were the royal dynasty of Merovingian Normans who later came to reside in Normandy and , united with the Carolingians, later returned to retake England in 1066.


Once more, it is the Blessed Mother who will help us to unlock this mystery :


In 636 AD during the reign of Dagobert I, a mysterious boat without oars appeared at the mouth of the Liame River docking in Bologne. On board were found a statue of the Virgin Mary with a mystical radiance around it , 3.5 feet high and holding the child Jesus in her left arm. The statue was placed in the chapel; crowds swelled during the centuries that followed due to all the miracles attached to her presence. Five hundred years later, in 1104, Ida de Bouillon, mother of Godfroi de Bouillon, enlarged the chapel to accommodate the crowds. In 1544 Henry VIII 's soldiers pillaged the church and brought the statue to England where it remained for several years After its return, and in the year 1567, the Huguenots devastated the Church . One among them named Jehan de Frohart buried the statue in manure. The French Revolution brought another onslaught to the church and the statue, which had been brought back by the repentant Frohart. This time, one Andre Dumont burnt the statue in Godfroi de Bouillon Square and later wrote that the celebrated and incomprehensible Virgin had been unmiraculously reduced to ashes. A small part of the hand was salvaged and is to be found in the chapel in a hand-shaped reliquary. Two statues have replaced the original but only one concerns us here. For she is entirely of white marble except for the heart of gold and crown of gold; she sits with the Child Jesus in a boat and she is lovingly called "the Virgin of the Sea" and as "Our Lady of the Great Return". *12 In this apparition, Our Lady points us to Dagobert 1, grandfather of assassinated Dagobert II, to the town dedicated to Sion's Godfroi de Bouillon, King of Jerusalem and to his mother who enlarged the chapel; to Henry VIII , who broke from the Roman Church; to the Huguenots of the Protestant Reformation, and the French Revolution; to the hand of Islam dedicated to Fatima daughter of Mohammad in the Aqsa Mosque where the Templars lived; to the Grail legend of Lohengrin with his oarless boat; to King Arthur, the "once and future king of thegreat return, and to the last 3. 5 years of Tribulation all integral parts of the conspiracy ! And she appeared with a radiance around her just like the eye in the triangle, their symbol, and just like the radiance around Oue Lady of Guadalupe, her first apparition in the New World. But why did Our Lady choose the reign of Dagobert I, was my question, but herein was found the answer. It turns out that Merovingian Queen Bertha who married Aethelbert of Kent had a daughter, Ethelberga, who married Edwin of Northumbria. And when Edwin died, she sent her children to Dagobert I in France for protection. *13 Aethelbert of Kent ruled from 600AD , followed by Raedwald , followed by Edwin, Oswald and Oswy c 624.*14 They reigned in the East Anglian dynasty of kings founded by Wuffa who ruled 571-578. His descendants were called Wuffingas, the Wolf people. It was they who fought at Badan Hill of King Arthur fame. Ibid. And significantly, Northumbria is just a little North of the Icini.  Now in Wood's genealogy for Dagobert I, we find his fourth wife is Wufegunde.*15 It is the only time a “wolf” name appears in the genealogy of the entire Merovingian Dynasty. The first kings of Britain included: Wuffa, Wulfhere, Cenwulf, Ceolwulf , Beornwulf , Beorhtwulf, Aethelwulf .*16 The implication is that Dagobert I married or produced a child with one of his nieces who had been sent to him for protection . There are no children recorded by this union.    However, he produced Sigibert III by his third wife, and Sigibert III produced Dagobert II by his first wife whose name is missing from his genealogy and is apparently lost to history. If her name is lost to history, it means it was erased from history. Why ? Could it be that Sigibert,  who would have grown up with his cousin, Wufegund, married her after the death of his father, Dagobert I, thereafter producing Dagobert II ? If this is so, the implications are enormous and would explain why Dagobert II was exiled to Ireland and kept from the throne , for his blood would not have been pure Merovingian. It would also explain why Dagobert had an uncle in Britain and why Sigibert adopted the mayor of the palace’s son to succeed to his own son’s throne . If Dagobert was indeed part Icini lineage, and he then married an Icini in Britain, it would explain the three Iseults (Iceni ) of Strasbourg’s legend --for three Merovingian kings would have married an Icini : father, son and grandfather. And I believe this produced the lesser line of "Blanchfleur", the sorrowful, in fact, the de Blanchefort’s originating with the white (British) forts, and the line from which Godfroi de Bouillon descended.  


The bottom line is that Dagobert II was the only male descendant of Sigibert III. His sister could not ascend the throne because of Salic Law, created by the Merovingian's themselves, which prevented female accession. This law would later be responsible for the 100 years war when Edward III was unable to claim the French throne through his mother's lineage. Salic law fell under Pactus Legis Salicae . And the treaty governing the transfer of loyalty from one Merovingian king to another was named the Treaty of ANDELOT.*17 Andelot in Camelot ! Camelot was nothing more than the glorified Merovingian heresy!


That the divine bloodline was the essence of the Brotherhood of Camelot, is made explicit in the actual certificate of entry into Arthur’s ancient Knights of the Round Table which reads:  "Golden Certificate of Entry as a Knight of the Sangreal of the Order of the Fellowship of the Court of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table".*18 Sang Real ---royal blood !


