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persian cat


persian cat

American Wirehair Cats

Here you will find information about American Wirehair Cats.
Please send an email to if you have any information to add.
If you have decided that an American Wirehair is the cat for you, go to the American Wirehair Cat Breeders or
American Wirehair Kittens for Sale page to find a kitten to add to your family!

American Wirehair Appearance

Weight: 8-14 lbs

Build: medium to large, muscular

Head: broad, strong chin

Ears: medium, slightly rounded tips

Eyes: large, almost round

Tail: tapered to rounded tip

Coat: springy tight, medium/short length, ringlet
appearance, feels slightly rough

Grooming: very little grooming required
American Wirehair cat
American Wirehair Breeder Description

I am looking for a breeder who can provide me with
a photo of an American Wirehair cat that shows a good
resemblance to the breed standard. That picture
will be featured in the space to the left, this
space will be used for a description of your cattery
and a link to your website. Please email me at
with the picture, your cattery description & website
address. I would also appreciate if you could link
back to us, either a text or banner link
(click here for html code) and let me know
where to find it on your website. Thank You!

Also, if you have any corrections or additions
to make to the American Wirehair appearance or
temperment, please let me know.

American Wirehair Personality


I would like to add American Wirehair personality profiles from people who know them the best! If you own an American Wirehair cat and can provide me with a description of your cats personality I would love to add it to the page. This will help potential American Wirehair cat owners decide if an American Wirehair cat is the right fit for their home. Please email me at Also, if you can, please include a picture of your cat.

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