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The Home of Kevin Williamson

If you stumbled on to my site by mistake, you may be wondering who is Kevin Williamson. He is the man who resurrected horror movies, and gave you everything that you wanted to see. Kevin Williamson currently has written 6 released movies. This list includes,Scream, Scream 2, I Know What You Did Last Summer,Halloween H20 (Kevin Williamson did not write the screenplay for H20, he only wrote the treatment for the film), Teaching Mrs. Tingle and last, but not least The Faculty. Kevin Williamson also has some television credit. He created the hit WB show, Dawson's Creek. His latest television work is the new show, Waste Land. Williamson's upcoming movies include, Scream 3, and Her Leading Man. For detailed info on Kevin Williamson's projects and even the man himself, scroll on down and have fun.


I'm going over this site with a fine tooth comb. Its going to be underconstruction over the next couple of weeks. So please keep checking back, the site will be up dated everyday.

last updated 10/26/99




Teaching Mrs.Tingle

The Faculty


I Know What You Did Last Summer

Her Leadind Man

Dawson's Creek

Waste Land



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If you know,or you your self are Kevin Williamson,could you please Email me.I would really like to get the chance to meet or talk to the man who is my idol,Kevin Williamson.I don't use the expression lightly when I say that Kevin Williamson is The Horror Movie god.Kevin Williamson is the voice of todays youth.With his work he expresses the problems young people go through and in a strange type of way tells us how to deal with them.This site is dedicated to the man who changed entertainment as we know it,and restored hope in young dreamers as myself.Kevin if you ever stumble this way I would like to say Thank You.

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(c) Kenny White 1998-1999
