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Gold Volanth

You slowly walk through the dusty and dark hallway. Part of the hallway is lit up from the caverns that are currently occupied. As you walk closer to one of the cavern openings, you notice the walls surrounding the entrance have been cleaned of most of the dirty dust. Dripping stalacites hang down near the opening. You begin to walk in..

A gold dragon eyes you cautiously from it's pile of large, brown furs. It's eyes begin to turn a light blue as it begins to calm. Kitakian swiftly steps into the room holding a small meat basket. "Hello Traveler!" She carefully puts down the basket and tends to a small blue firelizard.

The basket holds small peices of meat, which Kitakian feeds to the small blue firelizard. "His name is Ocean's Eye and is from MoonCrest Weyr, and I was lucky to have been there when there had been a clutch of flit eggs." Ocean's Eye greedily finishes the last piece and falls asleep. Kitakian gently lifts it up and places it on a cushion.

Name: Volanth
Color: Gold
Age: Adult
Rank: Very Common
Siblings: Green Treth,Gold Mordeth,Gold Polath,Gold Zamath,Bronze TrithMany More.....
Mate: Garath

Here is Volanth as an Weyrling....

Here is Volanth as an hatchling....

"Volanth is from the wonderful world of,Ranax ."