The pseudo-historical King Arthur tradition established by Geoffrey of Manmouth makes no mention of Lancelot , Triston, or the Grail ; these were added in the Middle Ages by the French with Cisterician symbolism , and incorporated into the existing legends.*19 Thus, they are chronologically misplaced. Thence, Lancelot becomes Dagobert "lanced" through the eye, Dagobert, whose bloodline was no longer pure Merovingian because of "Iseult " choices made by him, his father, and his father before him. And rest assured the bloodline never was "divine”.


The male Merovingian line was spent --and female accession was forbidden under Salic law. Thus through their own laws, primarily the Treaty of Andelot , the Merovingians had effectively ended their lot in Camelot with Lancelot. Hardly the stuff of romance!


*1 The Age of Faith, Will Durant, Simon and Schuster, 1950 , pp. 1048,1049

*2 The Merovingian Kingdoms. 450-751, Ian Wood, Longman Group UK , 1994 , pp . 222 , 223

*3 The Merovingian Kingdoms.450-751,Ian Wood, Longman Group UK,1994 p 222 *4 Ibid pp. 233,234 *5 Ibid pp. 231,232

*6 The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Barbara G. Walker, Harper Collins , pp. 901,941,942

*7 In Search of the Dark Ages, Michael Wood, Facts on File, NY 1987 p. 49

*8 Historical Atlas of the World , Rand McNally, Houghton Mifflin 1994 map 400AD B2 p. 14

*9 Ibid. Merovingian p. 231 *10 Dictionary of Saints , John I Delaney, Doubleday, 1980 p. 586

*11 In Search of the Dark Ages, Michael Wood, Facts on File, NY 1987 p. 17

*12 Miraculous Images of Our Lady, Joan Carroll Cruz, Imprimatur:Frances B Schulte, Archbishop New Orleans, 1993 pp. 71-73

*13 The Merovingian Kingdoms. 450-751, Ian Wood, Longman Group UK , 1994 p. 177

*14 In Search of the Dark Ages, Michael Wood, Facts on File, NY 1987 pp. 62, 63 *15 Ibid , Merovingian Kingdoms p. 348

*16 In Search of the Dark Ages, Michael Wood, Facts on File, NY 1987 pp. 10,11 *17 Ibid. Merovingian Kingdoms pp. 99,103,104

*18 A Summary of King Arthur in Cornwall , Ronald RJ Youlton, Underhill Plymouth Ltd , 1959 , back inside cover page, fly leaf

*19 Colliers Encyclopedia , P F Collier Inc. NY. and London., MacMillan Educational Co.1981 Vol 2 p. 711


Conclusion: the Merovingian and Carolingian bloodline are one ! Then there is this information which ties the Merovingians to the Meroites of Ancient Ethiopia:


Citing Fredegar, Wood gives us information re: Merovech, father of Chideric, from whom the name Merovingian derived, something of immense importance:


“According to Fredegar Merovech was conceived when Chlodio’s wife went swimming and encountered a Quinotaur. Although it is not explicitly stated the sea monster was the father of eponymous founder of the Merovingian dynasty, that is clearly the impression which Fredegar intended to give. The royal dynasty, thus, was thought to have had a supernatural origin”. (the Merovingian Kingdoms, p 37 emphasis mine) Aside from the fact that Merovech was called Merovee, a spoof on Harovee, wife of Zoroaster, founder of sun-god religion, Zoroastrianism, please read the following from one of my previous works regarding the meaning of Quinotar:


The Philistine giants, sons of Mesraim, son of Ham (1:Chron:1:11) lived in Palestine where Saloman built his temple (History I) Their god, lord of the flies was a good choice, since the bee is a member of the fly family As pertains to the choice of bee over fly, there are worker bees who tend to the queen bee, carpenter bees who are able to drill a geometrically perfect 12 inch hole, and split-tongue bees.*1 Bees were the symbol of God's wrath ( Psalms 118: 12) and God's wrath was exactly what they wished to provoke, for God brought his people out from Goshen to the land of milk and honey and drove out the enemy before them with hornets (bees)(Deut: 7:20; Joshua 24:12 ) A beehive is a symbol of the 3rd degree of York Freemasonry.*2


The 18th dynasty of Egypt extended the borders of Egypt South, and a viceroy was established in Ethiopia .*2 Ethiopia was founded by Cush, son of Ham , cursed by Noah . Here we have the connection to the Armenian text "The Bees", for it was in the Armenian mountains that Noah's ark settled near the Assyrian border ; from there Ham went forth to Cush. In Scripture, Assyrians are called the bee whose heads and beards God will shave, while the Egyptians are called the fly.Isaiah 7:18-20


Ethiopia was called the land of Cush by the Israelites and "Meroe " by the Greeks.*4 This is the place of origin of Merovingians, for it was also called land of the Blue Nile (Blue Masons) and land of the Hamites (1st public Masons-Britain wherein Ham comprises the names of numerous towns,cities, counties,plus Buckingham Palace etc). Below the 5th cataract of the Nile, the ruins of the ancient city of Meroe are still to be found. Over each tomb are pyramids, so many, that it ranks as the land with more pyramids than any other. Of them is written , "Until recently no one realized that the Meroitic pyramids were slightly truncated, flattened off at the top ( exactly like the pyramid on the Great US Seal )....So many commoners were buried with so many possessions that scholars concluded that ' a cult of the dead dominated the religious life of all Meroe.....'*5 There are numerous such pyramids, 50 to 100 ft. high, and over 60 royal pyramids, which support the local tradition that "kings always came from Meroe ". *6


A chronology of kings was obtained from pyramid texts. In one inscription , 'a king announced his right to the throne by citing descent from the queen mother ! And their funery inscriptions 'mention the mother first ...'Ibid Of this the author comments ..' No one would doubt the power and authority of Queen Amanitore .……..a resolute warrior wielding a sword , a conqueror with prisoners at her feet, a monarch wearing a crown with the royal emblem of the Cobra .' " *7


The Queen Mother was named AMANITORE

Queen Amanitore! The Merovingians claimed to be offspring of A Minotaur!


