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The Forum

    When I first joined the KSF back in 1993, post reports were mandatory.  The officer unlucky enough not to have sent one in had to have a very good excuse or Thought-Admiral Keel would make public comment in the BL, then called BEHIND THE LINES.  One lapse was permitted, two lapses and he tore a strip off your ridges.  Three and you thought Fek'lhr himself was after you and shortly thereafter people were dropped from the roster (though after some time of blustering and tearing out his hair, Keel DID give up and decided to make the reports voluntary.)  But as a new ltjg. with ambitions, I made very sure my reports were in to the proper person.  I had enough trouble being a Human fusion (which some call hybrids.....grin) without annoying the Thought-Admiral.  Today it is different.  Fleet-Admiral K'Zhen, for all that she can breathe fire when required, is a lot more easygoing on some things than Keel was.
       But recently, I have been hearing more grumblings from Sector Commanders whose members' post reports have to be tortured out of them, if they send them at all, and the same complaints from Division COs about members who don't bother to respond to missions after asking to role play, making LOTS of extra work for those who have to cover for them, or from Division members with COs who either don't send out orders at all, or who don't role play themselves. There are some who feel the post reports should be mandatory again, though the Admiralty's position is that you can't require contributions from voluntary members unless you

want to lose them.  There are some who feel that Sector and Division COs who don't do their jobs should be removed from Command after the first offense, their jobs given to their XOs, and those who think the hard line is just too hard to take. 
    In order to address some of these concerns, as of this current quarter, the rules for DIVCOMS have changed.  KSF Division reports are now mandatory. DIVCOMS must write a report for themselves even if they get no reports from their officers. If there are reports from their officers to send in, they must summarize them. Players are also to notify their DIVCOMS if they can't play or wish to be excused for any given quarter.  In addition, we are also encouraging all Sector members to send in post reports.
      But we are also interested in your opinions, comments and suggestions.  If post reports are voluntary, how might we encourage members to send in reports? And, if Division reports are mandatory for Division Commanders, and of course it follows that DIVCOMS need to send out orders to their officers, what should happen, if anything, if they don't participate?
      Any answers anyone cares to send will be printed (if permission is granted) in BL next time.  Please send them to:  Admiral K'Lay at and CC'd to FAdm. K'Zhen at  or to me (Margie McDonnell) at 4220 Chasin Street Oceanside, CA. 92056 and / or Gennie

The only substitute for good manners is fast


OK, so what's the speed of dark?


A new game-
Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego's

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