This report documents the many parallels between Roman Catholicism and Mithraism. One of the most significant comparisons is found in the meaning of communion -- as partaking of the actual flesh and blood of the god that is worshipped. In Leviticus 17:10-14 and Acts 15:29, God forbade the drinking of blood among His people. The third file on the Eucharist shows the extremity to which the false doctrine of transubstantiation has taken the Catholic Church and has earned it the name, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. Some of the pictures referenced in this file are truly abominable, so do be prepared if you download them!!
The "gods" In Our Midst
By Ed Tarkowski
November 11, 1996
In "MITHRAISM: The Legacy of the Roman Empire's Final Pagan State Religion," written in 1993, David Fingrut quotes British author and poet Rudyard Kiplingıs "A Song to Mithras":
"Mithras, God of the Morning, our trumpets waken the Wall!
Rome is above the Nations, but Thou art over all!"
Fingrut sees Christianity as an outgrowth of pagan religions, and also equates the Christian faith with Roman Catholicism, which of course I would dispute. But his research into the pagan cults is interesting. In his Introduction, Fingrut writes,
"For over three hundred years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped the god Mithras. Known throughout Europe and Asia by the names Mithra, Mitra, Meitros, Mihr, Mehr, and Meher, the veneration of this god began some 4000 years ago in Persia, where it was soon embedded with Babylonian doctrines. . . .
"The widespread popularity and appeal of Mithraism as the final and most refined form of pre-Christian paganism was discussed by the Greek historian Herodotus, the Greek biographer Plutarch, the neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry, the Gnostic heretic Origen, and St. Jerome the church Father. Mithraism was quite often noted by many historians for its many astonishing similarities to Christianity.
"The faithful referred to Mithras as "the Light of the World", symbol of truth, justice, and loyalty. He was mediator between heaven and earth and was a member of a Holy Trinity. According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born of a virgin given the title 'Mother of God'. The god remained celibate throughout his life, and valued self-control, renunciation and resistance to sensuality among his worshippers. Mithras represented a system of ethics in which brotherhood was encouraged in order to unify against the forces of evil.
"The worshippers of Mithras held strong beliefs in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell. They believed that the benevolent powers of the god would sympathize with their suffering and grant them the final justice of immortality and eternal salvation in the world to come. They looked forward to a final day of judgement in which the dead would resurrect, and to a final conflict that would destroy the existing order of all things to bring about the triumph of light over darkness.
"Purification through a ritualistic baptism was required of the faithful, who also took part in a ceremony in which they drank wine and ate bread to symbolize the body and blood of the god. Sundays were held sacred, and the birth of the god was celebrated annually on December the 25th. After the earthly mission of this god had been accomplished, he took part in a Last Supper with his companions before ascending to heaven, to forever protect the faithful from above.
"However, it would be a vast oversimplification to suggest that Mithraism was the single forerunner of early Christianity. Aside from Christ and Mithras, there were plenty of other deities (such as Osiris, Tammuz, Adonis, Balder, Attis, and Dionysus) said to have died and resurrected. Many classical heroic figures, such as Hercules, Perseus, and Theseus, were said to have been born through the union of a virgin mother and divine father. Virtually every pagan religious practice and festivity that couldn't be suppressed or driven underground was eventually incorporated into the rites of Christianity as it spread across Europe and throughout the world "
"The great festival of the Mithraic calendar was held on December the 25th, and the 16th of every month was kept holy to Mithras. The first day of the week was dedicated to the sun, to whom prayers were recited in the morning, noon, and evening. Services were held on Sundays, in which bells were sounded and praises were offered to Mithras. On great occasions, the 'soldiers of Mithras' took part in the sacrament of bread and wine as sacred bulls were sacrificed."
The rites Fingrut notes in his last paragraph are easily recognizable in the Catholic tradition today. Other writers and researchers have written of similar likenesses between Mithra and Catholicism:
"As Christianity gathered momentum and eventually became the Roman Empires state religion, Mithraism was not tolerated. The Apologist saw it as a satanic transversty (sic) of the holiest rites of their religionı (Fanz Cumont, The Mysteries of Mithra). Nevertheless Catholicism has preserved some of the outer form of Mithraism to name some; the timing of Christmas, Bishops adaptation of miters as sign of their office, Christians priests becoming Fatherı despite Jesusı specific proscription of the acceptance of such title (Matthew 23:9), and the Mithraic Holy father wore a red cap and garment and a ring, and carried a shepherdıs staff. The Head Christian adopted the same title and outfitted himself in the same manner (citing William Harwood, Mythologies Last Gods: Yahweh and Jesus).
