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The Shield of Faith


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. - Ephesians, chapter 6


No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Luke, chapter 16



Comparative Mythology and Astrotheology


"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools..."


The purpose of this report is to warn Christians about an evil conspiracy against our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. This conspiracy began millennia ago with Lucifer's lie to Eve, "Ye shall be as gods", but I will attempt to show how it gained its strongest foothold in the West during the 17th Century, Age of Reason: "God is dead"/Atheism, and the 18th Century, Age of Enlightenment: "Man is god" era, which continues into the 21st Century.


It is recorded that Spiritualism began in the United States 1848. The western American public was being "fitted" to receive the doctrines of demons through the propaganda, lies and deceit of the "clairvoyant". The ground was "ploughed and made fertile", awaiting the arrival in the early 1900's of the eastern Kabbalistic Rosicrucian, Freemasonic heresy, which was brought from Europe, in part by one Carl Louis Von Grasshoff, aka Max Heindel. This cancer spread throughout the United States, and is best known today as the New Age Movement; every last bit of it has its origins in the satanic Kabbalah.


Spiritism (spiritualism)


Spiritism or spiritualism is the belief that the human personality survives death and can communicate with the living through a sensitive medium. The spiritualist movement began in 1848 in upstate New York with the Fox sisters who claimed that spirits communicated with them by rapping on tables. (The "raps" were actually made by cracking their toe joints.) By the time the sisters admitted their fraud some thirty years later, there were tens of thousands of mediums holding séances where spirits entertained with numerous magical tricks such as making sounds, materializing objects, making lights glow, levitating tables and moving objects across the room. The mediums demonstrated every variety of psychic power from clairvoyance and clairaudience to telekinesis and telepathy. Repeated charges of fraud did little to stop the spiritualist movement until the 1920's when magicians such as Houdini exposed the techniques and methods of deceit used by mediums to fool even the wisest and holiest of men and women.”



In the twisted, convoluted, Satan inspired mind of this blasphemous Rosicrucian, Max Heindel, from his book:

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception or Mystic Christianity

An Elementary Treatise Upon Man's Past Evolution, Present Constitution and Future Development



International Headquarters

Mt. Ecclesia

Oceanside, California, U.S.A.


Max Heindel states:


"All other religions have been but leading up to the Christian religion. They were Race Religions and contain only in part that which Christianity has in fuller measure. The real Esoteric Christianity has not yet been taught publicly, not will it be so taught until humanity has passed the materialistic stage and becomes fitted to receive it. The laws of Rebirth and Consequence have been secretly taught all the time, but, by the direct Command of Christ Himself, as we shall see, these two laws have not been publicly taught in the Western world for the past two thousand years."


As a Kabbalistic Rosicrucian he certainly is not speaking of Jesus Christ, but another Christ, an esoteric mystic false counterfeit Christ.


In the introduction to this book, Heindel writes:


The Western world is undoubtedly the vanguard of the human race, and, for reasons given in the following pages, it is held by the Rosicrucian that neither Judaism nor "popular Christianity," but true Esoteric Christianity is to be its world-religion. Buddha, great, grand and sublime, may be the "light of Asia," but Christ will yet be acknowledged the "Light of the World." As the sun outshines the brightest star in the heavens, dispels every vestige of darkness and gives life and light to all beings, so, in a not too distant future, will the true religion of Christ supersede and obliterate all other religions, to the eternal benefit of mankind.


Carl Louis Von Grasshoff, aka Max Heindel


Below is a short biography of Carl Louis Von Grasshoff, aka Max Heindel. The biography states that Grasshoff was visited by an Elder Rosicrucian Brother, i.e., Teacher in his "vital body". This is a reference to a "spirit guide", which I believe is a bunch of hogwash. It is much more likely that Grasshoff was prepared by the Prieuré de Sion in Europe to be the person to come to America to bring this Rosicrucian philosophy to the West. Since the book is nothing but Kabbalistic blasphemy against God, I would imagine the book was actually written in Europe by high level Kabbalists before he showed up with it in America. He began printing up flyers, handing them out or nailing them to light poles around the city of New York and then Chicago, inviting people to come to his meetings. Newspaper editors were printing his articles in their newspapers. No surprise there. The ground had been ploughed in America for this satanic Spiritualist propaganda, and Grasshoff was here to plant the seeds.


But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matthew 13:25










Max Heindel, known as the greatest western mystic of the twentieth century, was born on July 23rd, 1865, of the royal family of Von Grasshoffs, who were connected with the German Court during the lifetime of Prince Bismarck. The father of Max Heindel was Francois L. von Grasshoff.


The oldest of these sons was Carl Louis Von Grasshoff, who later adopted the pen name of Max Heindel.


He was chosen as Chief Engineer of a trading steamer while yet very young. This took him into the Orient, and his trips all over the world in the capacity of engineer gave Max Heindel a great deal of knowledge of the world and its people.


Max Heindel came to Los Angeles, California, in 1903, where he acted as engineer for a time but ill luck overtook him.


With a dauntless spirit and a determination to succeed along more advanced mental lines, he became interested in the study of metaphysics and joined the Theosophical Society of Los Angeles, of which he was vice-president in 1904 and 1905.


This light began to dawn when he contacted the teachings which had been given out by Madame Blavatsky of the Theosophical Society. While connected with this society he met the woman who was years later to become his spiritual inspiration. She it was who helped him to find work, for Augusta Foss was also interested along similar lines of research and she was instrumental in interesting Max Heindel in the science of astrology. In this science he found a field with many possibilities in that it is truly a science of the soul. It gave him the key by which he could unlock the mysteries of man's inner nature.


" day a visitor appeared to him whom he later learned was an Elder Brother of the Rosicrucian Order, (and who became his Teacher). This Being was clothed in his vital body, [my note: "Spirit Guide"] and offered to impart to him the teachings...


"... Max Heindel had been under the observation of the Elder Brothers for a number of years as the most fit candidate, should the first one fail. In addition he was told that the teachings must be given to the public before the close of the first decade of the century, which (sic) would be the end of December, 1909.


At this last interview with the Teacher he was given instruction how to reach the Temple of the Rose Cross. At this Temple Max Heindel spent a little over one month in direct communication with and under the personal instructions of the Elder Brothers, who imparted to him the greater part of the teachings contained in "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception".


He returned to America in the spring of 1909 where he at once started to formulate the Rosicrucian message which he had received from the Elder Brothers. This was given to the world in the form of a book entitled "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception", which is a masterpiece of mystical literature. It contains one of the most comprehensive, simply written, and complete histories of the evolution of the earth and man that has been written for centuries. A minister of one of the churches in the northwestern [PAGE 159] part of America made the statement that he had two books on his library table which gave him his thoughts for his sermons; one was the Bible and the other was Max Heindel's "Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception" which unlocked the mysteries of the Bible to him. This book is now translated into eight different languages.


In November 1909, after a successful lecture tour, Max Heindel returned to Los Angeles where he met with much success in lecturing and teaching.


In August 1910, he was joined in marriage to Augusta Foss, the woman who had been instrumental in helping him to find the truth. With this added help and inspiration the field of his work so greatly increased that it soon became necessary that a Headquarters be esyablished (sic) for the purpose of disseminating the Rosicrucian Philosophy.


"...Max Heindel and his brave and loyal helpmate started their pioneer work in Oceanside, California, from where the Rosicrucian Teachings were distributed and spread over the entire globe.


With these loving words on his lips he passed into the Great Beyond, where he had through his devfotion (sic) to God and humanity prepared a great work with the band of "Invisible Helpers", through which the work of healing is carried on. Is Max Heindel's work finished? No indeed, for the special work in which the Rosicrucian Order is interested is that of the Invisible Helpers--through which a great work of healing is being accomplished--Max Heindel was assured by his Teacher that he was the instrument through which a great movement was to be inaugurated, a movement which had a special mission: TO MAKE THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION A LIVING FACTOR IN THE LAND.


[my note: HERETICAL, ESOTERIC "CHRISTIAN" RELIGION. The biggest distortion and corruption of the scriptures I have ever read]


Max Heindel was a great admirer of Madame Blavatsky, he saw in her his own future struggles, he too after he had contacted the Brothers of the Rose Cross, with spirit aflame with the desire to give to the world this greater knowledge which he had contacted...".


Carl Louis Von Grasshoff, aka "Max Heindel" wrote the book, BLAVATSKY AND THE SECRET DOCTRINE

Introduction by High Ranking Freemason, MANLY P. HALL


Manly P. Hall writes in the Foreword:



"It would have been a real loss to all students of mysticism and metaphysics if this little essay on H.P. Blavatsky and "The Secret Doctrine" had not found its way into print. Max Heindel, the Christian mystic, pays homage to Madame Blavatsky, the Oriental occultist. He sees above the little differences which divide the West from the East and rejoices in the great wisdom which has flowed forth out of Asia, rendering fertile the plains of the world's thought. Great is the mind which rejoices in the greatness of other minds. Max Heindel's tribute to the memory and work of Blavatsky and her Masters is a truly beautiful gesture in a world little given, alas, to such gentle impulses."

-Manly P. Hall  1933 /


From Barbara Aho's report The False Gospel in the Stars:


The origins of the Prieuré de Sion are found in 1st century Alexandria, Egypt, where esoteric Christianity and paganism were synthesized. The Society of Ormus in Alexandria consisted of the Therapeutae of Alexandria and the Essenes of Qumran; Ormus became the Prieuré de Sion, the secret society behind the creation of the Knights Templar and the Crusades.


"The foundation of the Priory can be traced back allegedly to the gnostic adept Ormus who lived in the first century C.E.... He formed a secret society which united esoteric Christianity with the teachings of the pagan mystery schools. Ormus adopted as his symbol a cross surmounted by a rose to signify the synthesis of the new and old religions. ...Ormus, the legendary first century founder of the secret society which became the Priory of Sion lived in Alexandria." - 25:31, 142 [Howard, Michael. THE OCCULT CONSPIRACY, Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1989]                                   


"Ormus...[was] the name allegedly adopted by the Prieuré de Sion between 1188 and 1307.

"One is intended to see in Ormus the origins of the so-called Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians. And in 1188 the Prieuré de Sion is said to have adopted a second subtitle in addition to Ormus. It is said to have called itself L'Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas..." - 31:185,123


It is my attempt to examine the characters, and their damning philosophies which have incrementally brought much of humanity to accept many of these blasphemous Prieuré de Sion Rosicrucian lies. Heindel states, "All other religions have been but leading up to the Christian religion." This is the underlying, soul destroying philosophy behind the study in Comparative Mythologies and Astrotheology which claim that Jesus Christ is just one more "Myth god" or "Mythical Hero" among all the other 'gods' in Ancient Mythology; Lucifer's "Great Work", the destruction of Christianity.


It is important that Christians know and understand the history and roots of this diabolically evil plan to destroy the name of Jesus Christ from the face of the earth. This is my humble attempt to share what I have learned thus far about this evil plan and some of the players in it.



Alan Watt


I will begin with a man named Alan Watt, because Alan Watt was the first person I discovered who is currently spreading these lies all over the internet.


Alan Watt, currently living in Canada, born and raised in Scotland,  is making the rounds on the radio, internet, and short wave talk-show circuit.


Alan Watt has a website called Cutting Through the Matrix.


Alan Watt is a very dangerous man. He is especially dangerous to Christians.


Working for Satan, Watt is setting snares and traps for Christians who are searching for the truth about Freemasonry. Like a fisherman, Watt throws out the bait; "exposing" Freemasonry, etc., hoping his listeners will take it, then he sets the hook and reels them into his satanic trap. 


Alan Watt is knowledgeable about Freemasonry, and comes across as one who is simply wanting to expose the dangers of Freemasonry, a very common modis operandi of many disinformation agents, and agents provocateur circulating on the internet's so-called "alternative", "patriot" and "christian" radio programs and websites. However, Alan Watt eventually divulges his real intentions. He teaches that ALL religions were invented or created by the Freemasons...including Christianity and Jesus Christ. The very philosophy of Comparative Mythology and Astrotheology.


Alan Watt claims that Masonic Catholics created / invented Jesus Christ as a means to control people. Certainly the Catholic [False] church has and does control people, but exactly like the Rosicrucians and New Agers, they USE Jesus Christ, to do this, they did not "create" Jesus Christ to do this. To understand more about the False Catholic Church and its roots, please see this report on the Watch Unto Prayer website:





Watt also claims that the entire Bible was written by the masons.


Quote from Alan Watt on his website:

In all ages, in all lands, there have been those who seek truth. This
seeking is an individual's search for something more than self, and
much more than the confines of this worldly system. It is the
seeker, who understands there is more than what meets the eye,
who is not afraid and makes the choice to go into the unknown.
The process of awaking has begun, the discovery is underway.


Alan Watt lumps Jesus Christ in with all the other false religions, and teaches that Jesus is just one more false character/"god" within the Ancient Mystery Religions, in other words, a myth. This is a philosophy known as Comparative Mythology or Astrotheology, which has been, and is currently being promoted by many who claim to be exposing occult Freemasonry or the New Age Movement, etc., but who in fact, practice what they claim to be exposing.


Lucifer has known since he was in heaven with God, that God had established our salvation through Jesus Christ. So Lucifer, being thrown out of heaven for his rebellion against God, determined to counterfeit everything concerning Jesus Christ. This is how the Ancient Mystery Religions came to be. That is why they all seem so closely related to God's plan, and how Satan can so easily confuse, confound and convince man to worship himself, a created being, instead of God, our Heavenly Father.


In Isaiah, chapter 14, we read:


 "12": How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!


"13": For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:


"14": I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.


"15": Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.



SATAN IS A COUNTERFEITER of ALL that God has planned for our salvation and eternal life with Him. Satan has counterfeited these things for centuries BEFORE Jesus Christ came to mankind in the flesh. Satan has used the Mystery Religions to do this. This way, when the time is right, "the ground has been ploughed and the seeds ready to be planted", as they say, he can use evil men to easily persuade people to believe this lie which Alan Watt and others are promoting.


Lucifer continues to counterfeit everything concerning God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, and all Bible prophecy, and will continue to do so until the very end. He will indeed be a Counterfeit of Jesus Christ in the last days. He will be the False Christ, by way of a Satan possessed man, which the prophets of God have warned about for centuries.


Lucifer is NOT a creator....he has to mimic everything that God has done in order to deceive, and make himself appear to be like the most High....enter the ages old, occult Mystery Religions, Talmudism, Kabbalism, Rosicrucians, Freemasonry, Catholicism, Zionism, Freemasonic New Agers, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Islam,  Dominionism, Apostate Protestantism, the cults of Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and so many more; the list is endless...all with ONE common thread running throughout...working as hard as they can to DENY the divinity of Jesus Christ, and lead people into eternal damnation.


We can not call Alan Watt a wolf in sheep's clothing, because Watt does not pretend to be in sheep's clothing, he is an outright Anti- Jesus Christ.


It is interesting to note that Alan Watt has made several appearances on a net radio program called Eye on the Future, with New Age occultic host, Her Holiness Hehpsehboah A., from Vancouver, Canada.


On this program, Alan Watt and Hehpsehboah laugh at Christians for being so ignorant and stupid.


She calls herself the Saoshyant. She is a Zoroastrian. These are her websites:


From Hehpsehboah's website:


A Return to Your Soul's Divinity


Approximately 10,000 years ago, long before the advent of modern day religions, the prophet Zarathustra walked this earth bringing profound spiritual principles and guidance to the people. It was foretold that one day when the earth and humanity were to go through their greatest challenge, the Saoshyant - the Prophet - would return. That day is upon us. The Saoshyant - Her Holiness Hehpsehboah A. - is here. From before her birth, through her early years and beyond, she has been recognized by researchers, scholars, spiritual/religious leaders and visionaries. Now the world at large is aware of her.


From Wikipedia:

Saoshyant refers to "one who brings benefit" in the Zoroastrian Religion. In common usage, this term refers to a future savior or Messiah-figure, who will spread divine truth and lead humanity in the final battle against the forces of evil.


Those who have a background knowledge of the New Age Movement will recognize right away that this is nothing more then the same old, satanic/Zionist/Freemasonic/New Age "Ye shall be as gods" lies, propaganda and teaching. As a matter of fact, Hehpsehboah's words from her website very closely resemble those on the website; of a coming world peace! True Christians know this will be a Fake world peace under a false Christ, that man of sin, the son of perdition, Satan possessed man.


Now ask yourself, Why would Alan Watt, who claims to be exposing Freemasonry, be making all these appearances on "Her Holiness" H.H. Hehpsehboah A.'s -- Eye on the Future radio show? Alan Watt KNOWS that the new age movement is nothing but Zionist Freemasonic occult philosophy.

Is Alan Watt a Zoroastrian?


NOTICE THAT WATT HAS BEEN ON STAN MONTEITH'S PROGRAM! Monteith is a high ranking member of the Council for National Policy, and a WOLF in sheep's clothing!!


Ask yourself, WHY would Stanley Monteith have Alan Watt on his program? An outspoken anti-Christ, who openly proclaims on Hehpsehboah A.'s radio show that the freemasons invented Jesus Christ and wrote the Bible, and that Jesus Christ is a "myth god"??!




Alan Watt has been a frequent guest on Jackie Patru's program, Sweet Liberty, for quite some time. Jackie Patru claims that she is not a New Ager, however, Jackie Patru often opens her program by reading from "A Course in Miracles", which is the New Agers' Bible.


Here is a brief description of A Course in Miracles:



The text of the book "A Course in Miracles" is the product of seven years of trance spirit channeling of a Mrs. Helen Schucman. The spirit that channeled a "new gospel" to Mrs. Schucman claimed to be Jesus Christ. The "spirit" made contact with her to correct errors in Sacred Scripture, and the teachings of the Church. The "spirit" that channeled through Mrs. Schucman wrote that Sacred Scripture was in error in teaching us that sin separates us from God, and that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross for our sins. The book "A Course in Miracles" contains a Text (the dictation's of Mrs. Schucman), a Student Workbook, and an Instructors Manual.

The course is "Gnostic" in teaching and practice.


You notice that Watt is really making the talk show rounds now, and has been on many popular programs...always a Red Flag; he has been accepted and warmly welcomed into the talk show circuit of disinformation agents and agents provocateur.


From Watt's webpage:


List of programs Alan Watt has appeared on:


Special Shows & Presentations


Sweet Liberty Radio w/ Jackie Patru and Alan as Guest

Sweet Liberty (Older Programs) Alan as Guest

Coast to Coast AM w/ George Noory

Alex Jones


Eye on the Future Radio w/ Hehpsehboah

Greg Szymanski's Investigative Journal

The Kevin Smith Show

Rollye James Show

The Edge AM w/ Daniel Ott

Dr. Stan Monteith's Radio Liberty

Feet to the Fire

Richard Syrett Show

Uncensored Radio Free America w/ Rick Adams

Frankly Speaking Radio w/ Frank Whalen

Lou Gentile Show

Light of Day w/ Sheldon Day

Current Issues TV w/ Hesham Tillawi

Outside the Box w/ Alex Ansary

Road To Freedom w/ Eleanor White

X-Zone Radio w/ Rob McConnell


Alan Watt advertises three "books" which he has written. He charges $25.00 each for these "books". These "books" do not contain one footnote or any documentation. Alan Watt has apparently done a lot of reading from other people's works, but he gives no one any credit in his "books".


The pages in his "books" are bound in paper folders, like those you would buy for your child's homework papers, and this is what you pay $75.00 for.


These "books" contain much truth about Freemasonry and the occult Mystery Religions, but anyone with a computer can find that this information is available on the internet for free, albeit, one must be very careful not to fall into the traps which are set by those disinformation agents hoping to snare you into their web of lies and deceit.


Alan Watt is a liar and a dangerous man. He is against Jesus Christ. Any Christian who comes in contact with him, or Hehpsehboah A., should put on the whole armour of God and pray for discernment; then run as fast as you can to get away from them.


In the first chapter of Genesis, God reveals to mankind His establishment of spiritual salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ, the Light / salvation of the world.


 Genesis chapter 1:

1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3: And God said, Let there be light [Salvation through Jesus Christ]: and there was light [Salvation through Jesus Christ].
4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5: And God called the light Day [OF SALVATION], and the darkness he called Night [OF DAMNATION]. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Verses 2-5 are ALL SPIRITUAL. This is not day and night as in the physical day and night, i.e., sun, moon and stars.

If we don't understand this, we can not understand what they have done for eons and are continuing to do, and are openly bringing all this to the forefront again now. USING the truths we now know and understand about the satanic Ancient Mystery Religions to TURN it all against Jesus Christ with their lying claims that Jesus Christ is just another ancient Egyptian god/myth.

GOD used these symbolic words. Gen. 1: 2-5, to describe to us His plan of salvation through JESUS CHRIST...the Light [Salvation] of the world. And Lucifer and his agents have twisted, perverted, corrupted, subverted and COUNTERFEITED EVERYTHING concerning Jesus Christ by USING God's own words to developed their own false, counterfeit, lying world religions to worship themselves as gods, and all of God's creation MORE THAN THE CREATOR, and especially the sun, moon and stars because this worship is the complete and total Opposite [but so easily Counterfeited by them] of God's plan of salvation to mankind through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

On the Fourth day God creates the Physical sun and moon.

14: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16: And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
19: And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.


John, chapter 1

"1": In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

"2": The same was in the beginning with God.

"3": All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

"4": In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

"5": And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

 "6": There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

"7": The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

"8": He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

"9": That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

"14": And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.


John, chapter 3

"19": And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

"20": For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

"21": But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.


John, chapter 5

"35": He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his light.


 John, chapter 8

"12": Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.


John, chapter 11

"9": Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.

"10": But if a man walk in the night, he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.


John, chapter 12

"35": Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.

"36": While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them.

"46": I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.


1 John, chapter 1

4: And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
5: This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.


1 Thessalonians, chapter 5

"5": Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.


Revelation, chapter 21

"23": And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.


John, chapter 5

"29": And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.



Scripturally, Light is synonymous with Salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ, NOT "Gnostic esoteric knowledge", but they counterfeit everything that God has planned.


Michael Tsarion quotes Kersey Graves' blasphemous Kabbalistic lies on his website:


...why is the term "light" so frequently used and preferred throughout the Christian scriptures, to denote the spiritual condition of man? Why are nations, whose minds are cultivated and stored with knowledge, said to be "enlightened?...simply because all knowledge was once supposed to be imparted by the God of the sun through its descending rays of light. Hence light and knowledge are now synonymous terms - Kersey Graves (Bible of Bibles, 1863 AD)




The letters O.T.O. stand for Ordo Templi Orientis, the Order of Oriental Templars, or Order of the Temple of the East. O.T.O. is dedicated to the high purpose of securing the Liberty of the Individual and his or her advancement in Light, Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Power through Beauty, Courage, and Wit, on the Foundation of Universal Brotherhood.




