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Welcome to Fort Threadgill

My Guys:

I have been working on my family history for several years now. I am amazed at the progress I have made over such a short period of time, although most of the credit can be given to the existance of the InterNet. With the assistance of several distant "cousins", I have much of my lineage established as far back as the birth of the country.

I am always happy to share my family history with others. If interested, or especially if you're a long lost or unheard-of relative, please drop me a line. I can't wait to hear from you!
Particularly if you happen to be a MINISH!

My MINISH line goes back to Isaac MINISH in Harmony Grove (now Commerce), Georgia. Good old Isaac and his wife migrated South from Maryland in the late 1700's with his mother, Elesabeth, and a few of his brothers and their families. Initially, Isaac and his wife Agnes lived in North Carolina with one of his brothers before migrating further south into Georgia. Yet another brother migrated west into Kentucky.

Isaac was the son of John MINISH and Elesabeth who settled for a time in Dorchester County Maryland in the mid to late 1700's. John was the son of John M., who died about the turn of the 17th century. The Minishes are documented in Ireland, albeit not well. Prior to that, it is believed that Minishes were originally from Scotland and some had been resettled in Ireland to help stabilize the country in the early 1600's.



For a more complete list of surnames, visit my husband's page via the link below.

My Favorite Links, Genealogical and Otherwise

Fort Threadgill Family Album
More of the Fort Threadgill Family Album
More of My Brood
Letter Perfect - Off Site Secretarial Services (My home-based business endeavour)
Family Tree Maker (A family historian's dreamland)
My husband's site (which includes surname pages)
Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the InterNet
USGenWeb - A must see and explore for the beginning genealogist
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