"[Mithra] was the sun god of the Persians and the son of a virgin. He was born on the 25th of December. Christmas and Easter were two of the most important festivals of his church. His worshipers observed baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist supper at which time they would partake of their Godı in the form of bread and wine. . .
"Another cross has been unearthed in Ireland. It belongs to the cult of the Persian god of the sun Mithra" and bears a crucified effigy .
I want to mention one more parallel between the Cult of Mithra and Catholicism. It is, I believe, a very important one. Fingrut wrote,
"While Mithras was worshipped almost exclusively by men, most of the wives and daughters of the Mithraists took part in the worship of Magna-Mater, Ma-Bellona, Anahita, Cybele, and Artemis. These goddess religions practiced a regeneration ritual known as the Taurobolium, or bull sacrifice, in which the blood of the slaughtered animal was allowed to fall down upon the initiate, who would be lying, completely drenched in a pit below. As a result of their association with practitioners of this rite, Mithraists soon adopted the Taurobolium ritual as their own.
"This baptism of blood became a renewal of the human soul, as opposed to mere physical strength. Mithraic baptism wiped out moral faults; the purity aimed at had become spiritual. The descent into the pit was regarded as symbolic burial, from which the initiate would emerge reborn, purified of all his crimes and regarded as the equal of a god. Those who made it through the Taurobolium were revered by their brethren, and accepted in the fold of Mithraism."
He then quotes Franz Cumont's "Les Mysteres de Mithra":
"The taurobolium had become a means of obtaining a new and eternal life; the ritualistic ablutions were no longer external and material acts, but were supposed to cleanse the soul of its impurities and to restore its original innocence; the sacred repasts imparted an intimate virtue to the soul and furnished sustenance to the spiritual life."
Fingrut continues,
"During the celebration of the vernal equinox, the Phrygian priests of the Great Mother attributed the blood shed in the Taurobolium to the redemptive power of the blood of the Divine Lamb shed on the Christian Easter. It was maintained that the dramatic Taurobolium purification ritual was more effective than baptism. The food that was taken during the mystic feasts was likened to the bread and wine of the communion; the Mother of the Gods (Magna Mater) received greater worship than the Mother of God (Mary), whose son also had risen again.
"An inscription in the Mithraeum under the Church of Santa Prisca in Rome referred to Mithras saving men by shedding the eternal blood of the bull. On the very spot on which the last Taurobolium took place at the end of the fourth century, in the Phrygianum, today stands the Vatican's St. Peter's Basilica."
The church in which the Popes say Mass at the Vatican, St. Peterıs Basilica, is standing on one of many temple grounds where the Cult of Mithras once practiced their rituals. Now, letıs take one more look at how the Mithraic Communion ritual took on such a deep spiritual significance.
Letıs run this stream of quotes:
"The [Mythraic] initiate was baptized in its [the Bullıs] blood, partaking of its life-giving properties. It may be noted that this part of the ceremonial closely resembled the ritual of the cult of Cybele, the Great Mother of Asia Minor, which had been brought to Rome three centuries before Christ. . . ." (Ninian Smart, The Religious Experience of Mankind).
It is important to notice that the blood of the Bull had "life-giving" properties. As stated earlier, baptism in the blood of the bull was "a regeneration ritual. . . . As a result of their association with practitioners of this rite, Mithraists soon adopted the Taurobolium ritual as their own. This baptism of blood became a renewal of the human soul . . . [a] symbolic burial, from which the initiate would emerge reborn."
These "life-giving properties" were regenerative, bringing one to a new birth. The Phrygian priests likened the power of the bullıs blood to the power of Christıs shed blood. This power was then released to the individual through the food taken at the mystic feasts just as, they believed, the power of the Lamb was released through the bread and wine of the Catholic communion
". . . . the Phrygian priests of the Great Mother attributed the blood shed in the Taurobolium to the redemptive power of the blood of the Divine Lamb shed on the Christian Easter. . . . The food that was taken during the mystic feasts was likened to the bread and wine of the communion."
This rebirth through the Mithraic Communion ritual was believed, then, to be the actual receiving of their god, Mithra:
"[Mitraıs] worshipers observed . . . [the] Eucharist supper at which time they would partake of their Godı in the form of bread and wine. . . . "
"He who will not eat of my body, nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved." ("Mithraic Communion," M. J. Vermaseren, Mithras, The Secret God).