Peace, Tolerance, Truth

Salutation on all points of the Triangle

Respect to the Order.


To all whom it may concern: Greeting and Health


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The Order is international, and has existing branches in every civilized country of the world.


The aims of the O.T.O. can only be understood fully by its highest initiates; but it may be said openly that it teaches Hermetic Science or Occult Knowledge, the Pure and Holy Magick of Light, the Secrets of Mystic attainment, Yoga of all forms-Gnana Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakta Yoga and Hatha Yoga, and all other branches of the secret Wisdom of the Ancients.

It is bosom repose the Great Mysteries; its brain has resolved all the problems of philosophy and of life.


It possess the secret of the Stone of the Wise, of the Elixir of Immortality, and of the Universal Medicine.


Moreover, it possesses a Secret capable of realizing the world-old dream of the Brotherhood of Man.


The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, by Manly Palmer Hall, explains Masonic teaching further:

The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth.

(p. 65)


The Grand Lodge of Louisiana supports Hall's explanation with these words from 1980 printing of The Louisiana Monitor:

To the altar of Freemasonry all men bring their most votive offerings. Around it all men, whether they have received their teachings from Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohammed or the founder of the Christian religion--just so long as they believe in the universality of the fatherhood of God and universality of the brotherhood of man--meet upon a common level. The Jew returns to his synagogue, the Mohammedan to his mosque and the Christian to his temple--each better prepared for the solemn duties of life by the associations in this universal brotherhood.

(p. 133)


John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


Schools of Gnosticism can be defined according to one classification system as being a member of two broad categories. These are the 'Eastern'/'Persian' school, and a 'Syrian-Egyptic' school. The former possesses more demonstrably dualist tendencies, reflecting a strong influence from the beliefs of the Persian Zoroastrians.


The Gnostics turned the truth of God into a lie millennia ago, and today this lie is being revived. The "Divine light in Gnosticism" is pure Blasphemy against Jesus Christ and a counterfeit of God's plan of salvation for mankind.


Divine light in Gnosticism

The doctrine of light was central to Gnostic belief. For the Gnostics the three great vessels of light were the sun, the moon, and Venus the morning star. Writing in the fourth century, Augustine tells us that certain Gnostic sects such as the Manichaeans honoured the sun and moon, not as deities but as channels for the Divine Substance - the light in their souls - to return to God (Augustine, de haeresibus, 46.2). His contemporary Epiphanius mentions another Jewish sect, the Ossaeans (Essenes), who fled from the Romans into Transjordan and took the name of Sampsaeans, sun-people (from Aramaic shim-sha, "sun"). These sects believed that through a world-renouncing life of prayer and ritual they must try to purify the flame of divinity in their souls from the corrupting flesh that trapped it and reunite it with the Pleroma whence it came. Some believed that in bodily terms the essence of divine power, the most powerful life-giving source, was contained in semen, and it was the rituals using this that shocked Augustine.

The morning star carries the title "Pillar of the Dawn" in Hebrew. Jesus is the "Day-spring from on high" in Luke 1, 78; "the bright and morning star" in Revelations 22.16; and in II Peter, 1.19 he is to be remembered as "a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts."

The morning star brought not only light but dew. In the ancient world, dew was known as the most powerful conceptual fluid of Nature. Pliny says of the morning star: "Its influence is the cause of the birth of all things upon earth; at both its risings it scatters genital dew with which it not only fills the conceptual organs of the earth but also stimulates those of all animals" (Natural History II.38). Pliny also tells of the healing powers of dew (XI.37), which in Exodus 16, 13ff is described as bringing manna, the bread of heaven, and in Psalm 110 is linked to the conception of the Son of God: "from the womb of the dawn, in dew I have begotten thee."

The implication is that behind the imagery of light as knowledge of God lies a deeper, more ancient principle of the divine light bringing fertility to the earth. Jesus, the dayspring from on high, can be seen as a personification or channel for that light.


"...All the Gnostic sects...claimed to possess a secret doctrine, coming to them directly from Jesus Christ, and different from that of the Gospels and Epistles and superior to those communications which, in their eyes, were exoteric." (Albert Pike) Pike, Albert. MORALS AND DOGMA OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE FREEMASONRY, Richmond, VA: L.H. Jenkins, Inc., 1871.


PHALLIC WORSHIP, worship of the reproductive powers of nature as symbolized by the male generative organ. Phallic symbols have been found by archaeological expeditions all over the world, and they are usually interpreted as an expression of the human desire for regeneration. Phallic worship in ancient Greece centered around Priapus (the son of Aphrodite) and the Orphic and Dionysiac cults. In Rome, the most important form of phallic worship was that of the cult of Cybele and Attis; prominent during the empire, this cult was notorious for its festive excesses and its yearly "Day of Blood," during which the frenzied participants wounded themselves with knives; self-inflicted castration, a prerequisite for admittance into the priest caste of this phallic cult, took place during the festival. In India, the deity Shiva was often represented by and worshiped as a phallic symbol called the lingam. Phallic worship has also been practiced among the Egyptians in the worship of Osiris; among the Japanese, who incorporated it into Shinto; and among the Native Americans, such as the Mandan, who had a phallic buffalo dance.




Gaius Plinius Secundus, (23-79) better known as Pliny the Elder, was an ancient author and natural philosopher of some importance who wrote Naturalis Historia.


Under the influence of Seneca the Younger he became a keen student of philosophy and rhetoric, and began practicing as an advocate.


Before 35 (N.H. xxxvii.81) his father took him to Rome, where he was educated under his father's friend, the poet and military commander, Publius Pomponius Secundus, who inspired him with a lifelong love of learning.


He also virtually completed his great work, the Naturalis Historia, an encyclopedia into which Pliny collected much of the knowledge of his time. The work had been planned under the rule of Nero.


His only writings to have survived to modern times is the Naturalis historia. It was used as an authority over the following centuries by countless scholars.


At the conclusion of his literary labours, as the only Roman who had ever taken for his theme the whole realm of nature, he prays for the blessing of the universal mother on his completed work.


In literature he assigns the highest place next to Homer, Cicero and Virgil.


He takes a keen interest in nature, and in the natural sciences, studying them in a way that was then new in Rome,..."




Alan Watt is by no means alone in the spreading of this blasphemy against Jesus Christ. Currently there are many others making the rounds on the "alternative" media radio and internet websites and programs.


Michael Tsarion


One such person is Michael Tsarion. Tsarion has appeared on Coast to Coast AM and the Jeff Rense program, and also, according to the below program listings Tsarion has appeared for six hours of interviews on Radio Liberty with Stanley Monteith, high ranking member of The Council for National Policy, a so-called "Christian" organization, among many others; see below.


Tsarion has a website called TAROSCOPES, as in Taro Cards and Horoscopes. After Tsarion "reveals" the Masonic conspiracy to his readers, he leads them to his solution. Please click on this link to discover what his "solution" is.


He invites you "to become a member of his online Taroscopic Mystery School where the esoteric secrets of the Divination Arts will be revealed"!


So after he "reveals" to you that Freemasonry and Christianity are pagan, originating from the Ancient Mystery Religions and Astrotheology, he leads you straight into the pits of hell.


Satan is the author of confusion, and Tsarion is one of Satan’s little helpers. Freemasonry Does have it's origins in the Ancient Mystery religions, as we know, and so does the false Catholic "church", but true Christianity does Not.


 Michael Tsarion was born in Northern Ireland and is a researcher of the occult. He is an author and public speaker whose topics include symbolism, sidereal astrology and Atlantis. He is also the producer and presenter of the Origins and Oracles series which explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge.

Michael is also the co-creator along with Joshua Faulkenberry and Allen Reed of the TimeGnosis Personal Timescopes system.

Michael appeared Friday, July 07, 2006 on the Sci Fi Channel special Quest for Atlantis: Startling New Secrets, hosted by The Today Show's Natalie Morales. On this show, which purports to probe the murky depths surrounding the mysterious history of the mythological continent of Atlantis, Tsarion discusses his own theories as to the origins and whereabouts of this mystical land.


Born in Ireland Michael Tsarion, an expert on the occult histories of Ireland and America, has made the deepest researches into the comparative mythologies of the world and into his own country's ancient and mysterious Celtic Tradition.


Michael Tsarion has appeared on the following programs:

(Selected List)


World of Lies (DVD Documentary) - produced and directed by Michael Moody

The Hidden Hand (DVD Movie) - produced and directed by James Carmen

The Greatest Lie Ever Sold (DVD Documentary) - prod/dir by Anthony J. Hilder

Quest for Atlantis - NBC Sci-FI Channel Special (July 7 2006)

The Horizon Project (dvd series hosted by Brent Miller)

Unscrewed (Tech TV) - with Martin Sargent (2 Live Shows)

Coast to Coast - Interview with George Noory (two 3-hour interviews, 1 infomercial)

Dreamland - with Linda Moulton Howe and Whitley Strieber

Sightings - with Jeff Rense - Oregon USA (five 2-hour interviews)

The Quest - with Peter Weisbach (2 hour interview)

American Free Press - with Clay Douglas (two 1-hour interviews)

Conspiracy Corner - with Bill Bradley (five 1-hour interviews)

Radio Liberty - Dr. Stan Monteith (three 2-hour interviews)

Radio Alchymy - with Jordan Maxwell

KEST - 1450 AM San Francisco (multiple appearances & interviews)

Seeing Beyond Radio - San Francisco (multiple appearances & interviews)

With Carol Reimer

KKUP (San Jose Radio) - series of four 1-hour interviews

The Hilly Rose Show

KMVT Television (San Jose) - series of five 1-hour interviews

Journey - (TV Seattle/Brenda Roberts) - four 1-hour interviews

Magical Blend Magazine (April 2004 edition/ on Atlantis and the Origins of Evil)

Chico Times - with Brett Leuder (three page spread on Astro-Theology)

The X-Zone (Ontario, Canada) - Rob O'Connell (two 1-hour interviews)

Psi Talk

Headroom - (radio London) with Rob Simone (two 2-hour interviews)

Mysteries of the Mind - with Alex Merklinger

Out There TV - with Kate and Richard Mucci

Chris Pirillo Show (three-hour interview and webcast/ Atlantis)

The Freeman Perspective - with Freeman Fly (two 2-hour interviews)

The Edge AM - with Daniel Ott

RadiOrbit - with Mike Hagan

Global Star Radio Network (host Kevin Smith)

From the Bunker (host Thomas Wolfe) - two 2-hour interviews

Feet to the Fire (with James Arthur Jancik)

Red Ice - (series of interviews on Swedish Radio, hosted by Henrik Palmgren)

World of the Unexplained - (2 hour Interview)

Full Moon Radio - (2 hour interview)

Current Issues TV (With Dr. Hersham Tillawi) - 2 hour webcast interview

Untold Mysteries (Netherlands) - 3 hour interview


For information about The Council for National Policy, see:



This is how Michael Tsarion views the scriptures:


The Bible, that is the Old and New Testaments, is an Occult Theology. It is a consolidation of numerous Asian and Oriental pagan doctrines. It was written in order to appease and represent the doctrines of several powerful oriental Cults. It was the ruling families of these Cults who commissioned and funded the research, translation, and dissemination of the Bible. Many individuals through time, and at the time, knew that it was a concoction, and that it did not depict actual events. But few could openly rival or contradict the powerful dynasties in Rome and the Orient who had the autocratic power to dictate just what would be accepted as history and gospel, and what would not be. Few could stand up, or speak up, against the Roman Emperors who would later ratify the Christian scriptures, and who, with sword in hand, demanded that it be accepted wholesale by their recruits. In the days of old, as in today's world, the word of the leader is law. Being written in Latin also ensured that few people in the world would even know what was really in it. Additionally, most of the (illiterate) people of the world could not care less whether the Bible was based on fact or not, and the very few literate person's knew full well what the consequences would be if they should offer refutations or contradict the almighty emperor, and his bishops. The memory of the fate of the great Giordano Bruno would be enough quell most dissent. The situation was no different during the time of the despot King James Stuart. People accepted his "Authorized" version simply because he had authorized it. That version, and only that version, would be considered right. There was no debate about the matter. You either accepted it, or could prepare to be garroted, incarcerated or burned at the stake. The Bible was the word of God, and God was the King - enough said.



A poster on "The Book of THoTH", forum [another occult teaching] had this opinion of Trion’s name:


It's clear to me now.. Michael Tsarion believes himself to be Zarathustra.. 


"Zarathustra" (/tsaratuʃtra/) is the German version of the name of the Persian prophet Zoroaster, the presumed founder of Zoroastrianism.


So Tsarion, is really Zoroastrianism.. Or the  Tsar of Orion.


Too bad half of his theories are made up, or based on authors who were making things up... He talks about Irish history so much, being the Atlantean foundation for civilization, yet I’ve never really heard him talk about ACTUAL history, aside from pseudo-history that only he, Jordan Maxwell, and a couple others are promoting... 



Joyce Riley and Dave von Kleist of The Power Hour

Agents provocateur extraordinaire, pushers of New Age philosophy, and new age snake oil salesmen. The have interviewed New Ager Len Horowitz numerous times, and say they owe their radio program career to Stanley Monteith [of the Council for National Policy]. The list of disinformation agents they have had on their program is endless.



John Kaminski


Another liar and disinformation agent who has been around a while and making the rounds on the agent provocateur internet programs is John Kaminski. Kaminski also teaches that Jesus Christ was and is a myth, on the same level as Osiris and Isis, etc., derived from the Mystery Religions.


Devils From Heaven

How religious myths prevent and pervert rational debate

Copyright John Kaminski, February 2004

email: <>

"And thousands of years before the time of the so-called Jesus, there are these interesting facts in the legend of Horus of Egypt: he was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men; he performed miracles, exorcised demons and raised El-Azarus (El-Osiris) from the dead. Horus also walked on water and delivered a "Sermon on the Mount." He was crucified between two thieves, buried for three days in a tomb, and resurrected".

Most revealing was the piece by M-Theory on RumorMillNews


In "The Christ Conspiracy," Acharya writes that many religious precepts Christians assume come from the Bible came from Zoroastrianism, including the concepts of heaven and hell; the use of water for baptism; the savior born of a virgin mother; personal immortality and the single life of every human soul; and the final tribulation before the Second Coming.

And thousands of years before the time of the so-called Jesus, there are these interesting facts in the legend of Horus of Egypt: he was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three

wise men; he performed miracles, exorcised demons and raised El-Azarus (El-Osiris) from the dead. Horus also walked on water and delivered a "Sermon on the Mount." He was crucified between two thieves, buried for three days in a tomb, and resurrected. He was "the Fisher" and was associated with the Fish, Lamb and Lion. Horus was called "the KRST," or the "Anointed One."

And these Savior events and stories were attributed to many besides Horus long before the alleged time of Jesus, names such as Buddha, Krishna, Mithra, Prometheus, Apollo, Heracles and Zeus, and many more. The legend of saviors just like Jesus had been around a long, long time before Jesus.


Acharya S.


Member, American School of Classical Studies, Athens
Scholar of Archaeology, History, Mythology and Languages



You will notice that the excerpt from the above article mentions an Acharya S. (real name is Dorothy Murdock).

Her website is


Acharya claims she is a Pantheist:


Extreme theists and atheists both share a certain attitude towards creation: to wit, it is not divine or awesome.

I categorize myself as neither of these, since I prefer to view the entire cosmos as divine and awesome. I may thus be called "pantheistic." I may also be considered a mystic, a "homo novus," or, as it were, a new woman. The mystic or gnostic does not reside in the realm of  belief  or disbelief. She or he knows, rather than believing. I do not need to believe in the sun. I can see it and feel it. I know it exists. I also know that there is a sentience that pervades the cosmos. I am it. You are it. The birds singing in the trees and the trees themselves are it. This sentience could be called "God," but it is not a giant man somewhere in outer space apart and aloof from creation. As Joseph Campbell said:

"The idea of God as the absolute other is a ridiculous idea. There can be no relationship to that which is absolute other."


At the entrance to her website, she quotes John Kaminski saying "Acharya S is the ranking religious philosopher of our era.", and Barbara Walker saying "Acharya S deserves to be recognized as a leading researcher and an expert in the field of comparative mythology, on a par with James Frazer or Robert Graves--indeed, superior to those forerunners in the frankness of her conclusions and the volume of her evidence." She republished Kersey Graves's book The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, and wrote a new Foreword to it.


She wrote, in an article titled An Atheist Here to Destroy?:

"And yes, I am here to destroy. I am the intellectual aspect of Kali, the destroyer, of Shiva, of Zeus the thunderer, and of Jehovah the flattener of cities. But I am also a part and parcel of the Creative Life Force that permeates the cosmos, and upon the ruined foundations of dead and rotten ideologies I build anew."


Acharya S., the New Age, and the Culture War on Christianity - Peter Myers, January 1, 2006; update January 4, 2006.

Although attacking the established religions, Acharya offers no evidence to justify her own New Age creed: 'We have entered a new era, based on the astronomical precession of the equinoxes' (SoG, p. 567) and '... in this age in which "the truth will be shouted from the rooftops"' (CC, p. 416).

During the debate, Acharya referred to herself (in the signature block of an email) as Right Reverend Acharya S - International Church of Astrotheology. Is this a registered, tax-exempt, religion? If not, why call it a "church"? In SoG she writes that astrotheology is "the worship of the heavens and planetary bodies" (p. 559).

One opponent wrote, 'Ahcarya is "Pope Joan" for all of the New Age atheists'.

One critic Mike Licona, wrote: 'Acharya means "guru" or "teacher." Her actual name is D. Murdock.'

Christian borrowings from Egyptian theology and iconography are attested by several impeccable sources, e.g. E.A. Wallis-Budge (1857-1934), who was Curator of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum, and who is one of Acharya's reliable sources. Some quotes from Budge are at postmortem-journeys.html.

The push for Gay Marriage is occurring in the Post-Christian West, but not in Asia or Africa. It's a sign that the destruction of Christianity is creating a cultural and spiritual vacuum, and unleashing dangerous forces. Acharya is aligned with those forces of Cultural Revolution.


Quotes on Acharya S website from Thomas Paine, author of The Age of Reason, David Icke and John Kaminski:

 "The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: Both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between their origin is, that the Christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun." Thomas Paine

"Just read your book, The Christ Conspiracy. Excellent." David Icke

"Acharya S can prove Jesus Christ never existed, and your preacher can't prove 'He' did." John Kaminski

"To our contemporary Christianized Western minds, the most astonishing thing Acharya S proves beyond doubt in her two scholarly tomes is that the much-revered personality known as Jesus Christ is a completely contrived fictional character, and that Christianity has no substance whatsoever that was not stolen - created whole cloth out of pagan myths and traditions - from many of the world's more ancient religions." John Kaminski


Romans, chapter 1

"21": Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
"22": Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
"23": And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
"24": Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
"25": Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creation more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.




Pantheism is the philosophy that everything is God (pan="everything" theos="God") or that the universe and nature are divine.

Because it shares these naturalistic beliefs with atheism, the arguments for pantheism are the same as the arguments for atheism. Pantheism puts forward exactly the same critiques of transcendental religions and supernatural beliefs as does atheism. It is a secular religion, firmly rooted in the real world of the senses and of science.

This form of pantheism is identical with movements variously called religious atheism, affirmative atheism, Monism, or Cosmism. It is also very close to Taoism, some forms of Chinese and Japanese Buddhism, and neo- Confucianism.

An alternative, quite common among New Agers, is pan-psychic pantheism - the belief that the universe/God has a collective soul, mind or will. This version was most clearly expressed by Hegel, and in more modern times by A. N. Whitehead and Teilhard de Chardin (see also: process metaphysics). Another variant is the idea that humans are in some way the mind of the universe (see also: the global brain). Our evolution - indeed our active help - is seen as helping the universe to attain its full potential.



On the whole, one might be surprised that even in the seventeenth century pantheism did not gain a complete victory over theism; for the most original, finest, and most thorough European expositions of it (none of them, of course, will bear comparison with the Upanishads of the Vedas) all came to light at that period, namely through Bruno, Malebranche, Spinoza, and Scotus Erigena. After Scotus Erigena [pantheist] had been lost and forgotten for many centuries, he was again discovered at Oxford and in 1681, thus four years after Spinoza's death, his work first saw the light in print. This seems to prove that the insight of individuals cannot make itself felt so long as the spirit of the age is not ripe to receive it. On the other hand, in our day (1851) pantheism, although presented only in Schelling's eclectic and confused revival thereof, has become the dominant mode of thought of scholars and even of educated people. This is because Kant had preceded it with his overthrow of theistic dogmatism and had cleared the way for it, whereby the spirit of the age was ready for it, just as a ploughed field is ready for the seed.

-Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena, Vol. I, "Sketch of a History of the Doctrine of the Ideal and the Real"





According to the above reference, Acharya S. republished Kersey Graves's book The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, and wrote a new Foreword to it.


Who Was Kersey Graves?

by John Benedict Buescher



In February 1974, Madalyn Murray O’Hair lectured listeners of the American Atheist Radio’s program on the subject of American Freethinker Kersey Graves, the author of the 1875 book, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors. O’Hair knew almost nothing about his life, but she could hardly wait to tell her audience about his ideas on religious history, because they were so amenable to her own. “I have been wanting to give you the story of these sixteen gods for some time,” she said. “However, I thought that I should find out something about the author first. I have now given up on that.” So she put forward his “discoveries,” without knowing who he was beyond the fact that he had lived in Indiana.  Graves’ writings supported his claim that Christianity was a fraud perpetrated on the credulous by the unscrupulous, who created the story of Jesus Christ out of bits and pieces of earlier myths about “world saviors.”


Kersey Graves was born in Brownsville, Pennsylvania, on November 21, 1813. His parents were Quakers, members of the Redstone Monthly Meeting in Fayette County. His father was Enos Graves (or Grave or Greaves) and his mother was Elizabeth [“Betty”] Jones.


In August 1844, he joined a group of about fifty utopian settlers who gathered in Wayne County, Indiana, under the guidance of Quaker abolitionist and radical reformer John Otis Wattles to found a commune they called “Union Home.” Kersey wrote about the settlement to abolitionist and socialist John Anderson Collins, who had also started a short-lived utopian community at Skaneateles in New York, and who had begun publishing The Communitist.


Among the newfangled health-connected reforms with which the Union Home settlers experimented was probably mesmerism, one of the “kindred” subjects to phrenology. In the other utopian socialist communities of the time, including Brook Farm and Skaneateles, with which Union Home was loosely associated, residents practiced trance induction. Wattles himself became so enamored of mesmerism that he formed a Mesmeric Brotherhood at a later short-lived utopian community he founded and named “Excelsior,” south of Cincinnati on the Ohio River. Erratic Universalist minister, trance lecturer and mystic Thomas Lake Harris visited the Brotherhood there in 1848. He appears to have converted the group, including Wattles, to the full-fledged spiritualism of which he was a herald, the belief that the dead and the living had begun to converse through spirit mediums in séances.


