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Lawrence Scottish Fest 2009

Join us for our 13th celebration of Scottish music & culture on
The Exact Night of Robert Burns 250th birthday
January 25th, 2009 at Lawrence Arts Center

FESTIVAL 5:30-7:00 followed by CONCERT 7:00-9:30

Robert Burns songs and Scottish music performed by
Uncle Dirty Toes and Forest Green

Heritage by Rev Douglas Phenix, bagpipers, traditional Celtic jam session, Scottish treats by Rocky Road Bakeries, Clan booth, Scottish heritage info, dancers & more.

Kilts encouraged!

Tickets at the door $15 Adults, $12 Youth

$12 adults are on sale NOW until FRIDAY, Jan. 23rd at Mass Street Music (14th and Massachusetts) and Brits (929 Massachusetts) in Lawrence. Tickets at the door are $15 adults, $12 youth. Buy your ticket in advance and be officially youthful!
Robert Burns, born January 25th, 1759

Festival in the Foyer, 5:30-7:00 PM

The festival portion starts with a Celtic jam session (Bring your acoustic instrument! Dancing encouraged!) and Highland Bagpipes (Bill Read and Dana Morris from Kansas Territorial Pipes & Drums) PLUS - a Clan Heritage booth (Peggy Baker), a Kansas City Highland Games booth ( Highland Game's President, Mark Milliken and his wife Teresa) and a Scottish society booth (Topeka St Andrew Society). At 6:00 there is a brief opening ceremony as Larry Carter (producer, Master of Ceremonies) is presented the Lawrence Scots Sword by the Ceremonial Guard (Jeff Eubanks). With a cry of "Let the feasting begin!" the traditional Scottish treats (Rocky Road Bakeries) are unveiled. For the next hour, the pipers trade blocks of performance time with the traditional Scottish dancers (Bridget Bailey and Regan Grant) and the Celtic jam session as Lawrence Scots freely sample the treats (while they last) and the Wandering Piper weaves through the crowd.

Concert in the Hall, 7:00-9:30 PM

The concert portion starts with bagpipes as the Ceremonial Guard and the Master of Ceremonies place the Robert Burns portrait and the Lawrence Scots Sword center stage. The concert includes Scots/Robert Burns heritage by Rev Douglas Phenix (Topeka St Andrew Society), Highland dance by Bridget Bailey & Regan Grant, and traditional & contemporary Scottish music by Forest Green. The traditional "Haggis Ceremony" occurs right before the intermission, followed by Lawrence Scots sampling the Haggis Mistress' (Sally Helm, Brits) culinary creation. After intermission the Celtic rock band "Uncle Dirty Toes" is on. The evening will end with all performers on stage for Robert Burns' "Auld Lang Syne."

Contribute to the jam session and get in free! Any acoustic instrument welcomed. There will probably be some slow tunes as well as fast tunes.

Uncle Dirty Toes, taken at Lawrence Scottish Fest 2007

Forest Green with guests Kelly Dougherty & Willy Peterson on dueling bodhrans, Lawrence Scottish Fest 2007

Jam session during the 2008 festival

Rev Phenix, Jeff Eubanks & Bill Read - Haggis Ceremony, 2008

2008 Lawrence Scottish Fest

Festival in the Foyer
Traditional Scottish Culture
Opening ritual with Master of Ceremonies Larry Carter & Ceremonial Guard Jeff Eubanks, Highland bagpipes with Bill Read & Dana Morris, info booths with Topeka St Andrew Society and KC Highland Games, Clan info with Peggy Baker, Tom Averill on parlor pipes, Scottish treats by Rocky Road Bakeries, Celtic jam session led by John Bunch & friends

Concert in the Hall
Traditional & contemporary Scottish music
Special guests Connie Dover & Mason Brown, plus regulars Forest Green, Maria & Megan and Rev Douglas Phenix

Lawrence Scottish Fest is
Another Lawrence Old Guard Production
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since January 7th, 2009