Today, we find this same idea in the Catholic Communion, as we see in this quote from Vatican II in Dave Huntıs book, "A Woman Rides The Beast":
". . . . in the Eucharist we become partakers of the Body and Blood of Godıs only Son . . . [and] the partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ has no less effect than to change us into what we have received" (Vatican II).
This idea of the present-day Eucharist being the actual ³Body and Blood of Godıs only Son² will be discussed in the next part of this series. We will discuss some of the "Eucharistic Miracles" that are reported as being on the increase. These "Eucharistic miracles" are manifestations of the bread being turned to actual flesh and the wine to actual blood - even in the mouths of the communicants as they receive these species during the Catholic Mass.
ADDENDUM: Please compare this picture (Pope John Paul II) with what was written in the first two segments concerning the Mithra High Priest. Is it compatible?
In his report on the Marian Apparitions Ed Tarkowski of Alabama Discernment Ministries stated that:
"We should be quite aware by now of the Pope's call to global communion for all in the year 2000 The Church has been beguiled through what were first subtle changes in the word of God, but these changes have now become blatant in their obvious corrupting of God's word and plan. This has escalated to the point where most of Christianity has forsaken that word and plan to unite with Rome for the sake of social reform, global evangelism and the up-coming world Jubilee 2000 celebrations. The unity desired and successfully being pursued by Rome for these celebrations are based on the unbiblical Catholic traditions and beliefs about the Eucharistic table and Marian devotion. It appears that Pope John Paul II is pursuing what was prophesied by the Catholic mystic St. John Bosco in 1862:
There will be chaos in the Church. Tranquillity will not return until the Pope succeeds in anchoring the boat of Peter between the twin pillars of Eucharistic devotion and devotion to Our Lady. This will come about one year before the end of the (20th) century."
However, Revelation 17:4 prophesies concerning this apostate church,
"And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornications."
The "gods" In Our Midst
By Ed Tarkowski
November 12, 1996
Here are two quotes that summarize Part 2 in this series:
"Like Christians, the Mithraists believed that their savior had descended from heaven to earth; had shared a last supper with 12 followers; had redeemed mankind from sin by shedding blood; and had risen from the dead. They [Mithrain believers] even baptized their converts [though in bull's blood] to wash away past sins" (Quest for the Past; first brackets Ed's).
"The setting and rising of the sun, symbol of the god Mithra, recalled Christ's death and resurrection. Moreover, the Mithraic festival in celebration of the sun god's birth was held on December 25, recognized as Jesus' birthday. Both religions included a baptism and a sacrament of bread and wine, and both guarded their central rites from nonbelievers" (Ancient Wisdom and Secret Sects).
When a person enters the Catholic faith through Baptism and has reached the age of reason, he is allowed to receive Communion, the "host" that is supposedly changed (transubstantiated) into the actual Body and Blood of Christ. I was Catholic for 30 years, and after meeting the Lord Jesus and comparing the Catholic doctrines with Scripture, I could no longer stay a Catholic. Then for a number of years, I left my concerns about Catholicism behind. But lately, new concerns about Catholicism have arisen. I recently came across a web page on the Internet that testifies to an increase in the manifestations of what are called "Eucharistic Miracles."
The above URL relates the story of a monk who was saying Mass in the city of Lanciano around the year 700. The story goes on,
"One morning, as he was celebrating Mass, after he had already said the most holy words of consecration, . . . he saw the bread changed into flesh (Flesh3.jpg) and the wine into blood (Blood3.jpg). . . . [He] turned his joyful yet tearful face to those around him and cried out: 'O fortunate friends to whom the Blessed Lord has deigned to reveal himself in this Most Holy Sacrament and to make himself visible before your eyes and to dispel my own unbelief. Come, brothers, and gaze at our God drawn near us. Behold the Flesh and Blood of our most beloved Christ'.
". . . . some cried out with devout voice for divine mercy; some beat their breasts and confessed their guilt and sins; others with subdued voices and sighs admitted their unworthiness to gaze upon such a precious treasure; and others still, in a state of rapture and reverent silence admired, marveled, praised, and thanked the all-good God who deigned to place before our mortal senses His immortal and incomprehensible Majesty. "
In 1991, the flesh and blood from this "miracle" was tested scientifically and found to be from a human heart. The results of these tests can be read and seen at the above URL. Someone in the Catholic Church had to approve this scientific investigation. Why? It is ludicrous to believe that Jesus, in His glorified body at the right hand of God, suddenly manifested a piece of His heart, now unglorified, by changing the bread to His flesh. The blood was also tested and was found to be real blood.
