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Free Music, MP3, Video, Divx - (Unlimited Download)


Kaza Lite is one of the best and largest P2P application, which enables its users to access and shared files located on other Kaza Lite member’s computers. P2P stands for Peer to Peer connection. It is a technology that allows a user from one computer to share their files with other computer users, and vice versa. How Kaza Lite Works with P2P is by enabling users to share their files that are placed in a designated "My Shared Folder" box, which is activated once Kaza Lite is installed. The "My Shared Folder" box will be empty at first, but every file that you download from Kaza Lite will be placed in this folder, which can than be accessed by other Kaza Lite members .

Before you can share and download FREE Music, MP3, Video or Divx files, you must first download Kaza Lite program. To Download Kaza Lite simply go to the K-Lite Club website. After you have download and install the Kaza Lite program you can share unlimited FREE Music, MP3 and video files with Millions of Kaza Lite user around the world.

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The flexibility of file sharing technology provided by Kaza Lite is the main reason why this program is becoming so popular among the net user. Today Kaza Lite is widely used by internet user to share photo images, music files, video & movie, data files and lot more.

Compared To Other P2P Kaza Lite used FastTrack technology. FastTrack works compatibly with the P2P system, and benefits Kaza Lite users remarkably. This technology use what is called supernodes to further and induce faster search results for Kaza Lite users. Supernodes are a tool that produces a server of temporary indexing, which helps to support the networks stability for Kaza Lite user. With FastTrack technology Kaza Lite user can share their files in a more stable and faster environment.


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