Accordingly, an adherence to the principle of truth required a belief in the mere material world, as known through science-an apotheosis of the Enlightenment project of the eighteenth century.

This explains Graves’ self-consciously evolved infidelity, anti-Christianity, and anti-theism. It also explains his writings’ heavy reliance on sources from the anti-clerical Deists of the Enlightenment.


He wrote these books in order to expound a conspiracy theory: that Christianity was a lie, a deception perpetrated by priestcraft. It was a fiction, he asserted, created out of the common, primitive superstitions and myths that were already present around the time of Jesus. Far from being a unique, historical event, the life of Jesus, as it was described by the Christian tradition, was nothing but a pastiche of myths deliberately borrowed from other cultures, all of whom possessed their own stories of “crucified saviors.” The historical Jesus, according to Graves, was simply a misunderstood spirit medium, whose followers turned him after his death into a Christ, savior, redeemer, and god.


Kersey, however, did no original research in the ancient traditions to which he alluded in his books. He was, after all, thoroughly incapable of conducting such research, having virtually no foreign language training and no direct access to original sources-either literary or archaeological. Shortly after he published his books, Cincinnati clergyman John Taylor Perry sifted through Graves’ sources. He found that even though Graves claimed that he had relied on two hundred works, these were all filtered to him through a short list of primary sources, all of which overtly propagandized a Deist, atheist, or occultist agenda. They were part of a widely disseminated, standard library of Freethought literature. They included Tom Paine’s The Age of Reason, Master Freemason, self-described phallus worshipper, and amateur antiquarian Godfrey Higgins’ Anacalypsis, heretical clergyman Robert Taylor’s The Diegesis, Constantin-François Volney’s The Ruins; or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires, Louis Jacolliot’s The Bible in India, and Ernest Renan’s “romance,” The Life of Jesus.  These sources already had worked over random bits of facts and fabula, stringing them together out of context. Kersey took them and created his own extravagant speculations from them. He organized them around a theory of nefarious oppressors-in organized Christianity as a whole and especially in the Catholic Church-who, he believed, had fabricated a fictitious savior out of primitive fairy tales. The belief was consistent with the explicit Rosicrucian syncretism underway in Royal Arch Freemasonry during the nineteenth century, which deliberately revived ancient Gnostic teachings as a challenge to the Church. Gnostics described the world as ruled by demented gods, who had created it as a prison and a deceitful simulacrum of heaven. In a Gnostic inversion of Genesis, those who rebelled against the world’s ruling powers-now identified with orthodox religion-beginning with Adam and Eve inspired by the wise serpent, were being faithful to the highest truth. The theme would be continued and developed in spiritualist writings as equally fanciful as Graves’ books, such as in poet and spiritualist lecturer Gerald Massey’s 1883 work, The Natural Genesis.


Graves was both an atheist and a spiritualist, even if he was not a spirit medium himself. Most spiritualists of the time believed that the phenomena of spirit séances-the communications from the spirits of the dead, levitations, telepathy, and so on-were not supernatural miracles, but were actually natural, although not yet understood by science.



Now, what is Comparative Mythology and Astrotheology and who have been the promoters of it down through the centuries?


Comparative mythology: the academic study of different myths, in an attempt to discover how various myths and religions evolved over time, and aims to reveal relationships between distant religions, and describe their origin.


Astrotheology: Theology founded on observation or knowledge of the celestial bodies.


Comparative Religion  = "Many Paths to God"


History of anthropology

The anthropologist Eric Wolf once characterized anthropology as the most scientific of the humanities, and the most humanistic of the social sciences. Understanding how anthropology developed contributes to understanding how it fits into other academic disciplines.


"...anthropology can best be understood as an outgrowth of the Age of Enlightenment. It was during this period that Europeans attempted systematically to study human behavior.


Anthropology grew increasingly distinct from natural history and by the end of the nineteenth century the discipline began to crystallize into its modern form - by 1935, for example, it was possible for T.K. Penniman to write a history of the discipline entitled A Hundred Years of Anthropology. At the time, the field was dominated by 'the comparative method'.



Eric Wolf

Eric R. Wolf (1923 - 1999) was an anthropologist, best known for his studies of Latin America, and his advocacy of Marxist perspectives within anthropology.


Wolf was born in Vienna, but his Jewish family moved first to England and then America to avoid persecution, and Wolf was raised largely in New York


Wolf was one of the coterie of students who developed around Steward. Older students' leftist beliefs, Marxist in orientation, worked well with Steward's less politicized evolutionism. Many anthropologists prominent in the 1980s such as Marvin Harris, Sidney Mintz, Morton Fried, Stanley Diamond, and Robert F. Murphy were among this group.


Comparative mythology

Comparative mythology is related to comparative religion. It is a field of study which is technically part of anthropology, but is more usually regarded as part of the subject of ancient history. One very well-known recent author in this field was Joseph Campbell. Campbell is considered to be the pioneer of modern comparative mythology beginning with his book The Hero With a Thousand Faces, which describes the grave similarities between hero myths in different cultures. Campbell's ideas were merged with Carl Jung's studies into the psychological phenomenon of the Archetype, defined by comparative mythologists as recurrent images that exist cross-culturally throughout time. Many of its discoveries elicit great curiosity, such as the god Poseidon having pre-dated the concept of the Olympians, originally having been a land-based god.


 What theories

What theories, in the study of comparative mythology, came to a peak in the 19th century. What theorists were unconcerned with the science of myth, and primarily focused on what exactly myths were.


Some influential What theorists include Max Muller, Andrew Lang and James Frazer.

Why theories

Why theories, popular in the 20th century, are concerned with the psychological and structural implications of mythology. Why theorists focus on the idea of the collective human unconscious in terms of understanding the origin of myths. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung used their theories of analytic psychology to understand myths in a way not done before.


Freud's Oedipus Complex was a result of his combined study of psychoanalysis and the psychology of mythology. Claude Levi-Strauss was a prominent Why theorist.



The anti-christ Psychobablers


SIGMUND FREUD (1856-1939) - in full Sigismund Schlomo Freud

Sigmund Freud was born of Jewish parentage in Freiburg, Moravia, Austria-Hungary (now the Czech Republic), the first of seven children. His mother Amalia Nathansohn was twenty years younger than his father, the wool merchant Jakob Freud; Amalia was his third wife. The family moved in 1860 to Vienna, where discriminating laws against the Jews had been canceled during 1850s and 1860s.



A report by Rev. Ed Hird, Past National Chair of ARM Canada (revised March 18/98)

What is Carl Jung’s Relation to Neo-Gnosticism?

Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875, Kesswil, - June 6, 1961, Küsnacht)

Carl Jung is described by Merill Berger, a Jungian psychologist, as "the psychologist of the 21st century". Dr. Satinover says "Because of his great influence in propagating gnostic philosophy and morals in churches & synagogues, Jung deserves a closer look. The moral relativism that released upon us the sexual revolution is rooted in an outlook of which (Jung) is the most brilliant contemporary expositor." One could say without overstatement that Carl Jung is the Father of Neo-Gnosticism & the New Age Movement. That is why Satinover comments that "One of the most powerful modern forms of Gnosticism is without question Jungian psychology, both within or without the Church".

Jung, says Satinover, "devoted most of his adult life to a study of alchemy; he also explicated both antique hermeticism and the ‘christiangnostics; his earliest writings were about spiritualism..." In his autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Jung claimed: "The possibility of a comparison with alchemy, and the uninterrupted intellectual chain back to Gnosticism, gave substance to my psychology." Most people are not aware that Jung collected one of the largest amassing of spiritualistic writings found on the European continent. Dr. James Hillman, the former director for the Jungian Institute in Zurich, commented, "(Jung) wrote the first introduction to Zen Buddhism, he...brought in (Greek Mythology), the gods and the goddesses, the myths,...he was interested in astrology..."

Jung’s family had occult linkage on both sides, from his paternal Grandfather’s Freemasonry involvement as Grandmaster of the Swiss Lodge, and his maternal family’s long-term involvement with seances and ghosts. John Kerr, author of A Most Dangerous Method, comments that Jung was heavily involved for many years with his mother and two female cousins in hypnotically induced seances. Jung eventually wrote up the seances as his medical dissertation. Jung acquired a spirit guide and guru named ‘Philemon’[who was described by Jung as ‘an old man with the horns of a bull...and the wings of a fisher’]. Before being Philemon, this creature appeared to Jung as ‘Elijah’, and then finally mutated to ‘Ka’, an Egyptian earth-soul that ‘came from below’. It may be worth reflecting upon why Jung designated his Bollingen Tower as the Shrine of Philemon.

How Much Influence does Jungian Neo-Gnosticism have on the Church?
There are key individuals promoting the Jungian gospel to the Church, such as Morton Kelsey, John Sanford (not John & Paula Sandford), Thomas Moore, Joseph Campbell, and Bishop John Spong. Thomas Moore, a former Roman Catholic monk, is widely popular with a new generation of soul-seekers, through his best-seller: Care of the Soul. John Sanford, the son of the late Agnes Sanford, is an Episcopal Priest and Jungian analyst, with several books promoting the Jungian way. Morton Kelsey is another Episcopal Priest who has subtly woven the Jungian gospel through virtually every one of his books, specially those aimed for the Charismatic renewal constituency. Satinover describes Kelsey as having "made a career of such compromise", noting that Kelsey has now proceeded in his latest book Sacrament of Sexuality to approve of the normalization of homosexuality.

Joseph Campbell, cited by Satinover as a disciple of Jung, is famous for his public TV series on "The Power of Myth". Bishop John Spong, who has written two books (Resurrection: Myth or Reality & The Easter Moment) denying the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives Joseph Campbell credit for shaping his views on Jesus’ resurrection. "I was touched by Campbell’s ability to seek the truth of myths while refusing to literalize the rational explanation of those myths...Campbell allowed me to appreciate such timeless themes as virgin births, incarnations, physical resurrections, and cosmic ascensions...Slowly, ever so slowly, but equally ever so surely, a separation began to occur for me between the experience captured for us Christians in the word Easter and the interpretation of that experience found in both the Christian Scriptures and the developing Christian traditions..." Few people have realized that Bishop Spong’s spiritual grandfather is none other than Carl Jung.

"Jung’s direct and indirect impact on mainstream Christianity - and thus on Western culture," says Satinover, " has been incalculable. It is no exaggeration to say that the theological positions of most mainstream denominations in their approach to pastoral care, as well as in their doctrines and liturgy - have become more or less identical with Jung’s psychological/symbolic theology." It is not just the more ‘liberal’ groups, however, that are embracing the Jungian/MBTI approach. In a good number of Evangelical theological colleges, the MBTI is being imposed upon the student body as a basic course requirement, despite the official Jungian stance that "The client has the choice of taking the MBTI or not. Even subtle pressure should be avoided.

In speaking of Buddhism and Christianity, Jung taught the now familiar inter-faith dialogue line, that "Both paths are right." Jung spoke of Jesus, Mani, Buddha, and Lao-Tse as ‘pillars of the spirit’, saying "I could give none preference over the other." The English Theologian Don Cupitt says that Jung pioneered the multi-faith approach now widespread in the Church.

Jung was a master at creating obscure, scientific-sounding concepts, usually adapted from occultic literature. Jung held that "the collective unconsciousness is the sediment of all the experience of the universe of all time, and is also the image of the universe that has been in process of formation from untold ages.

Two of Jung’s ‘most influential archetypes’ are the anima & animus, described by Jung as "psychological bisexuality". Jung teaches in PT that every man has a female soul (anima) and every woman has a male soul (animus).

Jung was also a strong promoter of the occultic mandala, a circular picture with a sun or star usually at the centre. Sun worship, as personified in the mandala, is perhaps the key to fully understanding Jung. Jung taught that the mandala [Sanskrit for ‘circle’] was "the simplest model of a concept of wholeness, and one which spontaneously arises in the mind as a representation of the struggle and reconciliation of opposites."



G. Stanley Hall

Granville Stanley Hall (February 1, 1844 - April 24, 1924) was a psychologist and educator who pioneered American psychology. His interests focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory. Hall was the first president of the American Psychological Association and the first president of Clark University.


Granville Stanley Hall, circa 1910.Born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Hall graduated from Williams College in 1867, then studied at the Union Theological Seminary. Inspired by Wilhelm Wundt's Principles of Physiological Psychology, he earned his doctorate in psychology under William James at Harvard University, after which he spent time at Wundt's Leipzig laboratory.


He began his career by teaching English and philosophy at Antioch College in Ohio. In 1882 (until 1888), he was appointed as a Professor of Psychology and Pedagogics at Johns Hopkins University, and began what is considered to be the first American psychology laboratory


In 1887, he founded the American Journal of Psychology and in 1892 was appointed as the first president of the American Psychological Association, a position he held until his death[1]. In 1899, he was named the first President of Clark University, a post he filled until 1920. During his 31 years as President, Hall remained intellectually active. He was instrumental in the development of educational psychology, and attempted to determine the effect adolescence has on education. He was also responsible for inviting Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung to visit and deliver lectures in 1909.


Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Ernst Haeckel's Theory of recapitulation were large influences on Hall's career.





Group photo 1909 in front of Clark University. Front row: Sigmund Freud, Granville Stanley Hall, C.G.Jung. Back row: Abraham A. Brill, Ernest Jones, Sandor Ferenczi.



James Frazer

 Sir James George Frazer (January 1, 1854, Glasgow, Scotland - May 7, 1941), was a Scottish social anthropologist influential in the early stages of the modern studies of mythology and comparative religion.



He studied at the University of Glasgow and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated with honors in Classics (his dissertation would be published years later as The Growth of Plato's Ideal Theory) and remained a Classics Fellow all his life. He went on from Trinity to study law at the Middle Temple and yet never practised. He was four times elected to Trinity's Title Alpha Fellowship, and was associated with the college for most of his life, except for a year, 1907-1908, spent at the University of Liverpool. He was knighted in 1914. He was, if not blind, then severely visually impaired from 1930 on.


The study of myth and religion became his areas of expertise. Except for Italy and Greece, Frazer was not widely travelled. His prime sources of data were ancient histories and questionnaires mailed to missionaries and Imperial officials all over the globe. Frazer's interest in social anthropology was aroused by reading E. B. Tylor's Primitive Culture (1871) and encouraged by his friend, the biblical scholar William Robertson Smith, who was linking the Old Testament with early Hebrew folklore.


Frazer was far from being the first to study religions dispassionately, as a cultural phenomenon rather than from within theology. He was though the first to detail the relations between myths and rituals. His theories of totemism were superseded by Claude Lévi-Strauss and his vision of the annual sacrifice of the Year King has not been borne out by field studies. His generation's choice of Darwinian evolution as a social paradigm, interpreted by Frazer as three rising stages of human progress -- magic giving rise to religion, then culminating in science -- has not proved valid. Yet The Golden Bough, his study of ancient cults, rites, and myths, including their parallels with early Christianity, arguably his greatest work, is still rifled by modern mythographers for its detailed information. Notably, The Golden Bough influenced René Girard; and led him to study anthropology to develop his mimesis theory of the scapegoat. The work's influence spilled well over the conventional bounds of academia, however; the symbolic cycle of life, death and rebirth which Frazer divined behind myths of all pedigrees captivated a whole generation of artists and poets. Perhaps the most notable product of this fascination is T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land.


The first edition, in two volumes, was published in 1890. The third edition was finished in 1915 and ran to twelve volumes, with a supplemental thirteenth volume added in 1936. He also published a single volume abridgement, largely compiled by his wife Lady Frazer, in 1922, with some controversial material removed from the text.



William Robertson Smith


William Robertson Smith (8 November 1846 - 31 March 1894) was a Scottish philologist, physicist, archaeologist, and Biblical critic best known for his work on the Encyclopædia Britannica and his book Religion of the Semites, which is considered a foundational text in the comparative study of religion.


Smith was born in Aberdeenshire and demonstrated a quick intellect at an early age. After being home-schooled he began attending New College, Edinburgh in 1866. After graduation he took up a chair in Hebrew at the Aberdeen Free Church College in 1870. In 1875 he wrote a number of important articles on religious topics in the ninth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica.


Smith's articles approached religious topics without endorsing the bible as literally true. The result was a furore in the Free Church of Scotland, of which he was a member. He lost his position at the Aberdeen Free Church College in 1881 and took up a position as a reader in Arabic at the University of Cambridge, where he eventually rose to the position Professor of Arabic and a fellow of King's College. It was during this time that he wrote The Old Testament in the Jewish Church (1881) and The Prophets of Israel (1882), which were intended to be theological treatises for the lay audience.


Smith, William Robertson

Scottish Semitic scholar, encyclopaedist, and student of comparative religion and social anthropology.

Ninth edition--from the Encyclopædia Britannica article

The 24 volumes and index volume of the ninth edition-one of the greatest-appeared one by one between 1875 and 1889. Its editor was T.S. Baynes, a professor of logic, metaphysics, and English literature at St. Andrews and a Shakespearean scholar. He planned the edition and continued work on it until his death in 1887, working from 1881 with William Robertson Smith.


The Golden Bough


The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion is a wide-ranging comparative study of mythology and religion by Scottish anthropologist Sir James George Frazer (1854-1941). It was first published in two volumes in 1890; the third edition, published 1906-15, comprised 12 volumes. It was aimed at a broad literate audience raised on tales as told in such publications as Bulfinch's Age of Fable. It offered a modernist approach, discussing religion dispassionately as a cultural phenomenon, rather than from a theological perspective. While the worth of its contribution to anthropology will be newly evaluated by each generation, its impact on contemporary European literature was unquestionably large.


The Golden Bough attempts to define what almost all primitive religions share with each other, and with modern religions such as Christianity. Its thesis is that ancient religions were fertility cults that centred around the worship of, and periodic sacrifice of, a sacred king, the incarnation of a dying and reviving god, a solar deity who underwent a mystic marriage to a goddess of the earth, and who died at the harvest and who was reincarnated in the spring. Frazer claims that this legend is central to almost all of the world's mythologies.


The book scandalized the public upon its first publication, because it included the Christian story of Jesus in its comparative study, thus inviting an agnostic reading of the Lamb of God as a relic of a pagan religion. Frazer removed his analysis of the Crucifixion to a speculative appendix for the third edition, and it was entirely missing from the single-volume abridged edition.


William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, T. S. Eliot (in The Waste Land), Dion Fortune (see The Mystical Qabalah), Robert Graves (see The White Goddess), Ezra Pound, Mary Renault, Joseph Campbell, Naomi Mitchison (The Corn King and the Spring Queen) and Camille Paglia are but a few authors deeply influenced by The Golden Bough. Its literary impact has given it continued life even as its direct influence in anthropology has waned.



Greek mythology


Greek mythology consists in part of a large collection of narratives that explain the origins of the world and detail the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines. These accounts were initially fashioned and disseminated in an oral-poetic tradition; our surviving sources of Greek are literary reworkings of this oral tradition.


In 1856 the Anglo-German Max Müller invented comparative mythology, applying the new science of philology to the study of myth, in which he detected the distorted remains of Aryan nature worship. A hint at the conclusion of Darwin's The Origin of Species (1859) suggested that evolutionary principles might be applied to the study of mankind. Edward Burnett Tylor's Primitive Culture (1871) surveyed the field of a universally similar "primitive" religion, a form of failed science. Tyler's procedure of drawing together material culture, ritual and myth of widely separated cultures was followed by Carl Jung and later, by Joseph Campbell, to offer archetypes of mythic themes.

William Robertson Smith The Religion of the Semites (1890) provided the earliest attempt to study Semitic religion from the point-of-view of comparative religion and anthropology. Smith's assertion that "in almost every case the myth was derived from the ritual and not the ritual from the myth" informed the works of James George Frazer (The Golden Bough)  and of Jane Ellen Harrison and the Cambridge Ritualists. J.F. del Giorgio has added a new turn to that approach, insisting in The Oldest Europeans about Greek myths being generated by the clash between a Paleolithic European population and the incoming Indo-European tribes.


Other mythographers in approximate chronological order:

Johann Jakob Bachofen

Walter Burkert 

Otto Rank

Carl Jung

Walter Otto 

Edith Hamilton

Karl Kerenyi 

Robert Graves

Claude Lévi-Strauss 

Michael Grant 

Joseph Campbell  

Norman O. Brown

Timothy Gantz

Roberto Calasso 

H.J. Rose 

James Hillman



Friedrich Max Müller


(December 6, 1823 - October 28, 1900), more commonly known as Max Müller, was a German philologist and Orientalist, one of the founders of Indian studies, who virtually created the discipline of comparative religion.


Müller knew Felix Mendelssohn and had Carl Maria von Weber as a godfather, but at Leipzig University he left his early interest in music and poetry for Sanskrit, the classical language of ancient India.


The Vedic language, Sanskrit, was thought to be the oldest of the IE languages. Müller therefore devoted himself to the study of this language, becoming one of the major Sanskrit scholars of his day. Müller believed that the earliest documents of Vedic culture should be studied in order to provide the key to the development of pagan European religions, and of religious belief in general. To this end, Müller sought to understand the most ancient of Vedic scriptures, the Rig-Veda [1]. Müller was greatly influenced by Ramakrishna Paramhansa, his contemporary and proponent of Vedantic philosophy, and authored several essays and books on the subject


This aspect of Müller's thinking closely resembled the later ideas of Nietzsche.


In 1881, he published a translation of the first edition of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. He agreed with Schopenhauer that this edition was the most direct and honest expression of Kant's thought.


The Goethe Institutes in India are named Max Mueller Bhavan in his honour. Müller's son Wilhelm Max Müller was also an important scholar.


By the 1880s Müller was being courted by Charles Godfrey Leland, Helena Blavatsky and other writers who were seeking to assert the merits of either Pagan or Dharmic religious traditions over Christianity.


Ironically, Munro had argued that Müller's theories "uprooted our idea of God, for it repudiated the idea of a personal God." He made "divine revelation simply impossible, because it [his theory] reduced God to mere nature, and did away with the body and soul as we know them." Müller remained profoundly influenced by the Kantian Transcendentalist model of spirituality, and was opposed to Darwinian ideas of human development, arguing that "language forms an impassable barrier between man and beast."


Joseph Campbell's theories were made popular with the Public Broadcasting System series of television interviews with Bill Moyers. The PBS interviews were also published as a book, which became a bestseller.