A more recent case is the "Eucharistic Miracle At Betania." Doug DeLorge reports for the APAR-L ARCHIVES,
"The day was December 8, 1991. Fr. Otty Ossa Aristizabal, pastor assigned to the Betania grotto, was celebrating mass in the outdoor church. As he consecrated the Eucharistic Host, spots of blood appeared on it. . . [It] is known that the Eucharist was tested at one of the finest hospitals in Venezuela, and the blood was shown to be human blood.
"Shortly after the evaluation, the Miraculous Host was moved to a small chapel at the Diocesan Curate in Los Teques, where pilgrims flock today to venerate the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist" (see Bet3.jpg for a picture of the now encased host and blood).
A "Prayer to Jesus in the Holy Sacrament (to be said before the Miraculous Host)" (parentheses in original) was also listed on this page:
"O Jesus! Present in this Divine and Holy Host, that through a special design of Your mercy, You have desired, in these times of such disbelief in which we now live, to manifest the real and true presence of Your Body and Your Blood in the Eucharist, allowing Your divine Blood to flow forth from the Eucharistic Bread, in order to strengthen our Faith. . . . "
In the next and final example of "Eucharistic Miracles," I have also included a picture with a WARNING! attached (see WARNING.gif) because it may be very upsetting to some people. This picture was taken in Korea when the manifestation occurred. It isn't a pleasant thing to look at, but it is necessary to help push home my reason for the concern. Here is the testimony of the woman who experienced the "miracle" associated with this picture:
"Bishop Roman Danylak of Toronto, Ontario ([Ukrainian Rite,] Canada) celebrated Mass on the mountain together with Fr. Joseph Peter Finn, S.T.D., from Ontario, Canada, and a Korean priest. Sixteen lay people attended the Mass. We received Communion under both species. The moment I received both species in my mouth, I felt the Host and the Precious Blood become mixed and the Host beginning to swell. At the same time I smelled a strong odour of blood, and the Sacred Host began moving. One of the faithful saw this and reported it to Bishop Danylak. The bishop observed this phenomenon together with the others present. A while later Bishop Danylak instructed me to swallow the Host. I swallowed the Host with much difficulty, because it had changed into a piece of flesh, and had become larger. We were crying and entered into prayerful meditation; a light came down from heaven and the voice of Jesus, at once warm and loving, and full of dignity and majesty, made itself heard, even though I could not see Him."
A Home Page entitled "Inexplicable Eucharistic Phenomena" gives a partial history of this type of "miracle" down through the ages to the present time. Included is the event just described, and it adds more facts to what is written above:
"Naju, South Korea was the location of an unusual Eucharistic event on September 22,1995. Julia Kim, a Korean housewife, mystic and Marian visionary was in the process of receiving Holy Communion at an outdoor Mass celebrated in the Korean hills near Naju when the Consecrated Host began to bleed in her mouth. The Host itself also changed character transforming into a disc of what appeared to be pulsating, living flesh. . . . Witnesses stated that they detected the strong odor of blood when this transformation took place. Upon further inspection of the photographs and video that were taken of the event, it appeared that the flesh was a living, beating heart. The blood itself filled her mouth and filled the creases of her lips."
This is not the only time Kim has experienced the "miracle," and as is common, other phenomena manifested as well:
"On Nov 2, 1994 at a side chapel in St. Anthony's Church, mass celebrated by Fr Martin Lucia (Perpetual Adoration promoter) Julia Kim received communion and she signaled to Father to look into her mouth, where the Body and Blood of Christ on Julia's tongue had turned into visible flesh and blood. The event was entirely captured on photos and video tape by her husband, Julio Kim. The replica statue of Our Lady of Naju, Korea Which had been presented to the St. Michael Center for the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hawaii was witnessed to be smiling. The smell of roses was witnessed several times during the conference and this mass. This eucharistic 'miracle' in Honolulu is the 6th eucharistic miracle experienced by Julia Kim. Another, the 7th , has since occurred in Naju, Korea when the Apostolic Nuncio was present visiting Julia Kim"
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 1995 07:59:20 EST Reply-To: "Joseph J. Collura" Sender: Apparition List From: "Joseph J. Collura" Subject: Julia Kim Eucharistic Miracle:
This communication was one of almost 200 appearances of the "Lady."
