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UPDATE: October 2005...I have re-enabled my website...still needing to update it, but at least you can now browse through it! Thanks...Tammy!

Geesh I never look the same in pictures! But I swear these are all pictures of the real me!!

Newest Pics of Me...
(October 2003)

***NEW*** August 11th 2003- Added our trip to Warren Dunes Pictures --June 27th 2003- Also on April 16 2003~~I added some recent pictures of me and some of my friends from Michigan (4th family pics page),I added more recent pics of me to my random pages of me...check out the family indexes to view them.(3rd family pics page) I also added 2 more pages of pictures from the St. Louis Chat party I sure to check them out! And added to my friends page! Added New poems to my poem page too! I know this is a pain..but you have to click on the Betty Boop image below to get to the actual site! Don't complain to me...complain to angelfire! If you want to send me an below!

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Dreamy's Graphics | Wizard of Draws | HippieLadies free Backgrounds

Laci | Laci's Memorial Page | Julie's Homegrown Graphics

Fast_talker70 | My Kids | My page dedicated to Laci

My Friends | My Poems | My links page

Friends Page2!! | St.Louis Chat Party!! | St.Louis Chat Party Page2!!

Home Page!!| 2nd Family Pics Page(COMING SOON!!)

3rd Family Pics Page!!| 4th Family Pics Page|Warren Dunes

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