[note: PBS = Rockefeller Foundation]




Joseph Campbell


Joseph Campbell 1904 - 1987  "Myth is the secret opening through which the inexhaustible energies of the cosmos pour into human manifestation..."  (Joseph Campbell, Hero with a Thousand Faces)Almost one hundred years ago, on March 26th in 1904, Joseph John Campbell was born in White Plains, NY. Joe, as he came to be known, was the first child of a middle-class, Roman Catholic couple, Charles and Josephine Campbell.

It was Arthur Schopenhauer, the philosopher whose writings would later greatly influence Campbell, who observed that...

It was during this period in Europe that Joe was first exposed to those modernist masters-notably, the sculptor Antoine Bourdelle, Pablo Picasso and Paul Klee, James Joyce and Thomas Mann, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung-whose art and insights would greatly influence his own work.

In 1938 he married one of his students, Jean Erdman...

In 1940, he was introduced to Swami Nikhilananda, who enlisted his help in producing a new translation of The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (published, 1942). Subsequently, Nikhilananda introduced Joe to the Indologist Heinrich Zimmer, who introduced him to a member of the editorial board at the Bollingen Foundation. Bollingen, which had been founded by Paul and Mary Mellon to....

In 1956, he was invited to speak at the State Department’s Foreign Service Institute...

Joe first lectured at Esalen Institute in 1965. Each year thereafter, he returned to Big Sur to share his latest thoughts, insights, and stories...



Esalen Institute


Esalen Institute is a center for humanistic alternative education, a nonprofit organization devoted to multidisciplinary studies ordinarily neglected by traditional academia. Esalen offers more than 500 public workshops a year in addition to invitational conferences, residential work-study programs, research initiatives, and internships. Part think-tank for the emerging world culture, part college and lab for transformative practices, and part restorative retreat, Esalen is dedicated to exploring work in the humanities and sciences that furthers the full realization of what Aldous Huxley called the “human potential”.



Aldous Leonard Huxley


Aldous Leonard Huxley (July 26, 1894 - November 22, 1963) was an English writer who emigrated to the United States, living in Los Angeles until his death in 1963. He was a member of the famous Huxley family. Best known for his novels and wide-ranging output of essays, he also published short stories, poetry, travel writing, and film stories and scripts. Through his novels and essays Huxley functioned as an examiner and sometimes critic of social mores, societal norms and ideals. While his earlier concerns might be called humanist, ultimately, he became quite interested in spiritual subjects like parapsychology and philosophical mysticism, about which he also wrote. By the end of his life, Huxley was considered, in many academic circles, a 'leader of modern thought' and an intellectual of the highest rank.


Aldous Huxley was born in Godalming, Surrey, England. He was the son of the writer and professional herbalist Leonard Huxley by his first wife, Julia Arnold; and grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley, one of the most prominent naturalists of the 19th Century, a man known as "Darwin's Bulldog." His brother Julian Huxley was also a noted biologist.


In 1937, Huxley moved to Hollywood, California with his wife Maria and friend Gerald Heard.


In 1938 Huxley befriended J. Krishnamurti, whose teachings he greatly admired. He also became a Vedantist in the circle of Swami Prabhavananda, and introduced Christopher Isherwood to this circle. Not long after, Huxley wrote his book on widely held spiritual values and ideas, The Perennial Philosophy, which discussed teachings of the world's great mystics.


During the 1950s, Huxley's interest in the field of psychical research grew keener and his later works are strongly influenced by both mysticism and his experiences with the psychedelic drug mescaline, to which he was introduced by the psychiatrist Humphry Osmond in 1953. Indeed Huxley was a pioneer of self-directed psychedelic drug use "in a search for enlightenment", famously taking 100 micrograms of LSD as he lay dying.


"...he wrote the utopian novel Island, and gave lectures on "Human Potentialities" at the Esalen institute which were foundational to the forming of the Human Potential Movement.


Notable works include the original screenplay for Disney's animated Alice in Wonderland, two productions of Brave New World, one of Point Counter Point, one of Eyeless in Gaza, and one of Ape and Essence. He was one of the screenwriters for the 1940 version of Pride and Prejudice and co-wrote the screenplay for the 1944 version of Jane Eyre with John Houseman. Director Ken Russell's 1971 film The Devils, starring Vanessa Redgrave, is adapted from Huxley's The Devils of Loudun, and a 1990 made-for-television film adaptation of Brave New World was directed by Burt Brinckeroffer.


This idea was based on his 1932 novel, Brave New World, and echoed by contemporary writer J. B. Priestley in his 1954 novel, The Magicians.





A Bridge to Eternity, Sri Ramakrishna and His Monastic Order, Advaita Ashrama.


This anthology presents reminiscences, articles and essays by Sri Ramakrishna's disciples, devotees and admirers from East and West, including such renowned figures as Sri Aurobindo, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Joseph Campbell, Romain Rolland and Christopher Isherwood.


Photos of Sri Ramakrishna Math & Mission



Sri Ramakrishna faithfully practiced the spiritual disciplines of different religions and came to the realization that all of them lead to the same goal. Thus he declared, "As many faiths, so many paths." The paths vary, but the goal remains the same. Harmony of religions is not uniformity; it is unity in diversity. It is not a fusion of religions, but a fellowship of religions based on their common goal -- communion with God. This harmony is to be realized by deepening our individual God consciousness.

[note: Unity in Diversity = Brotherhood of Man = Ecumenical Movement]


We read above that,  "It was Arthur Schopenhauer, the philosopher whose writings would later greatly influence Campbell...". So, who was Author Schopenhauer?


Arthur Schopenhauer


Schopenhauer was, as a philosopher, a pessimist; he was a follower of Kant's Idealist school.

Born in Danzig, Schopenhauer, because of a large inheritance from his father, was able to retire early, and, as a private scholar, was able to devote his life to the study of philosophy. By the age of thirty his major work, The World as Will and Idea, was published. The work, though sales were very disappointing, was, at least to Schopenhauer, a very important work. Bertrand Russell reports that Schopenhauer told people that certain of the paragraphs were written by the "Holy Ghost." [note: i.e., "Channeled"]

So far this sounds much like the Spinozistic view or the Naturalistic School of philosophy. The problem with Schopenhauer, and certainly unlike Spinoza, is that, in his view, "the cosmic will is wicked ... and the source of all endless suffering."

It is not difficult to understand that this "ascetic mysticism" of Schopenhauer's is one that appeals to the starving artist.



Schopenhauer was a Follower of Kant's Idealist school. So who was Kant?


Name: Immanuel Kant

Birth: April 22, 1724 (Königsberg, Kingdom of Prussia) (Now Kaliningrad, Russia)

Death: February 12, 1804 (Königsberg, Kingdom of Prussia)

School/tradition: Kantianism, Enlightenment philosophy

Main interests: Epistemology, Metaphysics, Ethics

Notable ideas: Categorical imperative, Transcendental Idealism, Synthetic a priori, Noumenon, Sapere aude

Influences: Wolff, Tetens, Hutcheson, Empiricus, Montaigne, Hume, Descartes, Malebranche, Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, Berkeley, Rousseau, Newton

Influenced: Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Peirce, Husserl, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Sartre, Cassirer, Habermas, Rawls, and many more

Early life

Immanuel Kant - who was baptized as "Emanuel" but later changed his name to "Immanuel" after he learned Hebrew.

He was raised in a Pietist household, a then-popular Lutheran reform movement that stressed intense religious devotion, personal humility, and a literal reading of the Bible.

...second to Moses Mendelssohn in a Berlin Academy prize competition with his Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural Theology and Morality (often referred to as "the Prize Essay"). In 1770, at the age of 45, Kant was finally appointed Professor of Logic and Metaphysics at the University of Königsberg...




Moses Mendelsson (1729-1786)

By Shira Schoenberg

Moses Mendelssohn was the first Jew to bring secular culture to those living an Orthodox Jewish life. He valued reason and felt that anyone could arrive logically at religious truths. He argued that what makes Judaism unique is its divine revelation of a code of law. He wrote many philosophical treatises and is considered the father of the Jewish Enlightenment.


Moses Mendelssohn was born in Dessau, a city in the state of Anhalt-Dessau in Germany, on September 6, 1729. As a child, he suffered from a disease that left him with a curvature of the spine. He was the son of a Torah scribe and his family was poor but learned. He began a traditional Jewish education under David Fraenkel, the rabbi of Dessau. When Fraenkel became rabbi of Berlin, the 14-year-old Mendelssohn followed him and studied in Fraenkel’s yeshiva in Berlin. He soon became a promising scholar of Talmud and Rabbinics. He is a relative of Samson Raphael Hirsch. He received free meals from neighborhood families and took on odd tutoring jobs.


In the mid-1750s, he developed friendships with the philosopher Immanuel Kant and also with Gotthold Lessing, a dramatist, literary critic and advocate of enlightened toleration in Germany. With Lessing’s encouragement, Mendelssohn began to publish philosophical essays in German.


In 1750, Mendelssohn began to serve as a teacher in the house of Isaac Bernhard, the owner of a silk factory. That same year, Frederick the Great gave him the status of "Jew under extraordinary protection." In 1763, the Prussian Academy of Sciences awarded him a prize for his treatise on "evidence in the metaphysical sciences." Four years later, he became the bookkeeper of Bernhard’s firm and eventually a partner. Throughout his life, he worked as a merchant while continuing to write. In 1779, Lessing wrote the play Nathan the Wise in which a Jewish hero, modeled after Mendelssohn, appears as a spokesman for brotherhood and love of humanity.

Mendelssohn modeled his philosophy after that of Christian Wolff (a prominent philosopher of the Enlightenment) and Gottfried Leibnitz (a European rationalist).



Notice this *book below, was written by not only Mendelssohn, but also mentions Jacob H. Schiff, financial agent of Lord Edmond Rothschild.


Jacob H. Schiff

A Study in American Jewish Leadership

Naomi W. Cohen

Part of a wealthy and powerful German Jewish circle that included the Warburgs and Rothschilds, Schiff played a central role in shaping American and European Jewish history. From his base on Wall Street, he was the foremost Jewish leader in what became known as the "Schiff era," grappling with all major issues and problems of the day, including the plight of Russian Jews under the czar, American and international anti-Semitism, care of needy Jewish immigrants, and the rise of Zionism. Based on a broad range of primary sources, Naomi W. Cohen's study emphasizes the role Schiff played as the preeminent leader of American Jewry at the turn of the century.



205. Ottensoser, David, Moses Mendelssohn, and Jacob H. Schiff. *DEREKH SELULAH: HU HIBUR KOLEL HAMISHAH HUMSHE TORAH: `IM PERUSH RASHI VE-TARGUM ONKELOS, VE-TIRGUM ASHKENAZI, U-VE'UR VE-TIKUN SOFRIM. Fürth: David Zürndorfer, 1824. Disbound; 4to. Approximately 500 pages. Decorative endpapers; engraved title page. Beautifully typeset on fine laid rag paper. In Hebrew and Judeo-German. These are 4 books bound together as one. This is the book of Genesis with a translation into Judeo-German by Moses Mendelssohn. It includes Rashi's commentary and another commentary. Conents: 1. Derekh Selulah 2. Haftarot for the Book of Genesis, with Rashi and German translation. 3. Commentary on Guide to the Perplexed by David Ottensosser 4. Sabbath Prayerbook with translation into Judeo-German by David Ottensosser. SUBJECT(S): Bible. O.T. Pentateuch -- Commentaries. OCLC lists 8 copies worldwide. Usual age staining. Some marginalia. Archival repair to first page, a few words of text of which have been lost; otherwise, interior of book in very good condition. (GR-07A-14) (ID# 16066) $400.00

Book cover:



 Matthew, chapter 15

"9": But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.



Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki)

(1040-1105 C.E.)




Rashi was the outstanding Biblical commentator of the Middle Ages. He was born in Troyes, France, and lived from 1040 to 1105, surviving the massacres of the First Crusade through Europe. He was a fantastic scholar and studied with the greatest student of Rabbenu Gershom of Mainz


At twenty-five, he founded his own academy in France. Rashi's commentary on the Bible was unique. His concern was for every word in the text which need elaboration or explanation. Moreover, he used the fewest words possible in his commentaries.


His simple, brief explanations for practically every phrase of the Gemarra made the Talmud understandable to the non-scholar. It became an instant best seller, and, to this day, it is unthinkable to study Talmud without studying Rashi's commentary at the same time.


Rashi's explanations and commentaries on the Talmud were so important that for almost a hundred years after his death, Talmud students in France and Germany concentrated their brilliant minds on discussing and elaborating on Rashi's commentary. Just as the monks were concentrating on deep philosophical discussions of Christian theology, France's Jewish scholars were focusing on the Talmud and its text. Their complicated (and sometimes convoluted) commentaries were called Tosafot (Additions). The scholars who created these additions were called the Tosafists (Those Who Added).


Rashi under the Arch




"Humanism, which since the time of the Reformation had released the greatest energies for ecumenical thought and action, for a time fell in the background; but in the Enlightenment in Germany, with its Christian characteristics, it underwent a revival in...Leibniz." Rouse, Ruth & Stephen Charles Neill, Editors. A HISTORY OF THE ECUMENICAL MOVEMENT 1517-1948. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1954.


Important Predecessors of Kant

Alexander Baumgarten

George Berkeley

David Hume

Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz

Sir Isaac Newton

Christian Wolff


Kant was born in Königsberg; he spent his life there; he died there. At the age of forty-six, Kant received an appointment as a professor of logic and metaphysics at his alma mater the University of Königsberg. His famous claim: "Though our knowledge begins with experience, it does not follow that it arises out of experience." A philosophical classic is his work

Critique of Pure Reason  wherein he asserts that our perceptual apparatus is capable of ordering sense-impressions into intelligible unities, which, while in themselves cannot be proven, we are led to conclude through "pure reason," that intelligible unities, such as God, freedom, and immortality, do exist; and that the formation of such intelligible unities are practical necessities for one's life. An admirer of Rousseau. Kant's work gave rise to the Idealist school, (Fitche, Hegel and Schopenhauer).


Kant was of the view that while the existence of God could not be proven, we ought to come to a belief in God's existence by way of "logical understanding." Kant concluded that this world was not sufficient in itself, that an external power, which he identified with God, was a regulative necessity; and that God was a requisite for morality, it gives meaning to our life here on earth. The existence of God was, for Kant, but one of three postulates of morality, the other two being freedom of the will, and immortality of the soul. These moral axioms, unprovable as they are, existed for Kant simply because they were the sine qua non of the moral life. (So much for the notion that morality is something that arises from our own character, from our own intelligence: - I would argue that the acceptance of an external, all powerful being reduces us to mere servants; and, thus, there is no need for morals, there is but only the need to obey.)

Kant would not categorize himself as a "dualist," such as was Plato (one who believes that there is a world beyond the material world that we perceive, one that places the soul or mind of a human in this other world, that the soul or mind is non-material entity), he took a more extreme step; none of reality exists; reality and all that is in it, including human beings are part of this other world, all part of a dream world (see Schopenhauer).

To those who cannot accept such a speculative and theoretical philosophy as Kant's might, however, through his writings obtain an insight into the workings of the real universe in which we live. I quote from Paul Johnson's book, The Birth of the Modern:

"The 18th century had failed to solve the problem of how heat, light, magnetism and electrical power fitted into the laws of motion and attraction Isaac Newton had set out in his Principia (1687). But Immanuel Kant, in his Critique of Pure Reason (1781) and still more in his Metaphisical Foundations of Natural Science (1786), had produced an inspirational insight. He was concerned not so much with science as with God. Was there a duality, of spirit and matter? Newton had been concerned only with matter -- and with the advance of science, this pointed to a materialistic world and led to atheism. Kant wanted to bridge the gulf between spirit and matter and harmonize the physical and moral laws. As he saw it, space and time were purely mental intuitions which made our grasp of external reality possible. The substance of thing-in-itself, Ding an sich, was hidden from human reason -- reality was perceived, rather than led an independent existence. We perceive reality only through the forces, of attraction and repulsion, which work in space. Hence Kant dismissed the dualism of spirit and matter, replacing it by forces. The universe consisted, then, not of matter but of forces. Electricity, magnetism or any other observable effects were governed by laws of attraction and repulsion within a unified theory of forces, all of which were convertible into one another.


"It is doubtful if the physical scientists could have proceeded as fast as they did in the early 19th century without this essentially metaphysical intuition.



"Coleridge explored the Kantian insight: 'The universe was a cosmic web', as he put it, 'woven by God and held together by the crossed strands of attractive and repulsive forces.' All forms of energy must be convertible; they were also indestructible. 'What,' he wrote to Tom Poole, ' what if the vital force which I sent from my arm into the stone as I flung it in the air and skimmed it upon the water - what if even that did not perish?' Coleridge had thus stumbled upon what was to become the Principle of Conservation of Energy.


 "The next stage was to put to the practical test the quasi-metaphysical concept of Kant and Coleridge that the world was governed by forces which were fundamentally indivisible and indestructible, based upon the principle of attraction and repulsion, of which electricity and magnetism were expressions. The Danish scientist Hans-Christian Orsted had been working on Kant's notions for 20 years, and by winter 1819-20, he was able to describe the workings of electromagnetism, or the magnetic field." (Johnson, pp. 551-3.)


Hans Christian Ørsted

(also spelled Oersted)

born Aug. 14, 1777, Rudkøbing, Denmark

died March 9, 1851, Copenhagen


H.C. Ørsted's interest in science was early aroused by working in his father's pharmacy, and so it was natural that he should train for pharmacy, as there were no possibilities of studying physics and chemistry at Copenhagen University then; it was he who afterwards provided them. As early as 1797, he passed the pharmaceutical examination with distinction, and already in 1796 and 1797 succeeded in doing the prize papers (about treatise on amniotic fluid) in both aesthetics and medicine, in each case winning the prize. Two years later he was awarded a doctorate for a dissertation on Kant's philosophy.


He was also fascinated both by J.J. Winterl's remarkable chemical philosophy and by Fichte's ideas on universal reason and the unity of natural forces.


He was also to a considerable extent rooted in the period before, in the philosophy of Kant, and particularly in the belief of the Enlightenment in the value and possibility of human advancement through rational education. His youthful adoption of Immanuel Kant's philosophy endured, although he modified Kant's ideas by belief in a fundamental unity of the forces of nature.


He appreciated the need to spread knowledge of scientific advance, and in 1824 created the still extremely active "Society for the Dissemination of Natural Science" - a society devoted to the spread of scientific knowledge among the general public.


Hans Christian Ørsted is one of the most luminous figures in the intellectual life of Denmark.


Apart from these accomplishments, Ørsted wrote poetry and prose. Shortly before his death, he published a series of collected articles under the title "The Soul in Nature", a masterpiece expressing the essence of his philosophy of life.



Daniel, chapter 11

"37": Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
"38": But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.


Out with God [again] and in with "Sacred" Science and "Divine" Harmony


1 Timothy, chapter 6

"19": Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.

"20": O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

"21": Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.



The Sefirot:
Kabbalistic Archetypes of Mind and Creation

by Sanford L. Drob


A Universe of Ten Dimensions

The Kabbalists hold the total number of sefirot to be ten. Like the "super-string" theorists of contemporary physics, they view the world as being comprised not of four, but of ten dimensions, and they regard each thing in the world, whether spiritual, psychical, or material to be composed of varying combinations of these ten dimensions or structures. We will see that the Kabbalists included among these sefirot such apparently human qualities as will, wisdom, love, and compassion, yet they regarded them not simply as aspects of the human mind but as the very elements of the world itself.


Glossary of Kabbalah and Chassidut

Originally emanated as simple point-like forces, the sefirot at a certain stage develop into full spectrums of ten sub-sefirot. Subsequent to this, they metamorphose into partzufim. Sefirot are composed of "lights" and "vessels." The light of any sefirah is the Divine flow within it; the vessel is the identity that flow takes in order to relate to or create some aspect of the world. in a specific way.



Unified field theory

In physics, unified field theory is an attempt to unify all the fundamental forces and the interactions between elementary particles into a single theoretical framework. The term was coined by Einstein who attempted to reconcile the general theory of relativity with electromagnetism in a single field theory. His quest proved elusive and a unified field theory, sometimes grandiosely referred to as the Theory of Everything (TOE, for short), has remained the holy grail for physicists, the long-sought theory which would explain the nature and behavior of all matter.


String theory proclaims, for instance, that the observed particle properties-that is, the different masses and other properties of both the fundamental particles and the force particles associated with the four forces of nature (the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity)-are a reflection of the various ways in which a string can vibrate. Just as the strings on a violin or on a piano have resonant frequencies at which they prefer to vibrate-patterns that our ears sense as various musical notes and their higher harmonics-the same holds true for the loops of string theory. But rather than producing musical notes, each of the preferred mass and force charges are determined by the string's oscillatory pattern. The electron is a string vibrating one way, the up-quark is a string vibrating another way, and so on.


A theory to end theories 

For the first time in the history of physics we therefore have a framework with the capacity to explain every fundamental feature upon which the universe is constructed. For this reason string theory is sometimes described as possibly being the "theory of everything" (T.O.E.) or the "ultimate" or "final" theory. These grandiose descriptive terms are meant to signify the deepest possible theory of physics-a theory that underlies all others, one that does not require or even allow for a deeper explanatory base.


A fresh start for science 

What is largely beyond question, and is of primary importance to the journey described in my book The Elegant Universe, is that even if one accepts the debatable reasoning of the staunch reductionist, principle is one thing and practice quite another. Almost everyone agrees that finding the T.O.E. would in no way mean that psychology, biology, geology, chemistry, or even physics had been solved or in some sense subsumed. The universe is such a wonderfully rich and complex place that the discovery of the final theory, in the sense we are describing here, would not spell the end of science.


Quite the contrary: The discovery of the T.O.E.-the ultimate explanation of the universe at its most microscopic level, a theory that does not rely on any deeper explanation-would provide the firmest foundation on which to build our understanding of the world. Its discovery would mark a beginning, not an end. The ultimate theory would provide an unshakable pillar of coherence forever assuring us that the universe is a comprehensible place.


Science Watch

May/June 1999

When superstring theory arrived in physics in 1984 as a potential theory of the universe, it was considered by mainstream physicists as little better than religion in terms of constituting a viable, testable theory. In string theory, the fundamental particles were string-like, rather than point particles; the universe had 10 or 11 dimensions, rather than four; and the theory itself existed at an energy so far from earthly energies that it took a leap of enormous faith to imagine the day when an experiment could ever test it. Quite simply, string theory seemed an excessively esoteric pursuit, which it still is. But the last five years have seen the theory undergo a series of major breakthroughs-theoretical ones, at least-while simultaneously entering the mainstream of the field. Last summer's string theory conference in Santa Barbara was attended by 350 physicists. And universities have taken to holding bidding wars to recruit the best string theorists-with Harvard, Stanford, and Princeton lately leading the way.


