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Now that you have learned some American Sign Language (ASL)!
Let's practice and build your vocabulary.
You will work in pairs (teams of two). You and your partner will decide what kind of story you want to tell. It could be a real story or a make believe story. You could decide to retell a fairy tale or a favorite childhood book. Keep in mind that you will need to learn all the vocabulary in order to tell your story, so shorter stories may be better! Once you have decided on what type of story, you will need to write your story and illustrate your story. Then you will need to begin learning how to tell the story in ASL. A video dictionary website is provided to help you. As well as some information regarding facial expressions and body language that will help you tell your story better. Don't forget to practice, practice, practice! You want to use as much facial expressions and body language as possible to communicate the story. Good Luck and Have Fun!

Steps for Completing Task