These are only some of many such "miracles," which are said to be on the increase, but my concern grew when I read the following statement by Jack Hayford in "The Seven Promises Of A Promise Keeper." Ignorant of these "miracles" or not, he was condoning the Catholic Eucharist and Mass in a top-selling book:
"Redeeming worship centers on the Lord's Table. Whether your tradition celebrates it as Communion, Eucharist, the Mass, or the Lord's Supper, we are all called to this centerpiece of Christian worship" (p. 19).
That sounds spiritual and holy and good, but the "centerpiece of Christian worship" in the Catholic Church is changing - without warning, suddenly, during gatherings of worship. Whether or not you've looked at the picture I sent, think about this: would you want the bread to turn into real, human flesh and the wine to real, human blood after you'd taken it into your mouth? Would you want to swallow it in obedience to the priest, after he took time to examine it and get pictures of it? Thinking about the possibility of this "miracle" becoming more commonplace in the Catholic tradition, would you be inclined to join the Pope's global Communion celebration for the year 2000? Is even the thought of these things gross to you? It is to me. Is it blasphemous to you? It is to me. Does it concern you? It does me. And yet Jack Hayford, a MAJOR player in many areas of the current "revival," doesn't differentiate between the Catholic Transubstantiation and the Christian Remembrance. Surely Hayford doesn't believe that these repulsive occurrences are what Jesus meant when He said,
John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world.
52 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat?
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. . . .
60 Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?
61 When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?
At the Last Supper, Jesus and the disciples ate bread and drank wine, not real flesh and real blood, and He told us to partake of this meal IN REMEMBRANCE of Him.
As I said, the above testimonies concern me because of Hayford's statement and because all denominations are being reconciled to Rome. The current "move" toward unity and cooperative evangelism with Rome is scheduled to culminate in an ecumenical global Communion service planned by Pope John Paul II for the year 2000. Since these "Eucharistic Miracles" are increasing, what can we expect four years from now at such a Rome-lead, worldwide celebration?
This is a serious situation because these "miracles" are exhibitions of blasphemy at its highest level. These things could very well escalate to the point of major "miracles" on a global level, which would then confirm their source, and I don't mean our Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation 13 we read of the antichrist and his blasphemies :
1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
5 And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
6 And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
Revelation 13 also speaks of the false prophet and his power to do signs and wonders:
12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,
14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
During our anti-apostasy conference last November, Tim Kauffman questioned whether the Catholic host might be the image that is given life. It is something to consider and "file" for the few short years ahead.
The blasphemies are coming in other forms as well. I had just told our prayer group to watch for the rise of "Mary" in this move toward unity, and then while I was writing the present article, I received the following e-mail. It shows that the blasphemies are starting, AND EVOLVING, and coming forth, and "Mary" is tied to them:
"The latest in a stream of books supporting ecumenical relations between Catholics and non-Catholics is 'Ecumenical Jihad: Ecumenism and the Culture War' by Peter Kreeft (Ignatius Press, 1996). Kreeft, a convert to Catholicism from Dutch Reformed Calvinism, has written a number of articles calling on Catholics and non-Catholics to join hands to build a just and moral society. He was the author of an article in the 1992 issue of the
Bookstore Journal, official publication of Christian Booksellers Association, which aimed to build bridges to the 'Catholic market.' The cover of the magazine was dominated by a large string of rosary beads. In an article in the charismatic Catholic magazine, New Covenant, November 1993, Kreeft said that Mary links us to Christ in four ways: she prays for us, was the channel for our salvation as 'co-redemptrix,' was immaculately conceived and sinless, and BY HER BLOOD! He states: 'But there is also a fourth way Mary links us to Christ: literally by her blood ... Christ's literal blood, which redeemed us, was our blood because it was Mary's blood . . . He shed our own blood, our human race's blood, to redeem us . . . through the mediation of Mary.'"
Crazy? Unbelievable? As whacky as the "Photon Belt" article I did? Not in this day and age. Like I said, the situation could turn into an even more serious one, not just because a few people are now manifesting blood and flesh in their mouths at Communion time, but because the global Church is heading for a worldwide participation in a meal that consists of eating another's actual flesh and blood, whether or not it remains in the form of bread and wine:
2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.
3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.
4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
Is the Golden Cup about to be passed at a universal level?
