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Hemingway's Home
Key West, Florida
Artists and writers have found Key West an ideal place to let their creative juices flow.  Here Tennessee Williams wrote The Glass Menagerie, Night of the Iguana, and The Rose Tattoo.  Robert Frost spent time here also.  But the most famous and longest in residence was Ernest Hemingway who made Key West his home while married to wife number 2 from 1930 to 1940.  Here he created a study accessible only by a catwalk from the main house where he did much of his best writing like Death in the Afternoon, Green Hills of Africa, To Have and Have Not, The Snows of Kilimanjaro, and For Whom the Bell Tolls, among others. 

His wife built the first swimming pool, a salt water pool, in Key West in the late 1930's at a cost of $20,000.  The grounds are home to cats who are direct descendants of Hemingway’s nearly 50 cats, some of whom are “the famed six toed cats.”  Papa Hemingway was a rough old codger whose idiosyncratic life is idealized by the tour guides, but the visit was interesting and informative.

Entrance Sign
Living Room
French chandelier
Chandelier w/molding
Six-toed cat
Dining Room
Hallway - Kitchen
Bed - Master Bedroom
Bed and Cat
Picasso Figure
Bench in Entrance Hall
Six-toed Cat
Garden - needs
Swimming Pool
Cats' water trough
Cast Iron Fireplace
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