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The Typikon of the Russian Orthodox Church

Table of Contents

I. The Order of Little Vespers.

II. The Order of Great Vespers, that is, of Night Vigil and Sunday Matins, including the Order of the Panagia.

III. Concerning a Saint having a Vigil, on a Sunday, including the blessing of Kolyva.

IV. Concerning a Saint having a Polyelei on a Sunday.

V. Concerning a Saint with 6 Stichera on a Sunday.

VI. Concerning the Night Vigils throughout the year.

VII. Concerning Great Vespers, and the Mesonycticon [Midnight Office], and Sunday Matins, where there is no Night Vigil.

VIII. Concerning Divine Liturgies.

IX. Concerning Weekday Vespers and Matins, with the Litiya [Litia] for the Departed.

X. Concerning how the Gospels are read, and their Commentaries. [(A strange thing in 1896 edition. This chapter in the Table has another title: On readings after kathismata throughout the year, but the actual chapter titled correctly and is about Gospels)]

XI. Concerning the Canons at Matins during the week.

XII. Concerning Saturday services, when "God is the Lord" is sung.

XIII. Saturday services, when Alleluia is sung.

XIV. On the Pannikhida [Pannykhida (the problem of "y" and "i" in transliteration sometimes upsets me)] for the Departed.

XV. Concerning a Great Saint having a Vigil, or Polyelei [Polyeleos], on a Saturday.

XVI. On the Exaposteilaria [Photagogicon] (Svetilens) during the week.

XVII. On the Kathismata throughout the year.

XVIII. On the use of the Songs ([why not "Hymns]) "We sing unto the Lord", and "To the Lord we sing".

XIX. On the Katavasiae throughout the year.

 XX. Concerning when "More honorable than the Seraphim" is sung, and when not.

XXI. Concerning when to sing the Typica, and when the Antiphons.

XXII. On Censing.

XXIII. On the Altar Veil, and the opening of the Gates.

XXIV. On the Lighting of Candles on feast of the Lord and the Theotokos.

XXV. On the Daily Lighting of Candles.

XXVI. On when the Brethren stand without Staves.

XXVII. On the role of the Canonarch.

XXVIII. On Disorderly Cries. ([or Screams, rather])

XXIX. On the Uncovering of Heads.

XXX. How one should not have Conversations in Church.

XXXI. The Role of the Waker.

XXXII. From the Rules of the Holy Apostles on Great Lent, and on Holy Communion, and the Permission for All Foods on the Sunday of Pascha and all Bright Week.

XXXIII. Concerning Living, that is, Fasting and Permission of foods throughout the year, and the Fasts established by Rule.

XXXIV. Concerning the Coenobitic Life.

XXXV.A Reflection on Eating and Drinking on Saturdays and Sundays, and the other days of the week, and of the Second Refection in the Evening.

XXXVI. On Silence in the Refectory.

XXXVII. On Singing, and of how one should not sing apart from the congregation.

XXXVIII. How one should not eat apart from the common Refectory.

XXXIX. On Dress and Footwear.

XL. When one of the Brethren would Depart. ([When someone wishes to leave the Brotherhood])

 XLI. On the Servers, and various activities of the Brethren.

XLII. On Heavy Obediences.

XLIII. On Separate Houses.

XLIV. On Work in the [Monastic] Community.

XLV. On seeking the work of others. [On appropriation of the results of the work of others.]

XLVI. On the Infirmary, and the Hospice, and the Elderly and Infirm.

XLVII. On the Ringing of Bells for Great Holidays, and Middle, and Lesser Holidays. [On the Signs we use for our Lord's and Theotokos'
Feasts, and also for the Feasts of Saints]

XLVIII. A Menologion for the whole year, with Troparia and Kontakia, and with the Marcian Chapters.

XLIX. On Great Lent [from the Sunday of the Publican and Pharisee till Holy Saturday].

L. On the Pentecostarion.

LI. On the holy fast of the Apostles, Ss. Peter and Paul.

LII. On the Dismissal Troparia and the Kontakia, and how they are said on weekdays.

LIII. The Sunday Dismissal Troparia of the 8 tones, with their Theotokia, Hypakoae and Kontakia, and the Prokeimena at Matins before
the Gospel, and at the Liturgy, and the Alleluia Verses.

LIV. The Gospel Columns, the Sunday Exaposteilaria, and the Gospel Stichera.

LV. Weekday Dismissal Troparia, Kontakia and Exaposteilaria, and at the Liturgies the Prokeimena, Epistles, Alleluia Verses, Gospels and Communion Verses throughout the week.

LVI. Common Kontakia of the Saints.

LVII. Dismissal Theotokia and Stavrotheotokia, in the 8 tones.

LVIII. Trinitarian Hymns in the 8 tones.

LIX. Common Prokeimena, Epistles, Alleluia Verses, Gospels, and Communion Verses of the Saints.

LX. Various Prokeimena, Epistles, Alleluias, Gospels and Communion Verses for every occasion.

The background for these pages is the opening page for a 17th century, Slavic Typikon, from the Chilandar Monastery.