Copyright ©2000 Steven Angelo Broome


Perfect Phi or Phi realized to infinity, Is it possible? Suppose we had a functioning quantum computer, in other words a computer which processed outside of time. Its calculations would take no time at all. Suppose then we feed it the formula to process Phi into infinity. What would occur ? Some say that the process would then become self aware. My thoughts are that there is more to consciousness than just one calculation of Phi. However that would be the first step. Lets say we then take the same quantum computer and feed it more irrational infinite constants such as Pi, sqrt3 and sqrt2 etc. And have the calculations fitted to each other so that they frame a geometric figure. And suppose that this figure was an icosahedron or maybe dodecahedron. And then we calculated it to spin at infinite speed. What would we have then? What would be the opposite force against this rotating figure? All hypothetical of course but somewhere in this lies the next dimension up which is where consciousness seems to be generated.

Or possibly the simple intersection of 2 golden rectangles. Creating a new smaller golden rectangle which is the shared plane of the first two. Giving a total of four golden spirals in this rectangle. Then fit a new golden rectangle from the vanishing point of the four spirals. But remember we are using a quantum computer that realizes the spirals into infinity. So therefore our new embedded rectangle is in a higher dimension. However two dimensional. In order to be useful I would suppose that this rectangle would need to be extended into a three dimensional object. Adding additional lines from the original anchor of the golden rectangle should fit the the bill.

Here are the two golden rectangles joined by a center common plane,the golden area, with four golden spirals.


Early Christian symbols included a fish and the number 153. Compare that to the two fish joined in the golden plane. The number 153 can be found in almost every temple in an effort to mimic the true Christ.

The Ark of the covenant also is constructed with the Phi ratio 2.5 cubits length 1.5 cubits width and height. Consider the Mercy seat of the Ark of the covenant as described in Exodus25:17-22. The length and width the same as the Ark of the covenant (2.5 length , 1.5 width) and sits on top of the ark of the covenant. On the top of the Mercy seat are two golden cherub that face each other with outstretched wings. The Lord then says "I will commune with thee from above the the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim".

The measurements taken from the golden rectangle area have nearly identical ratios to Noah's Ark.

Jacob's Ladder is a good example of the real connection to heaven being accessible in the subconscious. In the event described in Genesis Jacob takes a nap laying his head on a few rocks. Not quite asleep but not dreaming, Jacob sees a ladder descending from heaven with angels ascending and descending its length. At the top of the ladder was the glory of God conversing with him. Im going to make a guess that this ladder was spiral in shape with possibly four rungs for support.

A very similar occurrence is Peter's vision in the new testament. Heaven opens up for Peter who isn't awake but not asleep or lucid dreaming. In his minds eye he sees a container being lowered that resembles a sheet that is knit in the four corners. Again we are impressed with the action of vertical movement. However this movement is not on the physical three dimensional plane of our reality. Look again at the picture above with the four golden spirals ascending into infinity. And imagine in your minds eye the container made of a sheet with the four knit corners being knit at the spirals vanishing point.

In revelation a description of the throne of God mentions the throne itself being in the shape of a hexagram made of star numbers. And around the throne are four beasts that circle continuously.


The geometry of the great pyramid is particularly brutal. There must be 1000000 theories on its purpose and its builders. Type "great pyramid" into any search engine and there will be more then enough reading for a few weeks. My opinion is that it is another model of the mind. A tower made in geometry to reach through the subconscious creating a unified consciousness and then to heaven. Unlike temples the great pyramid seems to attempt to use the precise alignment of the stars to fuel its geometric perfection. Most curious is the fact that the coffer in the kings chamber is near identical in size and shape to the ark of the covenant. Even closer are the interior volumes of the two objects. The full square that defines the golden area is below the pyramid. The golden rectangle whose short width height is the height of the pyramid minus the missing capstone. Note carefully that the center circle is divided into four quadrants and in the left most quadrant is the supposed area of ascension. Also the grand gallery leading to the kings chamber and then to ascension is 153 feet long.

Our very own currency shows the final purpose of the pyramid. The final result is the manifested spirit of the pyramid worshipers or the marriage of the spirit of man with the laws of the natural universe producing ra(sungod, lucifer). As shown in place of the capstone of the pyramid the all seeing eye of God!Certainly not!

Acts 7:48 Howbit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,

Clearly the pyramid on our currency and the great pyramid are made with mans hands.

A three part diagram of the self by Sigmond Freud.(below)

In this diagram the ID represents all of our wants and desires at a primal level. The ID at all times exerts outward pressure to fulfill its needs.

In contrast the Super Ego represents all of the laws that would keep the ID in check. Meaning the Super Ego represents religion, law and unwritten social norms. The Super Ego is always exerting inward pressure to contain the ID

The Ego would be the compromise between the to forces. This is the final you that you are in your conscious state. The ego is the you that you project to others.

For a Christian with true religion the self is changed at a core level. Meaning that the super ego is not enhanced to further contain the Id. If more pressure were added then the ego would shrink to nothing as the ID would struggle to expand against this added pressure. With a true Christian the self is altered at the Id level. Not the entire Id is changed, but the spirit Id.

 The diagram below certainly isn't complete or 100% accurate, but that's just fine as the purpose here is not to build yet another tower of mathematics or technology in order to reach heaven. So this is as far as I will go with this bit of arcanum, to illustrate that temples were models of the order of universe in their builders own words. And that this order is contained within the mechanisms of our conscious and subconscious workings. One of the proof's of this is that we are made in the image of God. And the most certain evidence of this is the free will of consciousness.

In this illustration the breath of life from God emerges from infinity and establishes the structure of identity. Hence our continued existence(self identity) is the exertion of God's infinite nature. There are two of us in here, well not really, but our center receives urges from two sources one from the body and one from the spirit. My view is that both of these sources are external from the center, however they define the center and there would be no (self ) without them both. Galatians 5:17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. Its easy to define and understand the Id of the body and that this doesnt change from person to person. For the spirit it is a different matter, here in Galatians The Holy Spirit is being referred to as occupying the center. If Gods Spirit is not there then some kind of spirit will fill that position. I hate to use the word connectedness, (sounds new age-ish) how ever we are all connected by spirit, either as Christians in the Holy Spirit or if not then by the spirit of the ani-christ. For example in Mark 8:29 Jesus asks Peter, But whom say ye that I am? Peter the answers correctly by the Holy Spirit, "Thou art the Christ". A few moments later Jesus explains to them that he must die and rise again. Peter then began to rebuke him. Jesus recognizing the spirit of the anti-christ says "Get thee behind me satan" making it clear that if the Holy Spirit is not present then the spirit of the anti-christ is immediately there. In a four dimensional model the control areas continue into the higher dimensions.