String Theory


We live in a wonderfully complex universe, and we are curious about it by nature. Time and again we have wondered--- why are we here? Where did we and the world come from? What is the world made of? It is our privilege to live in a time when enormous progress has been made towards finding some of the answers. String theory is our most recent attempt to answer the last (and part of the second) question.


There are four fundamental forces in the universe: gravity, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong nuclear forces. Each of these is produced by fundamental particles that act as carriers of the force. The most familiar of these is the photon, a particle of light, which is the mediator of electromagnetic forces. (This means that, for instance, a magnet attracts a nail because both objects exchange photons.) The graviton is the particle associated with gravity. The strong force is carried by eight particles known as gluons. Finally, the weak force is transmitted by three particles, the W+, the W- , and the Z.


In the last few decades, string theory has emerged as the most promising candidate for a microscopic theory of gravity. And it is infinitely more ambitious than that: it attempts to provide a complete, unified, and consistent description of the fundamental structure of our universe. (For this reason it is sometimes, quite arrogantly, called a 'Theory of Everything'). W+, the W- , and the Z.

So, if string theory is correct, the entire world is made of strings!

[note: the "strings" are Spirals, as in DNA]




String Theory 2006-01-16



Esther Hicks, 2005

Esther Hicks is an American spirit channeller, motivational speaker, and author. She has co-authored four major books with husband Jerry Hicks and presents seminars for Abraham-Hicks Publications. Esther Hicks is the channel for a group of spiritual teachers who call themselves "Abraham". Most commonly, this work is referred to under the name Abraham Hicks The "Abraham" teachings "affirm our well-being and help us to recognize the power of joy in achieving all that is desired in life." They also teach that people are the creators of their own reality, that their emotions are guides to help in this creation and that humans are eternal beings and for that reason will "never get it done."



A key teaching of the Abraham Group is that achieving your desires is done by feeling hopeful and positive about those goals, rather than fearful. The teachings often refer to vibrations - in the nature of, your thoughts are 'vibrations' that influence the 'vibrations of reality,' and in this way have a real impact on the physical word. To summarise, if you think positive thoughts, and so align up your good vibration, good things will happen to you. Equally, if something bad happens to you, then in some sense it was your own doing, because you must have aligned up your bad vibration to encourage or endorse it. An example - when referring to the people who died in the September 11 terrorist attacks, Abraham says "There are no victims, there are only co-creators."


Together Esther and Jerry Hicks have authored several books, including Ask, And It Is Given., which has become a best-selling book published by Louise Hay's Hay House publishers, which has an introduction by author Wayne Dyer.




The Secret

May 25th, 2006 by Steve Pavlina


The Secret is about the intention-manifestation model and how to use the law of attraction to create whatever you want.


The Secret is apparently based on the book Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks, which I just read last week.  In fact, it’s one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read, and it’s deservedly among the top 100 books on Amazon right now.  Ask and It Is Given is a channeled book, similar to Barbara Marciniak’s Bringers of the Dawn in some ways, but Ask and It Is Given is much more down-to-earth and practical.  In order to write it, Esther channeled a group of non-physical beings collectively referred to as Abraham.


In addition to Esther Hicks, other speakers in the movie included Jack Canfield, Joe Vitale, Fred Alan Wolf (also in What the Bleep), John Demartini, and Denis Waitley.  Jack Canfield’s stories were my favorites because he comes across as so genuine, and his results are truly incredible.


Use the Law of Attraction

You Attract What You Think About Consciously and Subconsciously.

One of the most exciting discoveries of Quantum Physics, is the whole concept that it is our thoughts, and not just our actions that create our reality. Even though most people believe that it is what they DO or do not do that is creating their reality, quantum physics has actually revealed that it is the thoughts of our subconscious mind that is creating our experience of life.

And not only do we have our own thoughts stored in our cells, but we also have inherited certain thoughts from our ancestors through our DNA because the same was true for them.



Divine Harmony

The Life and Teachings of Pythagoras

By John Strohmeier

& Peter Westbrook


The Pythagorean legacy lies at the foundations of all serious teachings considered heretical by the state religions of monotheism and materialistic science. The evocation of Pythagoras's life and thought, contained in this timely, concise, and well researched text, touches upon the most effective tool, spiritually and socially, to divert the dire consequences to which these prevailing dogmas are inevitably leading us. -- Robert Lawlor Author of Sacred Geometry


Most people have heard of Pythagoras, but have little idea of why his name lives on. This book fulfils a long-felt need for a first portal of access to the man and his world: to his harmonious blend of reason and mysticism, experimental science and the arts of life. The authors tell his extraordinary story as though it were the most natural thing in the world. And so it is, if we can recapture the Pythagorean vision of the cosmos: a marvel of crystalline complexity, filled with spirit and divinely ordered for the well-being of all creatures. If ever we needed to reclaim this philosophy, which is the birthright of our culture, it is now. --Joscelyn Godwin, Colgate University, Author of Harmonies of Heaven and Earth, The Harmony of the Spheres and Music, Mysticism and Magic


This is an excellent introduction to the life and teachings of Pythagoras taken from early sources. Succinct, clear and well-written, I found it most instructive and (more important, very) inspiring.

--Gordon Strachan, Author of Jesus, the Master Builder: Druid Mysteries and the Dawn of Civilization


As early as 538 b.c., Pythagoras founded the earliest holistic school of thought based on the study of rational science and religious mysticism. It was one of the earliest attempts in history at reconciling reason and faith, and at utilizing the truth of science together with the truth of religion for the enlightenment of humankind. Since then the gap between the "intellect" and the "heart" has perilously widened. We have come to see that science deprived of spirituality becomes a servant of materialism and inhumanity, while religion deprived of science can only succumb to the tyranny of superstition. We are indebted to the authors of Divine Harmony, who have resurrected for our time that philosophy and that vision, so that we may once more adopt a holistic approach in exploring and understanding truth. --Suheil Bushrui, Bahai Chair for World Peace, University of Maryland; Co-Author of Kahlil Gibran, Man and Poet: A New Biography


A clear and delightfully engaging introduction to Pythagoras, his philosophy and its contemporary relevance. --David Fideler, Editor, The Pythagorean Sourcebook.. Author of Jesus Christ Sun of God: Ancient Cosmology and Early Christian Symbolism


This is a delightful book, well, written, easy to read...full of history, legend, and nuggets of wisdom from the founding school of Western science--before science, mysticism, and religion went their separate and often opposing ways. -Jonathan Shear, Editor, Journal of Consciousness Studies. Author of The Inner Dimension: Philosophy and the Experience of Consciousness



Pythagoras & Music of the Spheres


There is geometry in the humming of the strings

... there is music in the spacing of the spheres.


Quoting Aristotle again ... "[the Pythagoreans] saw that the ... ratios of musical scales were expressible in numbers [and that] .. all things seemed to be modeled on numbers, and numbers seemed to be the first things in the whole of nature, they supposed the elements of number to be the elements of all things, and the whole heaven to be a musical scale and a number."


So the Pythagoreans in their love of numbers built up this elaborate number lore, but it may be that the numbers that impressed them most were those found in the musical ratios.


The Harmonic Scale



Slide 3-5: Gafurio Lecturing

F. Gafurio, De Harmonia musicorum instrumentorum, 1518, Wittkower, Rudolf. Architectural Principles in the Age of Humanism. NY: Random, 1965. 43a.

The diagram shows compasses, suggesting a link between geometry and music.


Gnomon means carpenter's square in Greek. Its the name given to the upright stick on a sundial. For the Pythagoreans, the gnomons were the odd integers, the masculine numbers. Starting with the monad, a square number could be obtained by adding an L-shaped border, called a gnomon.

Thus, the sum of the monad and any consecutive number of gnomons is a square number.

"... and the whole heaven to be a musical scale and a number... "

It seemed clear to the Pythagoreans that the distances between the planets would have the same ratios as produced harmonious sounds in a plucked string. To them, the solar system consisted of ten spheres revolving in circles about a central fire, each sphere giving off a sound the way a projectile makes a sound as it swished through the air; the closer spheres gave lower tones while the farther moved faster and gave higher pitched sounds. All combined into a beautiful harmony, the music of the spheres.

This idea was picked up by Plato, who in his Republic says of the cosmos; ". . . Upon each of its circles stood a siren who was carried round with its movements, uttering the concords of a single scale," and who, in his Timaeus, describes the circles of heaven subdivided according to the musical ratios.

Kepler, 20 centuries later, wrote in his Harmonice Munde (1619) says that he wishes "to erect the magnificent edifice of the harmonic system of the musical scale . . . as God, the Creator Himself, has expressed it in harmonizing the heavenly motions."

And later, "I grant you that no sounds are given forth, but I affirm . . . that the movements of the planets are modulated according to harmonic proportions."



Sacred Geometry and The Shaman

Introduction To Sacred Geometry


Everything in nature is made up of patterns, structures, designs from the smallest atom to the crystal of water to the stars. Each of nature's creations reveal to us the nature of that object and its own energetic vibration. Thus every creation has a unique vibratory frequency. The interaction of all the vibratory frequencies found in creation show us the intrinsic unity of the part to the whole. Together we find what some call the Music of the Spheres. This inseparability reminds us of the sacredness and connection we have to everything and everything to us. Here the Shaman connects with all of creation in respect and brotherhood and walks his way through the universe in harmony.


The Star of David


Overlapping two triangles produces the hexagon or the Star of David. If you divide a circle into 6 parts and allow those 6 circles to fit exactly around the circumference of an equal 7th circle you have this sacred geometry. The hexagon according to John Michell is "symbolic of the order of the universe in the fact that twelve equal spheres can be placed around a thirteenth so that each touches the nucleus and four of its neighbors, producing the geomancer's image of twelve disciples grouped around the master. Christ, Osiris and Mohammed are among those who are represented as a central sphere with twelve retainers."

It is also a common symbol in Islamic geometry, and its qualities are rational and solar, as evidenced by its 6x60-degree triangles which reflect the solar number 666.


The Pentagram


It is from the Golden Mean that we also find the pentagon and the five-pointed star. The pentagram is associated with humanity as in a human being with outstretched arms and legs. This was the symbol of the Pythagorean's humanistic science and often worn as a talisman of good health.





DNA Pirates of the Sacred Spiral

by Len Horowitz

Description: Based on the latest science, this monumental book considers both uses and abuses of DNA - “The Sacred Spiral.” Stunning evidence compiled herein proves DNA is nature’s bioaccoustic and electromagnetic (that is, “spiritual”) energy receiver, signal transformer, and quantum sound and light transmitter. In other words, the bioenergetics of genetics precipitates life.


These scientific revelations bring expanded spiritual meaning to life, physical embodiment, and even evolution. 


As humanity teeters on the brink of unprecedented DNA-mediated, spiritual ascendance or complete enslavement if not extinction, argues award winning author and public health expert, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, this riveting prose provides critical direction for humanity’s physical and spiritual salvation.


DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, Dr. Horowitz's latest  book, offers revolutionary new views of emerging genetic research consistent with largely secreted science and sacred spiritual knowledge. Chapters incorporated this metaphysical science non-fiction thriller include discussions of electro-genetics, quantum physics, bioholography, human consciousness, and even spiritual dynamics, to accomplish an urgent mission: awaken humanity to the highest levels of risk awareness and accountability for our planet’s destiny.


Also, many of you may be able to hear me discuss this information on several nationally syndicated radio programs in the coming weeks. Interviewers who have already scheduled to feature DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral on their shows include: Joyce Riley on “The Power Hour” August 19 th , 6AM-8AM PST; George Noorey on “Coast to Coast” on August 25 th , 11PM to 2AM PST; Jeff Rense on “The Jeff Rense Show” on August 26 th , 7PM-10PM PST; Bill Boshears and others to be announced in the coming weeks.



 The Law of Attraction and Repulsion = "Sacred Spiral" = The Laws of Rebirth and Consequences


Sacred Spirals

The sacred spiral is an ancient symbol of growth and evolution. It dates back many centuries and has been used by the ancient Celts, Greeks and as part of Wiccan beliefs.

As a Wiccan symbol it represents divine energy and the cycle of life - of death and rebirth. When drawn clockwise, it's said to bring things towards you, and when drawn anti-clockwise, it pushes negative energies away from you. A spiral dance is also often used to celebrate and represent the powers of the symbol.

search Holisticshop for Sacred spiral


Jewish Alchemy: the Kabbalah

Keys to the Kabbalah


The symbols of Masonry are Kabbalistic, and were known to the alchemists Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Apollonius, Raymond Lully, Cornelius Agrippa, Fludd, Boehme and others. Solomon's Temple, with its marvels of beauty and grandeur, its strikingly distinct and different parts, its still more striking diversities of material and style-all blending in one superb, gorgeous, and absolutely harmonious whole was the grand panoramic symbol -- a complete epitome and miniature, of the universe as portrayed in the Kabbalah.


The Law of Harmony


We have already alluded to the fact that the one attribute that pre-eminently distinguishes the Kabbalistic system is its complete and absolute harmony. But more may be claimed: This harmony is not only the strongest evidence, but it is an all-sufficient and conclusive proof of the divine origin of the Kabbalah.


 The objective or Solar part receives material impressions, and through it we obtain our knowledge of the material universe, the world of effects not causes. The subjective or Lunar part receives spiritual impressions, called intuitive perceptions, and it urges us to earnest seeking after illumination and Divine Wisdom. The Rosicrucians call the unitary Light of the Celestial Sun, Sophia (Wisdom of God).


The Kabbalists maintain that the want of harmony of these two opposing parts within the soul places man in bondage to materiality and in darkness of higher Truths. The mission of the Kabbalist was to deliver individuals from this bondage and make them free by restoring the equilibrium or harmony within his soul. Those who achieve this deliverance and become obedient to the unitary divine principle, are called by the Kabbalists Illuminati because their souls are illuminated by the Light of the Celestial Sun, the Divine Sophia.


The ancient alchemist Zoroaster regarded the astral Suns as emblems of the Sun of Truth, or the True Sun, the great Central Orb of the Universe -- a shadow of the first source of all Splendor. For this reason, wise men of olden time saluted the rising of the sun in the east and the setting in the west, although they have been accused as being Sun-worshippers.


Pythagoras was one of the most remarkable men of his day; not only was he learned in the ordinary sense beyond his time, but he was a Kabbalist of the highest order.


The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction is referred to in many ways by many faiths. Some call it karma; others call it the golden rule. The law of attraction ensures that what we put out in the world, we get back - some say threefold, others say tenfold. The law of attraction is like a magnetic pole, sending energy out one end only to receive it again at the opposite end.




Harmonic Convergence


The Harmonic Convergence was a loosely-organized new age spiritual event that occurred on August 16 and August 17, 1987, when groups of people gathered in various sacred sites and "mystical" places all over the world to usher in a new era, a date based primarily on the Maya calendar, but also on interpretations of European and Asian astrology.


People began arriving on August 15, 1987 at sites such as Mount Shasta, Stonehenge and Crestone, Colorado, which were believed to be "focus locations". Events began on August 16, culminating on the convergence itself on the 17th with prayer, song, meditation, dance, and rituals. If nothing else, this highly publicized event brought the New Age religion to public awareness and popularized quartz crystals, channelling and theories about reincarnation and extraterrestrial life.




Superstring Theory: The DNA of Reality


One of the most exciting scientific adventures of all time is the search for the ultimate nature of physical reality, a hunt that in the past century has yielded such breakthroughs as Einstein's theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, two theories that radically altered our picture of space, time, gravity, and the fundamental building blocks of matter.


The latest advance in this epic quest is string theory-known as superstring or M-theory in its most recent versions. The "M" of M-theory is an arbitrary label, but some physicists believe it stands for mysterious or magical. Marvelous also qualifies, because there is something quite wonderful about this beautiful and startling idea.


Based on the concept that all matter is composed of inconceivably tiny filaments of vibrating energy, string theory has potentially staggering implications for our understanding of the universe.


If string theory ultimately proves correct, then strings are truly the DNA of reality.



String theory

To understand M-theory it is necessary to first get some understanding of string theory. For hundreds of years physics has operated on the paradigm that the fundamental particles, like the familiar electron, are point-like or (in mathematical jargon) 0-dimensional. If string theory were to be summed up in a single idea, it is that this assumption is incorrect. Instead, string theory posits that the Universe is fundamentally composed of 1-dimensional objects-things that are similar to a string.


String theory's development has come primarily because of an extremely important problem that has plagued physics for almost 100 years. The problem is that general relativity, the theory developed by Albert Einstein that explains things on very large or cosmological scales, is irreconcilable with quantum mechanics and the Standard Model, which describe the Universe on the small subatomic scale.



Now compare this "new science" with Rosicrucian Max Heindel's words:

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

Chapter IV

Rebirth and the Law of Consequence


A straight line is but the extension of a point. It occupies but one dimension in space. The theory of the materialist and that of the theologian would be analogous to this line. The materialist makes the line of life start at birth, and to be consistent, the death hour must terminate it. The theologian commences his line with the creation of the soul just previous to birth. After death the soul lives on, its fate irretrievably determined by the deeds of a few short years. There is no coming back to correct mistakes. The line runs straight on, implying a modicum of experience and no elevation for the soul after death.


 Natural progression does not follow a straight line such as these two theories imply; nor even a circular path, for that would imply a never-ending round of the same experiences and the use of only two dimensions in space. All things move in progressive cycles and in order to take full advantages of all the opportunities for advancement offered by our three-dimensional universe, it is necessary that the evolving life should take the three-dimensional path--the spiral--which goes ever onward and upward.


This is nothing more than a debate about Reincarnation and/or man "evolving into gods", and it's being called science! What else is new!? This is Rosicrucian Babel which they are passing off as "science", and who can stop them, because they are the "experts"?!


What "M" stands for

According to its creator, Ed Witten, as quoted in the PBS documentary based on Brian Greene's book "The Elegant Universe", the "M" in M-theory "stands for magic, mystery, or matrix, according to taste." He also added, "Some cynics have occasionally suggested that M also stands for 'murky,' because our level of understanding of the theory is in fact so primitive." Then, jokingly, he said, "Maybe I shouldn't have told you that!” Skeptics of M-theory have joked that the "M" means "Moronic" or "Moron!"

[my note: and the M-Theory propaganda begins with none other than PBS in 2003]

The Elegant Universe - A Three-Hour Miniseries with Brian Greene by NOVA (original PBS Broadcast Dates: October 28th, 8-10 p.m. and November 4, 8-9 p.m., 2003). Various images, texts, videos and animations explaining string theory and M-theory.





Evolution linked to Spiritual Renaissance: DNA Called “Antennae to God”
2005 12 08

By Dr. Len Horowitz |

Sandpoint , ID - More than a map of life, DNA processes spirituality according to the latest research. A lengthy review of scientific achievements in the field of genetics compiled by a team of experts indicates that life evolved from spiritual, more than physical, forces.

Three years of multidisciplinary study by a team of health science, mathematics, genetics, and physics experts, indicates that DNA, traditionally considered the “blueprint of life,” appears more like an “antennae to God.” Led by internationally known public health authority and award winning author, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the group's research, to be published in October, shows that DNA's coiled design, vibrating action, and “electrogenetic” function makes spiritual as well as physical evolution possible.

Life's genomes are empowered by waves and particles of energized sound and light which, more than chemicals or drugs, switch genes “on” or “off.” Likewise, genetic inheritance is energetically transmitted “bioacoustically and electromagnetically” through special water molecules that form the electrogenetic matrix of the “Sacred Spiral.” These hydroelectric geometric structures-most shaped like pyramids, hexagons, and pentagons-direct physical as well as spiritual development, according to researchers.

Metaphysically, water molecules shaped like pyramids relay energy messages to and from DNA. These signals are carried from the environment to every cell in your body; far more rapidly than scientists once believed based solely on chemical analyses.

These findings raise important questions concerning theories underlying modern medicine, spirituality, and even reincarnation according to Dr. Horowitz. The realization that energy messages, including ancient ancestral memories, may be relayed electro-genetically can help in healing, lending spiritual meaning to life, and reconciling “past life” experiences.

The science reported in DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral, published by the not-for-profit Tetra hedron Publishing Group ($29.15; 1-888-508-4787), links the genetic revolution to a “spiritual renaissance.” After polling nearly 10,000 people internationally for background research, the Harvard-trained Dr. Horowitz concludes “more and more people are experiencing increased synchronicities and even miracles in their lives... Working on special projects, they suddenly and inexplicably manifest everything they need to facilitate their service, purpose, or unique calling. This is a form of genetic expression as much as eye color,” he says.

Their soon to be published, meticulously documented, book is written for “intelligent lay readers and above.” It argues that quantum energy, often called spirituality, animates evolution of the species, genetic expression, and life. The authors believe such awareness and growing social consciousness bodes well for the entire planet.



Rosicrucian Max Heindel wrote:

Evolution is "the history of the progression of the Spirit in Time." Everywhere, as we see about us the varied phenomena in the universe, we realize that the path of evolution is a spiral. Each loop of the spiral is a cycle. Each cycle merges into the next, as the loops of the spiral are continuous, each cycle being the improved product of those preceding it and the creator of those more developed states which succeed it.

Everywhere the spiral--Onward, Upward, Forever!

Regarding life from an ethical viewpoint, we find that the law of Rebirth coupled with the companion law of Consequence, is the only theory that will satisfy a sense of justice, in harmony with the facts of life as we see them about us.

The "Law of Attraction" accounts in quite as satisfactory a manner for the facts we ascribe to heredity.

Similarly, the Ego ordinarily gravitates to the most congenial associations. It is constrained to do so by one of the twin forces of the Desire World--the force of Attraction.

Thus do the twin laws of Rebirth and Consequence solve, in a rational manner, all the problems incident to human life as man steadily advances toward the next stage in evolution--the Superman.

The law of Consequence also works in harmony with the stars, so that a man is born at the time when the positions of the bodies in the solar system will give the conditions necessary to his experience and advancement in the school of life. That is why Astrology is an absolutely true science



Published November 16, 1999



Sacred Geometry & The Reptillians by: M.C. Escher

DnA Strands Displayed towards Acknowledgement of the Genetic Manipulation Humanity has Undergone


Divine Man - Adam Kadmon - Leonardo DaVinci




"Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked."





Lucifer's Lie: "Ye shall be as gods".



Charles Darwin
(Theory of Evolution)

Julian Jaynes
(Solves Missing Link)

Frank R. Wallace
(Discovers Next Evolution of Man)

Our Final Evolution

Mark Hamilton


The Next Evolution of Man

Research indicates that mankind is still going to undergo one more evolutionary leap into a far more competitive being called God-Man. That God-Man in the future will be so superior he might mistakenly think a missing link must exist between himself and 20th-century man in the chart of human evolution. Such a missing link will never be found, however. Instead, I believe soon we will make an unexpected evolutionary "jump" into God-Man. As God-Man, we will be as far beyond today's cognitive man as we, today, are beyond ancient animal man.

