Copyright(2000) Steven Angelo Broome


On the plains of Shinar the decendents of Noah and his sons plan a new government and spiritual system. Contrary to popular belief Nimrod's followers were not foolish men who though they could place one rock on top of another and stack them high into space. What these men were interested in is accessing inner space. Meaning that by design the tower and the city would enable them to tap into the collective conscious of the people and give it an identity(a name). What these men understood was that heaven is accessible through inner space not outer. With a city and a name established in the minds of the masses the tower would act as a physical representation of what they wanted to achieve in a higher state of consciousness which is to access a higher dimension(heaven). In other words the city and tower act as a means to focus ideas(thought). Only the masters of this system would have control of this power in that they understood the mechanics behind it. The masses that supplied the thought energy (worship) would be completely under their control.

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Genesis 12:4

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is as one and they all have one language; and this

they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Genesis 12:6

As we can see in the following verses God's response to this was quick and just. Mankind certainly cannot have free access into heaven where eventually he would have found the tree of life. When our language was confounded the stairway in our subconscious was blocked ending our ability to translate, binding us to the dimensions of the world that we see around us and our own personal thoughts.

Examining the pagan temples of the world we see that in their structure are the mathematics of the universe around us. And the mathematical properties of the human body. The Phi, Pi, and the square root of 2 being some of the most prominent that these constructs and our own bodies incorporate . These numbers are infinite and irrational, they are not fractions. From there it is easy to conclude that the temples are a model of the conscious / subconscious of man. And that the levels of consciousness or soul of man itself are based on the same mathematics and structure. These are failed attempts to reach heaven for their builders. However they are able to reach the subconscious of the worshipers they enthrall, thereby giving the rulers and high priests extended control over them that they would not have otherwise.

Looking at the temples and pyramids around the world we can find the same basic design in all of them. Common areas separated by varying degrees of holy areas, often the most holy area has a statue of a god or goddess situated there. Invariably this area is structured in a fashion that it is within the intersection of two golden rectangles. The common plane of the two rectangles produce a new smaller golden rectangle in which four golden spirals drain into. The common golden plane also often is intersected by a sqrt 2 or sqrt 3 rectangle with the most holy area being a quadrant of all rectangles in question. A good example of this is in the kings chamber of the great pyramid. Here the floor plan of the room is a sqrt 2 rectangle and Phi is incorporated in the height plus one half the short width of the chamber floor. The sarcophagus like container within the chamber is situated in a diagonal quarter of the sqrt2 floor dimensions. This is almost identical to the placement of the goddess Athena in the Greek parthenon. The parthenon is well known for its use of Phi in its structure. It can almost be said that it is a tribute to Phi in that the ratio can be found almost anywhere you look in the structure. For example it is found in the height and width and also in the interior chambers. The focal point of the temple where certain quadrants intersect is the most holy place. Comparing this to our own minds continuous functioning. This is then representing the very center of our being. In other words our highest level of thought. Much of what goes on in our minds at this level is subconscious. It would have to be because it is the machinery that gives us consciousness. The god or goddess icon that is placed in this holy area of the temple will usually have attributes that we ourselves wish we had in completeness within ourselves. Or attributes that we believe that we in fact do have. In any case it is in resonance with our ID. Along with this self identification toward the deity the deity itself usually also has attached to it a social conscious. In other words the deity has attributes that represent the common will of the community or nation. Whether it is athena, isis, dianna, nike ,or any other goddess its main function is to represent a common social conscious that identifies with the individual. The misdirected worship of these goddess icons are in fact worship of ourselves. Ultimately the reciver of this worship is satan. With the final key in place( the actual statue of a deity) the transference or complete acceptance / reinforcement of an idea or theology can occur in the the minds of the temple visitor.

To sum it all up the temple worshiper's psyche is affected on two major pathways. The first being the god/goddess self identity. And the second being the mind itself recognizing its own structure in the dimensions of the temple. Most of this is subconscious to the temple worshipers. However it is at the apex of the subconscious process. The goal then for the temple is to place the morality of the social conscious at the highest level of the thought process of the temple worshiper. The city and tower and name of nimrod (aka tower of babel) had a similar goal. The first goal is the same as the parthenon in the confirming of a common social conscious. The second goal is that once established the common collective conscious would have a life of its own and would be able to ascend to God (heaven) and aquire Christs power (anti-christ) to ultimatly gain eternal life. This is where God put a stop to this evil and applied the babel effect.

In general the goddess icon would gain her powers and authority from an omipresent deity. For example isis gained from ra, the sun god. Ra represented the powers of creation and continuing life. The sun being a supossed manifestaion of ra. Note carefully that ra (sungod) is the power that the collective social conscious worship in order that it might accend into heaven. Ra being a doppelganger of the true Jesus Christ. Remember again that the social conscious is the goddess icon. This goddess icon is also called the queen of heaven. Who is ra actually? Well that would be lucifer,satan,the dragon. The dragon does receive true power from this, power enough to continue the deception.

Here are some symbols of the sun god ra.

The dragon in the sun swirl.

Any obelisk is said to contain the spirit of ra. An obelisk is also a model of the tower of babel.

Any sunface or picture of the sun representing the intelligence of the sun.