The last of the Meroite aristocracy seems to have fled mysteriously sometime before 350AD taking with them their belief in divine kingship .*8 (Merovingian dynasty of kings began France  in 450 AD ). All that remains are the ruins of its former glory, barren country amidst a scattering of acacia trees ( an acacia sprig is part of the ritual of being raised a Mason ). Unearthed are ancient cattle bones, many golden ornaments which include a hinged shield which fits over the fingers and knuckles, antelopes, winged goddesses , scarab beetles, the sacred serpent, symbol of royalty , as well as abundant iron smelting furnaces , which led an English philologist to decide that Meroe must have been the Birmingham of Africa *9 The people of Meroe of this period looked similar to Egyptians, and were skilled at facial scarring. *10 Hence, red crosses on their backs would not have posed a problem when the Merovingians decided to change the Quinataur story to the divine lineage of Jesus story !!


Most significant is that the nearby city of Napata was the center of Amun (sun ) worship and out of Napata came the Cushite king Piye who conquered Egypt and set up the XXV dynasty of Egyptian kings in 741 BC. Thence, the Cushite capital was moved from Napata to Meroe . Therefore, for 70 years Egyptian kings did live in Meroe which accounts for their belief that kings were divine ---a traditional Egyptian fallacy. Ironically, it was the Assyrians who conquered Egypt driving them back to Meroe*11 Thus, for 70 years the Meroite kings wore the double crown of Egypt, a crown which was half white and half red !!

*1 Funk and Wagnal's New Encyclopedia , 1975 Vol.2 p. 280

*2 The Authorized Work, Grand Lodge of AF & AM of Nova Scotia , 4th Edition , Ancient York Rite, 1967 p 159

*3 The Pharaohs , Tree Communications Inc. , Stonehenge Press, 1981 p 44

*4 The Holy Scriptures, Masoretic text, Menorah Press, Chicago, Index dictionary Ethiopia p 823

*5 Splendors of the Past , Lost Cities of the Ancient World , National Geographic Society 1981 p 158

*6 Ibid. p 153 *7 Ibid. p 166 *8 Ibid.. p 171 *9 Ibid S p 162 *10 Ibid. p 153 *11 Ibid. p149


In Ethiopia, is also found Axum which now maintains a Judaic-Christian culture, claims to have the Ark of the Covenant, and claims a tradition that their kings are descendant from Menelek, son of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba . At age 20 , so the story goes , Menelek went to meet Solomon, who was reluctant to see him return but, unable to dissuade him, he commanded all his high officials to send their first-borns to Ethiopia as he must do. The high priest was warned in a dream that the Temple would be destroyed by Nebuchadnessar, so the priest should take the Ark. Accordingly, Menelek, along with sons of princes, high priests and 12, 000 people set out with the Ark for Ethiopia . The Ark is still said to be in the Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum, and is zealously guarded therein .*1


Thus, we have a Zion versus Sion rationale, as well as a Solomon versus Salomon precedent stemming back to ancient Ethiopia where seemingly the rise of the great kingdom in Axum threatened the monopoly Meroe enjoyed, so the two clashed. The connecting thread is that Joseph the brother of Benjamin, was married to an Egyptian, and Sion ( Mount Hermon ) was in the territory of Manasseh, son of Joseph. But there's an even larger picture, for out of Cush, land of the Hamites, land of Meroe, came the world's first Emperor of the world's first Empire, a Semitic empire. And that empire extended from Ethiopia to Assyria; some historians say to India. Thus, from Assyria to Ethiopia thereafter, the dream was to re-establish that Hamito-Cushite Semitic empire which was, in fact, anti-Semitic !


Meanwhile, Ethiopia changed its name to Abyssinia which name means" wormwood ". Of wormwood, Scripture states, "When the third angel blew his trumpet a huge star burning like a torch crashed down from the sky ....The star's name was Wormwood . Rev 8:10-11 The word wormwood derives from a plant ,"a climbing bitter -sweet " perennial roadside herb of the genus Artemisia absinthium used to produce absinthe, a green colored liquor, prohibited in many countries because it causes mental and physical debility . *2 The five point star conspiracy was born out of the bitterness of the many . Thus, the Great Seal incorporates the words , "out of many one", rationalized as one country out of 13 colonies.