A similar, unexpected evolutionary "jump" happened to us once before. Man psychologically "jumped" from an automatic "animal" mentality 3000 years ago into our cognitive "human" mentality of today. Scientists now realize the evolutionary "jump" 3000 years ago solved the missing-link problem in all theories of human evolution. There never was a missing link, as explained in Chapter One, just the evolutionary "jump". Similarly, research indicates our next evolutionary "jump", from our cognitive human mentality into the God-Man mentality, is coming...perhaps surprising us soon after the turn of the millennium.

Technically speaking, we are not actually physically evolving into God-Man, for physical evolutionary changes could take many thousands of years or longer. Sacrificing some scientific preciseness, throughout this book I often refer to "our final evolution into God-Man" instead of belaboring awkward, unfamiliar syntax about "our switch into a new mentality". Keep in mind, however, that unlike physical evolution, people will psychologically "jump" to the much more competitive God-Man almost overnight once the switch into the new mentality begins. Similarly, we know that people psychologically "jumped" from the bicameral "animal" mentality to human consciousness almost overnight 3000 years ago once the switch into the new mentality began, as explained in Chapter One.


Grasping Our God of the Future

With the preceding eight chapters behind us, the reader can more readily comprehend that until now, the God concept was viewed from the bicameral mentality seeking automatic answers from a higher "authority" telling us what to do and how to live -- our God of the past. Now, we will for the first time see the God concept from the Neothink mentality to really discover God -- our God of the future:

Frank R. Wallace recently provided me with his latest Research Journal that housed his project on the Civilization of the Universe, the civilization of God-Man, as explained later. Dr. Wallace's Research Journal was several hundred pages long, building a Neothink view of the Universe and a map to the Civilization of the Universe. As I went through all those pages, I sat in stunned silence. In those pages, he had unlocked the mysteries of God. After many millennia, here Wallace had done it!

Discovering the Universe's Deepest Secret

...In short, Dr. Wallace discovered the Universe's deepest secret: God-Man is God...Gods of the Universe. And we will soon join the Gods of the Universe in the Civilization of the Universe.

Years ago, Wallace retired from a highly successful career as a Senior Research Chemist for Du Pont so he could aggressively research Neo-Tech and Neothink to their outer limits. As Neo-Tech exorcised his mysticisms, he was able to more and more widely integrate reality around him. In the process, he was learning more about Neothink Man, the Universe, and himself.

Wallace was simply, honestly and widely integrating reality. When an individual purges his mysticism, Wallace learned, he can honestly and rapidly integrate reality. In time, he "jumps" into Neothink. And then, through unblocked integrated thinking, powerful far-reaching Neothink extrapolates every subject to its ultimate conclusion and benefit, which Wallace did with the Universe, God, and man in his Journal to bring us the ultimate thrill: becoming God.

As he used his background as an accomplished Du Pont scientist to integrate the world around him and the cosmos above him, he had a revelation:

He more and more felt that during his longer and longer inspirational moments, he became one with God-Man. His unity with God-Man happened for as long as his inspirational moment lasted. Then, the moment was gone, and he was himself again. Indeed, his mind was trying to make the evolutionary jump!


Dr. Frank R. Wallace

Dr. Frank R. Wallace (pen name of Dr. Wallace Ward) (1932-2006) was an American scientist, philosopher, and businessman best known as the originator of the philosophy of Neo-Tech - a neo-objectivist philosophy.


Before turning to philosophy, Wallace was a research chemist for E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, with a doctorate in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. Wallace was a member of Sigma Xi, the honorary research society.


Neo-Tech is held to be a "dynamic" form of Objectivism, in contrast to Ayn Rand's Objectivism which Wallace regards as being "static". Wallace sought, by developing Neo-Tech, to eliminate epistemological mysticism from the world. Wallace said he was driven by the desire for biological immortality. He believed that mysticism is an impediment to science and freedom and that if it is eliminated, economic freedom will prevail, technology will advance, and commercial biological immortality will be achieved. He maintained that this is possible in our lifetimes.


In this case, when Wallace speaks of epistemological mysticism, by this he means belief in God our Heavenly Father and our Faith in Jesus Christ, who has now been/being lumped together with all the "gods" in the Ancient Mystery Religions via Comparative Mythology. Of course, none will be allowed worship, and most especially Jesus Christ, once they enact the Noahide Laws, whereby the worship of any "god" other than their God of Forces; The Great Architect of the Universe, i.e. Lucifer, is set in stone.






Epistemology - origin of knowledge


Epistemology, from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and logos (word/speech) is the branch of philosophy that deals with the origin, nature and scope of knowledge. Historically, it has been one of the most investigated and most debated of all philosophical subjects. Much of this debate has focused on analyzing the nature and variety of knowledge and how it relates to similar notions such as truth and belief. Much of this discussion concerns the justification of knowledge claims.


Not surprisingly, the way that knowledge claims are justified both leads to and depends on the general approach to philosophy one adopts. Thus, philosophers have developed a range of epistemological theories to accompany their general philosophical positions. More recent studies have re-written centuries-old assumptions, and the field of epistemology continues to be vibrant and dynamic.


Defining knowledge


Justified true belief

In Plato's dialogue the Theaetetus, Socrates considers a number of definitions of knowledge. One of the prominent candidates is justified true belief. We know that, for something to count as knowledge, it must be true, and be believed to be true. Socrates argues that this is insufficient; in addition one must have a reason or justification for that belief.


One implication of this definition is that one cannot be said to "know" something just because one believes it and that belief subsequently turns out to be true.





[note: Logo / Sun with 6 pointed star in a circle]


The Law of Attraction
by Terryll Nemeth
The challenge for all of mankind is to identify with the true Self, the I Am, our inner divinity. As this is achieved, we are to consciously use the magnetic force in all of our creations, based upon our understanding of cause and effect and the Law of Believing and Knowing. Creation itself is produced and made up of the aggressive and receptive principles. This principle is also called the Yin and Yang in many cultures of the Far East.
In order for any creation to occur, there always has to be an aggressive act such as the producing of a thought in the form of a goal for example, followed by the receptive act of receiving the image within the subconscious mind where it can begin to mature. Because creation itself and everything made in the universe is based upon the attractive force between opposites in polarity, we can begin to understand our interconnectedness with all of creation, humanity, and the Creator. We can also understand the true meaning of love through understanding the Creator and our own divinity.
The transfer of the seed idea from the conscious to the subconscious mind is completed when the conscious attention is removed from it.
Thus, as demonstrated in our story above, expectation within the mind is a powerful fertilizer in order for the mind to cultivate its thought forms into manifestation using the Law of Attraction.



Age of Enlightenment


The Age of Enlightenment refers to either the eighteenth century in European philosophy, or the longer period including the seventeenth century and the Age of Reason. It can more narrowly refer to the historical intellectual movement The Enlightenment, which advocated Reason as a means to establishing an authoritative system of aesthetics, ethics, government, and logic, which, it was supposed, would allow human beings to obtain objective truth about the universe. Emboldened by the revolution in physics commenced by Newtonian kinematics, Enlightenment thinkers argued that same kind of systematic thinking could apply to all forms of human activity.


The intellectual leaders regarded themselves as a courageous elite who would lead the world into progress from a long period of doubtful tradition, irrationality, superstition, and tyranny, which they imputed to the Dark Ages. The movement helped create the intellectual framework for the American and French Revolutions, the Latin American independence movement, and the Polish Constitution of May 3; and led to the rise of classical liberalism and capitalism. It is matched with the high baroque and classical eras in music, and the neo-classical period in the arts; it receives contemporary attention as being one of the central models for many movements in the modern period.


The enlightenment was mirrored by the Jewish Haskalah, which in Western Europe and particularly in Germany resulted in the elevation and eventual replacement of Hebrew over Yiddish, as well as the Jewish reform and Zionist Nationalist movements.


Another important movement in 18th century philosophy, closely related to it, focused on belief and piety. Some of its proponents, such as George Berkeley, attempted to demonstrate rationally the existence of a supreme being. Piety and belief in this period were integral to the exploration of natural philosophy and ethics, in addition to political theories of the age. However, prominent Enlightenment philosophers such as Thomas Paine, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and David Hume questioned and attacked the existing institutions of both Church and State.


The 18th century also saw a continued rise of empirical philosophical ideas and their application to political economy, government and sciences such as physics, chemistry and biology.


Europe had been ravaged by religious wars; when peace in the political situation had been restored, after the Peace of Westphalia and the English Civil War, an intellectual upheaval overturned the accepted belief that mysticism and revelation are the primary sources of knowledge and wisdom-which was blamed for fomenting political instability. Instead, (according to those that split the two periods), the Age of Reason sought to establish axiomatic philosophy and absolutism as foundations for knowledge and stability. Epistemology, in the writings of Michel de Montaigne and René Descartes, was based on extreme skepticism and inquiry into the nature of "knowledge." The goal of a philosophy based on self-evident axioms reached its height with Baruch (Benedictus de) Spinoza's Ethics, which expounded a pantheistic view of the universe where God and Nature were one. This idea then became central to the Enlightenment from Newton through to Jefferson. The ideas of Pascal, Leibniz, Galileo and other philosophers of the previous period also contributed to and greatly influenced the Enlightenment; for instance, according to E. Cassirer, Leibniz’s treatise On Wisdom ". . . identified the central concept of the Enlightenment and sketched its theoretical programme" (Cassirer 1979: 121-123). There was a wave of change across European thinking, exemplified by Newton's natural philosophy, which combined mathematics of axiomatic proof with mechanics of physical observation, a coherent system of verifiable predictions, which set the tone for what followed Newton's Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in the century after. [note: Gematria, Sacred Geometry]


The Age of Enlightenment is also prominent in the history of Judaism, perhaps because of its conjunction with increased social acceptance of Jews in some western European states, especially those who were not orthodox or who converted to the officially sanctioned version of Christianity.


 As with theology, philosophy became a source of partisan debate, with different schools attempting to develop rationales for their viewpoints, which then, in turn, became generally accepted. Thus philosophers such as Spinoza searched for a metaphysics of ethics. This trend later influenced pietism and eventually transcendental searches such as those by Immanuel Kant.




Haskalah (Hebrew; "enlightenment," "intellect," from sekhel, "common sense"), the Jewish Enlightenment, was a movement among European Jews in the late 18th century that advocated adopting enlightenment values, pressing for better integration into European society, and increasing education in secular studies, Hebrew, and Jewish history. Haskalah in this sense marked the beginning of the wider engagement of European Jews with the secular world, resulting, ultimately, in the first Jewish political movements and the struggle for Jewish emancipation.


In a more restricted sense, haskalah can also denote the study of Biblical Hebrew and of the poetical, scientific, and critical parts of Hebrew literature. The term is sometimes used to describe modern critical study of Jewish religious books, such as the Mishnah and Talmud, when used to differentiate these modern modes of study from the methods used by Orthodox Jews.


As long as the Jews lived in segregated communities, and as long as all avenues of social intercourse with their gentile neighbors were closed to them, the rabbi was the most influential member of the Jewish community. In addition to being a religious scholar and "clergy", a rabbi also acted as a civil judge in all cases in which both parties were Jews. Rabbis sometimes had other important administrative powers, together with the community elders. The rabbinate was the highest aim of many Jewish boys, and the study of the Talmud was the means of obtaining that coveted position, or one of many other important communal distinctions. Haskalah followers advocated "coming out of ghetto," not just physically but also mentally and spiritually in order to assimilate amongst gentile nations.


The example of Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), a Prussian Jew, served to lead this movement, which was also shaped by Aaron Halle-Wolfssohn (1754-1835) and Joseph Perl (1773-1839). Mendelssohn's extraordinary success as a popular philosopher and man of letters revealed hitherto unsuspected possibilities of integration and acceptance of Jews among non-Jews. Mendelssohn also provided methods for Jews to enter the general society of Germany. A good knowledge of the German language was necessary to secure entrance into cultured German circles, and an excellent means of acquiring it was provided by Mendelssohn in his German translation of the Torah. This work became a bridge over which ambitious young Jews could pass to the great world of secular knowledge. The Biur, or grammatical commentary, prepared under Mendelssohn's supervision, was designed to counteract the influence of traditional rabbinical methods of exegesis. Together with the translation, it became, as it were, the primer of haskalah. Haskalah did not stay restricted to Germany, however, and the movement quickly spread throughout Europe (Map of the spread of Haskalah). Adherents of the haskalah movement were called maskilim.


Language played a key role in the haskalah movement, as Mendelssohn and others called for a revival in Hebrew and a reduction in the use of Yiddish. The result was an outpouring of new, secular literature, as well as critical studies of religious texts. Julius Fürst along with other German-Jewish scholars compiled Hebrew and Aramaic dictionaries and grammars. Jews also began to study and communicate in the languages of the countries in which they settled, providing another gateway for integration.


Even as it eased integration, haskalah also resulted in a revival of Jewish secular identity, with an emphasis on Jewish history and Jewish identity. The result was engagement of the Jews in a variety of ways with the countries in which they lived, including the struggle for Jewish emancipation and the birth of new Jewish political movements, and ultimately the development of Zionism in the face of the persecutions of the late 1800s.



Julius Fürst


 Julius Fürst (also Julius Furst) (1805-1873), German orientalist. Fürst was a distinguished scholar of Semitic languages and literature. During his years as chairman of the department of Oriental languages and literature at the University of Leipzig (1864-1873), he wrote major works on literary history and linguistics. His most important scholarly works include the Bibliotheca Judaica (Leipzig, 1849-1863), Kultur and Literaturgeschichte der Juden in Asien (Cultural and literary history of Jews in Asia, 1849), several dictionaries as well as numerous contributions to the periodical "Der Orient", whose chief editor he was. "Der Orient" was mainly devoted to scientific study of the language, literature and history of the Jews.

He was Jewish.





INDEPENDENT ORDER OF B’NAI B’RITH ("Brotherhood of the Covenant" (I.O.B.B.)(Hebrew)
Founded in New York City in 1843 as a fraternal, charitable, and benevolent Jewish association. Founded in part because Jews were
not admitted to Freemasonry (sic). Known today as B’Nai B’rith International.

Achim Lodge, No.175
Eben Ezra Lodge, No.47
Grand Lodge of District No.2
Hebrew Benevolent Society
Julius Fuerst Lodge, No.196
Menorah Lodge, No.409
Missouri Lodge, No.22
Young American Lodge, No.309




In the 18th century Enlightenment thinkers sometimes characterized aspects of Eastern cultures as superior to the Christian West. For example Voltaire promoted research into Zoroastrianism in the belief that it would support a rational Deism superior to Christianity. Others praised the relative religious tolerance of Islamic countries in contrast with the Christian West, or the status of scholarship in Mandarin China. With the translation of the Avesta by Abraham Anquetil-Duperron and the discovery of the Indo-European languages by William Jones complex connections between the early history of Eastern and Western cultures emerged. However, these developments occurred in the context of rivalry between France and Britain for control of India, and it is sometimes claimed were associated with attempts to understand colonised cultures in order to control them more effectively. Liberal economists such as James Mill denigrated Eastern countries on the grounds that their civilizations were static and corrupt. Karl Marx characterised the "Asiatic mode of production" as unchanging and praised British colonialism in India. Christian evangelists sought to denigrate Eastern religious traditions as superstitions.



The Rosicrucians

The plan of the Illuminati, exercised through the mouthpiece of the French "Philosophes", the most prominent of which, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesqieu, were all Freemasons, was to discredit Christianity, and to call for its replacement with the rule of "Liberty". Originally, the concept of "liberty" was devised by the Illuminati, and based on its Gnostic conception of reality, meant freedom not only from religion, but from God. Essentially, the Gnostics of the Illuminati believed that there is no God, but that, based on a Kabbalistic conception of the universe, it is man who progresses through time to become God, and find reality through his own use of "reason". And therefore, the Enlightenment is also known as the Age of Reason.



Immanuel Kant

It is clear that I am thus equally interested in the many other thinkers behind and around Kant. This goes especially for those nearest to and (in some ways) furthest from, Kant: the so-called “Moderns”. I will never cease to admire René Descartes (1596-1650), or to be in awe of Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677). Important are also Descartes' contemporaries, Marin Mersenne (1588-1648), Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and Pierre Gassendi (1592-1655).

These philosophies of reason as well as of faith were, in their own time, but a step removed from the more "fantastic" concerns of alchemical natural philosophers and mystics alike. For example, this image (click on it) is from Fludd's Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris metaphysica, physica atque technica histori (Oppenheim, 1619). Robert Fludd (1574-1637), contemporary of Descartes, was a physician, an alchemist, a Paracelcian, a Rosicrucian and a mystic, who attempted to design, among other things, a perpetual motion machine. He had a run in with Marin Mersenne (1588-1648), who was a friend of Descartes and defender of Galileo, and who accused Fludd of being a magician, a heretic, and an atheist...


history of science / astronomy

One who is interested in the history of philosophy is therefore automatically also concerned with the history of science. The most "philosophical" science, I gather, is astronomy. Prof. Webb (BU) once told me that Johann Heinrich Lambert (a metaphysician) had written that all astronomers are "good men". There are two sides to astronomy that interest me. From the side of the history of philosophy and science, like so many I have often looked toward the starry skies to enlighten the often darker path of metaphysics.

Kant himself was influenced by Newton, and his early (precritical) project was to ground Newtonian physics on Leibnizian metaphysics. In 1755 Kant published the Natural History and Theory of the Heavens.


Robert Fludd

1637 Death of Robert Fludd (Robertus de Fluctibus), prominent English Rosicrucian and Paracelsian physicist and mystic, known for perpetual motion machines and other unlikely oddities.

Fludd was the 18th Grand Master of the Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Sion).


Robert Fludd (1595-1637) - "inherited John Dee's mantle as England's leading exponent of esoteric thought" who consorted with Andrea, amongst others involved in the 'Rosicrucian' movement.

"Historian Frances Yates, in her book The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, in a chapter entitled 'Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry', quotes one De Quincey, who states, 'Freemasonry is neither more nor less than Rosicrucianism as modified by those who transplanted it in England, whence it was re-exported to the other countries of Europe.' De Quincey states that Robert Fludd was the person most responsible for bringing Rosicrucianism to England and giving it its new name."

     - Gerry Rose ,"The Venetian Takeover of England and Its Creation of Freemasonry"



Detail from title-page of Robert Fludd’s Utriusque Cosmi . . . Historia (1617).
Note the prominence given to the Sun and Moon as influences.






Isaac Newton was Grand Master of the Priory of Sion between 1691 and 1727 and a Rosicrucian.

The lineage of the Rosicrucian movement can be traced from its beginnings in the mystery schools of ancient Egypt founded by Pharaoh Thutmose III (1500 to 1477 B.C.), and more particularly from his grandson Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (also known as Akhnaton) - through to the Greek philosophers such as Thales and Pythagoras, the Roman philosopher Plotinus, and others, who journeyed to Egypt and were initiated into the mystery schools - through to the symbolism hidden in the love songs of Troubadours, the formularies of Alchemists, the symbolical system known as the Qabala, and the rituals of Orders of Knighthood during the dark and dangerous times of medieval Europe.


Throughout history a number of prominent persons in the fields of science and the arts have been associated with the Rosicrucian movement, such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452 to 1519), Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa (1486 to 1535), Paracelsus (1493 to 1541), Francoiz Rabelais (1494 to 1553), Theresa of Avila (1515 to 1582), John of the Cross (1542 to 1591), Francis Bacon (1561 to 1626), Jacob Boehme (1575 to 1624), Rene Descartes (1596 to 1650), Blaise Pascal (1623 to 1662), Baruch Spinoza (1632 to 1677), Isaac Newton (1642 to 1727), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646 to 1716), Benjamin Franklin (1706 to 1790), Thomas Jefferson (1743 to 1826), Michael Faraday (1791 to 1867), Marie Corelli (1855 to 1924), Claude Debussy (1862 to 1918), Erik Satie (1866 to 1925) and Edith Piaf (1915 to 1963).



If I have been able to see further, it was only

because I stood on the shoulders of giants.

                                     —Sir Isaac Newton


Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:

God said, Let Newton be! and all was light.

                                 —Alexander Pope



Most of us have heard of the Hegelian Dialectic.


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel



Hegel was another disciple of Kant; he was of the Idealist school.

Born in Stuttgart; he died in Berlin. Teaching his way through Tübingen, Jena, and Heidelberg; Hegel eventually ended up, in 1815, at the University of Berlin. In 1818, Hegel took Immanuel Herman von Fichte's job at Berlin and to his death was "virtually dictator of German philosophical thinking." (Chambers.)

To come to Hegel's philosophy one starts with Kant and proceeds through Fichte and Schelling.  Hegal departed from the Fichte-Schelling "Ego-nonEgo" analysis by stating that it was reason that should take over, not your reason or not my reason, but the World Reason, Universal Consciousness; an Absolute. This Absolute while it governs the individual (the Ego) and all the world around the individual (the nonEgo), it is, nonetheless part of, or synonymous with, Reason (Ego) and Reality (nonEgo). This, in my short study, is the best I can make of Hegel, and if these statements are confusing to you, - you have company: "Hegelian terminology is cumbersome and defies analysis, except on its own terms."

The dialectic is a branch of logic in the art of reasoning and\or disputing. It is a classic approach, one at which Socrates was a master...

Now, the German philosophers of the idealist school were partial to the dialectic method. It was employed, as often it was, beginning with Plato, to set one theory in opposition with another...

...notions of historical development and of alienation were to play a crucial role in the thoughts of Marx. Marx followed Hegel, who had a deterministic view and that all events (economic stages) come about as a result of the inevitable progress of history.

In later years, a fellow German, Adolf Hitler, rose to this Hegelian bait. If one needs an example of a philosophy which can lead millions of people into ruin, then one need look no further than the philosophy of Hegel; it has been "the justification of extremist authoritarian creeds from Fascism to Communism." (Chambers.) (Also, see Paul Johnson's  book, Birth of the Modern, pp. 810-22.)



Claude Lévi-Strauss


This article is about the anthropologist. For the clothing manufacturer, see Levi Strauss.

Claude Lévi-Strauss; born November 28, 1908  is a French anthropologist  who developed structuralism as a method of understanding human society  and culture.

He returned to France in 1939 to take part in the war effort, but after French capitulation to the Germans, Lévi-Strauss, a Jew, fled Paris. While there, Lévi-Strauss was offered a position in New York and granted admission to the United States.

After satisfying suspicious government agents, Lévi Strauss spent most of the war in New York City. Like many other intellectual emigrés, he taught at the New School for Social Research. Along with Jacques Maritain , Henri Focillon and Roman Jakobson, he was a founding member of the École Libre des Hautes Étude, a sort of university-in-exile for French academics.

