How I yearn to hold you in my arms and kiss your handsome face
But, I know your up in Heaven now, it is such a peaceful place.
At the time I did not understand it, no comprehension to be found.
I had to step away from myself, take a few deep breaths, then I could finally see,
This was all done for you my sweet boy, surely not for me.
There will be no pain for you, no suffering will we see,
You are where you need to be, instead of here with me.
Daddy, Bryan and I we will be just fine,
God blessed our family with allot of strength and such an amazing bond.
Missing you will be a daily thing, you will never be forgotten, and we know you are just fine.
We will all be together again, it will just be in due time.
Please remember my precious baby boy, I will not say goodbye, I will only say goodnight for one day in the future I will again hold you tight.
Angel Baby
By: Patti Gongora
Goodbye my angel baby,
You’re in Heaven far away
We have so much love for you
Why couldn’t you just stay?
My precious little baby,
I’ll never again take you home
I feel so lost without you
So empty and alone
Although I know God has a plan
And one day this I’ll see
It’s very hard to understand
Why you were taken away from me
So till that day we meet again
And I get to hold your hand
You must go and wait for me
In God’s promised land
So when I am feeling sad and blue
I’ll look to the sky above
And know you’re looking down on me
To Reese, with all our love