Bearing in mind, that the Merovingians became Plantards and Plantagenets, we begin our search for the bitter-sweet foundation stone. There was a mystic Sarmoung Society named The Bees in Babylon , the most famous city of which was Nineveh, founded by Nimrod in the land of Shinar. Gen :10:10 -11 i.e.. the land of the Tigris and Euphrates , cradle of civilization , present day Iraq. Nineveh was the city God was going to destroy and then changed His mind . God sent Jonah to warn the people of their impending destruction in 40 days, and after reluctantly doing so, Jonah went east of the city to watch the destruction. God provided a plant which grew up over his head to give him shade. When the destruction did not occur, Jonah was angry at God and when he became too angry, the plant which shaded him died. God said to him, "You are concerned over the plant which cost you no labor and which you did not raise ; it came up in one night and in one night it perished. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh, the great city, in which there are more than one hundred twenty thousand people who cannot distinguish their right hand from their left, not to mention the many cattle”? (Jonah 4:5-11) The people didn't know any better ; they had been raised among false gods and had not yet come to the knowledge of the One True God, but when the people believed Jonah, repented, and pleaded with God to spare their city , God changed his mind and did so. The significance of this story, cannot be overstated, given it is the city in which Freemasonry first organized (Mackey).


We start with Akhenaten's daughters who did not know their left hand from their right as evidenced by art of the period which, in fact, shows 2 sisters in pose, one with the left hand where the right hand should be (to mock God’s words ). The bones of their hands are skeletal, elongated, and quite eerie looking, as are their shaved heads, deformed and egg shaped.*3 To the top of the picture was once the giant heel and sandal strap of Nefertiti, Akhenaten's  queen. The loosening of a sandal strap was a Jewish custom symbolizing the sealing of a contract and we know the meaning of the heel. Thus, the picture symbolizes a contract with the heel of the sun-god versus God. And to spoof God's words just a little more perfectly, Akhenaten gave the ends of all the rays of his sun-god little hands, reaching down to royalty as sons of the sun -god. However, his attempt to spoof God's words and make royalty the heel is foiled by the numbers which reveal that he was not of the heel, but rather of the head of the serpent :


The Pharaoh Akhenaten

179 The number Eighteen =179 ( head = 18 )

sometimes spelled , Pharaoh Akhenaton = 156 six six six = 156

Nineveh = "nine " veh , and the number nine according to the mystics was a magical number. We know from the black mass that Satan turns everything backwards (6 upside down helps me  put on my crown = 9) Any number backwards is a multiple of 9 ! For example : 72 minus 27 is 45 ( 9 x 5) ; 63 minus 36 = 27 ( 9 x 3 ); 81 minus 18 = 63 ( 9 x 7 ) Nineveh was the center of the occult , the soothsayers, the mystics ; and was accordingly named " Nine " way. The year of the Masterplan may well have been chosen in Nineveh for 1998 backwards is 8991:


9 x 999


This is why prayer novena’s are 9 days long, to offset the 9’s used by the occult. For we have the 9 muses of Greece, 9 sisters of Scandinavia, 9 morgans of the Fortunate Isles, 9-fold goddess of the Egyptian Ennead, 9 hathors of Egyptian prophesy , 9 underground rivers and souls of the dead (Aztec), ninefold goddess of the sea ( Arthur born of ), god of the shamrock triple bearer of the triple key (=9) , the 9 pointed star used for divination (Enneagram of Sufimysticism), 9 feathers in the eagles tail (on the Great Seal ), 9 Archons of Athens (1st democracy), to mention but a few. And Akhenaten's daughters, one of whom has a hand on backwards, are the 4th and 5th daughters = 9 Ibid.

*1 Mary The Ark of the Covenant Prof. Courtney Bartholomew MD ,The 101 Foundation 1995 , PP 71-75

*2 Funk and Wagnal's New Encyclopedia, 1975, Vol. 25 p 308 and ref.

*3 The Pharaohs , Tree Communications Inc. , Stonehenge Press, 1981 p 95


I believe firmly that the Meroites of Meroe who became a dynasty of Egypt’s kings, joined the Edomites, Amalekites, Benjamites etc. in their trek around the circle (Mediterranean) to become Merovingians of Gaul. “Bitter” was their commonality. The Infiltration Chronology Continued (note IV + V = 9)


Merovingian king, Philip IV(la Belle), who arrested the Templars on Oct. 13, 1307 and who placed his cousin, Clement V, on the Chair of Peter as his accomplice, then insisted that the pope remain in France, rather than Rome . This began what is named the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, a 68 year period in which the Church was forced to remain in Avignon France. The next successive 6 popes would be French and Merovingian, the second of whom, Clement VI , began formulating the doctrine of indulgences, which later became the spark of the Protestant Reformation as planned!  The majority of Templars who escaped the arrest in 1307 went to Scotland which was the first to break from the Church through the Declaration of Arbroath, the document on which the 1776 US Declaration was based. One signatory of the letter to Pope John XXII April 4, 1320 (date NATO was later formed) was the grandfather of Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Shetland Islands for Norway who lived in Roslin Castle, Scotland. It was he who brought Templar treasure to Nova Scotia in 1398, 94 years pre-Columbus. The Sinclairs were bishops of Ross and hereditary Grand Masters of Freemasonry. And Arbroath stated Scottish origin was Scythia (Russia) (the Temple and Lodge, p.66) Sinclairs came to Scotland from Normandy where a hermit named St. Clair, from  whom their name derived, was martyred, and exactly NINE St.Clairs had fought in the Battle of Hastings after which Henry’s grandfather accompanied the expedition to return the heart of the Bruce to Jerusalem (Prince Henry Sinclair, Pohl, pp 17,18,20). Now we understand that the Brotherhood were the power behind having the movie made, and why. Be forewarned, the Brotherhood are the power behind everything in our world. Since John XXII was the pope under whom the Church lost its first country, Scotland,  the next Merovingian Brother to take the Chair of Peter, in celebration of this, took the name John XXIII in the year 1415. His papacy was secured by Louis, Duke of Anjou, a Norman Merovingian. When he was discovered and expelled by the Church, he left Rome on an oxcart (symbol of the early Brotherhood guild, Stonemasons), carrying a sac of money (symbolic of the sac of gold which was part of ancient Masonic burial  tradition at death) and his seal (presumably the skull and bones as he was formerly a pirate). His epitaph was later written by Cosimo de Medici, a descendant of Marie de Medici, founder of the de Bourbon line of Merovingians and his epitaph reveals it all :