The war years in New York were formative for Lévi Strauss in several ways. His relationship with Jakobson helped shape his theoretical outlook (Jakobson and Lévi-Strauss are considered to be two of the central figures on which structuralist thought is based).


The term of "structuralism" itself appeared in relation to French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss works, and gave rise, in France, to the "structuralist movement," which gathered thinkers such as psychoanalyst, Foucault or Althusser and Poulantzas structural Marxism. Almost all members of this so-called movement denied that they were part of it.


In structural Marxist thought, the importance of perpetual change in society is noted: “When internal contradictions between structures or within a structure cannot be overcome, the structure does not reproduce but is transformed or evolves” (Rubel and Rosman 1996:1269). This dialectic accounts for the process of antithesis into thesis into synthesis.


E.A. Wallis Budge

1857 - 1934

E.A. Wallis Budge was the Curator of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum from 1894 to 1924. Along with his post at the British Museum, he was a Sometime Scholar of Christ’s College, a scholar at the University of Cambridge, Tyrwhitt, and a Hebrew Scholar. Best known for his numerous translator works, Budge collected a large number of Coptic, Greek, Arabic, Syriac, Ethiopian, and Egyptian Papyri manuscripts. He was also involved in numerous archaeology digs in Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Sudan.


Budge is perhaps best known for translating The Egyptian Book of The Dead (also known as The Papyrus of Ani), as well as analyzing many of the practices of Egyptian religion, language and ritual. Of his written works, Budge made the first books oriented toward students of hieroglyphics. They consisted of translated texts and hieroglyphs, as well as a complete dictionary of hieroglyphs. In addition, his published works cover areas of Egyptian culture reaching from Egyptian religion, to Egyptian mythology, and magical practices. Budge was knighted in 1920. He died November 23, 1934 in London, England.



Written by: Students in an Introduction to Anthropology Class, Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota 


Budge was also a prolific author, and he is especially remembered today for his works on Egyptian religion and his now-dated hieroglyphic primers. Budge's works on Egyptian religion were unique in that he maintained that the religion of Osiris had emerged from an indigenous African people, a position which Petrie and others regarded as impossible, insisting that the entirety of Egyptian culture had been imported by Aryan invaders. His works were widely read by the educated public and among those seeking comparative ethnological data, including James Frazer, who incorporated some of Budge's ideas on Osiris into his ever-growing work The Golden Bough. Budge was somewhat interested in paranormal matters, and many people who were involved with the occult and spiritualism after losing their faith in Christianity were dedicated to Budge's works, particularly his translation of the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which was very important to such writers as the poet William Butler Yeats and James Joyce. His works on Egyptian religion have remained consistently in print since they entered the public domain, and this is most likely because Budge was, himself, a proponent of the liberalization of Christianity and devoted to comparative religions, and his works often appeal to those who are similarly motivated.


Budge was a member of the literary and open-minded Savile Club in London, proposed by his friend H. Rider Haggard in 1889, and accepted in 1891. 


E. A. Wallis Budge (1857-1934) was Curator of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Muiseum. He notes in his book Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection, Volume 1 ([1911] Dover Publications, New York, 1973):

[p. v] I dedicate this book on the Fundamentals of Sudani and Egyptian religion by permission to the Honourable Lionel Walter Rothschild, Trustee of the British Museum, with sincere gratitude and thanks.


Savile Club


...No. 15 Savile Row. It later moved to No. 107 Piccadilly where it remained for 45 years, until 1927. It finally moved to its present premises, 69 Brook Street, after purchasing the former house of the late Lewis Harcourt, a Liberal cabinet minister who had taken his life on the premises to avert a scandal when his double life as a paedophile and sex offender was in danger of being uncovered. It continues to operate there to this day.

Prominent Members

Leo Abse

Max Beerbohm

Thomas Hardy

Rudyard Kipling

Compton Mackenzie

Robert Louis Stevenson

H. G. Wells

W. B. Yeats 




In 2003 the British Museum had this to say about Budge:


Why are there no books by Budge here?


Sir E A Wallis Budge (1857-1934) published prolifically during his lifetime. The standard biographical study of Egyptologists summarises his achievements as follows:


'in his text editions, Budge was too prolific for careful work, and many of them are inaccurate by modern standards; he persisted in the use of an old system of transcription, and did not utilise many of the grammatical discoveries of the Berlin School; nevertheless without his phenomenal energy and devotion, many hieratic, Coptic, and other texts would not have become known and been made available until a much later date' (Who was who in Egyptology, 1995, p. 72).


The usefulness of books by Sir Wallis Budge has been controversial. Budge ignored major developments made in the fields of transcription, grammar and lexicography, and was neglectful in matters of archaeology and provenance. Although he was an active collector, his publications fell behind contemporaneous scholarly standards and are now extremely outdated. Today, University students are strongly advised not to use them, because of their basic errors of fact and methodology.


For this same reason the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan does not include any of Budge's books on its recommended reading list. Budge's works are still in print, but this is because they are out of copyright, and so the text can be cheaply reprinted. While they are well illustrated, full of information and extremely cheap, they are at best unreliable, and usually misleading.





Friedrich Nietzsche



Birth: October 15, 1844 (Röcken bei Lützen, Prussian Saxony)

Death: August 25, 1900 (Weimar, Germany)

School/tradition: Continental philosophy, Weimar Classicism; Precursor to Existentialism, Postmodernism, Poststructuralism, Psychoanalysis

Main interests: Aesthetics, Epistemology, Ethics, Ontology, Philosophy of history, Psychology, Value theory

Notable ideas: Apollonian and Dionysian, Death of God, Eternal Recurrence, Herd instinct, Master-Slave Morality, Übermensch, Perspectivism, Will to Power

Influences: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Emerson, Goethe, Heine, Heraclitus, Kant, Plato, Schiller, Schopenhauer, Spinoza, Wagner 




Nihilism is a philosophical position, often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche   which argues that the world, and especially past and current human existence, is without objective meaning, purpose, comprehensible truth, or essential value. Nihilists generally assert some or all of the following: there is no reasonable proof of the existence of a higher ruler or creator, a "true morality" is unknown, and secular ethics are impossible; therefore, life has no truth, and no action is known to be preferable to any other.


Prominent philosophers who have written on the subject of nihilism include Friedrich Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger. Nietzsche described Christianity as a religion which evaded the challenge of finding meaning in earthly life, creating instead a spiritual projection where mortality and suffering were removed. Heidegger argued that the term "nihilism has a very specific meaning. What remains unquestioned and forgotten in metaphysics is being; and hence, it is nihilistic.


Nietzsche is referred to as a nihilist in part because he famously announced "God is dead!" What he meant by this oft-repeated statement has been the subject of much heated debate, because Nietzsche simply declared this position in his Thus Spoke Zarathustra without actually arguing for it.




Rudolf Steiner


Steiner wrote two books about Goethe's philosophy: The Theory of Knowledge implicit in Goethe's World-Conception (1886) and Goethe's Conception of the World (1897). During this time he also collaborated in complete editions of Arthur Schopenhauer's work and that of the writer Jean Paul and wrote articles for various journals, including a series for the Mitteilungen aus dem Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus, a magazine devoted to combatting anti-semitism. Steiner was one of the defenders (with Emile Zola) of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish Captain in the French army falsely accused of treason.


During his time at the archives, Steiner wrote what he considered his most important philosophical work, Die Philosophie der Freiheit (The Philosophy of Freedom) (1894), an exploration of epistemology and ethics that suggested a path upon which humans can become spiritually free beings (see below).


In 1896, Friedrich Nietzsche's sister, Elisabeth Forster-Nietzsche, asked Steiner to set the Nietzsche archive in Naumburg in order. Her brother by that time was no longer compos mentis. Forster-Nietzsche introduced Steiner into the presence of the catatonic philosopher and Steiner, deeply moved, subsequently wrote the book Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom.


Steiner believed that non-physical beings existed everywhere and that through freely chosen ethical disciplines and meditative training, anyone could develop the ability to experience these beings, as well as the higher nature of oneself and others. 


Steiner set forth his spiritual research in a vast number of texts and lectures; notable are:

Theosophy: An Introduction (1904), in which he sets forth his ideas of the body-soul-spirit constitution of the human being, reincarnation, and the unity of the spiritual and sense-perceptible ("as two sides of a single coin").


Steiner led the following esoteric schools:

His independent Esoteric School of the Theosophical Society, founded in 1904. This school continued after the break with theosophy (see below) and eventually led into the


In 1906 Steiner became leader of a lodge called Mystica Aeterna within the masonic Order of Memphis and Mizraim, an affiliation that ended around 1914. Steiner added to the masonic rite a number of Rosicrucian references.(The figure of Christian Rosenkreutz also plays an important role in several of his later lectures.)

Steiner and the Theosophical Society

Main article: Rudolf Steiner and the Theosophical Society

A turning point in Steiner's life came in 1899, when he published an article titled "Goethe's Secret Revelation" on the esoteric nature of Goethe's fairy tale, The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily. This article led to an invitation by the Count and Countess Brockdorff to speak to a gathering of Theosophists on the subject of Nietzsche. Steiner continued speaking regularly to the members of the Theosophical Society, becoming the head of its newly constituted German section in 1902. 


Johann Wolfgang Goethe


(28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) was a German polymath: he was a poet, novelist, dramatist, humanist, scientist, theorist, painter, and for ten years chief minister of state for the duchy of Weimar.


Goethe was one of the key figures of German literature and the movement of Weimar Classicism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries; this movement coincides with Enlightenment, Sentimentality ("Empfindsamkeit"), Sturm und Drang, and Romanticism. The author of Faust and Theory of Colours, he inspired Darwin with his independent discovery of the human intermaxillary jaw bones and focus on evolutionary ideas. Goethe's influence spread across Europe, and for the next century his works were a primary source of inspiration in music, drama, poetry, and philosophy.


Goethe's positive attitude towards Islam goes far beyond anyone in Germany before: He published on 24.2.1816: "The poet [Goethe]... does not refuse the suspicion that he himself is a Muslim." (WA I, 41, 86) Goethe was mostly attracted by the religious and philosophical meaning: the unity of God, the conviction that God manifests in nature/creation is one of the major themes in Goethe's work. During his first intensive Qur'an-studies Goethe copied and partly put right the text of the first direct translation of the Qur'an from Arabic into German in 1771/1772.


Many of Goethe's works depict homoerotic and generally erotic occurrences, such as in Wilhelm Meister, Faust, Götz von Berlichingen, the Roman Elegies, and the Venetian Epigrams, though these have often been explained away or ignored. This is partly due to how some in the past and to this day view sexuality and its nuances. For example, in 1999, Karl Hugo Pruys' book The Tiger's Tender Touch: The Erotic Life of Goethe caused national controversy in Germany when it formalized the possibility of Goethe's homosexuality, tentatively deduced from Goethe's writings, for mainstream debate.


His non-fiction writings, most of which are philosophic and aphoristic in nature, spurred on the development of many philosophers, such as G.W.F. Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Ernst Cassirer, Rudolf Steiner, and others, and of various literary movements, such as romanticism.


Faust is an alchemical drama from beginning to end, claims C.G. Jung. Goethe worked for most of his life on this masterwork. He started to compose Faust about the age of twenty-three, and finished the second part in 1832, just before his death. The original figure in the Faust legend was Gregorius Faustus (or Gregorius Sabellicus, Faustus Junior, c1480-1510/1), a seeker of forbidden knowledge. His true identity is not known, but he claimed to be an astrologer, expert in magic, and an alchemist.


Greetings from the Serene
Imperator of the Rosicrucian Order

Our Venerable Order is a School of Light and self-improvement in which the members, by means of a progressive system of study and practical application of what is learned, become not only the Masters of their own lives, and Architects of their own destiny, but also incorporate the highest existing ethical ideals into their personality.

The actual history of the Rosicrucian seems to be lost in the obscure night of history.


The present Rosicrucian Order is the spiritual beneficiary of the old Mystery Schools that flourished in Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and Rome long ago.


Nevertheless, according to claims in the Rosicrucian archives, a particular movement began in the Initiatory Schools of the XIV century and the Rosicrucian technique is derived from this, as related in the Fama Fraternitatis, the Confiessio Rosae Crucis, and other publications and manifestos of our Order. There are many references to the Rosicrucian (or Rosicrucian) Order and its establishment in many of the countries of Europe in the XVII and XVIII centuries, and many celebrated and great benefactors of humanity have belonged to the Rosicrucian Order.


These men who contributed so much to humanity's progress were Rosicrucians:

Newton, scientist and discoverer of the Law of Gravity.

Victor Hugo, playwright and poet.

Descartes, French philosopher and promoter of the rational method.

Count Saint Germain, Rosicrucian Master.

Goethe, polyglot and poet.

- Our mission in life
- The Cosmos and our relationship to it.
- The body, how to control and improve it.
- The Human Mind and its reasoning processes.
- Improving our mental powers.
- Psychosomatic illnesses and how to conquer them.
- Positive programming of the mind.
- Mental alchemy.
- The Karmic Laws.
- Principles of metaphysical healing.
- How to concentrate and to use inner energy.
- Projection of consciousness to distant places and times.
- Higher spiritual principles.
- The Cosmic Masters, guides of humanity.
- Creative powers of the mind.
- Principles of inner transmutation.
- How to cooperate with the Cosmic Mind.
- The Akhashic records.
- Returning to the lost Kingdom.
- The reintegration of our being.
- The language of spiritual symbolism.

And many other topics that we are not able to mention here.



Christian Rosenkreuz


Christian Rosenkreuz (1378 - 1484), English Christian [of the] Rose Cross, is the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Cross), presented in the three Manifestos published in the early 17th century. The first anonymous public document on the Rosicrucian Order is the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis which appeared in 1614 in Kassel (Germany), introducing the pilgrim founder "Frater C.R.C", followed in 1615 by the Confessio Fraternitatis (issued with Fama (...)). In 1616 appears the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz in Strasbourg (annexed by France in 1861) which discloses for the first time the founder's name as Christian Rosenkreutz.


Some occult writers, including Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel and (much later) Guy Ballard, have stated that Rosenkreuz later reappeared as the Count of St Germain, a courtier, adventurer, and alchemist who reportedly died on February 27, 1784.


 "...others believe Rosenkreuz to be a pseudonym for a more famous historical figure, usually Francis Bacon.




Albert Pike


Pike designed a plan for world conquest and wrote of it in a letter to Mazzini dated August 15, 1871. He said three future world wars would prepare the world for the New World Order. In the third world war "we shall unleash the Nihilists and atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirit will from that moment be without a compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the pure light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich, 71-72 (1989). pike.htm


“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end”.

- Rabbi Isaac Wise (of B’nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, Aug 3, 1866)




In modern times, atheism continues to be conflated with such beliefs as nihilism, irreligion, and antitheism. Antitheism typically refers to a direct opposition to theism; however, antitheism is also sometimes used, particularly in religious contexts, to refer to opposition to God or divinity, rather than to the belief in God.Under the latter definition, it may actually be necessary to be a theist in order to be an antitheist, to oppose God itself and not the idea of God.


Karl Marx's atheistic and antireligious views had a strong influence on 20th-century politics.

Atheistic sentiment was virtually unknown in medieval Europe, but flourished in the empirical Carvaka school of India. Criticism of religion became increasingly frequent in the 16th century, and the word athéisme originated as a slur-invariably denied by the accused-used against such critics, as well as against deists, scientists, and materialists. The first openly atheistic thinkers, such as Baron d'Holbach, appeared in the late 18th century, when expressing disbelief in God became a less dangerous position. Following the French Revolution, atheism rose to prominence under the influence of rationalistic and freethinking philosophies, and many prominent 19th-century German philosophers denied the existence of deities and were critical of religion, including Arthur Schopenhauer, Karl Marx, and Friedrich Nietzsche (see "God is dead").


In the 20th century, atheism, though still a minority view, became increasingly common in many parts of the world, often being spread as aspects of a wide variety of other, broader philosophies, such as existentialism, Objectivism, secular humanism, nihilism, relativism, logical positivism, Marxism, and the general scientific and rationalist movement. In some cases, these philosophies became associated with atheism to the extent that atheists were vilified for the broader view, such as when the word atheist entered popular parliance in the United States as synonymous with being unpatriotic (cf. "godless commie") during the Cold War. Some Communist states, such as the Soviet Union, promoted state atheism and opposed religion, often by violent means; Enver Hoxha went further than most and officially banned religion in Albania. These policies helped reinforce the negative associations of atheism, especially where anti-communist sentiment was strong, despite the fact that many prominent atheists, such as Ayn Rand [real name: Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum], were anti-communist. [note: or so she said.]



During the Enlightenment, a number of philosophers including Francis Bacon and Voltaire outlined the philosophical justifications for removing appeal to supernatural forces from investigation of the natural world. Subsequent scientific revolutions would remove much of the remaining theistic baggage from scientific investigation culminating in the development of modern biology and geology which rejected a literal interpretation of the prevailing origin beliefs of the wider society's religion.


Metaphysical naturalism

Marxism, objectivism, and secular humanism.

As a final note to the history of metaphysical naturalism, certain extreme varieties of politicized naturalism have arisen in the West, most notably Marxism in the 19th century and Objectivism in the 20th century. Marxism is an expression of communist or socialist ideals in a naturalist framework, while Objectivism is the exact opposite, an expression of capitalist ideals in a naturalist framework. However, today most advocates of metaphysical naturalism in first world countries reject both extremes and embrace the more moderate political ideals of Secular Humanism.




American Atheists

Enlightenment, Freemasonry, and The Illuminati


Part I - The Enlightenment
In the history of Atheism, no period is as complex and exciting as that time we know today as the Enlightenment. Cultural historians and philosophers consider this era to have spanned the eighteenth century, cresting during the French Revolution of 1789. It was a phenomenon which swept the western world, drowning in its wake many of the sclerotic and despotic institutions of l'ancien regime or old order, and helping to crystallize a new view of man and the roles of reason, nature, progress and religion.


The Enlightenment mirrored the Christian religion. Reason became its revelation, nature its god. If the Enlightenment did not abolish the myth of god, it reduced god to a sort of absentee deity, a caretaker to the universe who was nevertheless subject to the laws of nature. Deism arose from the same fertile soil of the Enlightenment as had Atheism, and no doubt many deists were actually Atheists. The deistic god was symbolized in the masonic lodges as the "Great Architect of the Universe", certainly not the god of the Christian superstition.


The Order was to work incessantly for the day, in Weishaupt's words, when Princes and Nations shall disappear from off the face of the earth! Yes, a time shall come when man shall acknowledge no other law but the great book of nature; this revelation shall be the work of Secret Societies and that is one of our grand mysteries. ...

Weishaupt eschewed the notion of seizing existing political structures, something truly exceptional for most revolutionists; men had to be re-made, as the stonemason shaped rock into a thing of harmony, beauty and perfection. "The grand art of rendering any revolution," he wrote, "whatsoever certain is to enlighten the people — and to enlighten them is, insensibly to turn the public opinion to the adoption of those changes which are the given objects of the intended revolution. ..." Illuminists at all grades were to apply themselves "to acquiring of interior and exterior perfection", a perfection which would, through the works of the Order, illuminate the entire world with reason and good deeds.


Bait and Switch


Now that we have established where Comparative Mythology and Astrotheology has its origins, let's continue to look at more of today's current purveyors of this occult, Rosicrucian, Freemasonic, New Age Blasphemy and their common Modus Operandi: "Exposing" that which they Practice.


Jordan Maxwell


Astro-Theology -- Retelling an Ancient Story

The Bible tells a wonderful story. It is, in fact, often referred to as "The Greatest Story Ever Told." And so it is! You are now about to find out why!

"It was from these meager, distressful conditions of the human race that our  long history of the search for God and meaning has come. Any evolution, at it's most accelerated rate, is always agonizingly slow. But from the beginning, man's' profound questions demanded answers. When no clear answers were forthcoming from the universe, man turned inward, and developed his own. Keep in mind that all the theological teachings of the Western World were developed in the Northern Hemisphere. The study of this subject is properly called -- Astro-Theology, or "The Worship of the Heavens."


Jordan Maxwell's review

“If you are interested in chasing the rabbit-hole leading to the true foundation of religion, then this book is a must-read. Irvin and Rutajit have interwoven two fields of research (Astrotheology and Shamanism) to expose the hidden side of Christianity and other religions. Taking a no holds barred look at the true history of the world of religion, and where our most cherished modern day beliefs and concepts really come from is - I believe - an idea whose time has come.”


Astrotheology & Shamanism (Foreword by Jordan Maxwell)


~ Jordan Maxwell; Author, Lecturer and Radio Host


Anthony J. Hilder (Radio Free America's Talk Show host) and Jordan Maxwell (of Ancient Mysteries of the Bible on CBS)

In the land of the blind, the one eye is king.

"Yes, Lucifer is God..."


From Jordan Maxwell's website, he invites you to the Kronia Group website.


Saturn: The Hidden God

Ringmakers of Saturn Extraordinary hidden knowledge of Saturn. 

Kronia Group Exploring the role of planetary catastrophes, gravity, and electricity in the formation of religious ideas.


Kronia Group


 Thunderbolts of the Gods is a 108 page 8-1/2 x 11 full color monograph based on the life work of the two authors--a revolutionary synthesis of comparative mythology and the newly-discovered "Electric Universe".


An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Myth, Science, and Planetary Catastrophe


[note: as we have learned from the above research, this is not "newly discovered", this is the same old Age of Enlightenment's Law of Attraction and Repulsion, or The Universal Law of Magnetism lies and babel.]


In recent years two innovative models of cosmic history have converged. These hypotheses are the "Saturn Model" and the " Electric Universe."


[note: The "Saturn Model" which they speak of is Comparative Mythology/Astrotheology. They are simply changing the language to disguise the real meaning of what they are teaching. The term "Electric Universe" is now used to describe The Laws of Attraction and Repulsion and Plasma Cosmology/Physics; i.e., "Sacred" Spirals/DNA]


For many years mainstream science assumed a clockwork solar system and gradual evolution of life on earth. More recently, however, leading theorists have shown increasing interest in cosmic catastrophe. Following a rigorous historical investigation, David Talbott proposed the "Saturn Model," a radical vision of great spectacles in the heavens, recalled by ancient races around the world. The result of decades of research, the Saturn Model can now be presented in substantial detail, with powerful visual clarity and stunning new support from the sciences. See the video documentary,


New book: See God Star


Utilizing many different research tools, the Australian physicist Wallace Thornhill found himself in surprising agreement with Talbott’s most fundamental claims. His explorations in plasma physics, spanning some thirty years, have provided a new understanding of the organizing forces of nature, active at all levels of observation. He has also provided fundamental insights as to how electrical principles, generally ignored by science, substantiate numerous claims of the Saturn Model. See the CD, " The Electric Universe."


