CyberCity C.S.M.

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CyberPunk Live-Roleplaying in the Cardiff - Swansea Metroplex!

7 / 7 / 2002 - Update!

Hello all, sorry it's been a while, but I've been up to quite a bit. I've relocated out of Cardiff, and despite the fact I thought I was about to leave this game behind, it doesn't seem to want to die.
It seems there are still people out there, even here in Reading (Where I now reside) who want to experience CyberNation X.
So, in the face of public demand, it looks ready to make a comeback. For now, this means the end of CyberCity C.S.M. as an ongoing game whilst I go back to the original format. The working title for the new games will be 'CyberNation X: Rebirth' (Seems pointless following through on the old numbering system) and will be under way as soon as I can find a viable location.
I kind of hope to acquire a new Domain name at some point, as there's a good chance we'll see a new Live-Action group formed here in Reading, doing CyberNation, fantasy and more. More news on that as it comes. Meanwhile though, if you're in Reading, Berkshire or the surrounding area, and want to take part, contact me and let me know. News Update - Game news and Poll below

16th May 2001
Well, I'm still toying with the next CyberNation X Event, but with no real support either evrbally or by e-mail I'm wary of committing funds to setting it up.
As some of you may have noticed, the old Society Website has gone, and much the same can be said for the University group. It's a shame to see 'cos for a long time it was a good group, but fell foul of a couple of factors I won't go into here.
Still, that's not the end of things. CyberNation X & CyberCity will turn up in some form, hopefully not too far from now, and if the interest re-gathers who knows what could happen.

Meantime, please vote on the games you want to see. I have a Western adaption of the CyberCity Rules ready to be posted, and I've made a start on a Supernatural background. Keep your eyes open.

14th February 2001
Here We Go! I've got the original rules on-line whilst I make amendments to the new batch and ready them to go out, but abruptly that has ceased to such a priority.
After a series of unforseen circumstances the regular CyberCity game in Cardiff has been left without it's referee, so I'm stepping back in, and the plan is to leave the ongoing game alone for a while whilst we see a welcome return to the Flagship game.....

I am currently looking out venues, but for the uneducated CyberNation X events are combination Roleplaying events and Rock nights, where we keep the music loud, the plots tight and the action fast and furious. If you're interested then email me at the usual address and if you are part of a group, society or other organised game then in order to encourage you along I'll be arranging a heavy discount for groups.
More news as it happens.......

It's time for a return to ROCK & ROLEPLAYING!

Plus..........There's more on the boil, as you'll see below......


My apologies for being so lax with this site recently, however as I have handed over the day to day running of the Cardiff game I've unintentionally distanced myself from this page, but no more.
Expect to see this site updated in the near future, and expect to see a new version of the Core Rules for the CyberCity game posted before too long.
Additionally, I want to open this site up to other Sci-Fi/Dark Future type LRPs, at least by setting up more links for such games, so if you want to get listed, get in touch.

As any CyberPunk knows, to not evolve is to die, times are always changing and to avoid being left behind, you must change with them.
CyberNationX was the premier event of the Cardiff University Live Action Gaming society, but It's changing, and changing for the better.
For those who don't yet Know, CyberNation X is a nightclub in the Hi-Tech dark future of the Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex in Wales, and forms the basis for irregular evenings of Rock, and Roleplaying, allowing for people to take on the persona of a character from this dark future, and play out their role in the nights events. CyberNation X drew in gamers from across the South Wales area, and has endured for several years now.
I, for one, didn't want to see CyberNation X stagnate as an event.
None of our regulars wanted to see it stagnate either.
But the basic formula had remained unchanged for years, so it was time for a change. A BIG one.
CyberNation X will continue in it's current form, an occasional event, entirely stand alone for the uninitiated, but for those who want more, (and there are a lot of them), there is now more to do than ever.

Welcome, to CyberCity CSM (Cardiff/Swansea Metroplex), an ongoing continuation of the CyberNation X events. The game has now been through a succesful playtest and we have been running smoothly for the the last two years, building up our numbers all the time. We have a new rules maunal now under development, incorporating all the knowledge we have acquired from several years of running this high-octane game, all of which will still be available free of charge.

If you want to join the game, contact me at the e-mail address below, or simply turn up on a CyberCity night. If any local gaming clubs or societies want to come along then so much the better, we're quite happy to welcome in groups of people as well as individuals.

Any other LRP groups who want to run a CyberCity game should get in touch with me at and I will forward you copies of rules and we can discuss how your locality would fit in to the broader picture of the world of CyberCity.
Take note that this is FREE, I have no intention of ever charging for CyberCity itself, and would really like to see it grow in other towns and cities, so that players can network, share resources etc. I'm particularly interested in joining up with other University societies, as any affiliation between university groups can only be a good thing.
I can furnish anyone interested with rules, PBM system, staging hints, even posters if they want. So please get in touch.
This page is, of course, still under construction. more pages are on their way, and hopefully a few images from CyberCity events as the plot unfolds.

See you out there,

Kevin Buchanan, designer, core Referee.