But first, it must be understood that with each John that ascended the Chair of Peter, there was a corresponding John who became the Navigator of Sion. For Sion named their leaders Navigators instead of Grand Masters, after Brendon the Navigator who discovered the New World in the 6th Century, and after Henry the Navigator under whom many Templars, who escaped arrest, survived in Portugal. The epitaph of this Masonic pope read, Here lies Baldassare Cossa who was once Pope John XXIII.  (The Decline and Fall of the Roman Church, Malachi Martin). We need only switch the word “Pope” to “Navigator”, to see the troubadour message:


Here lies Baldassare Cossa who was once Navigator John Twenty Third = 666

Gematria became a game to the Brotherhood, a game that will now expose them. The de Medici who placed these words on the gravestone of Baldassare Cossa was of “the” de Medici’s. The marriage of Marie de Medici to Henry IV began the dynasty of French de Bourbons, Merovingian claimants, whose bloodine later emerged in Spain. The rulers of Spain were also Hapsburgs, the line which began (in Spain) with Isabella and Ferdinand of Inquisition fame ( a Merovingian venture). Hapsburgs and deBourbons both were major claimants of the divine Merovingian Bloodline, posing as Catholics.


To illustrate one such:

Recall that Childeric, father of the 1st Merovingian king Clovis, cut a silver coin in half and left the other half with his friend Wiomad, returning when the latter sent him the other half of the coin (meaning it was now safe to return).  Now, observe the events of 1524 as documented by Malachi Martin (Decline and Fall of the Roman Church). Spain’s king was Charles V, descendent of the Duke of Burgundy (Charles the Bold), and of Ferdinand and Isabella (Hapsburgs), and “having bribed the electors” (Funk and Wagnal 1975), became in 1519 Holy Roman Emperor. But Charles also aspired the papacy itself. So he raised an army, plundered St.Peter’s, stole the

papal tiara, killed 1700 men, raped women, and fed his horses on Holy Communion. When his imperial army arrived with 20, 000 Spaniards under Philibert of Orange, they  literally fell on the city. They raped, burned, pillaged, slaughtered orphans, copulated in the streets and robbed St. Peter’s grave. Philibert’s horses were stabled in the Sistine Chapel and the horses of the officers were stabled in Vatican apartments. For good  measure they burned the Papal Library. Clement was forced into exile for 7 months. Then they demanded of the Pope a payment to leave, a payment of 123,152 and one half ducats. This one half was said to really bother the Pope. Why one half ??

One Hundred Twenty Three Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Two = 605

Add “One Half” = 61


It was the Merovingian thing to do! And a great Masonic chuckle was had by all.


The Vatican had been left with festering horse dung, overflowing latrines, 2000 corpses floating in the river and the army was still copulating in the streets. The extremely traumatized Pope must now put all this behind him and go amidst pomp and pageantry to crown Charles as Holy Roman Emperor. He died shortly after. This pope was a de Medici who had bought his election to the papacy (Ibid. M. Martin) He was of the bloodline also. And this is exactly how Satan works. He creates all his evil entities and then turns them on one another. This was exactly the case with Templars. As for Charles V, at the end of his reign he retired to a MONASTERY.  Is the larger picture starting to come into focus ? These were Reformation years in mainland Europe. England would soon join and Merovingian power would reach its absolute height in England, where it remains today. Following the break with the Church during the reign of Henry VIII, the “divine bloodlines” latched on to Protestantism as their “reason to be ”, now believing it to be the best way to crush God’s Church. As for the Jews, God’s other Covenant, the secular and the political power of the throne of England would take care of that. Let me demonstrate both:


The year 1818 had arrived. HEAD 18 HEAD 18 . Double head !! Recall that Merovingians are on the side of the head =18 of Gen: 3:15, so they double head all they do. Thus, in double headed year 1818, Edward the Duke of Kent married the widow of the Prince of Leiningen twice !! And the second wedding was a double wedding with William, Duke of Clarence and his bride Princess Adelaide of Saxe- Meiningen, with the weddings taking place on July 13, 1818. Observe:

July Thirteenth , Eighteen Eighteen = 341

Edward Duke of Kent + Princess Victoria, widow of the Prince of Leiningen = 670

William Duke of Clarence + Princess Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen = 506

Total equals the year of the Protestant Reformation 1517 1517 !

Perfect Strike at the Heel, Christ’s Church !

Karl Marx, founder of Communism, was born in the same year 1818. His regime of Communism annihilated 93,000,000 Christians (Guiness) then Catholic Russia. 