[note: " The Electric Universe" = "Sacred Spirals", DNA, Plasma Cosmology]



Significantly, both Talbott and Thornhill found crucial inspiration in the groundbreaking, but controversial writings of Immanuel Velikovsky, author of Worlds in Collision. The two authors’ forthcoming book, Thunderbolts of the Gods, will present the first systematic overview of their converging theoretical work.


Other researchers exploring the Saturn model are Ev Cochrane, Dwardu Cardona, and Rens van der Sluijs.


Compelling support of the Electric Universe will be found in the work of such prominent theorists as Kristian Birkeland, Hannes Alfven, Ralph Juergens, Tony Peratt, and others.


Did Planets Nearly Collide Within Human Memory?


On this site you will:


Get rare information that could shatter the prevailing view of earth’s past.


Access a powerfully holistic and testable model of planetary catastrophe.


Catch a glimpse of a fresh new science for the Third Millennium


Be introduced to the Electric Universe and Plasma Cosmology.


Amy Acheson (1946 - 2005)

Editor of the electronic newsletter, THOTH, author of numerous articles. Educated in astronomy, she is known for her accurate and persuasive summaries of the work of Halton Arp and Wallace Thornhill for the intellectually curious who may not have formal training in astronomy or physics.


Mel Acheson

Educated in astronomy, author of numerous articles, his wit and insight will give you both a chuckle and something to think about. His editorials were a regular feature in the electronic newsletter THOTH. He is now the managing editor for the Picture of the Day feature on


Acheson website:



Michael Armstrong

Long-time planetary catastrophist, supporter of, and lecturer on, the Electric Universe, the Saturn Model, and the implications for origins, philosophy, and theology, he is publisher/producer of video and newsletter work related to the science of catastrophics and the Electric Universe.

Email at


Dwardu Cardona

A premier comparative mythologist, researcher of catastrophics and author of numerous articles on the roots of world mythology, he is currently the editor of " AEON, A Journal of Myth, Science, and Ancient History" and author of a soon-to-be-published book called "The God Star".


 Ev Cochrane

Another premier catastrophics researcher  and comparative mythologist catastrophics, he is currently publisher of "AEON, A Journal of Myth, Science, and Ancient History". Author of Martian Metamorphoses and The Many Faces of Venus.


Donald Scott

Retired professor of electrical engineering at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst, known for his cogent presentations on the "electric sun." In addition to his lectures, he has been the emcee of our Seminar-Conferences. Author of An Introduction to Circuit Analysis - A Systems Approach.

Don Scott website:


David Talbott

Comparative mythologist whose work offers a radical new vantage point on the origin of ancient cultural themes and symbols. His research has been the primary catalyst behind the "Saturn Model," and is the subject of the feature documentary, "Remembering the End of the World." Author of The Saturn Myth and a forthcoming volume, Thunderbolts of the Gods (co-authored with Wallace Thornhill).


Wallace Thornhill

Australian physicist. His work on "The Electric Universe" provides the broadest synthesis of electrical principles to date. It offers a new vantage point on solar system history, planetary cratering and scarring, the dynamics of the sun, and the nature of galaxies. Wal is a senior editor for the Picture of the Day feature on His website is:


Ian Tresman

Long-time planetary catastrophist, Ian has been very active in England with the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies. He is the developer of the Catastrophism Archive files and CD, and the webmaster for various related websites.


Velikovsky’s Theories

Velikovsky’s work began from a study of comparative mythology. The similarity between ancient myths of different cultures could be explained, he thought, by assuming them to be records of actual events. This required a certain amount of reconstruction of ancient history. In particular, the supernatural events described in the book of Exodus were assumed to coincide with events described in an Egyptian papyrus. Likewise, the sudden end of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom was made to coincide with a shower of meteorites, and other celestial anomalies described in the book of Joshua.


Eventually, most mythological catastrophes came to be explained in terms of the effects of close encounters between planets of the Solar System. Among these proposed catastrophes:


The flood of Noah was hypothesized to have been caused by an explosion on Saturn, around which the Earth once revolved.

An encounter with Mercury had caused the destruction of the Tower of Babel,

An encounter with Jupiter had caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah,

An encounter with Venus had caused both the parting of the Red Sea, and the backwards rotation of the Earth described in the Book of Joshua.

In 1950, he published Worlds in Collision describing particularly his theories regarding the encounters with Mars and Venus.


[my note: they are saying that God did not cause any of these things to happen, the "Electric Universe" caused them to happen, and the scripture is nothing but Myth, i.e., Age of Reason/Age of Enlightenment philosophy lies propagated by Kabbalistic Rosicrucians who hate God our Father and whose goal it is to destroy the name of Jesus Christ from the face of the earth.]


Mission Statement


Kronia-an ancient Greek festival celebrating the primeval rule of Kronos, founder of the mythic Golden Age. Kronos was the Greek name of the planet Saturn.


Our mission:


Illuminate the great mysteries of the ancient world, including the roots of global myths and symbols.

Consider the electrical forces, both subtle and violent, that animate and control the physical world.

Provide the first glimpses of an alien sky, when the Earth moved in a close assembly of planets dominated by the gas giant Saturn.

Expand our liaison with intellectual pioneers around the world.

The Kronia Group supports innovative research in the emerging field of catastrophics; the interdisciplinary investigation of planetary history, cosmic catastrophe, and human origins. Our approach is to combine historical investigation with a steadfast commitment to the scientific method.



Anthony J. Hilder


Anthony J. Hilder is a documentary film maker and conspiracy theorist.

His current film and speaking tour, 9-11 - The Greatest Lie Ever Sold, alleges that a fascist type of control is currently employed by George Bush, and details similarities between the leadership behavior of President Bush and Hitler.

See Also

Alex Jones

Jordan Maxwell

Michael Tsarion

Milton William Cooper



Agents Provocateur

Modus Operandi: "Exposing" the NWO






The Volcanic Videos

Also visit:






War has been declared against you, your family, and your friends. War has been declared against the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, India, and all the sovereign and would-like-to-be-independent nations of the world.


The LUCIFERIAN ILLUMINATI, which now controls our government, intends to kill, control, or incarcerate you by the turn of the century. There isn't any thing you have, ever had, or ever hope to have they're not planning to take away. They want it all!


We need your help in booking Anthony J. Hilder, Jordan Maxwell, Ted Gunderson, Bob Fletcher, Alan Stang and other quality researchers and investigators on your local television and radio shows. We need to escalate the rate of political awareness in your area. We must expand our influence exponentially. Time is running out. We need your input, your research, your ideas, and your observations. Locally you monitor your media. We need updates from your section of the world. Information is a two-way street. It goes both ways.


We will come to your area to help you. But "your effort to make the miracle happen" is essential. We need your cooperation. We will wholesale our products to any legitimate distributor... or make tapes available at fundraisers. It's all up to you! It's obvious we're not in this fight for the money, it's for the message.





P.O. Box 4005

Joplin, MO 64803

(800) 201-7892



Anthony J. Hilder, Jordon Maxwell, Terry Cook and Ray Yunger-

Modus Operandi - "Exposing" the New World Order



America today has essentially a One Party System run by the International Banksters. Their goal is to establish a One World Government upon the ashes of American sovereignty. Adolf Hitler wrote the New World Order. The goals of these globalists are openly discussed by J. Maxwell, Terry Cook, and Ray Yunger [Yungen] in this hammer hitting 2 hour video. They put together the pieces of this giant jig-saw puzzle so that all who watch Millennium 2000 can see the big picture.



James Arthur

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory


James Arthur is a very popular lecturer who coalesces Ethnomycology, Ethnobotany, Astrotheology, Archaeoastronomy, Occult Anatomy, Chemistry, Philosophy, Anthropology, Theology, Mythology, Alchemy and Symbology to weave a fascinating quilt of human history that sheds an astonishing light on human origins and even the future of humanity.

Past Shows

Thursday December 11th, 2003 

Mushrooms & Christmas

"The mushroom is Jesus, and Santa Claus is also a mushroom," said lecturer James Arthur (, who was the main guest on Thursday. He was referring to "magic" mushrooms such as the red Amanita, which are known to expand human consciousness...

Host: George Noory

Thursday January 9th, 2003 

Glimpses Within and Beyond

"We stay in the psychedelic state in the womb until we are born," said James Arthur, the author of Mushrooms and Mankind in his appearance on Thursday night's program. Arthur is a wide-ranging lecturer who believes that entheogen substances (psychoactive..


Entheogen Project

en·theo·gen [god within; god- or spirit-facilitating] a psychoactive sacramental; a plant or chemical substance taken to occasion primary religious experience. Example: peyote cactus as used in the Native American Church.


Real religion transcends moral agency

The Christ-myth theorists are better scholars and critical thinkers than the historical Jesus researchers. What explanation rings true, and which one sounds forced: an entheogenic-only Christ, or a sober moralist as the foundation of this religion?

Religions are not usually founded by default-state conventional moralists, but rather, by entheogenic visions in which morality itself is rendered deeply problematic.

In accord with Reform theologians, I maintain that false religion is that of the preconceptions of conventional morality. Conventional morality-based religion is false religion. Religion that transcends moral agency altogether is true and profound (and also scriptural).

Reformed theology transcends morality altogether -- that is the essence of its war against the orthodox theology, which is, above all, based on preconceived expectations based within conventional ideas about moral agency.

Real religion, including Reformed and Gnostic theology, transcends moral agency altogether, and the most effective way to call into question moral agency, to put it on trial in an even higher court than the lower court of conventional morality, is via entheogens.

There are two judgements: the lower judgement in terms of conventional egoic moral agency, and the higher judgement in terms of transcendence of moral agency altogether.

Lower religion seeks to avoid sin or moral wrongdoing. Higher religion denies the category of sin and moral wrongdoing. This is not to make an ordinary-mode assertion that one may as well act badly or kindly. Rather, it is a higher-mode assertion that one cannot take ordinary sovereign credit for any of one's actions.

*The only sin is believing in sin* (in the ordinary way). The only way out of sin is to see the unreality of sin (or the deluded aspect of the conventional conception of moral agency).

[note: *The only sin is believing in sin* = Libertarianism and Anarchy]



From: James Arthur

Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 10:50 PM

To: personal list

Subject: FREE INTERNET & RADIO SHOW Thursday night!


Hi friends,

I'm writing to let you know I will be appearing on the Coast To Coast AM Radio (Often referred to as the Art Bell Show) show with George Noory on Thursday night December 11th from 11PM to 3AM. The show actually starts at 10PM Pacific but they do an hour of preliminary stuff for the first hour. The show can be found all up and down the AM radio dial all across the country (over 500 stations) so you can listen for free (check their website for channels in your area). The topics will include Christmas, Mushrooms, Astrotheology, Symbolism, Archaeoastronomy and more of that good stuff. Plus there is something incredible that will be unveiled in the last hour so don't fall asleep! Please tune in and Merry Christmas / Happy Solstice to you all.

Most High Regards, James Arthur

The Radio show is here:

Plus there are some very important and relevant shows to listen to that happened recently and will tie into the big revelation I referred to above. Listen to the show with Len Horowitz and the show with John Rappoport in the archives.

[note: Len Horowitz is a New Ager who has written a book that is directly tied in with the Universal Laws of Magnetism philosophy. The title of his book is DNA: Pirates of the Sacred Spiral; see above]


Book: Mushrooms & Mankind

My review at

Mushrooms and Mankind: The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion

by James Arthur

Ranking: 28,212 (very popular)

Wide-ranging, informal, suggestive

The visionary James Arthur is the opposite of the careful and straightlaced Dan Merkur in the field of the entheogen theory of the origins of religion. This book is so wide-ranging, it's hard to form a clear mental picture of its scope. Arthur has innovative coverage speculating about entheogens in Egyptian and Asian as well as Christian religion.

This subject is just getting started so there are few books and what few there are speculative. The entheogen theory of the origin of religions *makes sense*, particularly when focusing on the specifically religious aspect of religion rather than other aspects such as political, ethical, or sociological aspects.

Scholars, including esoteric and Literalist Christian scholars, agree that entheogenic plants are basically reliable triggers for religious experiencing. Historians of religion are trying to use "psychology", "anthropology", and "sociology" to explain the origin of religions. These explanatory threads point to entheogens at the fountainhead of religion, religious experiencing, and religious myth.

This book provides some evidence but most of all provides the all-important *perspective* from which we can see how well it makes good sense to look to entheogens for the origin of mystic experiencing at the root of religion. There's really no reasonable argument against the entheogen theory of the origin of religion -- it enables a full-spectrum, integral-theory explanation of religion to finally come together.


Book: James Arthur & Jack Herer: The Most High

James Arthur wrote (paraphrased):

I am, and have been, working with the best selling author Jack Herer on a new project since February 2003. Jack has been studying psychoactive mushrooms since he discovered John Allegro's book "The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross" in the 1980's.

The Sacred Mushroom & The Cross: A study of the nature and origins of Christianity within the fertility cults of the ancient Near East

We will be doing presentations in Amsterdam at the High Times Cannabis Cup to announce the amazing things this book will be uncovering. High Times Magazine has a contest to win tickets to the event. Join us in Amsterdam this November.

High Times Contest for tickets to Amsterdam




 John Allegro observed the way the Jesus story echoed events and ideas in Gnostic literature, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Old Testament, and he identified the doctrine of divine light as the unifying theme. This is expressed in myth and imagery and is a key to understanding a range of

mythologies - including Christianity.

By Judith Anne Brown

May 2005

John Marco Allegro was the first British representative on the international team of scholars who gathered in Jerusalem in 1953 to collate the thousands of scroll fragments from Cave 4 by the Dead Sea. He was also the only agnostic on the team and the most willing to ask, from a non-religious perspective, what the Dead Sea Scrolls could tell us about the origins of Christianity.


From: James Arthur

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 11:09 PM

Subject: Free Christmas Radio/Internet shows

There are several Internet shows now available online for your Christmas listening pleasure. Tonight I just finished doing the Jeff Rense program (2 hours) and it is available online as well an accompanying slide show that can be seen online while you listen. Also check out the Jeff Rense Archive area:

Jeff Rense:

Last Thursday I had the pleasure of appearing on Caroline Casey's Visionary Activist radio show on KPFA. This show is available for a limited time at the link below as well as an archive on the KPFA website:

Caroline Casey:


Mushrooms and Mankind: The Impact of Mushrooms on Human Consciousness and Religion by James Arthur

Book Description

For thousands of years, humanity has been involved in a symbiotic relationship with plants. Not only have plants supplied mankind with a never-ending food source, but have also served us in another way. This book uncovers the natural link between man, consciousness, and God. This discovery may at first seem abstract, wishful thinking, or even impossible; yet as evidence presented on these pages unfolds, one may find that its understanding does not require as much of a leap of faith as first thought. The author believes this to be the most significant discovery in the entire field of religious knowledge ever to happen in the history of mankind. Should people explore this knowledge, it may allow many to put aside their differences, and join in the understanding that each and every one of us may now experience that which has been, until this time, hidden away in the recesses of our spiritual history. According to the author, we may at last be able to open ourselves to an entirely new and valuable consciousness.



Astrotheology and Shamanism: Unveiling the Law of Duality in Christianity and other Religions


Book Review

Scholarly synthesis of info on occult wisdom and traditions, January 14, 2006

Reviewer: Jed Shlackman (Miami, FL United States) - See all my reviews


This is a book that I eagerly awaited, having earlier viewed the authors' (Jan Irvin, Andrew Rutajit) video presentation on their website. This book explores the hidden symbolism in religions and cultural traditions, analyzing the representation of celestial objects and hallucinogenic plants and their role in religious rites and traditions. The authors are great advocates of direct spiritual and mystical experience, and therefore decry what they refer to as the "pharmacratic inquisition," in which psychedelic containing plants and fungi have been suppressed in the Christian era. This preoccupation seems, in my view, to distort the focus and scholarship of this book at times. Shamanic journeying does not require psychedelics, and there are definite hazards to using those substances, especially for those who are not psychologically and spiritually balanced or integrated enough to cope with the experience - which seems to be typical in modern times. The authors do an excellent job examining the symbolism of astrological ages and of the solar deities, such as Jesus/Christ. Clearly, Christianity is revealed as a distorted exoteric religious model which contains hidden vestiges of the esoteric shamanic wisdom and "pagan" traditions from which the new piscean age religion had been developed. The Christ character is exposed as non-historical, a composite of sun god symbolism and mushroom symbolism, and although the issue is not significantly addressed by these authors, I would suggest that the New Testament era Christ also includes aspects of multiple minor historical personages (initiates) whose historical background got woven into the timeless symbolic stories. This book contains a wealth of fascinating information and pictures and cuts through many religious secrets and deceptions. My only significant disappointment with it is the writers' bias toward psychedelic plants and their sometimes questionable efforts to link symbolism to these entheogens and to promote their use. Just because the religious authorities and related powers have suppressed spiritual exploration by suppressing those natural drugs doesn't mean that using them is really an ideal way to see into (experience) expanded layers of reality.


Book Review:

Excellent & full of pioneering ideas on religious history, October 6, 2004

Reviewer: J Irvin "author of Astrotheology & Shamanism" (California) - See all my reviews

I've spent many years researching many of the ideas that James Arthur has laid out in this book. Arthur is probably the first to recognize the proper relationship between macro (Astrotheology) worship and micro (entheogen) worship.

To some who've not researched the ideas in this book, they may come across as "new agey". This could not be farther from the truth. [note: LIE] A study of the "precession of the equinoxes" in the Oxford OED will alone tell volumes on the merit of Arthur's research.


Other recommended scholars for those skeptical:

Archarya S., G.A. Wells, Jordan Maxwell, Gordon Wasson, Clark Heinrich, Kersey Graves, Manly P. Hall, Terence McKenna, Ernest Brussenbark, Carl Ruck, Jonathan Ott, and Christian Ratsch. There is also a free video called the Pharmacratic Inquisition that may be found by doing a search online. The bad: This book could definitely use a colour edition!



The Influence of Literature and Myth's in video games:

There are many other significant contributors to today’s science fiction, horror, and fantasy genres. Robert E. Howard, most famous for his sword and sorcery tales, and his imaginative characters Kull the Conqueror and Conan the Barbarian (who debuted in The Phoenix and the Sword in December 1932), for example, was instrumental in laying the foundations for them all. During the early part of the 20th century, the genres of fantasy and horror weren’t as formally established, but Howard wrote prolifically in what is contemporarily called the sword and sorcery sub-genre of fantasy, as well as horror and historical fiction realms. A surface scan of today’s videogame catalogue shows titles directly influenced by Howard’s works: an upcoming Conan game, Eidos’ Thief series, Rune, Blade of Darkness, and to a certain extent, the Wizards and Warriors and Swords & Sorcery series. Even Sony’s extraordinary action game, God of War, is influenced at least in attitude by Howard’s works. Howard’s works have spawned four movies, too: Conan the Barbarian and Conan the Destroyer (both of which star California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger), Red Sonja, and Kull the Conqueror.

If Tolkien had one the biggest influences on the fantasy genre, then H. P. Lovecraft was fundamental in laying the foundations for the horror genre. Common consumers might be well versed in the popular fiction writer Stephen King, who is admirable in his own right, but King owes almost everything to Lovecraft. Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 - March 13, 1937), as with most writers, wasn’t popular in his time. But his many short stories, filled with atypical and original ideas of extraordinary imagination, have become widely influential and important since his death.

A handful of contemporary videogames are directly influenced by Lovecraft’s work, from Silicon Knights’ Eternal Darkness to Atari’s Alone in the Dark to Bethesda’s Call of Cthulhu. Less directly, games such as the Silent Hill series also strangely fulfill Lovecraft’s vision of impossible creatures too powerful and terrible for most humans to comprehend. “H.P. Lovecraft could be called the father of the modern survival horror game, as well as a key influence for horror-based action/adventure games like Eternal Darkness, Quake and even Soul Reaver,” explained Hennig.

Raziel’s story is also based on ideas in Gnosticism-the core idea being that the material world is an illusion, a lie perpetrated by a false and malignant god whose aim is to keep the human soul in darkness and ignorance. In this world system, the hero’s goal is knowledge, enlightenment, and the exposure of the truth.


Many videogame and Hollywood script writers like to draw from American professor Joseph Campbell’s works as fundamental source material for their scripts. Campbell, an American professor at Sarah Lawrence College, and orator and writer of several books, studied comparative myth and religion, and became popular to the masses through his PBS specials with Bill Moyers, who explored Campbell’s works “The Hero with a Thousand Faces” and “The Power of Myth.” Director George Lucas, whose Star Wars films blend myth, religion, science fiction and fantasy, credited Campbell for influencing the popular movies series and, in fact, filmed “The Power of Myth” at Skywalker Ranch. Campbell’s work, while original and influential, draws his influences from literary works such as James Joyce’s novels “Ulysses” and “Finnegan’s Wake,” as well as from psychologists Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and writer Arnold Van Gennep’s “The Rites of Passage.”

Campbell’s works are mostly influential on videogame writers because of his studies on heroes, which revolve around the idea of the monomyth, from his book “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” The idea of the monomyth isn’t Campbell’s alone. The first published appearance was written by Max Mueller (in “Comparative Mythology”), synthesized by Otto Rank, and further clarified by Sir James George Frazer in “The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion.”
“The Legend of Zelda largely follows the classic hero’s journey described by Joseph Campbell,” cites Hennig, who explained the influences of older videogames. “Mythology, folklore and religion also featured heavily in many of Sierra’s early adventure games, like the Gabriel Knight series. The original Prince of Persia was based on the tale of Aladdin, and classic adventure films like The Thief of Baghdad. Alone in the Dark was one of the first adventure games to be based on Lovecraft’s mythos.”  





The Enlightenment mirrored the Christian religion. Reason became its revelation, nature its god. If the Enlightenment did not abolish the myth of god, it reduced god to a sort of absentee deity, a caretaker to the universe who was nevertheless subject to the laws of nature. Deism arose from the same fertile soil of the Enlightenment as had Atheism, and no doubt many deists were actually Atheists. The deistic god was symbolized in the masonic lodges as the "Great Architect of the Universe", certainly not the god of the Christian superstition.




Christians who want to learn more about Freemasonry, the New World Order Conspiracy, Wolves in sheep's clothing and so much more should go to Barbara Aho's website, Watch Unto Prayer. Barbara and her researchers are meticulous in their research. They have carefully and painstakingly documented everything on the website. There you can learn about all these things without the risk of being led into the lies and snares which Satan hopes he can trap you in.


To educate yourself about the wolves in sheep's clothing who are bringing this into the "church", please see this excellent report on the Watch Unto Prayer website:



Alan Watt, one among many, is very deceptive. They are all liars and a thieves of souls. They Practice exactly what they pretend to expose.



1 John, chapter 4


1: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
2: Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:
3: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
4: Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.



2 Corinthians, chapter 11

"3": But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.