Pope John Paul II made his call for a global Communion service in a 72-page letter entitled 'The Coming of the Third Millennium: Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000.' In Article 23 of the document, released on November 10, 1994, he writes,
"Since the publication of the very first document of my pontificate I have spoken explicitly of the Great Jubilee, suggesting that the time leading up to it be lived as 'a new Advent.' This theme has since reappeared many times, and was dwelt upon at length in the encyclical Dominum et Vivificantem. In fact, preparing for the year 2000 has become as it were a hermeneutical key of my pontificate."
On May 25, 1995, the Pope released another encyclical: Ut Unum Sint, i.e. "That They May Be One." Again, John Paul reaffirmed that he wants total unity as a means to reaching full communion by the year 2000:
"I myself intend to promote every suitable initiative aimed at making the witness of the entire Catholic community understood in its full purity and consistency, especially considering the engagement which awaits the Church at the threshold of the new Millennium. That will be an exceptional occasion, in view of which she asks the Lord to increase the unity of all Christians until they reach full communion. The present Encyclical Letter is meant as a contribution to this most noble goal. Essentially pastoral in character, it seeks to encourage the efforts of all who work for the cause of unity."
Later in the encyclical, the Pope wrote that the Catholic Church's "missionary and ecumenical endeavors" are "to the world to announce and witness, to make present and spread the mystery of communion which is essential to her, and to gather all people and all things into Christ, so as to be for all an 'inseparable sacrament of unity.'"
What is he calling for by these words? Essentially, that all people become a corporate "living sacrament." Full communion, he says, is to be demonstrated in a visible unity of all churches under Rome which centers, as Hayford said, around the Eucharist. The Pope continued,
"From this basic but partial unity it is now necessary to advance towards the visible unity which is required and sufficient and which is manifested in a real and concrete way, so that the Churches may truly become a sign of that full communion in the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church which will be expressed in the common celebration of the Eucharist."
Lastly, the Pope stated that this is God's plan:
"The Catholic Church, both in her praxis [customary practice and conduct] and in her solemn documents, holds that the communion of the particular Churches with the Church of Rome, and of their Bishops with the Bishop of Rome, is - in God's plan - an essential requisite of full and visible communion. Indeed full communion, of which the Eucharist is the highest sacramental manifestation, needs to be visibly expressed in a ministry in which all the Bishops recognize that they are united in Christ and all the faithful find confirmation for their faith."
Shortly after the November encyclical was released, David Crumm of the Detroit Free Press reported that the Pope's plan "calls for many phases of preparation for the Jubilee." Crumm wrote,
"After years of slow dialogue with many Christian denominations, the pontiff wants to move rapidly to break down barriers between the churches. He wants temporary agreements to allow members to worship together in special jubilee programs. Beyond that, the pope hopes to move quickly toward full communion, in which members of the churches would share worship services."
The question is, with the "Eucharist [being] the highest sacramental manifestation" of the united churches, will we see more "Eucharistic Miracles" in unprecedented numbers? The physical manifestations are serious, but our concern goes far beyond them to the fact that the Catholic religion appears to be founded, not on our Lord Jesus Christ, but mainly upon the Cult of Mithra. As I've been saying in Parts 1 and 2, the Mithraic cult was the last stronghold overthrown by the rising Roman Church in the time of Constantine.
I will close by saying that there is presently a dispute within Catholicism over the changing of the Canon for the Eucharistic Mass. If anyone cares to see what those changes and controversies are, they are discussed in "Questioning The Validity Of The Masses Using The New, All-English Canon" by Patrick Henry Omlor, Foreword By A Roman Catholic Priest.
HEEDING BIBLE PROPHECY: ALCHEMY/THE GRAIL MASS ~ During the Tribulation period, the Grail Mass will be the occasion for reception of white powdered gold as Manna for the Jews and Communion for the Gentiles, with the promise of eternal life.
MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT: CATHOLIC OR JEWISH? ~ How the Babylonian mysteries found their way into the Church of Rome, thereby meriting Gods assessment as MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT.
1. This file is a gif picture of The Bleeding Host Of Betania. Check this URL instead of the one listed in part 3 for the Betania gif.
2. The URL on which this picture Flesh3.jpg is found is:
For Lanciano "miracle" see this page for detailed summaRy of index:
3. The URL on which this picture Blood3.jpg is found is:
4. This picture and its documentation of the "miracle" can be gotten to by going to URL
This is a very gross picture that shows the blasphemies that are coming forth through the Catholic Communion rite. Please be prepared when you open it.