Next were God’s first Covenant, the Jews. In 1917, the British took possession of Palestine including what is now Israel. In 1917, Britain’s Arthur Balfour initiated the Balfour Declaration in co-operation with Rothschild (Illuminist and the name means RED SHIELD), endorsing a future national home for the Jews . In 1917, Rothschild who had forged British relations with Russia died (Leopold). In 1917, George V created the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, which later dedicated a chapel in the crypt of St. Paul’s church, which once held the largest Masonic library in the world and was the gathering place of the Brotherhood. This reinforced the Order of the Garter, other Illuminist order which has horse stalls in Windsor castle chapel because Knights Templar kept their horses under the Temple Mount of Jerusalem, and because it had become the traditional for Merovingians to trample St. Peter’s Vatican and Marian Shrines with horses. Horses were so sacred to Merovingians that the early kings had horses buried around them ( just like the ancient Scythians) as well as a bull’s head (sun symbol) and golden bees ! Accordingly, the 1917 Balfour Declaration was mandated in the UN (an Illuminati  front organization) on November 29 (day 333 of the year) in honor of:  


The Great Universal Brotherhood =333 in the year 1947, also the year of the wedding of Elizabeth II to Mountbatten, Prince of Norway, Prince of Greece and descendant of the Hesses in Merovingian Germany, to boot. The resolution passed with a vote of 33-13. This vote would bring all the Jews to one country where they could be later annihilated. This had been the Merovingian and Egyptian mandate for centuries and is reflected in all aspects of the 1998 Masterplan on the calendars:

1948 Statehood

1991-1998 False Peace of Isaiah and Ezekiel

1998 Masterplan precursor of 5 plans 1998-2002

Note: Hitler was a Brother of Secret Society Thule, behind Nazism, stemming from Prussian Freemasonry and anti-semitic associations (The New World Order, Epperson).


And he appointed himself Germany’s War Minister in 1938-exactly 10 years ahead of the 1948 “Final Solution” planned for the Jews by the International Brotherhood. In celebration of the UN Partition that would facilitate that plan and passed in 1947, Elizabeth and Philip named their first son who would be king :

His Royal Highness, the Prince Charles Philip Arthur George, Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall, Earl of Chester, Duke of Rothesay, Earl of Carrick, Baron Renfrew, Lord of the Isles, Prince and Great Steward of Scotland = 1947

The Royals had all their children delivery date arranged for the other Covenant :

Charles November Fourteenth, Nineteen Forty Eight = 445

Anne August Fifteenth, Nineteen Fifty = 334

Andrew February Nineteenth, Nineteen Sixty = 393

Edward March Tenth, Nineteen Sixty Four = 353

Total = the year England and France signed Peace 1525

England signed for this reason behead 25 x 61Church 61


The best way to crush the French Catholic Church was “from within”, the formula.

Not to be outdone, it is exactly 10 years ahead of Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy enabling England to take the flock from Christ’s Church (rules, 1,10, 100, 1000 ahead). For you see Merovingians and their Brotherhood believe numbers have great power. They have been told this directly from the horse’s mouth, throughout centuries of black Satanic masses which began in Kiev, Ukraine Russia and now are held in Geneva, Victoria B.C and the Great Pyramid of Gizeh. Notice they are Satanic black “masses”, in imitation of Christ’s Church. Apparently evil knows which Church is God’s. It’s the flock who do not . The queen is the titular head of British Freemasonry, itself head of World Freemasonry. The church of England is a Masonic Stronghold. And this is what Freemasonry is up to—the elimination of God’s two Covenant peoples! The Committee of 300 of Britain is the secular leader, and it answers to the Royals. I began this section with the story of Baldazzar Cossa, whose gravestone gave us 666. This Masonic pope, the first John XXIII goes down in Church annals as an anti-pope. Why then, did John XXIII of our century take the same name as an anti-pope? Why did he take the same name, period ? No Pope has ever done so before ! And it happens that the same year Angelo Roncalli became John XXIII of Rome, a Navigator had just become John XXIII of Sion. A perfect double!


Angelo Roncalli began his papacy by saying “I am your brother Joseph”, and Joseph was Benjamin’s brother. It was a troubadour message . And as a result of Vatican II, which he called in1962, the Mass was changed by his successor PAUL VI , the get-even name, (Paul Benjamite Apostle) of this Brotherhood, as discussed earlier, and containing one 6 of their 666)). Under Paul, and enabled by Vatican II, the Mass was changed to:


Novus Ordo Missae the ecclesiastic equivalent of Novus Ordo Seclorum (New Order of the Mass) ( New World Order)


And more than left during the Protestant Reformation, now left the RC Church. John XXIII did not live to see the results of his Vatican II , for he died the very next year, 1963. And so did John XXIII of Sion !! God’s twofold Justice ! For the same infiltrators, the Brotherhood, who used his papacy for their goals, also planned the assassination of the 1st and only Catholic US President, J. F. Kennedy, in this same year. Observe :


“The assassination of Roman Catholic President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dallas Texas, November Twenty Second, Nineteen Sixty Three” = 1307 (1307, the get-even year of the arrest of the Templars) !!


Not only did the Catholic President die in 1963, but the Jewish President as well. Hence, the presidents of the two Covenants of God ! And the Jewish President, Itzhak Ben Zvi, died on April 23, the Feast of St. George, the red-cross knight, patron of the English Templars who took as their war cry during the Crusades, “St. George for Merry England”.


Yithak Ben Zvi was a Russian Zionist and founder of the underground Haganah. When he died at age 79, on the Feast of St. George, the Brotherhood couldn’t resist taking out the other. One of the leaders of God’s Covenants had died, and he was born on Nov. 24 It was perfect for the other one to die–exactly 3 days prior Nov. 22 Accordingly, President John F. Kennedy = 241 was assassinated Nov.22 Thence, The Warren Commission = 241 was a set up investigation.


Appropriately, Johnson (John’s son) a 33rd Degree Mason, persuaded Earl Warren to head the Warren Commission, for Warren had banned prayer in public schools. Not only this, but Earl Warren was a 33rd Degree Mason of the Brotherhood also! Thence began a whole series of Camelot analogies, for the Brothers are Camelot. This is the way they brag to one another about their  accomplishments”; this, in accordance with the ancient practice of sending Troubadours with numerically precise messages from land to land and sea to shining sea. For they are the shining  brothers of the land of Shinar of Genesis 10:10, a land which later became Canaan after which Canada was named, for it was to have been a Knights of Malta Utopia. But the other faction, the Templars, won out, so the USA became Shinar; thence, off to Charlottetown to rob the Great Silver Seal which became the Great US Seal. Prince Edward Island had been also appropriately, named St. John’s Island. This, from the story as told by author, Roland Sherwood,


“It was the first year of the American Revolution, but St. John’s Island never had any cause to worry… But then… one morning …on the 17th of November, in 1775, the citizens of Charlottetown awoke to find rebel vessels in the harbor. …Breaking into the home of Phillips Callbeck, the rebels …rifled chests, looted clothes closets…began to search the town for the wife of Phillips Callbeck. She was the enemy, they shouted…and they would slit her throat…..But Mrs. Callbeck was not to be found. …Breaking into Government House, the invaders stole public and private papers and carried off the great silver seal of the province”. Legends Oddities and Facts from the Maritime Provinces, Roland H Sherwood, pp16,17 “Slitting of throats” is part of the jargon of the ritual of the Brotherhood, per their handbook, of which every Mason has a copy. It is clear that it was the Brotherhood who entered Charlottetown Harbor in 1775 to take the Great Silver Seal which was the symbol of the New World Order Masterplan. Accordingly, Confederation of Canada took place in Charlottetown and accordingly, US Presidents and Canadian PM’s, including Jean Chretien, became Builderbergers, the most important octopus organization of the Committee of 300, and of the Illuminati, for it is Builderbergers who plan all World Chaos, racial, sectarian, religious and military.




Again, unique to the Order of the Garter, Windsor Castle, is St. George its patron !

The order was founded 1348 by Edward III, the Black Prince, and a Plantagenet Merovingian ! In its history 36 knights have been beheaded (1+ 2+ 3 to 36 = 666 )! Winston Churchill, responsible for the mass burial of 16,000 Catholic Croatians on May 15, 1945, and more who died in marches (Mejugorje Under Seige, D.Manuel p.p 61-62), was inducted into this order appropriately in Gizeh Pyramid year 1953, preparation year for N.W.O. determined by the “Pyramid Inch” timeline. The date of this Croatian massacre is the clue we need. For you see the 1st attempt at N.W.O. was to begin on Dec.10, 1998 the Biblical Jubilee of Israel, a day marked by God as such, for Dec 10 is day 344 of our calendar year and only in 1998, this anomaly is found:


December Tenth, Nineteen Ninety Eight = 344 (Tribulation for Jews was to begin with 3 days darkness prior to Dec. 13th) But look at this:


May Fifteenth, Nineteen Forty Five = 344 (16,000 Catholic Croatians mass burial) Hence we see how Churchill earned his membership into the Order of the Garter !  And why the occupants of Windsor Castle, home of the horse stalls chapel of “St.” George, share this very unlikely anomaly:


Prince Philip Mountbatten of Greece = 344

born on June Tenth, Nineteen Twenty One = 344 (double headed)

Sons: Prince Charles Arthur Philip George = 344

Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward = 344 (double headed)

The Royal Secret, the Royal Family = 344


The Masonic secret is a Royal secret. That secret is the heretical “divine” bloodline! And the Windsors are Merovingian to the apple’s core. A Blue Garter (for Blue Masons, meaning Merovingian code word, Blue Apples) was the basis of the name, Order of the Garter. It fits perfectly with core of the apple, the basis of the 5 Point Geographical Star Conspiracy. (See Addendum I )


[Editor: See: Heeding Bible Prophecy: Ten Kingdoms: 10.B; Synagogue of Satan: 15.B; Babylon Destroyed: 13.C]


And just like the Satanists who accused Templars of being Satanists and had them executed, so too these Garter Satanists have a motto, “Evil to him who thinks evil of it”. I, for one, can find no reason to think good of it ! In fact, through George, Mary has pointed to the conspiracy! For members of this order are Committee of 300 which is controlled by the royals. As for evil, Diana’s death is one of the many.  I previously wrote of the troubadour message the Brothers aired on TV (Addendum VII old site) re: her death. And the language provides this additional clue for us:


Balmoral Castle Scotland = 222

We need only add the date of Diana’s death :

Balmoral Castle Scotland, August Thirtieth, Nineteen Ninety Seven = 666


The Order of the Garter are Brothers with the Protestant branch of the Knights of St. John aka Templars aka Malta Knights and they run ambulance services !! This dear people is the Brotherhood. They adopted St. George as an alternative to St. Michael, God’s warrior who saves His Jewish people. It is they who brought the 7 year Tribulation, along with the Committee of 300, the underground Britain-US government. They established its perimeters on the 1998 Masterplan, precursor plan, complete with Oklahoma, by counting back the 1335 days of Dan:12:12 from Dec.13, (Nineteen Ninety Eight 222); then, poured out Tribulation in what they “deemed to be lesser countries”. Read of Haarp and of the Committee of 300! This world has not been in crisis because of “Acts of God”. Its been in crisis because of technology developed by this Brotherhood, technology which can create the storms, floods and earthquakes that the world has been plagued with the last 7 years, technology invented by Nicholas Tesla. This technology was fully developed by Russia. Haarp is the US effort to catch up. As for the latest crisis, I’m inclined to believe the slaughter of sheep in the UK is troubadour message prefiguring the slaughter of God’s sheep. Brothers are proud to be goats on Christ’s left. And this is exactly how this Brotherhood operate! Hoof and mouth disease poses no threat to humans. In India, cows are continually in the state of hoof and mouth disease and meat is sold per usual, as recently aired on the BBC news. Notice it is mostly SHEEP that are being slaughtered in Britain. For the Red Cross on Britain’s Union Jack is that of St. George.


And a great Masonic chuckle was had by all --in this pathetic Brotherhood who are “ordaining Tribulation” and arranging the world’s future in accordance with their ancient Plan of the Ages, the Masterplan, “Order through Chaos” ! The future of the world has been fully planned by evil !




It may even mean, mitigate both crosses planned in 2001 and that in 2002, since the first full position on the calendar in which all crosses begin to form is Apr.26. Russia heads the Triple Cross and both of the 5 Point Star Conspiracy Crosses, 2001 and 2002. Per Addendum I, the star is inverted only when viewed from Russia. And the inverted pentagram (star) is Satan’s symbol in the occult world. Russia is the scapegoat of the Committee of 300, as a result of the British-Russian relations established by Rothschilds (Red Shield). Rothschilds are secular Jews, anti-the religious Jews . Originally from Germany, they own British and world banks and have been one of the many behind this Conspiracy for centuries. They made their fortune through William of Hesse, ancestor of Prince Philip. Its all very inter-connected, this Merovingian plot. For you see, April 23 also happens to be the Grand Festival in Freemasonry, celebrating their Articles of Union, a union of the Antients and the Moderns (Facts on File p 181), as the two aspects of Freemasonry are named. It is also the date Timothy McVeigh was born, one more reason to   suspect the involvement of this Order of the Garter with their patron George. For the Oklahoma bombing marked start of New World Order Tribulation in the New World, just as Russia’s cross marks doom for Israel, very possibly in April. For the legend of St. George, the Red Cross Knight, included the belief that he would  one day return to merry “April England” !! (Patron Saints of the British Isles, R F Heath). There is also a prophesy by a king that when the next William shall ascend the throne of England, then shall the Monarchy end. William, son of Charles and Diana, is the first royal able to claim lineage from EVERY ENGLISH KING who left DESCENDANTS hence, all aspects of the Merovingian bloodline, MEANING BOTH PROTESTANT AND CATHOLIC PRETENDERS. FOR THAT IS WHAT MEROVINGIANS WERE. They are coded the “apples and oranges” of the conspiracy. Accordingly, when the Merovingian Normans took England in 1066, they did so at the Hoar Apple Tree which had always been known as Mountjoy !! In accordance with this, when the Brotherhood went public in 1717, they did so after a meeting at the Apple Tree Tavern. The star in the core of the apple, the basis of the 5 Point Star Conspiracy, Masonic Plan of the Ages. Caldbeck Hill, site of the Hoar Apple Tree, so-named for Mary Magdalene by the honey sweet Merovingian bees, was called Mountjoy because William the Conqueror had erected there a cairn of stones known as a mountjoy to commemorate the battle. The setting up of a mound of stones as a memorial was a Jewish custom, as for example, the memorial set up between Jacob and Laban symbolizing the battle between the One God of Jacob and the 360 gods of Laban (Gen: 31:45-54) and the mound set up at the Jordan by Joshua symbolizing the 12 Tribes of Israel (Josh: 4:1-9). This carried over into Masonic rites whereby mounds of stones were set up over Masonic graves as was the case when David’s rebel son, Absolom died per 2 Sam:18:17. His mound of stones was the basis of the Norman Carolingian-Merovingians. The King David’s of Scotland also derived from this background and the stewards who overthrew them became Stuarts of England, the Catholic Pretender kings, the illegitimate son of the last, being not only the founder of Scottish Rite Freemasonry but a Navigator of the Big Apple, the Prieure de Sion. Indeed mounds of stones were even set up on mountain tops in order to make of them perfect pyramids. Commagene Mountain of kings (History I) is an example. Thus, we see that the Merovingian Brotherhood began as a Semitic organization who were anti-Semitic (anti-the religious Jews) and gradually came to include the Protestants who were anti- Catholic. The latter are the oranges; hence the Orangemen marches in Catholic Ireland. And related to the British royals and partner in conspiracy with Russia, is Spanish king, Juan Carlos who now holds the Knight’s Templar Crusade title, King of Jerusalem. An Opus Dei product, he began his rule on the same day…


Anonymous Author